NFL commissioner sends letter to all teams telling players to STAND during National Anthem

More nonsensical bullshit from the delicate pogo.
I fly a flag at my house. Businesses fly flags at their establishments.

The secondary question --- we can't get past the primary question of what the fuck politics has to do with playing a game but if we could get past it ---- is of course, why it must be mandatory.

GMU can fly his flag over his house all he wants. That business in his town can fly theirs too. No issue there. The problems come in when GMU starts demanding, and that business starts demanding, that every other house and every other business must do the same thing. As if they're some kind of Borg.

So apparently on the question of "why do we do this" the best answer we can come up with is "because everybody else is doing it" or "because someone told us to".

Here's where that sort of obsequious "because someone told them to" lockstep subservient mentality leads......

Why did the uploader use "Stayin' Alive"? Because that's how you stay alive in North Korea, literally. You fall into the lockstep that "everybody else" is doing, or else you get shot. And where do they get so many soldiers? Simple --- they feed them. As opposed to the general population that gets starved. Those who don't fall into lockstep, you can starve them if you have that level of power, or if you're not quite there yet you can "fire the sumbitches". The coercion is the same.

Here's where that mindless robotic "because someone told me to" mentality leads:

Guess what happened to those who said "Nein" to that mob.

Here's what happens to those who DO stand up when that robotic lockstep Borg mentality starts to get a foothold:

>> Starr had been accosted by a mob which demanded that he kiss the American flag, but he refused. Today he is sentenced to 10-20 years of hard labor in a state penitentiary as well as fined $500 plus court costs.

...... Apparently, no members of the mob are ever punished in any way for how they treated Earnest Starr; only Starr is punished, and for all intents and purposes he's punished for having the gall to refuse to submit to a mob. << -- This Day in History

Got that? Ordered by a mob to kiss a flag --- you know, for "National Pride".
See the difference between that and coercing sports teams and audiences into the same thing?
Exactly. Me neither.

Those who ignore days like that in their history, condemn themselves to relive it.

Y'all are well on the way, robots. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


Ein Mindset! Ein Anthem! Ein Football Game! Leni Riefenstahl approves.

Fucking somnabulistic sheep.


He's not the man, he's an idiot spouting off bullshit. I've said all along they can do whatever the hell they want BUT if their boss tell them how to behave on HIS time on HIS job on HIS property then they damn well better get off their fucking knees.

Pogo is a moron throwing out straw man arguments because he can't beat me on the merits of my argument.

Those players are HIRED. They are not the owners lol.

You couldn't answer either of the questions I posed even given all day. Not even the basic one. And here a day later ------- you still can't.

See, this is where your whole premise fell to the ground. It's fallen, and it can't get up. Because it never WAS up. You swallowed a ritual whole without ever stopping to ask why you're doing it. And this is where that negligence leaves you.



I answered it in my first response. Being the hack that you are you ignored the answer I gave you.

The players will lose & the fans will win so I suggest you save your first aid kit for when that realization sets in.
Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas. Give them their special one hour episode on tv to cry fake tears just left me know when & what channel so I can avoid it like the plague that it is.

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand

While the letter did say that the NFL believes everyone should stand, Goodell has said that there has been no policy change as of yet: Roger Goodell: 'No policy change' on national anthem
Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas. Give them their special one hour episode on tv to cry fake tears just left me know when & what channel so I can avoid it like the plague that it is.

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand

While the letter did say that the NFL believes everyone should stand, Goodell has said that there has been no policy change as of yet: Roger Goodell: 'No policy change' on national anthem
When the revenue drop gets painful enough it will be forced.
Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas. Give them their special one hour episode on tv to cry fake tears just left me know when & what channel so I can avoid it like the plague that it is.

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand

While the letter did say that the NFL believes everyone should stand, Goodell has said that there has been no policy change as of yet: Roger Goodell: 'No policy change' on national anthem
When the revenue drop gets painful enough it will be forced.

It may even become police after the meeting(s) that are scheduled. I'm just pointing out that Goodell didn't actually tell players they have to stand.
Maybe the players will learn, after they beaten their wife, children and etc .
Then they'll have to testify in court for their good deed .
They will then, put their right hand in the air, to get sworn in to testify ...

Sounds like a good time to start kneeling .............
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Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas. Give them their special one hour episode on tv to cry fake tears just left me know when & what channel so I can avoid it like the plague that it is.

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand

While the letter did say that the NFL believes everyone should stand, Goodell has said that there has been no policy change as of yet: Roger Goodell: 'No policy change' on national anthem
When the revenue drop gets painful enough it will be forced.

It may even become police after the meeting(s) that are scheduled. I'm just pointing out that Goodell didn't actually tell players they have to stand.

May even become policy. Ugh, typos.
More nonsensical bullshit from the delicate pogo.
I fly a flag at my house. Businesses fly flags at their establishments.

The secondary question --- we can't get past the primary question of what the fuck politics has to do with playing a game but if we could get past it ---- is of course, why it must be mandatory.

GMU can fly his flag over his house all he wants. That business in his town can fly theirs too. No issue there. The problems come in when GMU starts demanding, and that business starts demanding, that every other house and every other business must do the same thing. As if they're some kind of Borg.

So apparently on the question of "why do we do this" the best answer we can come up with is "because everybody else is doing it" or "because someone told us to".

Here's where that sort of obsequious "because someone told them to" lockstep subservient mentality leads......

Why did the uploader use "Stayin' Alive"? Because that's how you stay alive in North Korea, literally. You fall into the lockstep that "everybody else" is doing, or else you get shot. And where do they get so many soldiers? Simple --- they feed them. As opposed to the general population that gets starved. Those who don't fall into lockstep, you can starve them if you have that level of power, or if you're not quite there yet you can "fire the sumbitches". The coercion is the same.

Here's where that mindless robotic "because someone told me to" mentality leads:

Guess what happened to those who said "Nein" to that mob.

Here's what happens to those who DO stand up when that robotic lockstep Borg mentality starts to get a foothold:

>> Starr had been accosted by a mob which demanded that he kiss the American flag, but he refused. Today he is sentenced to 10-20 years of hard labor in a state penitentiary as well as fined $500 plus court costs.

...... Apparently, no members of the mob are ever punished in any way for how they treated Earnest Starr; only Starr is punished, and for all intents and purposes he's punished for having the gall to refuse to submit to a mob. << -- This Day in History

Got that? Ordered by a mob to kiss a flag --- you know, for "National Pride".
See the difference between that and coercing sports teams and audiences into the same thing?
Exactly. Me neither.

Those who ignore days like that in their history, condemn themselves to relive it.

Y'all are well on the way, robots. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


Ein Mindset! Ein Anthem! Ein Football Game! Leni Riefenstahl approves.

Fucking somnabulistic sheep.


He's not the man, he's an idiot spouting off bullshit. I've said all along they can do whatever the hell they want BUT if their boss tell them how to behave on HIS time on HIS job on HIS property then they damn well better get off their fucking knees.

Pogo is a moron throwing out straw man arguments because he can't beat me on the merits of my argument.

Those players are HIRED. They are not the owners lol.

coming from a troll who runs off with his tail between his legs when presented with facts he cant refute how evil our government really is,you hardly have any credibility to speak.:rofl: I cant count how many times I have waited for you to address facts that take you to school and prove you wrong only to watch you run away every single time about government corruption.:rofl:

You should get a room together with USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger and anquity,two trolls who to this day REFUSE to own up to it that they were proven wrong by me that the Rams would never come back to LA always getting angry and changing the subject when i ask the simple question-"what was it you were saying about the rams never coming back to LA? " which they stated MANY times 3 years ago.:rofl:

they both start crying like babies to immature to own up to it. well YOU do the same when you cant refute pesky facts how corrupt and evil our government really is so excuse me if i dont listen to your drivel that reminds me so much of anquity and wrongwinger.:lmao:
More nonsensical bullshit from the delicate pogo.
I fly a flag at my house. Businesses fly flags at their establishments.

The secondary question --- we can't get past the primary question of what the fuck politics has to do with playing a game but if we could get past it ---- is of course, why it must be mandatory.

GMU can fly his flag over his house all he wants. That business in his town can fly theirs too. No issue there. The problems come in when GMU starts demanding, and that business starts demanding, that every other house and every other business must do the same thing. As if they're some kind of Borg.

So apparently on the question of "why do we do this" the best answer we can come up with is "because everybody else is doing it" or "because someone told us to".

Here's where that sort of obsequious "because someone told them to" lockstep subservient mentality leads......

Why did the uploader use "Stayin' Alive"? Because that's how you stay alive in North Korea, literally. You fall into the lockstep that "everybody else" is doing, or else you get shot. And where do they get so many soldiers? Simple --- they feed them. As opposed to the general population that gets starved. Those who don't fall into lockstep, you can starve them if you have that level of power, or if you're not quite there yet you can "fire the sumbitches". The coercion is the same.

Here's where that mindless robotic "because someone told me to" mentality leads:

Guess what happened to those who said "Nein" to that mob.

Here's what happens to those who DO stand up when that robotic lockstep Borg mentality starts to get a foothold:

>> Starr had been accosted by a mob which demanded that he kiss the American flag, but he refused. Today he is sentenced to 10-20 years of hard labor in a state penitentiary as well as fined $500 plus court costs.

...... Apparently, no members of the mob are ever punished in any way for how they treated Earnest Starr; only Starr is punished, and for all intents and purposes he's punished for having the gall to refuse to submit to a mob. << -- This Day in History

Got that? Ordered by a mob to kiss a flag --- you know, for "National Pride".
See the difference between that and coercing sports teams and audiences into the same thing?
Exactly. Me neither.

Those who ignore days like that in their history, condemn themselves to relive it.

Y'all are well on the way, robots. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


Ein Mindset! Ein Anthem! Ein Football Game! Leni Riefenstahl approves.

Fucking somnabulistic sheep.


He's not the man, he's an idiot spouting off bullshit. I've said all along they can do whatever the hell they want BUT if their boss tell them how to behave on HIS time on HIS job on HIS property then they damn well better get off their fucking knees.

Pogo is a moron throwing out straw man arguments because he can't beat me on the merits of my argument.

Those players are HIRED. They are not the owners lol.

You couldn't answer either of the questions I posed even given all day. Not even the basic one. And here a day later ------- you still can't.

See, this is where your whole premise fell to the ground. It's fallen, and it can't get up. Because it never WAS up. You swallowed a ritual whole without ever stopping to ask why you're doing it. And this is where that negligence leaves you.



I answered it in my first response. Being the hack that you are you ignored the answer I gave you.

No, you did not.

The question being, what is the FUNCTION of a national anthem in a sports event, the best you could come up with was "an expression of national pride".

That tells us what a national anthem *IS*. It does not tell us what function it plays in a sports event.

Put another way, how would the ensuing game be altered if the anthem were not played?

You can readily answer how a game would have been altered if McBungle didn't throw that interception. Or how it would have been altered if McClumsy hadn't fumbled the ball on that punt return.

Along the same lines, explain to the class how not playing some national anthem would have altered that game. In other words --- justify its existence in that event.

STILL your move.

"Pride" by the way is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. So -------------- there's that.
Keep all players in the locker room until after the NA is played.

Problem. Solved.
Keep all players in the locker room until after the NA is played.

Problem. Solved.

Zackly. The way they used to do it until a few years ago when some klown thought it would be a "marketing tool".

Only thing more mindlessly crass than using your own national anthem as a "marketing tool" is robots lining up to defend the use of their own national anthem as a "marketing tool". E.g. OP.

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