Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

Leeann Tweeden describes the assault by Al "Fish Lips" Franken.

I want to vomit just thinking about that creep touching anyone. Ewww!

The entire left is hypocritical. Trump will never hear the end of his comment yet the likes of Roman Polanski, who raped and sodomized a young girl, got a standing ovation from the Hollywood liberals. Shame he couldn't be there in person to thank them since he doesn't dare set foot back in the states or he'll have to face the consequences of his crime.

So many liberals have treated women, and young boys, like dirt and an apology makes them good again. So sickening the way a liberal will be forgiven for anything as long as they are willing to continue to support the left's ideology.

Franken, like countless other libs, will apologize and pretend he didn't mean anything by his actions. It will be good enough for the left.

What would you like to see happen to him?
"it was a civil war sketch where the joke was anachronisms. While nurses attended the wounded soldiers, they all heard the news of Lincoln's assassination on the radio. Not funny? I was SEVEN!" - Creepy Al Franken in his book "Giant Of The Senate"
I don't, but I do call you a clueless partisan who is inconsistent in his outrage and not a true Progressive.
Its not a partisan issue at all. I've stated my disgust with Moore and with Bill Clinton. The Franken situation is quite different. I'm looking for an honest conversation about it. What about it am I distorting? You honestly think that pretending to grab the boobs of a sleeping woman wearing a kevlar vest, that he has been doing a sexually charged skit with him for weeks, constitutes assault? You can't be serious.
He didn't pretend to grab them. He actually paid his hands on them. Anyone who thinks that isn't sexual assault can only be a democrat.
Oh, look who crossed over into snowflakeville! Welcome, how does it feel?

How am I in "snowflake land?" Do you imagine that right wingers don't believe sexual assault is a real thing?
No I but I believed you had a thicker skin than to say that a guy posing for a joke photo was committing sexual assault. Inappropriate yes, a crime?? I don't think so

And you aren't kidding anybody if this was a republican in the photo and the left was crying assault you'd be screaming Snowflakes from the top of a mountain. You know you would

Well, we do know he groped her we have a photo showing him doing so. He just thought that he could do as he pleased with her because she was sleeping. The man is a sick puppy.
Its not a partisan issue at all. I've stated my disgust with Moore and with Bill Clinton. The Franken situation is quite different. I'm looking for an honest conversation about it. What about it am I distorting? You honestly think that pretending to grab the boobs of a sleeping woman wearing a kevlar vest, that he has been doing a sexually charged skit with him for weeks, constitutes assault? You can't be serious.
He didn't pretend to grab them. He actually paid his hands on them. Anyone who thinks that isn't sexual assault can only be a democrat.
Oh, look who crossed over into snowflakeville! Welcome, how does it feel?

How am I in "snowflake land?" Do you imagine that right wingers don't believe sexual assault is a real thing?
No I but I believed you had a thicker skin than to say that a guy posing for a joke photo was committing sexual assault. Inappropriate yes, a crime?? I don't think so

And you aren't kidding anybody if this was a republican in the photo and the left was crying assault you'd be screaming Snowflakes from the top of a mountain. You know you would

Well, we do know he groped her we have a photo showing him doing so. He just thought that he could do as he pleased with her because she was sleeping. The man is a sick puppy.
Did he grope her or was he posing like he was for a photo?
In February 2016, Washington Post wrote an article on why Al Franken should run for President in 2020.
Is there something inherent or organic in entertainers and politicians that make them do this stuff?

It's like they think they're invincible or sumpin'.
Is there something inherent or organic in entertainers and politicians that make them do this stuff?

It's like they think they're invincible or sumpin'.
Really think about what Franken did... Is it any different from what an immature college kid would try and do at a party? He tried to kiss a pretty girl, got denied... And continued to make immature and inappropriate jokes including posing for a photo and trying to make it look like he was grabbing her boobs. I'll say again, totally inappropriate... But criminal?? Come on people
To those going the "he is a comedian. It's a joke" route:

Both comedians and jokes are funny. Neither this nor he are.

So when do we start talking about the woman accusing him of stalking her?
"Things were getting tense at school. Our chapel material got edgier, to the point where we were ruffling some feathers. so we turned our attention to pep fests that were parodies of pep fests...hanging the other team in effigy and repeteadly clubbing the dummy in the crotch with a baseball bat" - Creepy Al Franken in the book 'Giant Of The Senate'
Leeann Tweeden says she wanted to make the world a better place for her children, by coming out and talking about what Creepy Al Franken did to her.
Really think about what Franken did... Is it any different from what an immature college kid would try and do at a party? He tried to kiss a pretty girl, got denied... And continued to make immature and inappropriate jokes including posing for a photo and trying to make it look like he was grabbing her boobs. I'll say again, totally inappropriate... But criminal?? Come on people
I agree. I mentioned earlier that, in a normal world, he should publicly apologize (as he did) and we all get on with our freakin' lives.

But that just isn't the way things are now. Everyone is so hyper-sensitive and ready to pounce at the slightest excuse that this is a self-inflicted wound. We're bringing this on ourselves.

We need less caffeine, I swear.
To those going the "he is a comedian. It's a joke" route:

Both comedians and jokes are funny. Neither this nor he are.

So when do we start talking about the woman accusing him of stalking her?
I read that account... hard to take serious. They had a Political argument and he accused her of using false numbers in a television debate. He was trying to correct the record. I don't think he would have acted any differently if it were a man he was agruing with and it is pretty weak to play the harassment card... even more weak to say it was stalking. Just makes her look like she is trying to be a victim
He didn't pretend to grab them. He actually paid his hands on them. Anyone who thinks that isn't sexual assault can only be a democrat.
Oh, look who crossed over into snowflakeville! Welcome, how does it feel?

How am I in "snowflake land?" Do you imagine that right wingers don't believe sexual assault is a real thing?
No I but I believed you had a thicker skin than to say that a guy posing for a joke photo was committing sexual assault. Inappropriate yes, a crime?? I don't think so

And you aren't kidding anybody if this was a republican in the photo and the left was crying assault you'd be screaming Snowflakes from the top of a mountain. You know you would

Well, we do know he groped her we have a photo showing him doing so. He just thought that he could do as he pleased with her because she was sleeping. The man is a sick puppy.
Did he grope her or was he posing like he was for a photo?

I have a mind challenge for you...Picture the same photo with Trump doing the same thing. What do you think the MSM would do? Try to be honest.
Really think about what Franken did... Is it any different from what an immature college kid would try and do at a party? He tried to kiss a pretty girl, got denied... And continued to make immature and inappropriate jokes including posing for a photo and trying to make it look like he was grabbing her boobs. I'll say again, totally inappropriate... But criminal?? Come on people
I agree. I mentioned earlier that, in a normal world, he should publicly apologize (as he did) and we all get on with our freakin' lives.

But that just isn't the way things are now. Everyone is so hyper-sensitive and ready to pounce at the slightest excuse that this is a self-inflicted wound. We're bringing this on ourselves.

We need less caffeine, I swear.
apologies don't make something right. just saying someone can shoot someone and kill them and then say sorry. does the dude come back to life? LOL, you all are truly double standard jackoffs.
To those going the "he is a comedian. It's a joke" route:

Both comedians and jokes are funny. Neither this nor he are.

So when do we start talking about the woman accusing him of stalking her?
I read that account... hard to take serious. They had a Political argument and he accused her of using false numbers in a television debate. He was trying to correct the record. I don't think he would have acted any differently if it were a man he was agruing with and it is pretty weak to play the harassment card... even more weak to say it was stalking. Just makes her look like she is trying to be a victim
but a guy who supposedly signed a yearbook is a pedophile. LOL hypocrite.
Oh, look who crossed over into snowflakeville! Welcome, how does it feel?

How am I in "snowflake land?" Do you imagine that right wingers don't believe sexual assault is a real thing?
No I but I believed you had a thicker skin than to say that a guy posing for a joke photo was committing sexual assault. Inappropriate yes, a crime?? I don't think so

And you aren't kidding anybody if this was a republican in the photo and the left was crying assault you'd be screaming Snowflakes from the top of a mountain. You know you would

Well, we do know he groped her we have a photo showing him doing so. He just thought that he could do as he pleased with her because she was sleeping. The man is a sick puppy.
Did he grope her or was he posing like he was for a photo?

I have a mind challenge for you...Picture the same photo with Trump doing the same thing. What do you think the MSM would do? Try to be honest.
They would politicize the shit out of it. And Trump supporters would yell snowflakes.

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