NFL commissioner sends letter to all teams telling players to STAND during National Anthem

Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas. Give them their special one hour episode on tv to cry fake tears just left me know when & what channel so I can avoid it like the plague that it is.

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand

Players have contracts, they cannot be revoked by fiat. I wonder how long the commissioner will keep his job, now that he has alienated a large proportion of the NFL employees.

It seems to me the issue of brain damage should be his number one concern for the players, and not focus on their RIGHT to protest. Especially when the protest is not directed at our armed forces and the flag, but on the lack of equal protection by the law of a minority of Americans.

Trump and Pence spin this issue to take the heat off of an incompetent administration, their spin is bathos, that is, insincere patriotism, to the extreme.
More nonsensical bullshit from the delicate pogo.
I fly a flag at my house. Businesses fly flags at their establishments.

The secondary question --- we can't get past the primary question of what the fuck politics has to do with playing a game but if we could get past it ---- is of course, why it must be mandatory.

GMU can fly his flag over his house all he wants. That business in his town can fly theirs too. No issue there. The problems come in when GMU starts demanding, and that business starts demanding, that every other house and every other business must do the same thing. As if they're some kind of Borg.

So apparently on the question of "why do we do this" the best answer we can come up with is "because everybody else is doing it" or "because someone told us to".

Here's where that sort of obsequious "because someone told them to" lockstep subservient mentality leads......

Why did the uploader use "Stayin' Alive"? Because that's how you stay alive in North Korea, literally. You fall into the lockstep that "everybody else" is doing, or else you get shot. And where do they get so many soldiers? Simple --- they feed them. As opposed to the general population that gets starved. Those who don't fall into lockstep, you can starve them if you have that level of power, or if you're not quite there yet you can "fire the sumbitches". The coercion is the same.

Here's where that mindless robotic "because someone told me to" mentality leads:

Guess what happened to those who said "Nein" to that mob.

Here's what happens to those who DO stand up when that robotic lockstep Borg mentality starts to get a foothold:

>> Starr had been accosted by a mob which demanded that he kiss the American flag, but he refused. Today he is sentenced to 10-20 years of hard labor in a state penitentiary as well as fined $500 plus court costs.

...... Apparently, no members of the mob are ever punished in any way for how they treated Earnest Starr; only Starr is punished, and for all intents and purposes he's punished for having the gall to refuse to submit to a mob. << -- This Day in History

Got that? Ordered by a mob to kiss a flag --- you know, for "National Pride".
See the difference between that and coercing sports teams and audiences into the same thing?
Exactly. Me neither.

Those who ignore days like that in their history, condemn themselves to relive it.

Y'all are well on the way, robots. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


Ein Mindset! Ein Anthem! Ein Football Game! Leni Riefenstahl approves.

Fucking somnabulistic sheep.
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I know when I started school, that when I learned about the National Anthem .
Every morning at 9:00 AM, we stood and saluted the flag, with are hand are on heart .

And for all you dumb asses, that the right hand too ...
You can bet that if this were substituted for the playing of the national anthem those snowflakes would pull their heels out of their asses and jump to attention!

ONE MORE piece of evidence this piece of shit commissioner is easily the worst NFL commissioner ever.

First this piece of shit crap has his head up Robert Krafts ass letting the cheatriots get away with scandal after scandal that other teams get punished for if THEY commit the same offense and NOW this.

goddel is a criminal so this is no suprise this facist dicater said this.

Lets all be sheep and salute this facist dictatership government.Land of the free my ass.america is one of the most oppressed in the whole country.I leave for the restroom when i have to hear those naseating propaganda words LAND OF THE FREE bullshit.

kudos to all the NFL players taking a stand against out corrupt govermment.:clap2::clap2:

keep up the good work NFL players:thup:,dont let that asshole Goodel run you off.

Goodel reminds me of those other two assholes who also dont believe in free speech.NFL owners Dean Spanos of the chargers and Mark Davis of the Raiders.

Spanos trying to stop planes from flying overhead at games at carson telling the chargers to go back to san diego and mark davis using his dictater powers ordering the police there to escort people out who wear shirts that say" fuck mark davis.":up:

funny that this asshole never cared in the past when they wore shirts inside the stadium that said "fuck the niners."

Davis doesnt mind the fuck word being seen inside the stadium,just when it is directed at him.Fucking hypocrite.

Goddell,Davis,Spanos and the rest of the NFL can go fuck themselves.:fu:
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Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas.

And why didn't you tune out when the Pentagon used your tax dollars to inject that political platform into pro sports in the first place?


How do you think it got there? Tooth Fairy?

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand

Funny, a week or two ago there were armchair quarterbacks all over this board claiming that was already in the NFL rules.

Guess they were wrong huh?

I don't consider our national anthem political. I think anyone that does is a special kind of snowflake.

Injecting it into football games and baseball games isn't political? :wtf:

Way to run away from the obvious point. Acting stupid always works.

If your team and another team plays a game and nobody played the NA ---- does the game count?
What if you didn't play it until the 7th inning? Did the first 6½ just -------- not happen?

Here's a quick and easy way to put this entire bullshit to rest:
-------- Explain the function of a national anthem (any national anthem) in a baseball or football game that is not part of the Olympics.

Nobody's ever done that. Ever.

Doesn’t matter when it’s played, stand you’re ass up and enjoy the benefits of living here, or you could always move to a better country if this one has treated you so badly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I would rather take a stand and fight against corruption than cowardly run away.People like Rosa Parks and MLK proved change is possible.they are heros I admire for standing up to a corrupt goverment.there needs to be more patriotic heros like them.:thup:
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More nonsensical bullshit from the delicate pogo.
I fly a flag at my house. Businesses fly flags at their establishments.

The secondary question --- we can't get past the primary question of what the fuck politics has to do with playing a game but if we could get past it ---- is of course, why it must be mandatory.

GMU can fly his flag over his house all he wants. That business in his town can fly theirs too. No issue there. The problems come in when GMU starts demanding, and that business starts demanding, that every other house and every other business must do the same thing. As if they're some kind of Borg.

So apparently on the question of "why do we do this" the best answer we can come up with is "because everybody else is doing it" or "because someone told us to".

Here's where that sort of obsequious "because someone told them to" lockstep subservient mentality leads......

Why did the uploader use "Stayin' Alive"? Because that's how you stay alive in North Korea, literally. You fall into the lockstep that "everybody else" is doing, or else you get shot. And where do they get so many soldiers? Simple --- they feed them. As opposed to the general population that gets starved. Those who don't fall into lockstep, you can starve them if you have that level of power, or if you're not quite there yet you can "fire the sumbitches". The coercion is the same.

Here's where that mindless robotic "because someone told me to" mentality leads:

Guess what happened to those who said "Nein" to that mob.

Here's what happens to those who DO stand up when that robotic lockstep Borg mentality starts to get a foothold:

>> Starr had been accosted by a mob which demanded that he kiss the American flag, but he refused. Today he is sentenced to 10-20 years of hard labor in a state penitentiary as well as fined $500 plus court costs.

...... Apparently, no members of the mob are ever punished in any way for how they treated Earnest Starr; only Starr is punished, and for all intents and purposes he's punished for having the gall to refuse to submit to a mob. << -- This Day in History

Got that? Ordered by a mob to kiss a flag --- you know, for "National Pride".
See the difference between that and coercing sports teams and audiences into the same thing?
Exactly. Me neither.

Those who ignore days like that in their history, condemn themselves to relive it.

Y'all are well on the way, robots. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


Ein Mindset! Ein Anthem! Ein Football Game! Leni Riefenstahl approves.

Fucking somnabulistic sheep.

More nonsensical bullshit from the delicate pogo.
I fly a flag at my house. Businesses fly flags at their establishments.

The secondary question --- we can't get past the primary question of what the fuck politics has to do with playing a game but if we could get past it ---- is of course, why it must be mandatory.

GMU can fly his flag over his house all he wants. That business in his town can fly theirs too. No issue there. The problems come in when GMU starts demanding, and that business starts demanding, that every other house and every other business must do the same thing. As if they're some kind of Borg.

So apparently on the question of "why do we do this" the best answer we can come up with is "because everybody else is doing it" or "because someone told us to".

Here's where that sort of obsequious "because someone told them to" lockstep subservient mentality leads......

Why did the uploader use "Stayin' Alive"? Because that's how you stay alive in North Korea, literally. You fall into the lockstep that "everybody else" is doing, or else you get shot. And where do they get so many soldiers? Simple --- they feed them. As opposed to the general population that gets starved. Those who don't fall into lockstep, you can starve them if you have that level of power, or if you're not quite there yet you can "fire the sumbitches". The coercion is the same.

Here's where that mindless robotic "because someone told me to" mentality leads:

Guess what happened to those who said "Nein" to that mob.

Here's what happens to those who DO stand up when that robotic lockstep Borg mentality starts to get a foothold:

>> Starr had been accosted by a mob which demanded that he kiss the American flag, but he refused. Today he is sentenced to 10-20 years of hard labor in a state penitentiary as well as fined $500 plus court costs.

...... Apparently, no members of the mob are ever punished in any way for how they treated Earnest Starr; only Starr is punished, and for all intents and purposes he's punished for having the gall to refuse to submit to a mob. << -- This Day in History

Got that? Ordered by a mob to kiss a flag --- you know, for "National Pride".
See the difference between that and coercing sports teams and audiences into the same thing?
Exactly. Me neither.

Those who ignore days like that in their history, condemn themselves to relive it.

Y'all are well on the way, robots. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


Ein Mindset! Ein Anthem! Ein Football Game! Leni Riefenstahl approves.

Fucking somnabulistic sheep.


He's not the man, he's an idiot spouting off bullshit. I've said all along they can do whatever the hell they want BUT if their boss tell them how to behave on HIS time on HIS job on HIS property then they damn well better get off their fucking knees.

Pogo is a moron throwing out straw man arguments because he can't beat me on the merits of my argument.

Those players are HIRED. They are not the owners lol.
Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas.

And why didn't you tune out when the Pentagon used your tax dollars to inject that political platform into pro sports in the first place?


How do you think it got there? Tooth Fairy?

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand

Funny, a week or two ago there were armchair quarterbacks all over this board claiming that was already in the NFL rules.

Guess they were wrong huh?

I don't consider our national anthem political. I think anyone that does is a special kind of snowflake.

Injecting it into football games and baseball games isn't political? :wtf:

Way to run away from the obvious point. Acting stupid always works.

If your team and another team plays a game and nobody played the NA ---- does the game count?
What if you didn't play it until the 7th inning? Did the first 6½ just -------- not happen?

Here's a quick and easy way to put this entire bullshit to rest:
-------- Explain the function of a national anthem (any national anthem) in a baseball or football game that is not part of the Olympics.

Nobody's ever done that. Ever.

Doesn’t matter when it’s played, stand you’re ass up and enjoy the benefits of living here, or you could always move to a better country if this one has treated you so badly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I would rather take a stand and fight against corruption than cowardly run away.People like Rosa Parks and MLK proved change is possible.they are heros I admire for standing up to a corrupt goverment.there needs to be more patriotic heros like them.:thup:

Does anyone remember what happen to Rosa Parks in her later years of life ?
I live in Michigan, so let me tell you what the " ******* " did to her .

They " ******* " broke in her house, beat the hell out of her, and o-ya, lets not forget they robbed her too ...
I know when I started school, that when I learned about the National Anthem .
Every morning at 9:00 AM, we stood and saluted the flag, with are hand are on heart .

---- and you uttered a prayer of worship to an object, which is idolatry. Fetishism.

Check the first six words.

Fun fact --- guess how many countries in the world have a festish-prayer similar to our "Pledge of Allegiance".

One -- our former colony, the Philippines

And for all you dumb asses, that the right hand too ...

What if you're lefthanded? :eusa_think:
Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas. Give them their special one hour episode on tv to cry fake tears just left me know when & what channel so I can avoid it like the plague that it is.

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand
Stand even if you don't mean it. So in 4 years we can all say we didn't really mean to give the nazi solute we were forced to do it
You can bet that if this were substituted for the playing of the national anthem those snowflakes would pull their heels out of their asses and jump to attention!

Actually half the starting lineup of a lot of baseball teams is made up of Venezuelan players. On any given game day Venezuela might be the most represented country on the field, ahead of the Cubas and Dominican Republics and the occasional Nebraska. And yet we don't sit through the national anthems of Cuba or Venezuela or the DR or for that matter those of Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Panama, Colombia, Mexico or any of the Antilles where the other players hail from.

Why is that? If we're playing the one, shouldn't we be playing them all?

Oh wait, I forgot ---- there's no possible answer to that question. :eusa_doh:

Damn, I keep doing that.
More nonsensical bullshit from the delicate pogo.
I fly a flag at my house. Businesses fly flags at their establishments.

The secondary question --- we can't get past the primary question of what the fuck politics has to do with playing a game but if we could get past it ---- is of course, why it must be mandatory.

GMU can fly his flag over his house all he wants. That business in his town can fly theirs too. No issue there. The problems come in when GMU starts demanding, and that business starts demanding, that every other house and every other business must do the same thing. As if they're some kind of Borg.

So apparently on the question of "why do we do this" the best answer we can come up with is "because everybody else is doing it" or "because someone told us to".

Here's where that sort of obsequious "because someone told them to" lockstep subservient mentality leads......

Why did the uploader use "Stayin' Alive"? Because that's how you stay alive in North Korea, literally. You fall into the lockstep that "everybody else" is doing, or else you get shot. And where do they get so many soldiers? Simple --- they feed them. As opposed to the general population that gets starved. Those who don't fall into lockstep, you can starve them if you have that level of power, or if you're not quite there yet you can "fire the sumbitches". The coercion is the same.

Here's where that mindless robotic "because someone told me to" mentality leads:

Guess what happened to those who said "Nein" to that mob.

Here's what happens to those who DO stand up when that robotic lockstep Borg mentality starts to get a foothold:

>> Starr had been accosted by a mob which demanded that he kiss the American flag, but he refused. Today he is sentenced to 10-20 years of hard labor in a state penitentiary as well as fined $500 plus court costs.

...... Apparently, no members of the mob are ever punished in any way for how they treated Earnest Starr; only Starr is punished, and for all intents and purposes he's punished for having the gall to refuse to submit to a mob. << -- This Day in History

Got that? Ordered by a mob to kiss a flag --- you know, for "National Pride".
See the difference between that and coercing sports teams and audiences into the same thing?
Exactly. Me neither.

Those who ignore days like that in their history, condemn themselves to relive it.

Y'all are well on the way, robots. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


Ein Mindset! Ein Anthem! Ein Football Game! Leni Riefenstahl approves.

Fucking somnabulistic sheep.


He's not the man, he's an idiot spouting off bullshit. I've said all along they can do whatever the hell they want BUT if their boss tell them how to behave on HIS time on HIS job on HIS property then they damn well better get off their fucking knees.

Pogo is a moron throwing out straw man arguments because he can't beat me on the merits of my argument.

Those players are HIRED. They are not the owners lol.

You couldn't answer either of the questions I posed even given all day. Not even the basic one. And here a day later ------- you still can't.

See, this is where your whole premise fell to the ground. It's fallen, and it can't get up. Because it never WAS up. You swallowed a ritual whole without ever stopping to ask why you're doing it. And this is where that negligence leaves you.


Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas. Give them their special one hour episode on tv to cry fake tears just left me know when & what channel so I can avoid it like the plague that it is.

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand
Do you throw tupperware parties when you hear another unarmed black child has been shot and killed for, for, uh, well, for being black?

And Republicans wonder why blacks, Hispanics and other minorities won't join their nasty party in significant numbers.
I know when I started school, that when I learned about the National Anthem .
Every morning at 9:00 AM, we stood and saluted the flag, with are hand are on heart .

---- and you uttered a prayer of worship to an object, which is idolatry. Fetishism.

Check the first six words.

Fun fact --- guess how many countries in the world have a festish-prayer similar to our "Pledge of Allegiance".

One -- our former colony, the Philippines

And for all you dumb asses, that the right hand too ...

What if you're lefthanded? :eusa_think:

I am left handed----but traditionally----the HEART leans to left-------placing one's left hand on the left leaning heart is
awkward even for a left handed person. I have TRAINED
myself-----to lift my cup with my right hand------in order to be
socially acceptable. I FORCE myself----when amongst
middle easterners and persons of the Indian subcontinent----
to use my RIGHT HAND when scooping into rice. Awkward ----but-------I have adapted
Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas. Give them their special one hour episode on tv to cry fake tears just left me know when & what channel so I can avoid it like the plague that it is.

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand
Stand even if you don't mean it. So in 4 years we can all say we didn't really mean to give the nazi solute we were forced to do it

You're comparing America to Nazi Germany? Why do you even live here? The fact that you do live here makes you the biggest hypocrite on the planet (expect for Hillary and Hollywood elites re: Harvey Weinstein, but I digress). It's a FREE country, if you feel that way no one is stopping you from leaving.
Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas. Give them their special one hour episode on tv to cry fake tears just left me know when & what channel so I can avoid it like the plague that it is.

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand
Stand even if you don't mean it. So in 4 years we can all say we didn't really mean to give the nazi solute we were forced to do it

You're comparing America to Nazi Germany? Why do you even live here? The fact that you do live here makes you the biggest hypocrite on the planet (expect for Hillary and Hollywood elites re: Harvey Weinstein, but I digress). It's a FREE country, if you feel that way no one is stopping you from leaving.

it is a point of normal social behavior to STAND for national
anthems Football could avoid the problem by NOT PLAYING the national anthem and not lifting the flag and
allowing booze and overt sexual acts in the stadium whilst
the football jerks kick the ball and each other
Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas. Give them their special one hour episode on tv to cry fake tears just left me know when & what channel so I can avoid it like the plague that it is.

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand
Stand even if you don't mean it. So in 4 years we can all say we didn't really mean to give the nazi solute we were forced to do it

You're comparing America to Nazi Germany? Why do you even live here? The fact that you do live here makes you the biggest hypocrite on the planet (expect for Hillary and Hollywood elites re: Harvey Weinstein, but I digress). It's a FREE country, if you feel that way no one is stopping you from leaving.

it is a point of normal social behavior to STAND for national
anthems Football could avoid the problem by NOT PLAYING the national anthem and not lifting the flag and
allowing booze and overt sexual acts in the stadium whilst
the football jerks kick the ball and each other

I guess. I was just responding the Nazi Germany comment.
Well now the power struggle should be interesting to watch unfold. He promises some type of in season platform to recognize their political points. THAT is when I WILL tune out. As I've stated all along I don't give a damn about these players political or social agendas. Give them their special one hour episode on tv to cry fake tears just left me know when & what channel so I can avoid it like the plague that it is.

Goodell sends letter, wants players to stand
Stand even if you don't mean it. So in 4 years we can all say we didn't really mean to give the nazi solute we were forced to do it

You're comparing America to Nazi Germany? Why do you even live here? The fact that you do live here makes you the biggest hypocrite on the planet (expect for Hillary and Hollywood elites re: Harvey Weinstein, but I digress). It's a FREE country, if you feel that way no one is stopping you from leaving.

it is a point of normal social behavior to STAND for national
anthems Football could avoid the problem by NOT PLAYING the national anthem and not lifting the flag and
allowing booze and overt sexual acts in the stadium whilst
the football jerks kick the ball and each other

I guess. I was just responding the Nazi Germany comment.

it's ok fang------I understand, bubele

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