Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

Interesting. There appears to be credible proof of Franken's obscene behavior.

That puts this as more credible than the Moore accusations, which have yet to provide any credible proof.

However, Franken has the same standard from Me as Moore does. He is innocent until proven guilty and this is simply an accusation at this point. Granted, a much more credible accusation.

I have noted the excuses being made by the rabid, mouth foaming, knuckle-dragging progressives who are attempting to make this less than it was. They must think it is okay for Democrats to harass and molest women, regardless of their wakefulness.
Franken made a move on an adult women and posed for an inappropriate photo. He owned his actions, apologized, and called for an ethics investigation. His apology was accepted by the accuser and she stated that she didn't want him to step down.

Are you really trying to equate that to Moores situation. We have how many? 8 accusers now, mostly young girls claiming much more aggressive sexual assault?
There are eight accusers and still no proof. Not even credible accusations at that.

So, Franken made a move on a sleeping woman. I guess if the woman is of age, regardless of wakefulness, its okay. But I'll tell you what.

Lets demand an apology from Moore and drop the whole thing.
Woman who accused Franken says she accepts his apology

The woman who accused Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) of sexual misconduct said Thursday she accepts his apology.

"The apology, sure I accept it, yes. People make mistakes and of course he knew he made a mistake," Leeann Tweeden said. "So yes I do accept that apology. There's no reason why I shouldn't accept his apology."

She said it's up to Congress to decide if it wants to have an ethics investigation into Franken's behavior, adding that she isn’t calling for Franken to step down, unless more women come forward.

“People make mistakes. I’m not calling for him to step down. That’s not my place to say that,” Tweeden said.

Woman who accused Franken says she accepts his apology
Interesting. Has the woman who accused Moore asked for him to step down? I don't honestly even know.
What? men now like sex? Jokes, and pretty girls??

Interesting. There appears to be credible proof of Franken's obscene behavior.

That puts this as more credible than the Moore accusations, which have yet to provide any credible proof.

However, Franken has the same standard from Me as Moore does. He is innocent until proven guilty and this is simply an accusation at this point. Granted, a much more credible accusation.

I have noted the excuses being made by the rabid, mouth foaming, knuckle-dragging progressives who are attempting to make this less than it was. They must think it is okay for Democrats to harass and molest women, regardless of their wakefulness.
Franken made a move on an adult women and posed for an inappropriate photo. He owned his actions, apologized, and called for an ethics investigation. His apology was accepted by the accuser and she stated that she didn't want him to step down.

Are you really trying to equate that to Moores situation. We have how many? 8 accusers now, mostly young girls claiming much more aggressive sexual assault?
There are eight accusers and still no proof. Not even credible accusations at that.

So, Franken made a move on a sleeping woman. I guess if the woman is of age, regardless of wakefulness, its okay. But I'll tell you what.

Lets demand an apology from Moore and drop the whole thing.
You don't think a first hand account is proof? Especially ones that are backed up by dozens of sources saying that the victims told them about the events years ago? Add that to the details provided... I don't know what you are smoking. The accusations are very credible
even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

Um, yeah, except she's wearing Kevlar and he's not making contact...

So the argument here is that she didn't like a skit they performed in? Seriously?

I'm underwealmed.
"The Al Franken story is attention-grabbing. But I think the secret House sex harassment settlements--authorized by whom, using what legal and fact-finding processes, known to whom else?--have the potential to be more explosive. And have there been no similar cases in the Senate?" - Bill Kristol
Interesting. There appears to be credible proof of Franken's obscene behavior.

That puts this as more credible than the Moore accusations, which have yet to provide any credible proof.

However, Franken has the same standard from Me as Moore does. He is innocent until proven guilty and this is simply an accusation at this point. Granted, a much more credible accusation.

I have noted the excuses being made by the rabid, mouth foaming, knuckle-dragging progressives who are attempting to make this less than it was. They must think it is okay for Democrats to harass and molest women, regardless of their wakefulness.
Franken made a move on an adult women and posed for an inappropriate photo. He owned his actions, apologized, and called for an ethics investigation. His apology was accepted by the accuser and she stated that she didn't want him to step down.

Are you really trying to equate that to Moores situation. We have how many? 8 accusers now, mostly young girls claiming much more aggressive sexual assault?
There are eight accusers and still no proof. Not even credible accusations at that.

So, Franken made a move on a sleeping woman. I guess if the woman is of age, regardless of wakefulness, its okay. But I'll tell you what.

Lets demand an apology from Moore and drop the whole thing.
You don't think a first hand account is proof? Especially ones that are backed up by dozens of sources saying that the victims told them about the events years ago?
First-hand accounts of what happened in private? Okay. Someone is lying to you people.

I am, however; laughing My ass off at the contortions going on.

Look, until I see proof, solid evidence....oh, like a photograph maybe.....I'm not going to believe these accusers. You're just going to have to allow yourself to abandon the entire principle of innocent until proven guilty. I sure wouldn't want to live in a world in which the power of accusation is all it takes to ruin a persons life.

Enjoy your night. I have to much to do to waste any more time on this.
Interesting. There appears to be credible proof of Franken's obscene behavior.

That puts this as more credible than the Moore accusations, which have yet to provide any credible proof.

However, Franken has the same standard from Me as Moore does. He is innocent until proven guilty and this is simply an accusation at this point. Granted, a much more credible accusation.

I have noted the excuses being made by the rabid, mouth foaming, knuckle-dragging progressives who are attempting to make this less than it was. They must think it is okay for Democrats to harass and molest women, regardless of their wakefulness.
Franken made a move on an adult women and posed for an inappropriate photo. He owned his actions, apologized, and called for an ethics investigation. His apology was accepted by the accuser and she stated that she didn't want him to step down.

Are you really trying to equate that to Moores situation. We have how many? 8 accusers now, mostly young girls claiming much more aggressive sexual assault?
There are eight accusers and still no proof. Not even credible accusations at that.

So, Franken made a move on a sleeping woman. I guess if the woman is of age, regardless of wakefulness, its okay. But I'll tell you what.

Lets demand an apology from Moore and drop the whole thing.
You don't think a first hand account is proof? Especially ones that are backed up by dozens of sources saying that the victims told them about the events years ago?
First-hand accounts of what happened in private? Okay. Someone is lying to you people.

I am, however; laughing My ass off at the contortions going on.

Look, until I see proof, solid evidence....oh, like a photograph maybe.....I'm not going to believe these accusers. You're just going to have to allow yourself to abandon the entire principle of innocent until proven guilty. I sure wouldn't want to live in a world in which the power of accusation is all it takes to ruin a persons life.

Enjoy your night. I have to much to do to waste any more time on this.
Many situations come down to a "he said / she said" just because there isn't a photo or video to verify proof doesn't mean it is not possible to find the truth or have enough to make an educated guess. You have to listen to the accusers and the defense of the accused. You have to weigh the validity of each persons version of the stories. You seem to be skipping all of that and saying that since there is not hard evidence you are going to assume his innocence. Do you also assume Bill Clintons innocence when it comes to assaulting women?
Wrong again.

Criminal contempt and perjury.
Ok, but not sexual assault right? All those women were making it up?

Who would prosecute him? Democrats? Right!
Are you dodging the question? Do you think Bill Clinton is guilty of sexual assault on multiple women or not?

Yes. Yes, I do. His payment to Paula Jones to settle her civil suit was sufficient for me to make that determination
Then you agree Trump is guilty of wholesale fraud.

What does Trump have to do with this?

Have you been diagnosed with TDS? If so, there is no need to discuss anything further with you.
Ok, but not sexual assault right? All those women were making it up?

Who would prosecute him? Democrats? Right!
Are you dodging the question? Do you think Bill Clinton is guilty of sexual assault on multiple women or not?

Yes. Yes, I do. His payment to Paula Jones to settle her civil suit was sufficient for me to make that determination
Then you agree Trump is guilty of wholesale fraud.

What does Trump have to do with this?

Have you been diagnosed with TDS? If so, there is no need to discuss anything further with you.
If you can't figure out how settling a lawsuit without admission of guilt or any apology applies, then there is no helping you.

Maybe Louis Gohmert can make up a connect the dots chart for you. :lol:
Who would prosecute him? Democrats? Right!
Are you dodging the question? Do you think Bill Clinton is guilty of sexual assault on multiple women or not?

Yes. Yes, I do. His payment to Paula Jones to settle her civil suit was sufficient for me to make that determination
Then you agree Trump is guilty of wholesale fraud.

What does Trump have to do with this?

Have you been diagnosed with TDS? If so, there is no need to discuss anything further with you.
If you can't figure out how settling a lawsuit without admission of guilt or any apology applies, then there is no helping you.

Maybe Louis Gohmert can make up a connect the dots chart for you. :lol:

He was guilty. It was well documented. I am sorry your liberal blinders prevent you from seeing that. The issue was whether or not she suffered a loss because of it. Clinton knew he was going to lose the appeal. EOS,
I see that the top republican did not wanted to respond on the Al Franken matter. And everyone else just want an investigation on it before responding about it. But they all prejudged Senator Moore, and want him to step down before any investigation is done.

Al Franken IMMEDIATELY owned it, in case you've already forgotten, and has issued a statement.
Roy Moore keeps denying as more women (9 now) come forward.

He "owned' it with a 'ha, ha I thought is was a joke ha ha" non-apology apology.

No he didn't, douchette. Where did you get that? Breitbart? Don't you ever check your shit before you post it?

Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., released the statement below following allegations he groped and forcibly kissed a radio host against her will:

“The first thing I want to do is apologize: to Leeann, to everyone else who was part of that tour, to everyone who has worked for me, to everyone I represent, and to everyone who counts on me to be an ally and supporter and champion of women. There's more I want to say, but the first and most important thing—and if it's the only thing you care to hear, that's fine—is: I'm sorry.

“I respect women. I don't respect men who don't. And the fact that my own actions have given people a good reason to doubt that makes me feel ashamed.

“But I want to say something else, too. Over the last few months, all of us—including and especially men who respect women—have been forced to take a good, hard look at our own actions and think (perhaps, shamefully, for the first time) about how those actions have affected women.

“For instance, that picture. I don't know what was in my head when I took that picture, and it doesn't matter. There's no excuse. I look at it now and I feel disgusted with myself. It isn't funny. It's completely inappropriate. It's obvious how Leeann would feel violated by that picture. And, what's more, I can see how millions of other women would feel violated by it—women who have had similar experiences in their own lives, women who fear having those experiences, women who look up to me, women who have counted on me.

“Coming from the world of comedy, I've told and written a lot of jokes that I once thought were funny but later came to realize were just plain offensive. But the intentions behind my actions aren't the point at all. It's the impact these jokes had on others that matters. And I'm sorry it's taken me so long to come to terms with that.

“While I don't remember the rehearsal for the skit as Leeann does, I understand why we need to listen to and believe women’s experiences.

“I am asking that an ethics investigation be undertaken, and I will gladly cooperate.

“And the truth is, what people think of me in light of this is far less important than what people think of women who continue to come forward to tell their stories. They deserve to be heard, and believed. And they deserve to know that I am their ally and supporter. I have let them down and am committed to making it up to them.”

Sen. Al Franken's complete statement on groping allegations
Franken is a pedophile

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