NFL Champs talk about President.........

So we have black football players telling us what a great president Obama is because he has swagger? Yeah, that means a lot to someone. Not me though.
Waste thread.

Oh, so the race of one of the players means something to you? I thought CONSERVATIVES didn't see color? Do you think we even care what people like you think. No Black person cares what some Tea Party Rabbi has to say.

Yes, it does. With Obama's approval among blacks amazingly still at 90+% despite all the damage he's done to the black community it isn't surprising that black athletes, untouched by the recession and unemployment, still think he's cool.
Your race card has been declined. You are a dolt.

What has Obama done to damage the black race?
Oh, so the race of one of the players means something to you? I thought CONSERVATIVES didn't see color? Do you think we even care what people like you think. No Black person cares what some Tea Party Rabbi has to say.

Yes, it does. With Obama's approval among blacks amazingly still at 90+% despite all the damage he's done to the black community it isn't surprising that black athletes, untouched by the recession and unemployment, still think he's cool.
Your race card has been declined. You are a dolt.

What has Obama done to damage the black race?

Black unemployment is higher than when he took office.
Black household wealth is lower than when he took office.
Black family income is lower than when he took office.
Welfare/foodstamp dependency is higher than when he took office.

All of these things damage self sufficiency and the chance to move up the ladder. They should be burning him in effigy rather than celebrating him.
Yes, it does. With Obama's approval among blacks amazingly still at 90+% despite all the damage he's done to the black community it isn't surprising that black athletes, untouched by the recession and unemployment, still think he's cool.
Your race card has been declined. You are a dolt.

What has Obama done to damage the black race?

Black unemployment is higher than when he took office.
Black household wealth is lower than when he took office.
Black family income is lower than when he took office.
Welfare/foodstamp dependency is higher than when he took office.

All of these things damage self sufficiency and the chance to move up the ladder. They should be burning him in effigy rather than celebrating him.

Those stats happened for all races and the crash of the economy under Bush. Bush relaxed requirements for food stamps. But what is it you think Obama done?
What has Obama done to damage the black race?

Black unemployment is higher than when he took office.
Black household wealth is lower than when he took office.
Black family income is lower than when he took office.
Welfare/foodstamp dependency is higher than when he took office.

All of these things damage self sufficiency and the chance to move up the ladder. They should be burning him in effigy rather than celebrating him.

Those stats happened for all races and the crash of the economy under Bush. Bush relaxed requirements for food stamps. But what is it you think Obama done?

Um, BUsh has not been president for over 5 years. But nice try.
Yes, those things happened to all demographics, except the uber wealthy. But it happened to blacks worse than white and worse than Asians and Hispanics.

Obama has instituted policies and programs that mitigated against hiring and expanding business and opportunities.
It’s all that matters to people anymore.

Issues? What are those? What we want is a president we can have a beer with because THAT is what is important.


You think a football player who is paid multi-million dollars a year to know football is going to know the issues?

I expect voters to know the issues but the reality is that the average voter is completely ignorant of what is going on politically and they really do vote based on what is ‘cool.’

This thread is an example of one such individual bringing up the fact that Obama is ‘cool’ and completely missing the fact that this should be irrelevant.
Black unemployment is higher than when he took office.
Black household wealth is lower than when he took office.
Black family income is lower than when he took office.
Welfare/foodstamp dependency is higher than when he took office.

All of these things damage self sufficiency and the chance to move up the ladder. They should be burning him in effigy rather than celebrating him.

Those stats happened for all races and the crash of the economy under Bush. Bush relaxed requirements for food stamps. But what is it you think Obama done?

Um, BUsh has not been president for over 5 years. But nice try.
Yes, those things happened to all demographics, except the uber wealthy. But it happened to blacks worse than white and worse than Asians and Hispanics.

Obama has instituted policies and programs that mitigated against hiring and expanding business and opportunities.

Obama still has to follow the laws put forth by Bush unless Congress changes them...

I'm not sure what policy you are talking about but "Obamacare" was pro-business.

And it always happens to blacks worse than other races,under Reagan unemployment was 11 % for the nation but over 20% for the blacks.
Oh, so the race of one of the players means something to you? I thought CONSERVATIVES didn't see color? Do you think we even care what people like you think. No Black person cares what some Tea Party Rabbi has to say.

Yes, it does. With Obama's approval among blacks amazingly still at 90+% despite all the damage he's done to the black community it isn't surprising that black athletes, untouched by the recession and unemployment, still think he's cool.
Your race card has been declined. You are a dolt. are the only one who brought race into.

Obama brought race into the national discussion early on
Those stats happened for all races and the crash of the economy under Bush. Bush relaxed requirements for food stamps. But what is it you think Obama done?

Um, BUsh has not been president for over 5 years. But nice try.
Yes, those things happened to all demographics, except the uber wealthy. But it happened to blacks worse than white and worse than Asians and Hispanics.

Obama has instituted policies and programs that mitigated against hiring and expanding business and opportunities.

Obama still has to follow the laws put forth by Bush unless Congress changes them...

I'm not sure what policy you are talking about but "Obamacare" was pro-business.

And it always happens to blacks worse than other races,under Reagan unemployment was 11 % for the nation but over 20% for the blacks.
Are you seruious? Is that a serious reply?
Obama and the Democrats controlled the Congress and White House for 2 years. They could and did pass whatever they wanted. Those policies directly contributed to the plight of the economy. Obamacare was anything but "pro business." That is ludicrous. The fact that blacks always suffer does not negate that they have suffered worse under Obama and should be burning him in effigy.
It’s all that matters to people anymore.

Issues? What are those? What we want is a president we can have a beer with because THAT is what is important.


You think a football player who is paid multi-million dollars a year to know football is going to know the issues?

I expect voters to know the issues but the reality is that the average voter is completely ignorant of what is going on politically and they really do vote based on what is ‘cool.’

This thread is an example of one such individual bringing up the fact that Obama is ‘cool’ and completely missing the fact that this should be irrelevant.

I agree his coolness shouldn't be a factor nor his race but a lot of good men have lost elections because of their looks...imo
LOL, I am embarraassed for you zarius.

Actually it saddens me that our culture has stooped to this level.
Yes.. because 'cool' matters.. and the opinion of a football player (even from my home town team) means even MORE


These uber-lefties will really grasp at anything guys are so easy. You hate Obama so much that it stings to hear anything about him that isn't demeaning. You cant see how you come across.

Uh....Sparky....listen up....

They were responding to YOU who found it NECESSARY to start a thread becuase a few football players said they liked Obamas swagger.

Seems you are quite desperate to find someone saying something positive about our president....not the other way around.
Funny the op is going on the word of a football player that probaly has brain damage from concussions sustained by getting hit in the head. We know brain damage is a qualifying trait to be a liberal.
You think a football player who is paid multi-million dollars a year to know football is going to know the issues?

I expect voters to know the issues but the reality is that the average voter is completely ignorant of what is going on politically and they really do vote based on what is ‘cool.’

This thread is an example of one such individual bringing up the fact that Obama is ‘cool’ and completely missing the fact that this should be irrelevant.

I agree his coolness shouldn't be a factor nor his race but a lot of good men have lost elections because of their looks...imo

Or never went up for election in the first place. How we ‘vet’ our politicians today is astounding as voters seem to only care about asinine things that EVERYONE does. The last election focused on who ate dog and who strapped a dog onto the roof of their car far more than it did on actual issues. Don’t even get me started on quotations that are taken out of context either. Then we get things like the new ‘water gate’ because people don’t even want to hear the content of the speech – just a noise when someone takes a drink.

We are where we are because of apathetic voters. We will never improve until that ends.
Um, BUsh has not been president for over 5 years. But nice try.
Yes, those things happened to all demographics, except the uber wealthy. But it happened to blacks worse than white and worse than Asians and Hispanics.

Obama has instituted policies and programs that mitigated against hiring and expanding business and opportunities.

Obama still has to follow the laws put forth by Bush unless Congress changes them...

I'm not sure what policy you are talking about but "Obamacare" was pro-business.

And it always happens to blacks worse than other races,under Reagan unemployment was 11 % for the nation but over 20% for the blacks.
Are you seruious? Is that a serious reply?
Obama and the Democrats controlled the Congress and White House for 2 years. They could and did pass whatever they wanted. Those policies directly contributed to the plight of the economy. Obamacare was anything but "pro business." That is ludicrous. The fact that blacks always suffer does not negate that they have suffered worse under Obama and should be burning him in effigy.

No, there was a record amount of filibusters. I agree Democrats should have changed the filibuster rules.
LOL, I am embarraassed for you zarius.

Actually it saddens me that our culture has stooped to this level.

Yet the names the President and his family are called by the Tea Party everyday doesn't sadden you or make you worry about our why is that I wonder?

But me calling him cool or people saying he has swagg somehow embarrasses you?

Could it be something else......that makes you see things this way......ROO?
shallow and whiners..

those meanies call the dear leader names every day...

Very much so but I don’t really expect you to understand posting this hack piece and all.

Yea I know.......these boards are amazing. Not one tea publican will ever admit that they loved both Moma Grizzley and Cowboy Bush. I know, you were just as critical of Bush blaa......blahhhhhh.

BUT that shows how totally up Obama you supporters ARE!!
You say "not one teapublican ever admit... " but have you EVER seen any upObamatrons say ONE THING BAD ABOUT HIM?

At least if people looked at both groups and asked which one seems more objective, i.e. critical of its members it would be obvious that unlike Obamatrons who think Obama is a God, or Obama has a stash of cash, or Obama will fill their car.. people would admit
at least teapublicans are critical... UpObamas... nary a criticism of a God!

Geez, if you support Obama in any way, shape, or form - you're a "worshiper" and Obama is a "God". I have been critical about Obama continuing Bush era policies like the Patriot Act and signing the NDAA. Republicans, on the other hand, were perfectly happy with many of the things they are currently bitching about just because the president now has a "D" after his name instead of a "R".

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