NFL kneelers

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And let’s make no mistake about it: the right’s hostility to NFL players engaging in peaceful protest has little to do with ‘disrespecting the anthem’ – it has to do with conservatives’ contempt for the black community bringing attention to the unwarranted killing of young black men by the police, something most on the right reject as being a legitimate, important issue to protest.

Rubbish. In fact the vast majority of the police killings of blacks are in Leftist towns like New York City, Cleveland, Chicago, Baltimore, East Pittsburgh.

Not in conservative cities at all.

Conservatives can't do anything about what they do in these cities, so why should conservatives and Old Glory be victims of these protests

The stupidity.

Twitter is an NFL this dumbass is using an NFL partner to protest the NFL. Rightwingers are not the sharpest tools in the shed.

Twitter announces a new deal for year-round NFL content that includes live video, but no games
Actually using an NFL partner to protest the NFL is pretty clever. Wonder how long Twitter will let this go on before they Alex Jones them.

More like Never.

Far and away the most popular/most profitable sport in the world and second only to EPL and LaLiga in worldwide fame...and you think Twitter is going to turn their back on them? That post was all day stupid.

Meanwhile back in reality...using an NFL partner only enriches both the partner and the NFL. It's almost as dumb as your post was....but I think you edged her out on idiocy.

You are a dipshit I was thinking that Twitter would an the girl that sent that tweet not that Twitter was going to ban the NFL

"Twitter would an the girl that sent..."

Gee, wonder why I couldn't decode your meaning. Mix in a spell check fuck-stain.
One question, why would you call yourself candycorn? One of the most hated of the Halloween canies.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Actually, many NFL players put action behind their protest during the off season -- now you may not have heard about it because they didn't do it in a way to draw attention --also, because the liberal media didn't want to report on it, because of how liberal the media is and all..

But here is one example of why your post is a bunch of BS:

"After the anthem, and off the field, Jenkins’ push for social justice and racial equality continued. Along with four other NFL players, he traveled to Washington, D.C., for a meeting with lawmakers to discuss criminal justice reform."

When Malcolm Jenkins went on a ride along with Philly police he said: "There was a lot I wanted to accomplish by doing it. First, I wanted to kind of learn for myself before I went on advocating and making a lot of noise. I wanted to learn for myself, kind of both ends of the spectrum. What is it that officers are going through? What are their challenges? Their perspective on the issue. Or even if they believed that there was an issue. And then also being able to hear the voices of members of the community that have to deal with police interactions all the time. The third thing I wanted to do is document the conversations that came out of it, between myself and law enforcement."

Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins talks about his ride-along with Philly Police Department

So no, NFL players are not just protesting during the anthem and nothing else off the field, you wouldn't know or care because you don't see a problem to begin with --- but you same people are willing to declare the entire FBI and DOJ as being corrupt and I don't recall one single Trump official being shot unarmed.

Ok, one example, but Jenkins destroyed all the good he did by kneeling at the first preseason game. Yes, the DOJ and FBI are corrupt, much of the corruption happened under Obama, you tell me, did he condone it or try to stop it?

Yes, no Trump has been shot unarmed------------yet.
This is why there is no reason in talking to a Trump supporter

I just showed you an example of a NFL player doing something beyond anthem protests, and you still find a way to say "yea, but..."

Then in the very same comment, despite a Trump official never being shot while unarmed, never being beaten into a confession while in custody -- you still claim that its the DOJ that is corrupt and how black NFL players should be quiet

I think they should protest if they feel motivated to do so. But not during a football game and to disgrace the national anthem, the flag, the military, and everyone who died protecting their right to protest.

The highest form of patriotism is to engage in peaceful protest, to oppose injustice, and to express one’s opinions and concerns.

What’s disgraceful is the ridiculous notion that one should refrain from peaceful protest to appease those hostile to the issues being protested against.

And let’s make no mistake about it: the right’s hostility to NFL players engaging in peaceful protest has little to do with ‘disrespecting the anthem’ – it has to do with conservatives’ contempt for the black community bringing attention to the unwarranted killing of young black men by the police, something most on the right reject as being a legitimate, important issue to protest.

So what unwarranted killings are you talking about where the officer was guilty of breaking the law and not charged or imprisoned? I know you can't answer, but it's just a fun thing for me to do.
Whenever a black man doesn't have a gun at all, and still gets shot, he had it coming -- he should have just listened - because it clearly states that you are allowed to kill people for not listening to you

Except for in the case of this guy, who actually followed police orders and was still shot...were you outraged about that?

And what happened to the officer?

Yes, you can get shot for not listening because a move you make could be considered life threatening. In most all cases, a grand jury decides not to indict because the officer was within the law when he used deadly force.

If an unarmed man (of any race) approaches me in my car and tries to break in and I have nowhere to go, I can legally fill him with holes, and I won't even get a ticket yet alone charged. That's our law.

Well luckily in the case of the guy who totally followed police commands and was still shot -- luckily there was a guy recording it with a cell phone -- so that officer was charged -- that wouldn't have been the case otherwise. Now if that officer will be convicted, that remains to be seen..

As for your belief that police should be able to shoot anyone who walks up on them or approaches them in their car -- are you claiming that you are in support of this officer shooting this woman for approaching their car?


It has nothing to do with cars. So I'll post our law here in the State of Ohio for CCW Holders: A licensed CCW holder is permitted to use deadly force if they believe they or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's our law and it's very similar to those in other states.

As for police officers that do not find themselves in such jeopardy, if they use deadly force, they are held accountable just like any other citizen. And I believe the case you're talking about (above) has not been investigated completely yet, and I'm sure everything will come out (pro or con) when the investigation is complete. Then we'll see what happens at that time.

The bottom line is that there is nothing to protest. When good police officers use justified deadly force, they are not charged. When bad cops use unjustified deadly force, they pay the consequences.

So, cops feared for their lives & killed people running away.

This idea that you assholes just have to claim you were afraid & you get to kill anyone.

This is one reason you should never ever been allowed to carry a concealed weapon.

Why, because I know the law and how to use it to my advantage?

Show me one instance where a person was running away and got shot by a cop with impunity. But yes, if an officer believes the person getting away is a threat to the public, he does have the legal right to use any means necessary to stop the suspect.

You are the quintessential liberal. You are ignorant of the laws and are pissed off about it. You think the laws are what a liberal makes up at the time.

All police shootings are thoroughly investigated. If it is found the officer was within his power to use deadly force, no charges are brought forward. If there is any question about his use of force, it goes to a Grand Jury. If the Grand Jury finds no laws were broken by the officer, they vote to acquit which is what happens in most cases.

It doesn't get much fairer than that.
Something he never did.
You really are a scumbag, aren't you?

Not only did you say something you knew wasn't true, as shown by your next statement...

However the President did not make (or attempt) to create law to fire those players, did he? couldn't even admit you were wrong. You had to attempt a misdirection play to hide your faux pax.

Does everybody in this country have a right to free speech except a Republican President?
What free speech is that? Are you referring to the free speech you said he never said?
that's his opinion, which is shared by a majority of football fans. But its up to owners, its their business that is being destroyed by these few morons.
You think its moronic to protest police abuse?

Its moronic to attack conservatives and Old Glory about it.

The police forces that are being accused of abuse are in Liberal cities with hardcore leftist mayors. Victimizing conservative football fans by subjecting them to abuse for something they did not do, and have no control over is moronic.
Rump has since clarified this. "When I said 'Russia if you're listening I hope you can find the emails' that meant 'I hope you can't find the emails', just so that's clear. And while we're on the subject when I said I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan that meant fewer electoral votes; when I said we got more done than anybody since Truman that meant we got less done; and when I said it wasn't raining that meant it was, just as when I said I 'wasn't' mocking Serge Kovaleski. Also "go vote for Roy Moore" meant 'don't go vote for Roy Moore'.

But none of these were fuckups, because I'm very smart and I have the best words. It's your fault for not understanding these are double negatives and that's why you're all fake news.

And if John McCain dies I'll like people who were captured. As I've always said".
Wasn't John McCain the tennis player who always got angry?
Its moronic to attack conservatives and Old Glory about it.

The police forces that are being accused of abuse are in Liberal cities with hardcore leftist mayors. Victimizing conservative football fans by subjecting them to abuse for something they did not do, and have no control over is moronic.
Addressing your grievances to government, is a core American value. It's not my problem conservatives don't embrace American values.
You really are a scumbag, aren't you?

Trump Says N.F.L. Players Should Be Fired for Anthem Protests
Not only did you say something you knew wasn't true, as shown by your next statement...

Learn how to read. I said Trump didn't bow to anybody. couldn't even admit you were wrong. You had to attempt a misdirection play to hide your faux pax.

No misdirection. I meant exactly what I said.

What free speech is that? Are you referring to the free speech you said he never said?

The free speech that allows everybody (including Trump) to have an opinion on the players and the NFL. That free speech.
Its moronic to attack conservatives and Old Glory about it.

The police forces that are being accused of abuse are in Liberal cities with hardcore leftist mayors. Victimizing conservative football fans by subjecting them to abuse for something they did not do, and have no control over is moronic.
Addressing your grievances to government, is a core American value. It's not my problem conservatives don't embrace American values.

If they want to address government, WTF are they doing it in a football stadium? Address government by contacting your Congress person, your Senator, the President. Write an opinion piece to your local paper.
Addressing your grievances to government, is a core American value. It's not my problem conservatives don't embrace American values.

Football fans aren't the government, so they don't need subject to abuse.

They can't satisfy the demands of these crybaby billionaires, even if they want to.

But isn't it interesting that America is the only country which has this kind of abuse of its anthem? When the NFL played in England last year, the players didn't even take a knee for the UK's anthem- even though England burned the freaking White House.
If they want to address government, WTF are they doing it in a football stadium? Address government by contacting your Congress person, your Senator, the President. Write an opinion piece to your local paper.
Tell it to Merrick Garland.

Garland was rejected by the Senate, I did contact my senators about him and asked them to oppose bringing his name up for consideration
Whenever a black man doesn't have a gun at all, and still gets shot, he had it coming -- he should have just listened - because it clearly states that you are allowed to kill people for not listening to you

Except for in the case of this guy, who actually followed police orders and was still shot...were you outraged about that?

And what happened to the officer?

Yes, you can get shot for not listening because a move you make could be considered life threatening. In most all cases, a grand jury decides not to indict because the officer was within the law when he used deadly force.

If an unarmed man (of any race) approaches me in my car and tries to break in and I have nowhere to go, I can legally fill him with holes, and I won't even get a ticket yet alone charged. That's our law.

Well luckily in the case of the guy who totally followed police commands and was still shot -- luckily there was a guy recording it with a cell phone -- so that officer was charged -- that wouldn't have been the case otherwise. Now if that officer will be convicted, that remains to be seen..

As for your belief that police should be able to shoot anyone who walks up on them or approaches them in their car -- are you claiming that you are in support of this officer shooting this woman for approaching their car?


It has nothing to do with cars. So I'll post our law here in the State of Ohio for CCW Holders: A licensed CCW holder is permitted to use deadly force if they believe they or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's our law and it's very similar to those in other states.

As for police officers that do not find themselves in such jeopardy, if they use deadly force, they are held accountable just like any other citizen. And I believe the case you're talking about (above) has not been investigated completely yet, and I'm sure everything will come out (pro or con) when the investigation is complete. Then we'll see what happens at that time.

The bottom line is that there is nothing to protest. When good police officers use justified deadly force, they are not charged. When bad cops use unjustified deadly force, they pay the consequences.

So, cops feared for their lives & killed people running away.

This idea that you assholes just have to claim you were afraid & you get to kill anyone.

This is one reason you should never ever been allowed to carry a concealed weapon.

Why, because I know the law and how to use it to my advantage?

Show me one instance where a person was running away and got shot by a cop with impunity. But yes, if an officer believes the person getting away is a threat to the public, he does have the legal right to use any means necessary to stop the suspect.

You are the quintessential liberal. You are ignorant of the laws and are pissed off about it. You think the laws are what a liberal makes up at the time.

All police shootings are thoroughly investigated. If it is found the officer was within his power to use deadly force, no charges are brought forward. If there is any question about his use of force, it goes to a Grand Jury. If the Grand Jury finds no laws were broken by the officer, they vote to acquit which is what happens in most cases.

It doesn't get much fairer than that.

Fair???????? You fucking moron. The fucking law is the God damn problem, because idiots like you think it is OK to kill people. You take the law to your advantage??? What the fuck is that? You get to kill people as long as you say " But Mommy I was afraid"?

The police shooting are investigated the the police. Wow, how fair is that?

I saw the head police dick say the white guy was right to kill the guy who pushed him down when the black guy was jurt standing there. Only a fucking moron like you would think that was a "good" shooting.
Addressing your grievances to government, is a core American value. It's not my problem conservatives don't embrace American values.

Football fans aren't the government, so they don't need subject to abuse.

They can't satisfy the demands of these crybaby billionaires, even if they want to.

But isn't it interesting that America is the only country which has this kind of abuse of its anthem? When the NFL played in England last year, the players didn't even take a knee for the UK's anthem- even though England burned the freaking White House.

So you are abused by people kneeling.

That is some funny chit.
If they want to address government, WTF are they doing it in a football stadium? Address government by contacting your Congress person, your Senator, the President. Write an opinion piece to your local paper.
Tell it to Merrick Garland.

Garland was rejected by the Senate, I did contact my senators about him and asked them to oppose bringing his name up for consideration
Garland was put up for a vote? Are you really this fucking stupid?
Fair???????? You fucking moron. The fucking law is the God damn problem, because idiots like you think it is OK to kill people. You take the law to your advantage??? What the fuck is that? You get to kill people as long as you say " But Mommy I was afraid"?

The police shooting are investigated the the police. Wow, how fair is that?

I saw the head police dick say the white guy was right to kill the guy who pushed him down when the black guy was jurt standing there. Only a fucking moron like you would think that was a "good" shooting.

Police officers are required to carry weapons while doing their duty, shooting people for good reasons is part of their job.

Prosecutors have never had a problem prosecuting cops for bad shootings. Two of NY's finest, Caracappa and Eppolito, got sent up for life for bad shootings.

The facts are that the Vast Majority of police shootings are good shootings. And when they aren't the police crack down on their own.
Actually, many NFL players put action behind their protest during the off season -- now you may not have heard about it because they didn't do it in a way to draw attention --also, because the liberal media didn't want to report on it, because of how liberal the media is and all..

But here is one example of why your post is a bunch of BS:

"After the anthem, and off the field, Jenkins’ push for social justice and racial equality continued. Along with four other NFL players, he traveled to Washington, D.C., for a meeting with lawmakers to discuss criminal justice reform."

When Malcolm Jenkins went on a ride along with Philly police he said: "There was a lot I wanted to accomplish by doing it. First, I wanted to kind of learn for myself before I went on advocating and making a lot of noise. I wanted to learn for myself, kind of both ends of the spectrum. What is it that officers are going through? What are their challenges? Their perspective on the issue. Or even if they believed that there was an issue. And then also being able to hear the voices of members of the community that have to deal with police interactions all the time. The third thing I wanted to do is document the conversations that came out of it, between myself and law enforcement."

Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins talks about his ride-along with Philly Police Department

So no, NFL players are not just protesting during the anthem and nothing else off the field, you wouldn't know or care because you don't see a problem to begin with --- but you same people are willing to declare the entire FBI and DOJ as being corrupt and I don't recall one single Trump official being shot unarmed.

Ok, one example, but Jenkins destroyed all the good he did by kneeling at the first preseason game. Yes, the DOJ and FBI are corrupt, much of the corruption happened under Obama, you tell me, did he condone it or try to stop it?

Yes, no Trump has been shot unarmed------------yet.
This is why there is no reason in talking to a Trump supporter

I just showed you an example of a NFL player doing something beyond anthem protests, and you still find a way to say "yea, but..."

Then in the very same comment, despite a Trump official never being shot while unarmed, never being beaten into a confession while in custody -- you still claim that its the DOJ that is corrupt and how black NFL players should be quiet

I think they should protest if they feel motivated to do so. But not during a football game and to disgrace the national anthem, the flag, the military, and everyone who died protecting their right to protest.

The highest form of patriotism is to engage in peaceful protest, to oppose injustice, and to express one’s opinions and concerns.

What’s disgraceful is the ridiculous notion that one should refrain from peaceful protest to appease those hostile to the issues being protested against.

And let’s make no mistake about it: the right’s hostility to NFL players engaging in peaceful protest has little to do with ‘disrespecting the anthem’ – it has to do with conservatives’ contempt for the black community bringing attention to the unwarranted killing of young black men by the police, something most on the right reject as being a legitimate, important issue to protest.

So what unwarranted killings are you talking about where the officer was guilty of breaking the law and not charged or imprisoned? I know you can't answer, but it's just a fun thing for me to do.

You fucking moron. Police getting away with it is part of the fucking problem.
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