NFL Champs talk about President.........

LOL, I am embarraassed for you zarius.

Actually it saddens me that our culture has stooped to this level.

Yet the names the President and his family are called by the Tea Party everyday doesn't sadden you or make you worry about our why is that I wonder?

But me calling him cool or people saying he has swagg somehow embarrasses you?

Could it be something else......that makes you see things this way......ROO?

Dude since Obama has become president, I have lived in South Carollina, Arizona, 10 week stints in Wisconsin, Tennesee, mountains of North Carolina, Raliegh NC. Kentucky and Georigia. I never heard or overheard a local white guy call Obama or his family names. The only time I heard it was from a liberal white girl from my youth. I dont know why this thread outrages any conservative. So what? It gives young minoritys some hope, most of them will grow up liberal but a few will grow up to be the Clarence Thomas, Hermain Cain and dare say Bill Cosby types... who think for themselfs.....
Obama still has to follow the laws put forth by Bush unless Congress changes them...

I'm not sure what policy you are talking about but "Obamacare" was pro-business.

And it always happens to blacks worse than other races,under Reagan unemployment was 11 % for the nation but over 20% for the blacks.
Are you seruious? Is that a serious reply?
Obama and the Democrats controlled the Congress and White House for 2 years. They could and did pass whatever they wanted. Those policies directly contributed to the plight of the economy. Obamacare was anything but "pro business." That is ludicrous. The fact that blacks always suffer does not negate that they have suffered worse under Obama and should be burning him in effigy.

No, there was a record amount of filibusters. I agree Democrats should have changed the filibuster rules.
They had a filibuster-proof majority in teh Senate for much of that time.
You fail. Try to find another way to blame Republicans. But you're a shallow Obamapologist.
Are you seruious? Is that a serious reply?
Obama and the Democrats controlled the Congress and White House for 2 years. They could and did pass whatever they wanted. Those policies directly contributed to the plight of the economy. Obamacare was anything but "pro business." That is ludicrous. The fact that blacks always suffer does not negate that they have suffered worse under Obama and should be burning him in effigy.

No, there was a record amount of filibusters. I agree Democrats should have changed the filibuster rules.
They had a filibuster-proof majority in teh Senate for much of that time.
You fail. Try to find another way to blame Republicans. But you're a shallow Obamapologist.

We will never make that mistake again.
No, there was a record amount of filibusters. I agree Democrats should have changed the filibuster rules.
They had a filibuster-proof majority in teh Senate for much of that time.
You fail. Try to find another way to blame Republicans. But you're a shallow Obamapologist.

We will never make that mistake again.

True. The American people will never trust the Democrats with unfettered access to the public treasury. The results have been disaster. IRS officials partying their asses off in Vegas while the rest of us are collecting food stamps. Disgusting.
Of course these uneducated baboons would speak highly of that idiot Obama.

That's cute.......mean while they have millions and are BIG DAWGS and you.......well.....Ill let you fill it in.
Are you seruious? Is that a serious reply?
Obama and the Democrats controlled the Congress and White House for 2 years. They could and did pass whatever they wanted. Those policies directly contributed to the plight of the economy. Obamacare was anything but "pro business." That is ludicrous. The fact that blacks always suffer does not negate that they have suffered worse under Obama and should be burning him in effigy.

No, there was a record amount of filibusters. I agree Democrats should have changed the filibuster rules.
They had a filibuster-proof majority in teh Senate for much of that time.
You fail. Try to find another way to blame Republicans. But you're a shallow Obamapologist.

No, Republican Governor of Minnesota played politics with Al Franken's confirmation until forced to confirm him in July and it wasn't long after that Ted Kennedy became ill. So, Democrats never had 60 votes to overturn a filibuster.
LOL, I am embarraassed for you zarius.

Actually it saddens me that our culture has stooped to this level.

Yet the names the President and his family are called by the Tea Party everyday doesn't sadden you or make you worry about our why is that I wonder?

But me calling him cool or people saying he has swagg somehow embarrasses you?

Could it be something else......that makes you see things this way......ROO?

Dude since Obama has become president, I have lived in South Carollina, Arizona, 10 week stints in Wisconsin, Tennesee, mountains of North Carolina, Raliegh NC. Kentucky and Georigia. I never heard or overheard a local white guy call Obama or his family names. The only time I heard it was from a liberal white girl from my youth. I dont know why this thread outrages any conservative. So what? It gives young minoritys some hope, most of them will grow up liberal but a few will grow up to be the Clarence Thomas, Hermain Cain and dare say Bill Cosby types... who think for themselfs.....

OK fair enough. But what about your question? Why does this thread enrage them so? I simply posted what someone said and the first 4 or 5 post were attacks from Conservatives. I got neg rep for posting this simple compliment. Now you tell me why I'm wrong to think Conservatives have a deep unprecedented hate for President Obama. They show it without even knowing it and it has a lot to do with racism.
That's cute.......mean while they have millions and are BIG DAWGS and you.......well.....Ill let you fill it in.

They have millions because the NFL is BIG BUSINESS... something you should hate, assfucker.
way to gloss over the racism there but its to be expected from your side.

It's unfortunate I have to wait until tomorrow to award you some more negative reputation points, you race-bating, anti-American, Socialist cocksucker.
That's cute.......mean while they have millions and are BIG DAWGS and you.......well.....Ill let you fill it in.

Paris Hilton has millions too.. does not make her one of the intellectual elite to look up to for opinion and advice

way to gloss over the racism there but its to be expected from your side.

Uh huh.. I don't necessarily see calling someone a name as being racism... and when I see blatant racism I go against it...

You using 'dawg' could be construed the same was as him using the term baboon...

Or you could just use the acronym IRS and that could be construed as 'racist'
I thought it was this NFL champ! He flat refused to even attend a command performance.

NFL champ skips WH visit because Obama said ?God bless? Planned Parenthood |

Retired Baltimore Ravens center Matt Birk, who won a Super Bowl with the team last year, skipped the team’s visit to the White House due to President Obama’s support for Planned Parenthood.

I was just going to post some peoples minds it might be cool to praise the killing of 100s of thousands of babies most of them minorities :cuckoo:
There is something viscerally evil about thanking God for the deaths of millions of infants. Sort of like Jeffrey Dahmer saying grace before he eats.
Paris Hilton has millions too.. does not make her one of the intellectual elite to look up to for opinion and advice

way to gloss over the racism there but its to be expected from your side.

Uh huh.. I don't necessarily see calling someone a name as being racism... and when I see blatant racism I go against it...

You using 'dawg' could be construed the same was as him using the term baboon...

Or you could just use the acronym IRS and that could be construed as 'racist'

That same line they teach you at Conservative finishing school. You know its racism but you will don't care that it is. He could have called them anything but he choose that word for a reason. Who do you guys think you are fooling? No one but you believes all that BS.

Real racism? Yea having a hostile atmosphere toward a race and calling them degrading racially motivated names is never racism enough for Conservatives.
way to gloss over the racism there but its to be expected from your side.

It's unfortunate I have to wait until tomorrow to award you some more negative reputation points, you race-bating, anti-American, Socialist cocksucker.

You just go to bed knowing you cant stop us as you saw in Nov. 2012.

You lost every time.


Fucking loser

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