NFIB hits back at the most anti American President ever seen

Fuck it...let's just keep cutting good paying jobs and keep putting increased social burdens on our working class...THEN let's see how these exceptional Americans pull a rabbit out of their hat when only a small percentage can afford their goods and services anymore.
These people are not islands...they rely on those same government employees that they hate to buy their shit as much as private sector employees, they rely on public roads, public protection via fire departments and police. They rely on public schools to have a stable of future employees.

But hey....IF. you want to see how bad it can REALLY get...burn the fucking system down like you assholes want. Fuck it, let's do it. Let's party like it's 1787. Don't worry, I got weapons and plenty of Ammo when I lose my good State job and end up working for some fucki retail store for minimum wage. When the banksters come calling to reposess my house, they'll get what's coming to them. I can only hope the fucker is one of those pocket Constitution carrying assholes known as the Tea Party.

I already know how bad it can get, the USSR actually taxed the smart people to support the dumb ones, and it made everyone dumber.

No, Stalin killed those whose money he wanted. Taxation was the least of the worries under the former Soviet regime.
The President is a prick. Obama is such a hateful little man. I've grown to not only despise him but to loathe him.

another idiot going thru life as a racist and an idiot

you guys keep this shit up and maybe we will send you to our gulags in far i have been able to talk the leadership out of it but who knows

You couldn't help it, you had to toss that race card onto the table... Have you ever grasped the concept that people can hate people like Obama because of his twisted ideologies, and principles rather than his skin color? No of course you haven't.
another idiot going thru life as a racist and an idiot

you guys keep this shit up and maybe we will send you to our gulags in far i have been able to talk the leadership out of it but who knows

So someone is a racist and an idiot for loathing someone they find dispicable?

Since you are quite clear about your loathing for conservatives, does that mean you are equally a racist and an idiot? If we apply your own standards here, I dont really see an alternative conclusion.

Does the fact that your a murderer in your heart bother you at all?

No more of a murderer than you. You support the agenda that fucks the working class and pushes them further and further towards poverty. We just support a woman's choice to make their own decision to commit a sin or not. One us personal, the other is systematic.

Through your agenda, if it's allowed to flourish to it's natural course WILL cause unnecessary suffering and death.

Well, considering I wasnt talking to you, that may be true. I was talking to the guy who claims to want to send people to gulags.

And you're wrong. Dependency on the government doesnt help the "working" class (A term I despise since 1) There are no clases and 2) We all work).

My agenda has done the exact opposite every time it's tried.
No, Stalin killed those whose money he wanted. Taxation was the least of the worries under the former Soviet regime.

And yet, despite knowing this, you still think it's wise to empower government with more and more authority rather than to place checks on it as our Founders believed.

I dont understand that one. That alone should tell you that a totalitarian government is not a good idea.
Great job destroying the country and brainwashing the hater/dupes, Pubbies! No Dem is against small business, just greedy giant corporations (Big Oil, Pharma, Health) and myopic greedy rich people. Memorize sig.
They're all happy to stall the recovery to get back power to cheat and steal again. Pub dupes, fighting for the right to get screwed some more.

Romneycare for all, a proven success in all ways.

The wealthiest have become 270% wealthier while our infrastructure and education have gone to hell. College costs 4x+ under voodoo, doubled just underW (health costs too). Change the channel, chumps.

if you aren't against small business, why on earth are you trying to pass more regulation and tax them? You do realize that when you tax the so called "Rich" you end up taxing small businesses because the tax code is specifically designed to have small businesses taxed at an individual income tax rate.

You understand the more government involvement in the economy, the more it helps the bigger businesses that can absord the cost of regulation and hurts the small businesses that can't, right?

You also realize that more government regulation prevents potential small businesses from even entering the market, right?

So if you are for small businesses so much, why do you advocate for so many things that helps only big businesses by getting rid of their small business competition?

Labor unions contribute to Democrats. Small businessman tend towards Conservatism and big business buys favor with whoever they see as coming out on top.
For Franco, party beats country every time.
Fuck it...let's just keep cutting good paying jobs and keep putting increased social burdens on our working class...THEN let's see how these exceptional Americans pull a rabbit out of their hat when only a small percentage can afford their goods and services anymore.
These people are not islands...they rely on those same government employees that they hate to buy their shit as much as private sector employees, they rely on public roads, public protection via fire departments and police. They rely on public schools to have a stable of future employees.

But hey....IF. you want to see how bad it can REALLY get...burn the fucking system down like you assholes want. Fuck it, let's do it. Let's party like it's 1787. Don't worry, I got weapons and plenty of Ammo when I lose my good State job and end up working for some fucki retail store for minimum wage. When the banksters come calling to reposess my house, they'll get what's coming to them. I can only hope the fucker is one of those pocket Constitution carrying assholes known as the Tea Party.

I've probably 100 pocket Constitutions left. Should I send you one so you can enter this conversation with a bit of knowledge? Or are you perfectly content in your ignorance?
A pocket Constitution to Steelplate is like a crucifix to a vampire.

It burns.


I'm sending him 2 dozen.... with some garlic, a wooden stake and a coupon for a tanning salon.
Great job destroying the country and brainwashing the hater/dupes, Pubbies! No Dem is against small business, just greedy giant corporations (Big Oil, Pharma, Health) and myopic greedy rich people. Memorize sig.
They're all happy to stall the recovery to get back power to cheat and steal again. Pub dupes, fighting for the right to get screwed some more.

Romneycare for all, a proven success in all ways.

The wealthiest have become 270% wealthier while our infrastructure and education have gone to hell. College costs 4x+ under voodoo, doubled just underW (health costs too). Change the channel, chumps.

if you aren't against small business, why on earth are you trying to pass more regulation and tax them? You do realize that when you tax the so called "Rich" you end up taxing small businesses because the tax code is specifically designed to have small businesses taxed at an individual income tax rate.

You understand the more government involvement in the economy, the more it helps the bigger businesses that can absord the cost of regulation and hurts the small businesses that can't, right?

You also realize that more government regulation prevents potential small businesses from even entering the market, right?

So if you are for small businesses so much, why do you advocate for so many things that helps only big businesses by getting rid of their small business competition?

Labor unions contribute to Democrats. Small businessman tend towards Conservatism and big business buys favor with whoever they see as coming out on top.
For Franco, party beats country every time.

I understand that. But it doesnt have to be that way.
The President is a prick. Obama is such a hateful little man. I've grown to not only despise him but to loathe him.
So Obama is hateful and you're loatheful - I see the distinction.

Here's what he said:
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

"That" clearly refers to the American system (+ the roads and bridges, the teachers, and any 'somebody' that helped you along the way) - not the business.
My God you people are fucking morons. You can't even understand the English language. Or maybe you can but you're just quicker to jump into outrage mode than the actually read a comment in its context.

If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

What the fuck are these words, figments??
Fuck it...let's just keep cutting good paying jobs and keep putting increased social burdens on our working class...

Wait a minute: Fucktard Obama claimed that small business - you know, those good paying jobs people make for themselves, the competitors to Walmart that left claims to love, are of no real value.

So without small business, just how would there not be increased burden on business?

THEN let's see how these exceptional Americans pull a rabbit out of their hat when only a small percentage can afford their goods and services anymore.

How about if there is no small business? Fucktard Obama said small business doesn't matter.

These people are not islands...they rely on those same government employees that they hate to buy their shit as much as private sector employees, they rely on public roads, public protection via fire departments and police. They rely on public schools to have a stable of future employees.

Business makes no distinction to customers. But Obama said government is responsible for the success of small business - not customers, some of whom may be government employees, but government itself.

Obama is a fucktard.

But hey....IF. you want to see how bad it can REALLY get...burn the fucking system down like you assholes want. Fuck it, let's do it. Let's party like it's 1787. Don't worry, I got weapons and plenty of Ammo when I lose my good State job and end up working for some fucki retail store for minimum wage. When the banksters come calling to reposess my house, they'll get what's coming to them. I can only hope the fucker is one of those pocket Constitution carrying assholes known as the Tea Party.

Let's just vote Obama out of office.

Small business I trust, that fucktard Obama? Not so much..
love your paraphrasing. Obama did not say that. He said that they didn't do it all by themselves.

Trust me....if the right wing assholes like you get your way, the "good paying" jobs will be replaced by shitty paying jobs with little hope of advancement. The so called American Dream will only be reserved for the ruling class and select professionals in needed fields.

Maybe your vision of America's future is a new age version of "Hooverville's"(look it up) and soup kitchens for the average citizen, but it certainly isn't mine.

That's the problem with you idiots. Your boys paint you a rosy fucking picture of how great the tychoons are, but all the evidence is to the contrary....and that's WITH regulations....imagine if those checks and balances disappeared. They'd sap this country's people of every cent they could...just to play some fucking twisted game of "the person that dies with the most, wins".

That's what you think this country is about.
No, Stalin killed those whose money he wanted. Taxation was the least of the worries under the former Soviet regime.

And yet, despite knowing this, you still think it's wise to empower government with more and more authority rather than to place checks on it as our Founders believed.

I dont understand that one. That alone should tell you that a totalitarian government is not a good idea.

Neither is a plutocracy. But good thing no one is calling fir a totalitarian, however are fine with the idea of a plutocracy.
I've probably 100 pocket Constitutions left. Should I send you one so you can enter this conversation with a bit of knowledge? Or are you perfectly content in your ignorance?
A pocket Constitution to Steelplate is like a crucifix to a vampire.

It burns.


I'm sending him 2 dozen.... with some garlic, a wooden stake and a coupon for a tanning salon.

Send me all you can...I'm out of toilet paper.
I've probably 100 pocket Constitutions left. Should I send you one so you can enter this conversation with a bit of knowledge? Or are you perfectly content in your ignorance?
A pocket Constitution to Steelplate is like a crucifix to a vampire.

It burns.


I'm sending him 2 dozen.... with some garlic, a wooden stake and a coupon for a tanning salon.

The new tax included??
You believe a LOT of BS about Dems and small business. The only people doing well under voodoo are the megarich. And Romneycare, same thing as Health Reform, is doing great in Massachusetts,.
then let the govt. stop keeping up the roads and see how that goes. When businesses have to pave their roads they will think a little better of what has been done so theycan earn money efficeintly

So because the Government builds roads, Business has to sit down and shut up when Obama suggests they didn't earn what they have?

shut the fuck up.

Obama has it ass fucking Backwards, His Beloved Nanny state could not exist if not for the Hard work, and Risks taken by Entrepreneurs in the Private Sector.
Trust me....if the right wing assholes like you get your way, the "good paying" jobs will be replaced by shitty paying jobs with little hope of advancement. The so called American Dream will only be reserved for the ruling class and select professionals in needed fields.

Mindless repetition of union propaganda does not inspire trust.
This about sums it up...This message is hidden because francoHFW is on your ignore list.

Don't like facts, just hater talking points? Those "leeches" are victims of the SECOND Pub World Depression.

Those giveaways to Rairoad and Oil tycoons were the same Pub cronyism/corruption crappe, just under Grant, Harding, Coolidge- Great for tycoons LOL.Read the "Good Old Days-They were terrible". Pub dupes never change. Ike was an Indie.

You do realize that you are attempting to talk to someone who has already made it clear that he cant see your posts, right?

Franco actually can't read. He has a pot with about 40 words and phrases and stirs it up and tosses out a few at a time.
Wow...really? Mindless repetition? Oh....I get it when a rightie vomits all over the place whatever their propagandists tell them to think on a given's nothing but the truth.....but if a leftie does something that's been said's propaganda. Go fuck yourself you hypocrite.
There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.
then let the govt. stop keeping up the roads and see how that goes. When businesses have to pave their roads they will think a little better of what has been done so theycan earn money efficeintly

Don't we pay taxes to keep the roads maintained? :confused:

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