NFL hires 1st transgender cheerleader

I am guessing the Jewish establishment created and promoted the LBTQu33r thing which mainly features Black and Brown people because males and females look very similar, although females are usually obese, as an attack on White people and White civilization and culture.

Brother Nat weighs in on the topic.


It figures it'd be something like that.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but at the end of the day, how important are the cheerleaders exactly? Shouldn't the true purpose for tuning in be the actual game and only it? Until something life threatening starts taking place, who cares what is being done by anyone else other than those who are playing the game?

God bless you always!!!


That isn't the point, the point is the ongoing 'normalization' of these freaks and the detrimental effects of this crap in toto. It is a symptom of the rot and degeneracy in our business communities and society in general. It needs to be denounced same as the rest of the sicko crap.
Yet you go to a thread that is a ridiculous non-issue and feel the need to make a post in a thread about a ridiculous non-issue. :itsok:
I have to agree though, it's kind of a non-issue.

A cheerleader's job is to cheer, not necessarily to give the guys with binoculars a hard-on.

To the extent this trans person can jump around like a chick, I wish him the best of luck and success in his career.

Here's what I predict will happen though: they'll let him go after a year because of customer feedback, and then he'll sue for discrimination.
That isn't the point, the point is the ongoing 'normalization' of these freaks and the detrimental effects of this crap in toto. It is a symptom of the rot and degeneracy in our business communities and society in general. It needs to be denounced same as the rest of the sicko crap.
I know. I was only trying to make a point that the cheerleaders have never been the most important part of the picture in the first place. If anything, what is happening now may make them even more irrelevant.

God bless you always!!!

A cheerleader's job is to cheer, not necessarily to give the guys with binoculars a hard-on.

The last 50 years of cheerleader choices and marketing says that's exactly their job. These are subsidiary sales companies for the team's brand, everything from posters to women's sportwear with the team logos.

But yeah, this is going to be a big fail for them, since faggots aren't the huge market these morons think it is.

God bless America
I guess the left needs more degeneracy
I guess America is still not as trashy for them
I made a thread not too long ago where the left, who used to be totally against the objectification of women in all forms, are starting to cheer various "people" for being on the cover of Sports Illustrated and other publications, either wearing swimsuits or baring it all. Now the left cheer in full force as cheerleaders, who used to be accused of being objectified, are now cheered and looked up to historically. They are proud of using people's bodies and showing them in full display. Of course if you are white and have a perfect body, you are being objectified.

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