NFIB hits back at the most anti American President ever seen

No, Stalin killed those whose money he wanted. Taxation was the least of the worries under the former Soviet regime.

And yet, despite knowing this, you still think it's wise to empower government with more and more authority rather than to place checks on it as our Founders believed.

I dont understand that one. That alone should tell you that a totalitarian government is not a good idea.

It depends on the area of government, I do not favor increased police powers, the CPC here in Florida, and stacks of forms to be completed to get an answer from a government agency. In many ways I want government SMALLER.
Wow...really? Mindless repetition? Oh....I get it when a rightie vomits all over the place whatever their propagandists tell them to think on a given's nothing but the truth.....but if a leftie does something that's been said's propaganda. Go fuck yourself you hypocrite.

Cranky... Cranky.
Wow...really? Mindless repetition? Oh....I get it when a rightie vomits all over the place whatever their propagandists tell them to think on a given's nothing but the truth.....but if a leftie does something that's been said's propaganda. Go fuck yourself you hypocrite.
So, you came up with your over-emotional, fear-mongering hyperbole all by yourself, huh?

Yeah. I believe you. :lol:
There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

Can you post a link to this schedule?
I think we all would like to follow along!...

The 8+% unemployment is that on the schedule?
There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

How many names you have in here ass hate. I suggest not writing the same, and using he same Catch Phrases with them all, unless you want it to be easy for us to tell you alternative names.
There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

Can you post a link to this schedule?
I think we all would like to follow along!...

The 8+% unemployment is that on the schedule?

Don't hold your breath for that one...
There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

Can you post a link to this schedule?
I think we all would like to follow along!...

The 8+% unemployment is that on the schedule?
The Recoveryless Recovery.
then let the govt. stop keeping up the roads and see how that goes. When businesses have to pave their roads they will think a little better of what has been done so theycan earn money efficeintly

Working out pretty good, so far, for Indiana
There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

Pub Cronyism? Is that all you see? Obama's Fucking Stimulus Plan was Cronyism on the biggest scale we have ever seen. Obama is the King of Cronyism.
The President is a prick. Obama is such a hateful little man. I've grown to not only despise him but to loathe him.

another idiot going thru life as a racist and an idiot

you guys keep this shit up and maybe we will send you to our gulags in far i have been able to talk the leadership out of it but who knows

You are such a hateful little man. I've grown to not only despise you but to loathe you.
Does that make ME a racist too?
The President is a prick. Obama is such a hateful little man. I've grown to not only despise him but to loathe him.

another idiot going thru life as a racist and an idiot

you guys keep this shit up and maybe we will send you to our gulags in far i have been able to talk the leadership out of it but who knows

Ahh thank you for showing us your true colors. The Feeling shared by so many of your friends on the Far left. Your wet dream is setting up Gulags and taking anyone who does not tow the line to them. That is your idea of Democracy.
There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

Can you post a link to this schedule?
I think we all would like to follow along!...

The 8+% unemployment is that on the schedule?
The Recoveryless Recovery.
This is the "summer of recovery", isn't it? Everything is all better because Uncle Joe said it would be.
Wow...really? Mindless repetition? Oh....I get it when a rightie vomits all over the place whatever their propagandists tell them to think on a given's nothing but the truth.....but if a leftie does something that's been said's propaganda. Go fuck yourself you hypocrite.
So, you came up with your over-emotional, fear-mongering hyperbole all by yourself, huh?

Yeah. I believe you. :lol:

Hyperbole? Who the fuck is calling for me and my wife to lose our jobs and our retirements that we've paid into all our lives? Who's calling for ending Social Security that we've been paying into all our lives? Medicare?

It's not hyperbole...I see it every fucking day...right on this board. I don't need a union to see that you fuckers hate me and every other public servant in the system. To you, I'm no better than a welfare bum. Even though I never took from our tax dollars without giving my all to the citizens to earn my paycheck. And I even pay part of my own salary through my own taxes.

But that don't matter to you. So tell me....why SHOULD I support your agenda when you fuckers hate me? I don't hate you. I'm just trying to live my life and you guys are trying to take it away.
what is the contingency plan for when the leeches outnumber the taxpayers? got one?

See Greece, Spain, Italy, Etc etc Etc.

The Takers will come out into the streets, and use Mob Intimidation to get what they want from the people who actually pay taxes.
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I can't wait till judgement day. You fuckers will be right along side the 9/11 boys wondering where their 72 virgins are.

What is it, Paperplate? You think you're fucking special for some reason?

If your house gets repo'ed it's on you, nobody else. Sorry you don't like it, but life ain't fair, and everybody doesn't get a damned trophy for showing up.

Put your big boy pants on and quit sniveling!

My finances are just fine, thank you. But...if you fuckers get your way, I'll be a damn near 50 year old person who's been serving the citizens of PA for 23 years. If you get your way, I'll be unmarketablely unemployed.

You know what.... you're right... life isn't fair.....PAY YOUR FUCKING TAXES AND QUIT WHINING LIKE A BITCH!!!!

There, I sunk to you assholes' level. Happy?
Nope. You have to come UP to get to our level, both intellectually, as well as morally.

You do NOT have a right to a government job. If you feel you will not be marketable, here is an idea. Start improving your position now.

BTW. You HAVE NOT been serving the citizens of PA for 23 years. You have been sponging off the people of PA for 23 years. Working for government is NOT service to people. Just look how ballistic you are going at the thought that you may have to work a little harder and take you feet off of your desk for an hour.

You are selfish, and working for yourself.

Go fuck yourself.

Edited to add this: I just copied a number of your rants from this thread and I intend to send them to the PA Attorney General. I'll bet money you made this posts from a government computer and I want it investigated as to what computer, what department of the PA workforce, and I want you identified. So, go get a union boss and get ready to have your job threatened for misuse of government property.
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Wow...really? Mindless repetition? Oh....I get it when a rightie vomits all over the place whatever their propagandists tell them to think on a given's nothing but the truth.....but if a leftie does something that's been said's propaganda. Go fuck yourself you hypocrite.
So, you came up with your over-emotional, fear-mongering hyperbole all by yourself, huh?

Yeah. I believe you. :lol:

Hyperbole? Who the fuck is calling for me and my wife to lose our jobs and our retirements that we've paid into all our lives? Who's calling for ending Social Security that we've been paying into all our lives? Medicare?

Funny, I have never heard a single person talk about Ending SS, Especially not for people who have been paying in their whole lives. If you are as Old as you say you are, You would not even be effected by any of the Plans I have heard the GOP put forth, as they all keep things as is for people that close to retirement.

In fact the only people ever hear say that, are Liberals accusing Republicans of saying it. Problem is that is not what any Republican Says.

Saying SS has a problem and it needs Reform to survive simply is not the same as saying you want to eliminate it.

You have bought the Propaganda from a party that has proven time and time again their plan is to Ignore our problems, and pass small Temporary fixes and push the real hard choices down the road to the next people to take their place.

You guys are so afraid of the LIES Democrats say about what the GOP wants to do, that you can't see the Fact that Democrats are Endangering SS and MC by they failure to act, and unwillingness to even admit there is a problem.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce is weighing in as well now. I'm glad people are bitch slapping Obama back. Long overdue for the smarmy scumbucket.

" David Chavern, executive vice-president and chief operating officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said that the basic idea behind Obama’s comments, and other similar sentiments expressed by allies, 'is really objectionable and offensive.'

'The problem with the Obama administration’s view, he wrote in a blog post, was that ‘it only looks at the good outcomes’ rather than what went before.

Mr Chavern wrote: ‘Success is apparently a collective effort - but where was that "collective" during the periods of risk-taking and failure? The vast majority of businesses fail. Period.

He added: 'Every day millions of people put their lives, savings, houses and families on the line and work 20 hours a day just to grab their small slice of the American dream. Where is the collective when all of this is going on? And if the collective is really responsible for success, how come everyone isn’t successful?

Read more: Obama says the wealthy AREN'T responsible for their own success | Mail Online
Wow...really? Mindless repetition? Oh....I get it when a rightie vomits all over the place whatever their propagandists tell them to think on a given's nothing but the truth.....but if a leftie does something that's been said's propaganda. Go fuck yourself you hypocrite.
So, you came up with your over-emotional, fear-mongering hyperbole all by yourself, huh?

Yeah. I believe you. :lol:

Hyperbole? Who the fuck is calling for me and my wife to lose our jobs and our retirements that we've paid into all our lives? Who's calling for ending Social Security that we've been paying into all our lives? Medicare?

It's not hyperbole...I see it every fucking day...right on this board. I don't need a union to see that you fuckers hate me and every other public servant in the system. To you, I'm no better than a welfare bum. Even though I never took from our tax dollars without giving my all to the citizens to earn my paycheck. And I even pay part of my own salary through my own taxes.

But that don't matter to you. So tell me....why SHOULD I support your agenda when you fuckers hate me? I don't hate you. I'm just trying to live my life and you guys are trying to take it away.

Nobody wants to take your Social Security away you ignorant shitstain. Nobody wants to take away your retirement you ignorant shitstain. Nobody hates public servants you ignorant shitstain.

We on the right believe that you folks in the public sector should have been required to pay your 'fair share' on your health insurance and your retirement, just like we in the private sector do. And if Wisconsin is an indicator, be prepared to join the rest of us, since OUR taxes pay your ignorant ass.

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