NFL kneelers

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Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.

Government is prosecuting kneelers? You're going to have to prove that, I call bull shit to that
I think he means that when Trump from his office as president was calling for NFL owners to fire NFL players -- which the owners could do, but people may have had a problem with Trump advocating for these players to face consequences for protesting.

I personally feel most of the president's animosity still stems from when he failed miserably to compete with the NFL years ago.

So you're saying the President doesn't have first Amendment rights? Where do you get that stupid idea?

Give some examples of when you objected to Obama using his first Amendment rights ...
Didnt say he didnt have first amendment rights, i am saying what people are complaining about -- I already said that president is well within his rights to attack NFL players and call their mothers bitches...

My comment was specifically about his bringing up the first amendment, which has nothing to do with this. Trump isn't violating anyone's first amendment right by exercising his own first amendment rights

As long as you concede that Obama saying the "officer acted stupidly" doesn't mean that Obama hates police

Non-sequitur. What you meant to say was as long as you conceded that Obama has the first amendment right to say the officer acted stupidly. That would be a logical question based on what I said. Yes, Obama had that first amendment right.

As to your question though, that alone didn't mean Obama hates police. But that he said it before there was any evidence in and that he did the same so many other times does mean that. But my argument was about the first amendment
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Good point. For me, I gave up watching for last season, in protest of the protest. I can do it again this year, but at a certain point I just won;t care about the NFL anymore. The longer it takes them to get back to just playing ball the more likely that will be the outcome. It is already too expensive to go watch the games in person.

Once AGAIN ---- the national anthem isn't even part of an NFL game telecast, so there would have been nothing to "watch" or "not watch" except the game itself.

Wonder why TV doesn't show the national anthem?

Oh wait, I know.

Actually, many NFL players put action behind their protest during the off season -- now you may not have heard about it because they didn't do it in a way to draw attention --also, because the liberal media didn't want to report on it, because of how liberal the media is and all..

But here is one example of why your post is a bunch of BS:

"After the anthem, and off the field, Jenkins’ push for social justice and racial equality continued. Along with four other NFL players, he traveled to Washington, D.C., for a meeting with lawmakers to discuss criminal justice reform."

When Malcolm Jenkins went on a ride along with Philly police he said: "There was a lot I wanted to accomplish by doing it. First, I wanted to kind of learn for myself before I went on advocating and making a lot of noise. I wanted to learn for myself, kind of both ends of the spectrum. What is it that officers are going through? What are their challenges? Their perspective on the issue. Or even if they believed that there was an issue. And then also being able to hear the voices of members of the community that have to deal with police interactions all the time. The third thing I wanted to do is document the conversations that came out of it, between myself and law enforcement."

Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins talks about his ride-along with Philly Police Department

So no, NFL players are not just protesting during the anthem and nothing else off the field, you wouldn't know or care because you don't see a problem to begin with --- but you same people are willing to declare the entire FBI and DOJ as being corrupt and I don't recall one single Trump official being shot unarmed.
no, I don't think they are criminals by DNA, that's just stupid. The black crime rate is the direct results of generations of the liberal welfare state that has destroyed the black family. When women are financially incentivized to have kids outside of marriage the result is millions of young black boys being raised with no father figure in their lives, no one to teach them how to be a man, how to be responsible, and how to earn a living. If you want to place blame, put it where it belongs, on liberal societal policies.

"The black crime rate is the direct results of generations of the liberal welfare state that has destroyed the black family. "

More Hannity and Info Wars BS. Ever read up on Jim Crow laws?

So that's why all of the northern prisons are full of blacks? It was Jim Crow laws in the south? You are hilarious!
You could always read what the conservative leaning Supreme Court said about the criminal justice system -- but since most conservatives would rather wait for their talk radio masters to give them their talking points first, I will educate you. Here is what Justice Kennedy wrote in his judicial opinion for the majority 5 justices :

"The unmistakable principle underlying these precedents is that discrimination on the basis of race, odious in all aspects, is especially pernicious in the administration of justice," he wrote, adding that permitting racial prejudice in the jury system damages both the fact and the perception of the jury's role as a vital check against the wrongful exercise of power by the state."

Does the Supreme court admitting the obvious make them anti-white racists?

Reading is not your strong suit is it? That must be why y0u are a libtard.

One justice's writings do not make reality. I note with great glee that you continue your libtard tactics by failing to identify the source of these musings since I suspect that if you had, it would be easy to find a direct counter to that statement.

But then again, you are simply a libtard and thus incapable of intelligent thought and discussion.

No, you are tediously bereft of human compassion.

You, on the other hand are a total and complete moron!
The idea that these players do nothing offseason to promote their cause is just ignorant.

I haven't seen any of these guys at other events kneeling during the offseason. Do you have a link to that

And you wouldn't, because there's no mob coercing them to stand for an anthem in the first place.
Unless they go to a baseball game, in which case they would have been a part of whoever doesn't stand in the stands.

You ever notice me not-standing for the anthem at a baseball game? I doubt it.

Does that mean it didn't happen?

You just like digging deeper and deeper, doncha. :dig:

Exactly one hundred years ago another mob in another wave of mob jingoism, cornered a Montana citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded that he kiss the flag.

Starr refused to be cowed.

Starr was then arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. FOR REFUSING A MOB DEMAND TO KISS A FLAG. The mob that tried to coerce him? No arrests, no admonition, no punishment at all.

Mob Mentality --- where it leads.
Those who ignore their own history are condemned to ignorantly repeat it.

The Democrat party is all mob mentality now, you have nothing else

Any political party, even if one existed by such a name, depends on some level of mob mentality. But that's got as much to do with anything in this topic as dolphins have to do with forest fires, so Pogo's Law says you owe me a nickel.

And once again the same flaming hypocrisy you got called out for two weeks ago.

Pogo: I have nothing, I'm just going to repeat what you said to me back to you

And ... um ... you didn't point out any hypocrisy ...
Whenever a black man doesn't have a gun at all, and still gets shot, he had it coming -- he should have just listened - because it clearly states that you are allowed to kill people for not listening to you

Except for in the case of this guy, who actually followed police orders and was still shot...were you outraged about that?

And what happened to the officer?

Yes, you can get shot for not listening because a move you make could be considered life threatening. In most all cases, a grand jury decides not to indict because the officer was within the law when he used deadly force.

If an unarmed man (of any race) approaches me in my car and tries to break in and I have nowhere to go, I can legally fill him with holes, and I won't even get a ticket yet alone charged. That's our law.

Well luckily in the case of the guy who totally followed police commands and was still shot -- luckily there was a guy recording it with a cell phone -- so that officer was charged -- that wouldn't have been the case otherwise. Now if that officer will be convicted, that remains to be seen..

As for your belief that police should be able to shoot anyone who walks up on them or approaches them in their car -- are you claiming that you are in support of this officer shooting this woman for approaching their car?


It has nothing to do with cars. So I'll post our law here in the State of Ohio for CCW Holders: A licensed CCW holder is permitted to use deadly force if they believe they or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's our law and it's very similar to those in other states.

As for police officers that do not find themselves in such jeopardy, if they use deadly force, they are held accountable just like any other citizen. And I believe the case you're talking about (above) has not been investigated completely yet, and I'm sure everything will come out (pro or con) when the investigation is complete. Then we'll see what happens at that time.

The bottom line is that there is nothing to protest. When good police officers use justified deadly force, they are not charged. When bad cops use unjustified deadly force, they pay the consequences.

No they usually do not, historically they definitely have not --- this is what the protest is about -- police brutality didn't just start happening a few years ago, it is has been standard operating procedure for people of color since the country was founded-- you may not agree, but no one needs your approval in order for them to protest something that has been clearly established...

For example, the FBI did an investigation of themselves when it came to FBI involved shootings, out of the 150 shootings they reviewed, they cleared themselves in all 150 shootings --- not a single conservative raised any skepticism about those findings -- now just a couple of years later, you same conservatives are willing to believe that the FBI and DOJ are totally corrupt...based on what? the fact that Trump is being investigated -- so your belief that there is nothing to see here when it comes to law enforcement practices is 1000% bullshit....

The F.B.I. Deemed Agents Faultless in 150 Shootings

No, the FBI and DOJ leadership are corrupt and we have tons of evidence to show it!
still waiting for an explanation of the context on the ORIGINAL PLAYER PROTESTS ...

Angry, entitled black man kneels because he hates America and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him or how much worse it is everywhere else

And there it is again --- "Don't tell ME what you think --- *I* will tell you what you think!"

Part and parcel of rhetorical.fascism.

That's just stupid, hillbilly
still waiting for an explanation of the context on the ORIGINAL PLAYER PROTESTS ...

Angry, entitled black man kneels because he hates America and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him or how much worse it is everywhere else

Angry, entitled orange man squeals because he hates anyone not sucking up to him, plays his robots like a two-dollar banjo and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him what with being handed an umpteen million dollar empire by his father who scammed it off the government in the first place.

Fixed it for ya.

Pogo: I have nothing. I'm just going to repeat what you said back to you
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.

How is that being against the first amendment? You do realize the amendment was created so that government could not stop us from free speech, not the NFL, don't you?
The so-called president isn't part of the government? Oh....if only that were true in this case.......

Now people in the government don't have first Amendment rights? Bull crap, they do. They can't pass laws violating free speech or prosecute people for free speech. But they have free speech, despot.

Give an example of where you have EVER applied this standard you claim to have to Democrats

The Desperation of Dreaded Dichotomy-Disease: when you wallow around in the bizzaro planet where all matter is comprised of either "Republicans" or "Democrats".

And the Harangue of Hideous Hypocrisy when the same wag nevertheless claims not to be personally comprised of either, yet affords no one else the same privilege.

Fun stuff.

Strawman, never said that
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.

Government is prosecuting kneelers? You're going to have to prove that, I call bull shit to that
I think he means that when Trump from his office as president was calling for NFL owners to fire NFL players -- which the owners could do, but people may have had a problem with Trump advocating for these players to face consequences for protesting.

I personally feel most of the president's animosity still stems from when he failed miserably to compete with the NFL years ago.

Of course, it couldn't be because he's thankful to be born in a country that allowed him the success he's had.
Is that why Trump didn't think America was great and is that why Trump denigrated the service of military members who were prisoners of war?

Have you ever once heard any NFL player say anything even remotely close to saying "POW's are not not war heroes, war heroes are people who weren’t captured.” -- Can you provide me a link to any NFL player saying something like this about any member of the military?

If not, then you will understand why many of us feel your complaints about NFL players is deeply seated in racism

That made no sense in regard to my post. Your eyes are just watering from your searing Democrat party butt hurt

It makes no sense to me either. It's simply an observation that I understand you're not capable of addressing such an issue on its own terms and are forced to set up a strawman barricade to protect your snowflaked ass lest your bubble be burst.

----------- Unless of course you can show the class where some "kneeler" did so to "disrespect the country". But inasmuch as you pulled that out of your ass I doubt you can. So no, it makes no sense to waddle around crowing "Don't tell me what you think- -- I'll tell you what you think!" That's why fascist mentality makes no sense, but it's the soup you choose to swim in, so --- your choice.


You're such a dumb ass. They are kneeling specifically at the moment that they are playing the national anthem for Americans to just take a moment and appreciate the great country we live in. And you don't get the connection to protesting at that moment and disrespecting the country.

Too much white lightning, hillbilly.

Then there's how I blasted your ass and you call me a "snowflake." That made no sense at all. A snowflake melts, they don't blast your lazy, socialist ass, moron.

You gonna cry again?

Apparently you're still melting right here. In front of everybody.

The price of trying to dictate what other people think. You should know by now where that goes. :dig:

You're just babbling

You're just busted.

Yes, I'm not a leftist, you got me
If anything, we conservatives are the ones that ought to be kneeling for injustices.



Happen to agree with Kaepernick with this.

Don't we? Notice how that is not really talked about?

That is the injustice and what we have all learned about what the fbi is guilty of, and how they are clearly undermining the people. Talk about interference in elections. We have an irs that has been caught targeting conservative groups. We have a presidential candidate caught destroying subpoenaed emails, and the reason she is not indicted is because she did not intend to break the law?

We are the ones that ought to be kneeling in front of a flag for injustice.

Yeah the Clintons are protected by very powerful interest groups,they are above the law same as all politicians ESPECIALLY presidents. when has a former first lady ever been indicted? not about to happen now either.
Sports is supposed to be an escape from the rigors of everyday life, is sucks when it becomes political.

This is truth. So you've been firing off strongly-worded letters at the Pentagon and the NFL for trotting in these fake patriotism charades at what was supposed to be a football game, haven't you.

Wow, the Pentagon and the NFL started the kneeling?

You just get dumber and more Democrat partisan every day

They certainly started the anthem. But nice try once AGAIN trying to morph somebody else's statement from what it is into what you wish it had been. Verbal history-revisionism. Again, rhetorical fascism and again, fumble.

It's hilarious how you think the Pentagon started the kneeling bringing politics into sport.

Have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one?

Upon further review I am forced to amend. I should have added the adjective "desperate" to "Verbal history-revisionism".

NFL players: kneel

Non-leftists: Object

Pogo: Oh ... my ... God, non-leftists started this!!!!

You mentioned your hillbilly logic already
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.

Government is prosecuting kneelers? You're going to have to prove that, I call bull shit to that
I think he means that when Trump from his office as president was calling for NFL owners to fire NFL players -- which the owners could do, but people may have had a problem with Trump advocating for these players to face consequences for protesting.

I personally feel most of the president's animosity still stems from when he failed miserably to compete with the NFL years ago.

So you're saying the President doesn't have first Amendment rights? Where do you get that stupid idea?

Give some examples of when you objected to Obama using his first Amendment rights ...
Didnt say he didnt have first amendment rights, i am saying what people are complaining about -- I already said that president is well within his rights to attack NFL players and call their mothers bitches...

My comment was specifically about his bringing up the first amendment, which has nothing to do with this. Trump isn't violating anyone's first amendment right by exercising his own first amendment rights

As long as you concede that Obama saying the "officer acted stupidly" doesn't mean that Obama hates police

Non-sequitur. What you meant to say was as long as you conceded that Obama has the first amendment right to say the officer acted stupidly. That would be a logical question based on what I said. Yes, Obama had that first amendment right.

As to your question though, that alone didn't mean Obama hates police. But that he said it before there was any evidence in and that he did the same so many other times does mean that. But my argument was about the first amendment
The police officer did behave stupidly, still doesn't mean that Obama hates the police.

Guess who else chided the officer for "repeated missed opportunities to find a better outcome." -- that was the conclusion of the 9 month investigation into the arrest --- but don't feel bad, they blamed Gates too for not immediately acquiescing to the police officer's demands -- because obviously, Gates had no right to be upset about being accused of breaking into his own house. However, the onus is more on the police officer to be the professional, that is the responsibility that goes with being an officer.

As for the first amendment, Trump is entitled to using his, NFL players are entitled to theirs -- however the NFL players are not denouncing military members..

So I will ask you the same question all of the other Trump cucks keep avoiding -- what NFL player ever attacked a military member as not being a hero for being captured in combat?
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Good point. For me, I gave up watching for last season, in protest of the protest. I can do it again this year, but at a certain point I just won;t care about the NFL anymore. The longer it takes them to get back to just playing ball the more likely that will be the outcome. It is already too expensive to go watch the games in person.

you mean you STILL care about the NFL? :abgg2q.jpg: I stopped caring like 20 years ago.I pretty much just buy old NFL games from yesteryear off the net and watch them now when the game was not corrupt as it is now where a certain team always has the officials in their pockets which is why their home winning record has been so impressive the last 15 years plus.
still waiting for an explanation of the context on the ORIGINAL PLAYER PROTESTS ...

Angry, entitled black man kneels because he hates America and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him or how much worse it is everywhere else

Typical asshole Trumpette who doesn't give a rat's ass that black men are being unjustly killed by law enforcement.

Maybe they just don't know their place, right?

And "Real" Dave admits he's losing and getting his ass handed to him. He tries to end debate with ... you're a racist!

LOL, thanks for the admission, RealLoser ...

  • Thanks
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I will let Dr. King help you to understand what it means "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

In other words, just because you are comfortable personally, the policies and current conditions that are challenges and injustices to others is still something you should GIVE A FUCK about -- if not actively, at least by simply acknowledging that those people have a right to protest those policies and/or conditions and take political action if need be

Doing so makes them no less of an American than you are -- every emancipation effort by every historically oppressed group of people have always been met with fierce opposition by those who were "comfortable"

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Very powerful words. Thank you.

Yes, powerful words. MLK would never have condoned disrespecting the anthem, the flag, or the country. You don't know much about MLK do you?
As much as I have been making a fool out of you on this post, why do you keep trying to test me?

Yes, I know more about MLK than you do, or else you wouldn't have said that dumb shit you just said...guess you didn't know this MLK quote:

"As I have walked among the desperate, rejected, and angry young men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems. I have tried to offer them my deepest compassion while maintaining my conviction that social change comes most meaningfully through nonviolent action. But they ask — and rightly so — what about Vietnam? They ask if our own nation wasn’t using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted. Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — my own government.”

again, great words. Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam war cost us 58,000 American lives for absolutely nothing.


And what did Eisenhower's and Nixon's Vietnam war do?


Who knew there were two different Vietnam wars, depending on who the POTUS was at the time. :dunno:

amazing how these two evil bastard murderers are considered to be great men by many sheep in america huh? :rolleyes: Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
Whenever a black man doesn't have a gun at all, and still gets shot, he had it coming -- he should have just listened - because it clearly states that you are allowed to kill people for not listening to you

Except for in the case of this guy, who actually followed police orders and was still shot...were you outraged about that?

And what happened to the officer?

Yes, you can get shot for not listening because a move you make could be considered life threatening. In most all cases, a grand jury decides not to indict because the officer was within the law when he used deadly force.

If an unarmed man (of any race) approaches me in my car and tries to break in and I have nowhere to go, I can legally fill him with holes, and I won't even get a ticket yet alone charged. That's our law.

Well luckily in the case of the guy who totally followed police commands and was still shot -- luckily there was a guy recording it with a cell phone -- so that officer was charged -- that wouldn't have been the case otherwise. Now if that officer will be convicted, that remains to be seen..

As for your belief that police should be able to shoot anyone who walks up on them or approaches them in their car -- are you claiming that you are in support of this officer shooting this woman for approaching their car?


It has nothing to do with cars. So I'll post our law here in the State of Ohio for CCW Holders: A licensed CCW holder is permitted to use deadly force if they believe they or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's our law and it's very similar to those in other states.

As for police officers that do not find themselves in such jeopardy, if they use deadly force, they are held accountable just like any other citizen. And I believe the case you're talking about (above) has not been investigated completely yet, and I'm sure everything will come out (pro or con) when the investigation is complete. Then we'll see what happens at that time.

The bottom line is that there is nothing to protest. When good police officers use justified deadly force, they are not charged. When bad cops use unjustified deadly force, they pay the consequences.

No they usually do not, historically they definitely have not --- this is what the protest is about -- police brutality didn't just start happening a few years ago, it is has been standard operating procedure for people of color since the country was founded-- you may not agree, but no one needs your approval in order for them to protest something that has been clearly established...

For example, the FBI did an investigation of themselves when it came to FBI involved shootings, out of the 150 shootings they reviewed, they cleared themselves in all 150 shootings --- not a single conservative raised any skepticism about those findings -- now just a couple of years later, you same conservatives are willing to believe that the FBI and DOJ are totally corrupt...based on what? the fact that Trump is being investigated -- so your belief that there is nothing to see here when it comes to law enforcement practices is 1000% bullshit....

The F.B.I. Deemed Agents Faultless in 150 Shootings

No, the FBI and DOJ leadership are corrupt and we have tons of evidence to show it!
What evidence? if there are tons as you say, I am sure that Sessions and company will be filing tons of charges

Meanwhile, there is case after case after case of prosecutors purposely convicting innocent people -- and when they are exposed for it, very little happens to them in the form of criminal punishment -- especially when you consider their actions resulted in innocent people spending years of their life in jail --- but if people ever bring up this point, we are told that there is nothing to see here..

Instead its those republican appointed DOJ and FBI officials, that is where we need to direct our focus....gtfoh

Prosecutors Had the Wrong Man. They Prosecuted Him Anyway.
Sports is supposed to be an escape from the rigors of everyday life, is sucks when it becomes political.

This is truth. So you've been firing off strongly-worded letters at the Pentagon and the NFL for trotting in these fake patriotism charades at what was supposed to be a football game, haven't you.

Wow, the Pentagon and the NFL started the kneeling?

You just get dumber and more Democrat partisan every day

They certainly started the anthem. But nice try once AGAIN trying to morph somebody else's statement from what it is into what you wish it had been. Verbal history-revisionism. Again, rhetorical fascism and again, fumble.

It's hilarious how you think the Pentagon started the kneeling bringing politics into sport.

Have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one?

Upon further review I am forced to amend. I should have added the adjective "desperate" to "Verbal history-revisionism".

NFL players: kneel

Non-leftists: Object

Pogo: Oh ... my ... God, non-leftists started this!!!!

You mentioned your hillbilly logic already

Feel free to show the class where the NFL players union, or any player or players, ever started insisting, "Look, I'm not gonna participate in this game unless we can first have a meaningless fake-patriotism charade on the field where we have a captive audience".

And when you've got that, show the class where those players then demanded "we're not happy being in the locker room when this fake patriotism charade goes on --- make us all trot out and stand there like marionettes!".

Happy huntin' Dumbass.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Good point. For me, I gave up watching for last season, in protest of the protest. I can do it again this year, but at a certain point I just won;t care about the NFL anymore. The longer it takes them to get back to just playing ball the more likely that will be the outcome. It is already too expensive to go watch the games in person.

Once AGAIN ---- the national anthem isn't even part of an NFL game telecast, so there would have been nothing to "watch" or "not watch" except the game itself.

Wonder why TV doesn't show the national anthem?

Oh wait, I know.


They use to, before it became a problem.

How networks aired national anthem in NFL Week 4

They stopped because players made it controversial.
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