Nfl Hires 4 Feminists To Rip What's Left Of Their Balls Off

The "disneyfication" of the NFL has begun....

You are right.

Furthermore, sports is becoming a place where the Libs can further cross pollinate apolitical sports fans with their Progressive message.

This was from today's Rush Limbaugh Show:

RUSH: Folks, he may be exaggerating a bit there to make a point, but Scott is on to the way this is playing out. See, the secret in this is that the sports talk audience thinks that they are, "I don't like talk radio. I don't like politics." And they are hip deep in left-wing politics. And it's not just sports talk radio anymore. It's television. It's television sports. I've been trying to tell people as long as I've been aware of it that the sports Drive-Bys, if it's possible, are more liberal than their news Drive-By brothers and sisters. It is a stunning reality when you run up against some of them, when they're guests on CNN or when they're guests on MSNBC, it's stunning.

CALLER: Didn't Keith Olbermann come directly from MSNBC and he's ended up on ESPN?

RUSH: Well, he started at ESPN back when they weren't political, then he went to MSNBC, then Fox -- I think Fox. Maybe not. He was at MSNBC twice. Current TV. But yeah, good example. But he's not by no means the only one.

CALLER: Right. And it's even more dangerous in a sense because the people that come on there, because they're talking sports, they're free to meander in conversation and get their talking points in when you're not prepared for it. You know, you're talking about someone crossing the 50 yard line, before you know it it's global warming. And it's just sinking in little by little and they're getting all their points, because we're not talking politics, we're talking sports.

RUSH: And culture and entertainment and celebrity and all the things pop culture are made from.

CALLER: Exactly.

ESPN NFL Countdown No Social Commentary Allowed - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Not sure how anyone can be upset that the NFL has hired people to teach their players not to beat their wives or their children....

Your own intellectual shortcomings are not anyone else's problem.

My intellectual short comings? LOL a private business does something and you're whining that "they" ruined the NFL.

No one MADE the NFL do this, they looked around and said holy shit, we only want our players being violent ON the field..

Yeah? But it looks like they screwed that up pretty badly.

Just like the LAPD in the OJ Murder Investigation.

They might have nabbed him had they executed their duties properly.

The NFL could have handled this much better than they have and it has done nothing but unnecessarily inflame the passions of those in the public on both sides of the issue.

On top of that it has raised questions of whether the Commissioner was lying when he said he never saw the elevator video til this week. It suggests a lack of professionalism and competency in the NFL League Office for mishandling the video matter and for charging Rice with a 2 game suspension and then he was disciplined a second time (indefinitely suspended) for the same offense by the league.

The NFL could have done this without giving itself an unintentional black eye.

That may be why the NFL hired the four women to advise and direct the leagues' whateveritis policy now.

They screwed up the Ray Rice situation and they want to make sure they don't fumble the ball any more in the near future.

By the way, I'll remind any loyal Fox News morning viewers a few years ago they could tune in and watch stalwart FNC Anchor, Jon Scott co-host their show with a female anchor, Jane Skinner.

She was one cool chick. And good lookin, too! I saw her interview an aging rock star who still had the juice to get almost any girl he wanted and he was subtly hitting on Jane but she kept her cool and left him beggin.

Well she eventually left FNC to get married and start a family.

Who did she give up her Fox News anchor job/career to marry?

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.
Nfl Hires 4 Feminists To Rip What's Left Of Their Balls Off

Hyperbolic nonsense.

The NFL will continue to flourish and be as popular as ever.

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