NFL kneelers

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Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Good point. For me, I gave up watching for last season, in protest of the protest. I can do it again this year, but at a certain point I just won;t care about the NFL anymore. The longer it takes them to get back to just playing ball the more likely that will be the outcome. It is already too expensive to go watch the games in person.

Once AGAIN ---- the national anthem isn't even part of an NFL game telecast, so there would have been nothing to "watch" or "not watch" except the game itself.

Wonder why TV doesn't show the national anthem?

Oh wait, I know.


They use to, before it became a problem.

How networks aired national anthem in NFL Week 4

They stopped because players made it controversial.

No, they did not, and I don't need a link to know that.

Further the players were not the entity that "made it controversial". That would be the nameless photographer who took it on himself to snap Colin Kaepernick's picture and make a fake "issue" out of it. "Fake" because Kaepernick had already been sitting out the antherm and nobody bothered to notice until that photographer, who by the same fake-standards should have been himself standing at attention instead of looking around for potential pictures from which to milk a fake 'story' --- yet he gets none of the same scrutiny. We don't even know his name. And that's a double standard.

And the first entity that made this 'controversial' was the NFL itself when it dictated that players --- who previously had still been in their locker room --- had to trot out and stand around like marionettes during the anthem, which was less than ten years ago. Had NFL not taken that action none of this fake 'controversy' would have been milked in the first place, and no orange demagogue would have had the issue to milk further from his unquestioning drones.

So it's fitting that when the Paid Patriotism Scandal broke, NFL was so embarrassed that it pledged to, and did, return some $723,000 of taxpayer funds back to the government that pimped it out, with an accompanying pledge to audit itself to find any more. And that's why we all got refund checks.

Oh wait, no we didn't.

Can't tell the players without a scorecard. I just gave you one.
Your constitutional rights end at my nose -- so no, throwing objects at someone is not protected by free speech

I'm not saying to throw bricks or flashlight batteries at these goofs, just trash. Nothing that will hurt them, just something to allow the fans their freedom of expression.

Like when Hulk Hogan was revealed to be the 3rd Man in the New World Order, in the biggest betrayal in the history of Pro Wrestling, the fans filled the ring with trash, chucking paper cups and all that at Mr. Hogan, Mr. Nash and Cuban immigrant Razor Ramon.
No, they did not, and I don't need a link to know that.

Further the players were not the entity that "made it controversial". That would be the nameless photographer who took it on himself to snap Colin Kaepernick's picture and make a fake "issue" out of it. "Fake" because Kaepernick had already been sitting out the antherm and nobody bothered to notice until that photographer, who by the same fake-standards should have been himself standing at attention instead of looking around for potential pictures from which to milk a fake 'story' --- yet he gets none of the same scrutiny. We don't even know his name. And that's a double standard.

And the first entity that made this 'controversial' was the NFL itself when it dictated that players --- who previously had still been in their locker room --- had to trot out and stand around like marionettes during the anthem, which was less than ten years ago. Had NFL not taken that action none of this fake 'controversy' would have been milked in the first place, and no orange demagogue would have had the issue to milk further from his unquestioning drones.

So it's fitting that when the Paid Patriotism Scandal broke, NFL was so embarrassed that it pledged to, and did, return some $723,000 of taxpayer funds back to the government that pimped it out, with an accompanying pledge to audit itself to find any more. And that's why we all got refund checks.

Oh wait, no we didn't.

Can't tell the players without a scorecard. I just gave you one.

You don't have a link. You FEEL that is correct, even though it is not.

Standing for the Anthem was first, anything after that was the controversy idiot.
If you watch the Olympics or the World Cup soccer, no other nation in the world as its athletes disrespecting their national anthem and their flags.

Even those folks from Shithole countries like Norway. Even those from countries every one wants to leave, like Mexico.

This is nothing new under The Trumpster- this was going on during the Obama Regime as well.

Why is America considered to be the worst country in the world by its Pampered athletic super stars?
If you watch the Olympics or the World Cup soccer, no other nation in the world as its athletes disrespecting their national anthem and their flags.

Even those folks from Shithole countries like Norway. Even those from countries every one wants to leave, like Mexico.

This is nothing new under The Trumpster- this was going on during the Obama Regime as well.

Why is America considered to be the worst country in the world by its Pampered athletic super stars?

I think it goes back to something Moochelle said: This is the first time I've been proud of my country.....

The liberal doctrine is to train people from young on they've been oppressed, they've been dealt a bad hand, you can't accomplish anything in life as a minority without us Democrats.

So how can you blame them from growing up hating this nation in spite of their success?
Further the players were not the entity that "made it controversial". That would be the nameless photographer who took it on himself to snap Colin Kaepernick's picture and make a fake "issue" out of it. "Fake" because Kaepernick had already been sitting out the antherm and nobody bothered to notice until that photographer, who by the same fake-standards should have been himself standing at attention instead of looking around for potential pictures from which to milk a fake 'story'

That was not the problem. Nobody would have paid attention to that until that bozo addressed the question. When he did, that's when the controversy started.

If Kaepernick stated he knelt because of how much respect he had for our Anthem and flag, he would have been applauded every time he did it. But it's not the action, it's what's behind the action that counts.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Good point. For me, I gave up watching for last season, in protest of the protest. I can do it again this year, but at a certain point I just won;t care about the NFL anymore. The longer it takes them to get back to just playing ball the more likely that will be the outcome. It is already too expensive to go watch the games in person.

Once AGAIN ---- the national anthem isn't even part of an NFL game telecast, so there would have been nothing to "watch" or "not watch" except the game itself.

Wonder why TV doesn't show the national anthem?

Oh wait, I know.


No, it's because the NFL pays the players so much money they need all the advertising time they can get.
Your constitutional rights end at my nose -- so no, throwing objects at someone is not protected by free speech

I'm not saying to throw bricks or flashlight batteries at these goofs, just trash. Nothing that will hurt them, just something to allow the fans their freedom of expression.

Like when Hulk Hogan was revealed to be the 3rd Man in the New World Order, in the biggest betrayal in the history of Pro Wrestling, the fans filled the ring with trash, chucking paper cups and all that at Mr. Hogan, Mr. Nash and Cuban immigrant Razor Ramon.
How about squirting water at the goofs?

sorta like how Charlie Kirk and Candace had water squirted on them and you conservatives got all in your feelings like it was Bull Connor unleashing water cannons on civil rights marchers -- but you are now saying its ok to throw things? got it.
No, the reason behind the movement has been very clear -- they are protesting the lack of ACCOUNTABILITY by law enforcement and prosecutors when it comes to their reluctance to prosecute bad cops and even in cases were the officers were "FOUND" guilty -- they still receive relatively light sentences -- that is what the protests are geared towards

but for folks like you, you feel a rancher in Nevada not paying a million bucks in grazing fees is the real injustice worth having an armed standoff over.

Why don't you give me an example of what you're talking about. Every police shooting or accusation of brutality is investigated thoroughly, some are police even brought to charges even though they did everything by the book.

What these black players are protesting is that police don't go to jail for following the law. They are politically and legally ignorant. We don't lock up cops for doing something you don't like. That's how it works in the jungle, but not in a civilized society.

Here, police (and us armed citizens) have the right to use deadly force even against an unarmed attacker. These overpaid game players don't understand that. Like you, they have no knowledge that there are more whites (and unarmed whites) who get shot and killed by police every year than blacks, yet where are the white football players taking a knee for them?

And like you, they don't know anything about it because like you, they are merely media puppets who are told what to do instead of thinking for themselves. The MSM knows that when white people get shot, it won't start any protests, it won't start any riots, it won't cause people to attack private and public business or destroy police cars.

"second, if I did, and decided to still protest, I will accept the punishment, which in the case of the NFL is a fine" -- What about reading do you not like? Also, everyone's principles are not for sale, I know most conservatives are almost incapable of believing that fact, but its true -- some people stand on their principles despite financial losses

Which is why this man who was hated for his stance back then is so admired now by those who would have hated them back then

On principles? I guess that would explain all the black football players leaving the NFL.
No the principle is that even with threat of their finances being affected by fines and loss sponsorships, they are still pushing forward with their protests -- not only that, they have the influence to sway public sentiment in their direction enough to withstand any retribution by the league owners or the president --- that is the fact that bothers you folks the most

You would much rather the black entertainer would just duck his head and keep dancing for massa -- no thanks..

Well now that there are penalties involved, let's see them face those fines.
If you are confident none of them will kneel out of fear of facing fines -- what are you cucks even complaining about?

Why do you on the left call everything complaining unless you're doing it?

If it's in the news, it becomes a discussion here and many other political forums. As for myself, I could give a damn about any of them kneeling or not. I already turned them off a few years ago.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Good point. For me, I gave up watching for last season, in protest of the protest. I can do it again this year, but at a certain point I just won;t care about the NFL anymore. The longer it takes them to get back to just playing ball the more likely that will be the outcome. It is already too expensive to go watch the games in person.

Once AGAIN ---- the national anthem isn't even part of an NFL game telecast, so there would have been nothing to "watch" or "not watch" except the game itself.

Wonder why TV doesn't show the national anthem?

Oh wait, I know......


No, it's because the NFL pays the players so much money they need all the advertising time they can get.
CEO's get paid far more money than NFL players but you still hear them complaining about wanting even more tax cuts and how unfair regulations are that they can't rape the system like they did during the last economic crisis -- but i never hear you conservatives telling them to be quiet and be grateful for how much money this country allows them to make...why is this?
No, the reason behind the movement has been very clear -- they are protesting the lack of ACCOUNTABILITY by law enforcement and prosecutors when it comes to their reluctance to prosecute bad cops and even in cases were the officers were "FOUND" guilty -- they still receive relatively light sentences -- that is what the protests are geared towards

but for folks like you, you feel a rancher in Nevada not paying a million bucks in grazing fees is the real injustice worth having an armed standoff over.

Why don't you give me an example of what you're talking about. Every police shooting or accusation of brutality is investigated thoroughly, some are police even brought to charges even though they did everything by the book.

What these black players are protesting is that police don't go to jail for following the law. They are politically and legally ignorant. We don't lock up cops for doing something you don't like. That's how it works in the jungle, but not in a civilized society.

Here, police (and us armed citizens) have the right to use deadly force even against an unarmed attacker. These overpaid game players don't understand that. Like you, they have no knowledge that there are more whites (and unarmed whites) who get shot and killed by police every year than blacks, yet where are the white football players taking a knee for them?

And like you, they don't know anything about it because like you, they are merely media puppets who are told what to do instead of thinking for themselves. The MSM knows that when white people get shot, it won't start any protests, it won't start any riots, it won't cause people to attack private and public business or destroy police cars.

"second, if I did, and decided to still protest, I will accept the punishment, which in the case of the NFL is a fine" -- What about reading do you not like? Also, everyone's principles are not for sale, I know most conservatives are almost incapable of believing that fact, but its true -- some people stand on their principles despite financial losses

Which is why this man who was hated for his stance back then is so admired now by those who would have hated them back then

On principles? I guess that would explain all the black football players leaving the NFL.
No the principle is that even with threat of their finances being affected by fines and loss sponsorships, they are still pushing forward with their protests -- not only that, they have the influence to sway public sentiment in their direction enough to withstand any retribution by the league owners or the president --- that is the fact that bothers you folks the most

You would much rather the black entertainer would just duck his head and keep dancing for massa -- no thanks..

Well now that there are penalties involved, let's see them face those fines.
If you are confident none of them will kneel out of fear of facing fines -- what are you cucks even complaining about?

Why do you on the left call everything complaining unless you're doing it?

If it's in the news, it becomes a discussion here and many other political forums. As for myself, I could give a damn about any of them kneeling or not. I already turned them off a few years ago.
Because that is what you cucks do -- complain

If you are confident that the NFL will go bankrupt and how no one is watching it anymore -- what are you complaining about?
Ok, one example, but Jenkins destroyed all the good he did by kneeling at the first preseason game. Yes, the DOJ and FBI are corrupt, much of the corruption happened under Obama, you tell me, did he condone it or try to stop it?

Yes, no Trump has been shot unarmed------------yet.
This is why there is no reason in talking to a Trump supporter

I just showed you an example of a NFL player doing something beyond anthem protests, and you still find a way to say "yea, but..."

Then in the very same comment, despite a Trump official never being shot while unarmed, never being beaten into a confession while in custody -- you still claim that its the DOJ that is corrupt and how black NFL players should be quiet

I think they should protest if they feel motivated to do so. But not during a football game and to disgrace the national anthem, the flag, the military, and everyone who died protecting their right to protest.

These people died protecting the entire Constitution...EVERYTHING in it. And in the Constitution is the Right to Free Speech and Expression.

Now...are these players exercising their right to free speech and freedom of expression?

Yes or No?

NO, not while on the job. When on the job the employer tells you what is acceptable and unacceptable. Those guys are being PAID by the owners and the fans to play a game.

When you go to work are you allowed to stop working and protest?

That, my ignorant friend, is the point. They are employees, the fans pay to watch them play a game. Its neither the time or place to express whatever grievances they think they have.

Are you the players direct boss? Yes or no?

Is the government allowed to try and restrict someone's freedom of speech (as Trump is trying to do)?

HTF is Trump trying to do that, by having an opinion?
Why don't you give me an example of what you're talking about. Every police shooting or accusation of brutality is investigated thoroughly, some are police even brought to charges even though they did everything by the book.

What these black players are protesting is that police don't go to jail for following the law. They are politically and legally ignorant. We don't lock up cops for doing something you don't like. That's how it works in the jungle, but not in a civilized society.

Here, police (and us armed citizens) have the right to use deadly force even against an unarmed attacker. These overpaid game players don't understand that. Like you, they have no knowledge that there are more whites (and unarmed whites) who get shot and killed by police every year than blacks, yet where are the white football players taking a knee for them?

And like you, they don't know anything about it because like you, they are merely media puppets who are told what to do instead of thinking for themselves. The MSM knows that when white people get shot, it won't start any protests, it won't start any riots, it won't cause people to attack private and public business or destroy police cars.

On principles? I guess that would explain all the black football players leaving the NFL.
No the principle is that even with threat of their finances being affected by fines and loss sponsorships, they are still pushing forward with their protests -- not only that, they have the influence to sway public sentiment in their direction enough to withstand any retribution by the league owners or the president --- that is the fact that bothers you folks the most

You would much rather the black entertainer would just duck his head and keep dancing for massa -- no thanks..

Well now that there are penalties involved, let's see them face those fines.
If you are confident none of them will kneel out of fear of facing fines -- what are you cucks even complaining about?

Why do you on the left call everything complaining unless you're doing it?

If it's in the news, it becomes a discussion here and many other political forums. As for myself, I could give a damn about any of them kneeling or not. I already turned them off a few years ago.
Because that is what you cucks do -- complain

If you are confident that the NFL will go bankrupt and how no one is watching it anymore -- what are you complaining about?

It is pathetic to watch you misuse the word "cuck".
Whenever a black man doesn't have a gun at all, and still gets shot, he had it coming -- he should have just listened - because it clearly states that you are allowed to kill people for not listening to you

Except for in the case of this guy, who actually followed police orders and was still shot...were you outraged about that?

And what happened to the officer?

Yes, you can get shot for not listening because a move you make could be considered life threatening. In most all cases, a grand jury decides not to indict because the officer was within the law when he used deadly force.

If an unarmed man (of any race) approaches me in my car and tries to break in and I have nowhere to go, I can legally fill him with holes, and I won't even get a ticket yet alone charged. That's our law.

Well luckily in the case of the guy who totally followed police commands and was still shot -- luckily there was a guy recording it with a cell phone -- so that officer was charged -- that wouldn't have been the case otherwise. Now if that officer will be convicted, that remains to be seen..

As for your belief that police should be able to shoot anyone who walks up on them or approaches them in their car -- are you claiming that you are in support of this officer shooting this woman for approaching their car?


It has nothing to do with cars. So I'll post our law here in the State of Ohio for CCW Holders: A licensed CCW holder is permitted to use deadly force if they believe they or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's our law and it's very similar to those in other states.

As for police officers that do not find themselves in such jeopardy, if they use deadly force, they are held accountable just like any other citizen. And I believe the case you're talking about (above) has not been investigated completely yet, and I'm sure everything will come out (pro or con) when the investigation is complete. Then we'll see what happens at that time.

The bottom line is that there is nothing to protest. When good police officers use justified deadly force, they are not charged. When bad cops use unjustified deadly force, they pay the consequences.

No they usually do not, historically they definitely have not --- this is what the protest is about -- police brutality didn't just start happening a few years ago, it is has been standard operating procedure for people of color since the country was founded-- you may not agree, but no one needs your approval in order for them to protest something that has been clearly established...

For example, the FBI did an investigation of themselves when it came to FBI involved shootings, out of the 150 shootings they reviewed, they cleared themselves in all 150 shootings --- not a single conservative raised any skepticism about those findings -- now just a couple of years later, you same conservatives are willing to believe that the FBI and DOJ are totally corrupt...based on what? the fact that Trump is being investigated -- so your belief that there is nothing to see here when it comes to law enforcement practices is 1000% bullshit....

The F.B.I. Deemed Agents Faultless in 150 Shootings

Don't change then subject. The FBI is federal and police are local. Apples and oranges.

Police brutality didn't just start a few years ago? Then why no protests 20 years ago?

The MSM made this an issue--nobody else. They need the ratings and to sell commercials, so they hope and pray for protests and riots to give them fodder for their broadcasts.

And I bet if you asked any one of those 300 lbs morons what they were protesting, not one of them could give you an educated argument because they only listen to what they are told and never research what they are talking about.

Violent and gun crime had been on the decrease since the early 90's until the MSM made a big deal out of Ferguson. It was wall to wall coverage for weeks and riled up black people who again, are ignorant of our laws. After that it was open season that led to an increase of murdered officers. Think the MSM cared about them? F no. It was even more stories to cover.
Whenever a black man doesn't have a gun at all, and still gets shot, he had it coming -- he should have just listened - because it clearly states that you are allowed to kill people for not listening to you

Except for in the case of this guy, who actually followed police orders and was still shot...were you outraged about that?

And what happened to the officer?

Yes, you can get shot for not listening because a move you make could be considered life threatening. In most all cases, a grand jury decides not to indict because the officer was within the law when he used deadly force.

If an unarmed man (of any race) approaches me in my car and tries to break in and I have nowhere to go, I can legally fill him with holes, and I won't even get a ticket yet alone charged. That's our law.

Well luckily in the case of the guy who totally followed police commands and was still shot -- luckily there was a guy recording it with a cell phone -- so that officer was charged -- that wouldn't have been the case otherwise. Now if that officer will be convicted, that remains to be seen..

As for your belief that police should be able to shoot anyone who walks up on them or approaches them in their car -- are you claiming that you are in support of this officer shooting this woman for approaching their car?


It has nothing to do with cars. So I'll post our law here in the State of Ohio for CCW Holders: A licensed CCW holder is permitted to use deadly force if they believe they or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's our law and it's very similar to those in other states.

As for police officers that do not find themselves in such jeopardy, if they use deadly force, they are held accountable just like any other citizen. And I believe the case you're talking about (above) has not been investigated completely yet, and I'm sure everything will come out (pro or con) when the investigation is complete. Then we'll see what happens at that time.

The bottom line is that there is nothing to protest. When good police officers use justified deadly force, they are not charged. When bad cops use unjustified deadly force, they pay the consequences.

No they usually do not, historically they definitely have not --- this is what the protest is about -- police brutality didn't just start happening a few years ago, it is has been standard operating procedure for people of color since the country was founded-- you may not agree, but no one needs your approval in order for them to protest something that has been clearly established...

For example, the FBI did an investigation of themselves when it came to FBI involved shootings, out of the 150 shootings they reviewed, they cleared themselves in all 150 shootings --- not a single conservative raised any skepticism about those findings -- now just a couple of years later, you same conservatives are willing to believe that the FBI and DOJ are totally corrupt...based on what? the fact that Trump is being investigated -- so your belief that there is nothing to see here when it comes to law enforcement practices is 1000% bullshit....

The F.B.I. Deemed Agents Faultless in 150 Shootings

Don't change then subject. The FBI is federal and police are local. Apples and oranges.

Police brutality didn't just start a few years ago? Then why no protests 20 years ago?

The MSM made this an issue--nobody else. They need the ratings and to sell commercials, so they hope and pray for protests and riots to give them fodder for their broadcasts.

And I bet if you asked any one of those 300 lbs morons what they were protesting, not one of them could give you an educated argument because they only listen to what they are told and never research what they are talking about.

Violent and gun crime had been on the decrease since the early 90's until the MSM made a big deal out of Ferguson. It was wall to wall coverage for weeks and riled up black people who again, are ignorant of our laws. After that it was open season that led to an increase of murdered officers. Think the MSM cared about them? F no. It was even more stories to cover.

AND, let's not forget the Ferguson Effect as cops retreat from black areas to avoid accusations of racism and/or just hate and violence,

thus allowing criminals free reign to kill and rob and terrorize.

Good work media, if your goal was to further ruin black communities.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.

Government is prosecuting kneelers? You're going to have to prove that, I call bull shit to that
I think he means that when Trump from his office as president was calling for NFL owners to fire NFL players -- which the owners could do, but people may have had a problem with Trump advocating for these players to face consequences for protesting.

I personally feel most of the president's animosity still stems from when he failed miserably to compete with the NFL years ago.

Of course, it couldn't be because he's thankful to be born in a country that allowed him the success he's had.
Is that why Trump didn't think America was great and is that why Trump denigrated the service of military members who were prisoners of war?

Have you ever once heard any NFL player say anything even remotely close to saying "POW's are not not war heroes, war heroes are people who weren’t captured.” -- Can you provide me a link to any NFL player saying something like this about any member of the military?

If not, then you will understand why many of us feel your complaints about NFL players is deeply seated in racism

No, I never heard an NFL player do that, but then again, I never seen Trump kneel before our flag or while the anthem was played in protest.

What Trump said was an unfortunate thing that was not well thought out. He didn't mean it towards our military, he meant to attack McCain who attacked him many times before.
Oooh, a handful of them. You’re right it sure didn’t make the news.

What exactly is social justice? Can you explain that one?
I will let Dr. King help you to understand what it means "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

In other words, just because you are comfortable personally, the policies and current conditions that are challenges and injustices to others is still something you should GIVE A FUCK about -- if not actively, at least by simply acknowledging that those people have a right to protest those policies and/or conditions and take political action if need be

Doing so makes them no less of an American than you are -- every emancipation effort by every historically oppressed group of people have always been met with fierce opposition by those who were "comfortable"

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Very powerful words. Thank you.

Yes, powerful words. MLK would never have condoned disrespecting the anthem, the flag, or the country. You don't know much about MLK do you?

neither did the players ... RW idiots are clueless

bullshit, by kneeling at the anthem they are doing exactly that, and they are doing it or purpose because they hate the country that made it possible for them to make millions playing a GAME.

Kneeling proves nothing as you have no idea what they felt when they did it. People can love a country but not like one or more aspect(s) of it. And you would have to actually know what each kneeler thought to accurately make that statement.

So...where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that every/most NFL kneelers hate America?
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