NFL kneelers

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disrespecting the country came out of Trumps ass - Hannity constantly repeated it - Trumpdrones and Fox fans believe everything that comes from Trump and Fox ... theres no way in hell anyone will ever convince them they're wrong and they were lied to .. FACTS BE DAMNED.

Same RW shit, different day - BIG F'N SURPRISE !!

We believe what we see, Shit for Brains.

91 black men shot in Chicago, last week, and not one NFL player said anything
about it. Not one Chicago Bear went down there. Not one Bear called
out the Mayor.


Because the NFL teams are all in training camp?

Once again those with no idea what they're spewing about, don't let the fact that they're unarmed slow them down. Into the vallley of death rode they, and blundered.

The NFL doesn't allow them to speak in training camp?

I had locations near the Bengals Training Camp when they trained
in Georgetown, KY. Once practice and meetings had concluded they
were all over the place.

They lock the Bears up?
I agree. The kneelers are just disrespecting the country that is making them rich for playing a game. They aren't protesting anything specific

If that's what you need to tell yourself as you cry yourself to sleep over the revelation that not everybody is a sheep, I have to say I ain't surprised.

That made no sense in regard to my post. Your eyes are just watering from your searing Democrat party butt hurt

It makes no sense to me either. It's simply an observation that I understand you're not capable of addressing such an issue on its own terms and are forced to set up a strawman barricade to protect your snowflaked ass lest your bubble be burst.

----------- Unless of course you can show the class where some "kneeler" did so to "disrespect the country". But inasmuch as you pulled that out of your ass I doubt you can. So no, it makes no sense to waddle around crowing "Don't tell me what you think- -- I'll tell you what you think!" That's why fascist mentality makes no sense, but it's the soup you choose to swim in, so --- your choice.


You're such a dumb ass. They are kneeling specifically at the moment that they are playing the national anthem for Americans to just take a moment and appreciate the great country we live in. And you don't get the connection to protesting at that moment and disrespecting the country.

Too much white lightning, hillbilly.

Then there's how I blasted your ass and you call me a "snowflake." That made no sense at all. A snowflake melts, they don't blast your lazy, socialist ass, moron.

You gonna cry again?

Apparently you're still melting right here. In front of everybody.

The price of trying to dictate what other people think. You should know by now where that goes. :dig:

You're just babbling
Sports is supposed to be an escape from the rigors of everyday life, is sucks when it becomes political.

This is truth. So you've been firing off strongly-worded letters at the Pentagon and the NFL for trotting in these fake patriotism charades at what was supposed to be a football game, haven't you.

Wow, the Pentagon and the NFL started the kneeling?

You just get dumber and more Democrat partisan every day
still waiting for an explanation of the context on the ORIGINAL PLAYER PROTESTS ...

Angry, entitled black man kneels because he hates America and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him or how much worse it is everywhere else

Typical asshole Trumpette who doesn't give a rat's ass that black men are being unjustly killed by law enforcement.

Maybe they just don't know their place, right?
I think it's unfortunate as sporting events are rare opportunities where Americans can draw together for a couple hours of fun. I'm not about to espouse infringing on another's 1st A rights though! It's a private company and leadership can do whatever they want. I take great umbrage at the antics, but hey freedom covers even the repugnant. One's rights can't only extend to what one group of people espouse; thank God for all those who have bled and died in securing our freedoms in the first place...!

You’d think so . Accept at pretty much every game we are bombarded with pro war propaganda.

--- And the Pentagon got busted for using its taxpayer dollars to set that shit up in pro sports across the board.

Ironically the only pro sport that AFAIK fessed up, acknowledged taking that taxpayer money and promised to send it back (and did) was --- the NFL.
still waiting for an explanation of the context on the ORIGINAL PLAYER PROTESTS ...

Angry, entitled black man kneels because he hates America and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him or how much worse it is everywhere else

Typical asshole Trumpette who doesn't give a rat's ass that black men are being unjustly killed by law enforcement.

Maybe they just don't know their place, right?

And "Real" Dave admits he's losing and getting his ass handed to him. He tries to end debate with ... you're a racist!

LOL, thanks for the admission, RealLoser ...

Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Well if Trump would have just STFU--this wouldn't be going on right now, would it?


Yes it would, because the actions by the NFL had nothing to do with Trump. It had to do with losing audience and revenue.

The fucking national anthem isn't even part of the telecasts.

As we hashed out a year ago but apparently are going to cut and paste all over again because some wags weren't listening to any voice but their own, there's no evidence of "losing audience". The stadia stayed packed, and cherrypicking TV ratings where all sports and all programming of any kind is in decline in favor of streaming and phoning and tableting and the like, is just dishonest hackery.

Just as Alex John Brinkley Jones will see a spike in his own attention simply out of his wailing butthurt about having his YouTube toy taken away, so the NFL would have seen a spike in TV interest, however momentary, at least until the point viewers realized that what y'all are stomping your little feet about isn't even broadcast on TV.

So don't insult readers' intelligence with that bullshit.

If there was any truth to what you say the NFL would not be taking actions to prevent future events. When the NFL started to become sissified, they began to lose viewers. When the kneeling started, they lost even more.

And your causative evidence here is-----?

I'll give you a week so you can see your proctologist to help find it.
I think it's unfortunate as sporting events are rare opportunities where Americans can draw together for a couple hours of fun. I'm not about to espouse infringing on another's 1st A rights though! It's a private company and leadership can do whatever they want. I take great umbrage at the antics, but hey freedom covers even the repugnant. One's rights can't only extend to what one group of people espouse; thank God for all those who have bled and died in securing our freedoms in the first place...!

You’d think so . Accept at pretty much every game we are bombarded with pro war propaganda.

--- And the Pentagon got busted for using its taxpayer dollars to set that shit up in pro sports across the board.

Ironically the only pro sport that AFAIK fessed up, acknowledged taking that taxpayer money and promised to send it back (and did) was --- the NFL.

It's hilarious how you think the Pentagon started the kneeling bringing politics into sport.

Have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one?
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Progressives are often fucked in the head. They lack respect, promote division and like bringing attention to themselves. In this case they're in such decay they lie by denying they're protesting our flag, anthem and country. And they can't even articulate their motives using factual information.

So, I get it. You know what they are protesting & those protesting don't know.

How about you fake Americans STFU & quit using the military as a crutch when we all know that if you actually gave a shit about this country or its military, you would not have voted for the veteran trashing, draft dodging POS Trump.
No, the reason behind the movement has been very clear -- they are protesting the lack of ACCOUNTABILITY by law enforcement and prosecutors when it comes to their reluctance to prosecute bad cops and even in cases were the officers were "FOUND" guilty -- they still receive relatively light sentences -- that is what the protests are geared towards

but for folks like you, you feel a rancher in Nevada not paying a million bucks in grazing fees is the real injustice worth having an armed standoff over.

Why don't you give me an example of what you're talking about. Every police shooting or accusation of brutality is investigated thoroughly, some are police even brought to charges even though they did everything by the book.

What these black players are protesting is that police don't go to jail for following the law. They are politically and legally ignorant. We don't lock up cops for doing something you don't like. That's how it works in the jungle, but not in a civilized society.

Here, police (and us armed citizens) have the right to use deadly force even against an unarmed attacker. These overpaid game players don't understand that. Like you, they have no knowledge that there are more whites (and unarmed whites) who get shot and killed by police every year than blacks, yet where are the white football players taking a knee for them?

And like you, they don't know anything about it because like you, they are merely media puppets who are told what to do instead of thinking for themselves. The MSM knows that when white people get shot, it won't start any protests, it won't start any riots, it won't cause people to attack private and public business or destroy police cars.

"second, if I did, and decided to still protest, I will accept the punishment, which in the case of the NFL is a fine" -- What about reading do you not like? Also, everyone's principles are not for sale, I know most conservatives are almost incapable of believing that fact, but its true -- some people stand on their principles despite financial losses

Which is why this man who was hated for his stance back then is so admired now by those who would have hated them back then

On principles? I guess that would explain all the black football players leaving the NFL.
No the principle is that even with threat of their finances being affected by fines and loss sponsorships, they are still pushing forward with their protests -- not only that, they have the influence to sway public sentiment in their direction enough to withstand any retribution by the league owners or the president --- that is the fact that bothers you folks the most

You would much rather the black entertainer would just duck his head and keep dancing for massa -- no thanks..

It's the same crowd that's against unions -- the concept that people under a thumb would dare to stand up against that thumb, scares the shit out of them because they themselves don't have the stones to stand up. Therefore they have to drag those that do, down to where they are --- the supplicant, obedient, passive, obsequious, robotic zombie land where everybody "obeys orders" like good puppets.

"When they came for the football players I said nothing because I was not a football player..."
If anything, we conservatives are the ones that ought to be kneeling for injustices.



Happen to agree with Kaepernick with this.

Don't we? Notice how that is not really talked about?

That is the injustice and what we have all learned about what the fbi is guilty of, and how they are clearly undermining the people. Talk about interference in elections. We have an irs that has been caught targeting conservative groups. We have a presidential candidate caught destroying subpoenaed emails, and the reason she is not indicted is because she did not intend to break the law?

We are the ones that ought to be kneeling in front of a flag for injustice.
Whenever a black man doesn't have a gun at all, and still gets shot, he had it coming -- he should have just listened - because it clearly states that you are allowed to kill people for not listening to you

Except for in the case of this guy, who actually followed police orders and was still shot...were you outraged about that?

And what happened to the officer?

Yes, you can get shot for not listening because a move you make could be considered life threatening. In most all cases, a grand jury decides not to indict because the officer was within the law when he used deadly force.

If an unarmed man (of any race) approaches me in my car and tries to break in and I have nowhere to go, I can legally fill him with holes, and I won't even get a ticket yet alone charged. That's our law.

Well luckily in the case of the guy who totally followed police commands and was still shot -- luckily there was a guy recording it with a cell phone -- so that officer was charged -- that wouldn't have been the case otherwise. Now if that officer will be convicted, that remains to be seen..

As for your belief that police should be able to shoot anyone who walks up on them or approaches them in their car -- are you claiming that you are in support of this officer shooting this woman for approaching their car?


It has nothing to do with cars. So I'll post our law here in the State of Ohio for CCW Holders: A licensed CCW holder is permitted to use deadly force if they believe they or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's our law and it's very similar to those in other states.

As for police officers that do not find themselves in such jeopardy, if they use deadly force, they are held accountable just like any other citizen. And I believe the case you're talking about (above) has not been investigated completely yet, and I'm sure everything will come out (pro or con) when the investigation is complete. Then we'll see what happens at that time.

The bottom line is that there is nothing to protest. When good police officers use justified deadly force, they are not charged. When bad cops use unjustified deadly force, they pay the consequences.

So, cops feared for their lives & killed people running away.

This idea that you assholes just have to claim you were afraid & you get to kill anyone.

This is one reason you should never ever been allowed to carry a concealed weapon.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.

Government is prosecuting kneelers? You're going to have to prove that, I call bull shit to that
I think he means that when Trump from his office as president was calling for NFL owners to fire NFL players -- which the owners could do, but people may have had a problem with Trump advocating for these players to face consequences for protesting.

I personally feel most of the president's animosity still stems from when he failed miserably to compete with the NFL years ago.

Hey, he won three dollars in that suit. Took the USFL down in the process as one of those failed/collapsed businesses he denies ever being part of but hey, three dollars is three dollars. Just $129,997 short of a Stormy Daniels.

So yeah he's still got a hard-on for the NFL. I think that's what he means by "something else must be small".

Oh and when he said "I guarantee there's no problem" obviously he meant there's "a" problem. He just demonstrated it. Another Rumpic "double negative".
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
I don't watch sports so I guess I don't get to give a shit.

You realize the thread is accurately titled. If you don't give a shit, click on another link. No one gives a shit that you don't give a shit
Yet you felt the need to reply.......... :eusa_whistle:

still waiting for an explanation of the context on the ORIGINAL PLAYER PROTESTS ...

Angry, entitled black man kneels because he hates America and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him or how much worse it is everywhere else

Typical asshole Trumpette who doesn't give a rat's ass that black men are being unjustly killed by law enforcement.

Maybe they just don't know their place, right?

And "Real" Dave admits he's losing and getting his ass handed to him. He tries to end debate with ... you're a racist!

LOL, thanks for the admission, RealLoser ...


The idea that you think these players have nothing to protest PRIOVES you are a racist piece of shit. Your problem, like many of your ilk, is that your racism is so inbred that you don't even know how racist you are.

These players are protesting social injustice based on race.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Good point. For me, I gave up watching for last season, in protest of the protest. I can do it again this year, but at a certain point I just won;t care about the NFL anymore. The longer it takes them to get back to just playing ball the more likely that will be the outcome. It is already too expensive to go watch the games in person.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.

Government is prosecuting kneelers? You're going to have to prove that, I call bull shit to that
I think he means that when Trump from his office as president was calling for NFL owners to fire NFL players -- which the owners could do, but people may have had a problem with Trump advocating for these players to face consequences for protesting.

I personally feel most of the president's animosity still stems from when he failed miserably to compete with the NFL years ago.

So you're saying the President doesn't have first Amendment rights? Where do you get that stupid idea?

Give some examples of when you objected to Obama using his first Amendment rights ...
Didnt say he didnt have first amendment rights, i am saying what people are complaining about -- I already said that president is well within his rights to attack NFL players and call their mothers bitches...

As long as you concede that Obama saying the "officer acted stupidly" doesn't mean that Obama hates police
The idea that these players do nothing offseason to promote their cause is just ignorant.

I haven't seen any of these guys at other events kneeling during the offseason. Do you have a link to that

And you wouldn't, because there's no mob coercing them to stand for an anthem in the first place.
Unless they go to a baseball game, in which case they would have been a part of whoever doesn't stand in the stands.

You ever notice me not-standing for the anthem at a baseball game? I doubt it.

Does that mean it didn't happen?

You just like digging deeper and deeper, doncha. :dig:

Exactly one hundred years ago another mob in another wave of mob jingoism, cornered a Montana citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded that he kiss the flag.

Starr refused to be cowed.

Starr was then arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. FOR REFUSING A MOB DEMAND TO KISS A FLAG. The mob that tried to coerce him? No arrests, no admonition, no punishment at all.

Mob Mentality --- where it leads.
Those who ignore their own history are condemned to ignorantly repeat it.

The Democrat party is all mob mentality now, you have nothing else

Any political party, even if one existed by such a name, depends on some level of mob mentality. But that's got as much to do with anything in this topic as dolphins have to do with forest fires, so Pogo's Law says you owe me a nickel.

And once again the same flaming hypocrisy you got called out for two weeks ago.
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