NFIB hits back at the most anti American President ever seen

What is it, Paperplate? You think you're fucking special for some reason?

If your house gets repo'ed it's on you, nobody else. Sorry you don't like it, but life ain't fair, and everybody doesn't get a damned trophy for showing up.

Put your big boy pants on and quit sniveling!

My finances are just fine, thank you. But...if you fuckers get your way, I'll be a damn near 50 year old person who's been serving the citizens of PA for 23 years. If you get your way, I'll be unmarketablely unemployed.

You know what.... you're right... life isn't fair.....PAY YOUR FUCKING TAXES AND QUIT WHINING LIKE A BITCH!!!!

There, I sunk to you assholes' level. Happy?
Nope. You have to come UP to get to our level, both intellectually, as well as morally.

You do NOT have a right to a government job. If you feel you will not be marketable, here is an idea. Start improving your position now.

BTW. You HAVE NOT been serving the citizens of PA for 23 years. You have been sponging off the people of PA for 23 years. Working for government is NOT service to people. Just look how ballistic you are going at the thought that you may have to work a little harder and take you feet off of your desk for an hour.

You are selfish, and working for yourself.

Go fuck yourself.

Edited to add this: I just copied a number of your rants from this thread and I intend to send them to the PA Attorney General. I'll bet money you made this posts from a government computer and I want it investigated as to what computer, what department of the PA workforce, and I want you identified. So, go get a union boss and get ready to have your job threatened for misuse of government property.

Fuck you cocksucker....or should I say Kochsucker? my guest. I'm at home....I work from 6AM-2:30PM on a rotating schedule....I have tues/wed breakdays this week so don't get your panties in a bunch if you see me on here during the day tomorrow and the next. I work with the developmentally disabled and do not have Internet access at work...I actually WORK, not sit on a message board.
But, like I said...go ahead, make an ass out of fact....I fucking DARE you.
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There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

There's no nanny state, dupes, there's a Pub cronyism/corruption world depression, and the recovery is AHEAD of schedule, despite Pub disfunction and sabotage since Obama got in.

Can you post a link to this schedule?
I think we all would like to follow along!...

The 8+% unemployment is that on the schedule?

Don't hold your breath for that one...

It was way ahead back in early 2010, before Pub disfunction zapped the recovery- back then the experts said a real estate meltdown was the worst, would take 5-10 years. Thanks for blocking well known jobs bills. Your party is a disgrace...Pub dupe morons! (luckily only 40% as most...

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME) and the worst propaganda machine in American history.
The President is a prick. Obama is such a hateful little man. I've grown to not only despise him but to loathe him.
His remarks were totally uncalled for. They were vicious and petty. I'm thrilled that the NFIB issued this statement.

November can't come soon enough.

In a hard-hitting statement to Mail Online, the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) said: 'What a disappointment to hear President Obama's revealing comments challenging the significance of America's entrepreneurs.

'His unfortunate remarks over the weekend show an utter lack of understanding and appreciation for the people who take a huge personal risk and work endless hours to start a business and create jobs.'

" And the spokesman for the NFIB added: 'I'm sure every small-business owner who took a second mortgage on their home, maxed out their credit cards or borrowed money from their own retirement savings to start their business disagrees strongly with President Obama's claim. They know that hard work does matter.

'Every small business is not indebted to the government or some other benefactor. If anything, small businesses are historically an economic and job-creating powerhouse in spite of the government.'

Read more: Obama says the wealthy AREN'T responsible for their own success | Mail Online

You kids are lil' balls of anger
Social security does need to be eliminated. It was never ment to be a permenant program. I like to see us transition slowly off it. However, we might not have a choice if we keep spending the way we are. The money isnt there. It's not a heartless act to acknowledge the truth. What is heartless is to continue to lie to people and convince them there is no problem when there is a real large one.
Wow...really? Mindless repetition? Oh....I get it when a rightie vomits all over the place whatever their propagandists tell them to think on a given's nothing but the truth.....but if a leftie does something that's been said's propaganda. Go fuck yourself you hypocrite.
So, you came up with your over-emotional, fear-mongering hyperbole all by yourself, huh?

Yeah. I believe you. :lol:

Hyperbole? Who the fuck is calling for me and my wife to lose our jobs and our retirements that we've paid into all our lives? Who's calling for ending Social Security that we've been paying into all our lives? Medicare?

It's not hyperbole...I see it every fucking day...right on this board. I don't need a union to see that you fuckers hate me and every other public servant in the system. To you, I'm no better than a welfare bum. Even though I never took from our tax dollars without giving my all to the citizens to earn my paycheck. And I even pay part of my own salary through my own taxes.

But that don't matter to you. So tell me....why SHOULD I support your agenda when you fuckers hate me? I don't hate you. I'm just trying to live my life and you guys are trying to take it away.
Yes, we want to stand you against the wall and execute you.

Oh, wait -- no, we don't.

Yes, your horseshit is hyperbole. What you see on the board is not what is actually on the board.
My finances are just fine, thank you. But...if you fuckers get your way, I'll be a damn near 50 year old person who's been serving the citizens of PA for 23 years. If you get your way, I'll be unmarketablely unemployed.

You know what.... you're right... life isn't fair.....PAY YOUR FUCKING TAXES AND QUIT WHINING LIKE A BITCH!!!!

There, I sunk to you assholes' level. Happy?
Nope. You have to come UP to get to our level, both intellectually, as well as morally.

You do NOT have a right to a government job. If you feel you will not be marketable, here is an idea. Start improving your position now.

BTW. You HAVE NOT been serving the citizens of PA for 23 years. You have been sponging off the people of PA for 23 years. Working for government is NOT service to people. Just look how ballistic you are going at the thought that you may have to work a little harder and take you feet off of your desk for an hour.

You are selfish, and working for yourself.

Go fuck yourself.

Edited to add this: I just copied a number of your rants from this thread and I intend to send them to the PA Attorney General. I'll bet money you made this posts from a government computer and I want it investigated as to what computer, what department of the PA workforce, and I want you identified. So, go get a union boss and get ready to have your job threatened for misuse of government property.

Fuck you cocksucker....or should I say Kochsucker?
You don't disappoint. I was waiting for this particular reply. It will be the coup de gras to your list of abuses in this thread.

I am a PA taxpayer, and your misuse of our equipment and resources is ILLEGAL.

I will be pressing charges if I find out who you are.
You dupes are hilarious- one says no one wants to end SS, the next one says he does. LOL
Nope. You have to come UP to get to our level, both intellectually, as well as morally.

You do NOT have a right to a government job. If you feel you will not be marketable, here is an idea. Start improving your position now.

BTW. You HAVE NOT been serving the citizens of PA for 23 years. You have been sponging off the people of PA for 23 years. Working for government is NOT service to people. Just look how ballistic you are going at the thought that you may have to work a little harder and take you feet off of your desk for an hour.

You are selfish, and working for yourself.

Go fuck yourself.

Edited to add this: I just copied a number of your rants from this thread and I intend to send them to the PA Attorney General. I'll bet money you made this posts from a government computer and I want it investigated as to what computer, what department of the PA workforce, and I want you identified. So, go get a union boss and get ready to have your job threatened for misuse of government property.

Fuck you cocksucker....or should I say Kochsucker?
You don't disappoint. I was waiting for this particular reply. It will be the coup de gras to your list of abuses in this thread.

I am a PA taxpayer, and your misuse of our equipment and resources is ILLEGAL.

I will be pressing charges if I find out who you are.

Feq you and the horse you rode in on, hater/dupe. No one gives a SHYTTE about your idiocy. LOL! You're off the wall...
Nope. You have to come UP to get to our level, both intellectually, as well as morally.

You do NOT have a right to a government job. If you feel you will not be marketable, here is an idea. Start improving your position now.

BTW. You HAVE NOT been serving the citizens of PA for 23 years. You have been sponging off the people of PA for 23 years. Working for government is NOT service to people. Just look how ballistic you are going at the thought that you may have to work a little harder and take you feet off of your desk for an hour.

You are selfish, and working for yourself.

Go fuck yourself.

Edited to add this: I just copied a number of your rants from this thread and I intend to send them to the PA Attorney General. I'll bet money you made this posts from a government computer and I want it investigated as to what computer, what department of the PA workforce, and I want you identified. So, go get a union boss and get ready to have your job threatened for misuse of government property.

Fuck you cocksucker....or should I say Kochsucker?
You don't disappoint. I was waiting for this particular reply. It will be the coup de gras to your list of abuses in this thread.

I am a PA taxpayer, and your misuse of our equipment and resources is ILLEGAL.

I will be pressing charges if I find out who you are.

Go get 'em tough guy. First off, even if I had Internet access at work, I'd have more respect for our taxpayers(including myself) than to eveñ VISIT this site...let alone have the occasional rant.

You're pissing in the wind. Perhaps I should find out who you are to press harassment charges on. Threatening a law abiding citizen who is expressing his 1st Amendment rights in a public forum from the privacy of his own home and being threatened by some douchebag.
then let the govt. stop keeping up the roads and see how that goes. When businesses have to pave their roads they will think a little better of what has been done so theycan earn money efficeintly

The government had help.

Without the money they took from us they couldn't have done squat. :eusa_shifty:
Fuck you cocksucker....or should I say Kochsucker?
You don't disappoint. I was waiting for this particular reply. It will be the coup de gras to your list of abuses in this thread.

I am a PA taxpayer, and your misuse of our equipment and resources is ILLEGAL.

I will be pressing charges if I find out who you are.

Go get 'em tough guy. First off, even if I had Internet access at work, I'd have more respect for our taxpayers(including myself) than to eveñ VISIT this site...let alone have the occasional rant.

You're pissing in the wind. Perhaps I should find out who you are to press harassment charges on. Threatening a law abiding citizen who is expressing his 1st Amendment rights in a public forum from the privacy of his own home and being threatened by some douchebag.

You can't pay taxes on someone else' money. you're just being conned for a due by the overlords. Nice work.
You don't disappoint. I was waiting for this particular reply. It will be the coup de gras to your list of abuses in this thread.

I am a PA taxpayer, and your misuse of our equipment and resources is ILLEGAL.

I will be pressing charges if I find out who you are.

Go get 'em tough guy. First off, even if I had Internet access at work, I'd have more respect for our taxpayers(including myself) than to eveñ VISIT this site...let alone have the occasional rant.

You're pissing in the wind. Perhaps I should find out who you are to press harassment charges on. Threatening a law abiding citizen who is expressing his 1st Amendment rights in a public forum from the privacy of his own home and being threatened by some douchebag.

You can't pay taxes on someone else' money. you're just being conned for a due by the overlords. Nice work.

Fuck you too...once I earned it....It's mine.
Oh, now something that was taken by threat of force/violence from someone else belongs to you? LOL!

OK, skipper.
It was way ahead back in early 2010, before Pub disfunction zapped the recovery- back then the experts said a real estate meltdown was the worst, would take 5-10 years. Thanks for blocking well known jobs bills. Your party is a disgrace...Pub dupe morons! (luckily only 40% as most...

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME) and the worst propaganda machine in American history.


Democrats threaten to go over ‘fiscal cliff’ if GOP fails to raise taxes - The Washington Post

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