NFL kneelers

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They certainly started the anthem. But nice try once AGAIN trying to morph somebody else's statement from what it is into what you wish it had been. Verbal history-revisionism. Again, rhetorical fascism and again, fumble.

Upon further review I am forced to amend. I should have added the adjective "desperate" to "Verbal history-revisionism".

NFL players: kneel

Non-leftists: Object

Pogo: Oh ... my ... God, non-leftists started this!!!!

You mentioned your hillbilly logic already

Feel free to show the class where the NFL players union, or any player or players, ever started insisting, "Look, I'm not gonna participate in this game unless we can first have a meaningless fake-patriotism charade on the field where we have a captive audience".

And when you've got that, show the class where those players then demanded "we're not happy being in the locker room when this fake patriotism charade goes on --- make us all trot out and stand there like marionettes!".

Happy huntin' Dumbass.

Interesting. Pogo's getting really defensive and insecure. He needs to be speaking for a crowd of people to prop up his ego because he doesn't have the gonads to speak for himself.

As for your question, people who don't work in fake news like you do where you write political OP-EDs on the front page of the paper, have to follow their employer's requirements whether they like them or not. Or they need to find another job.

Didn't know that, huh hillbilly?

Another fun fact. Outside fake news, almost no one is allowed by their employer to stage political protests at work and for the same reason the NFL shouldn't allow it. All it does is piss off customers.

See how that works? No, huh?
Works both ways. How about you both stfu. lol!

Sorry for discussing the thread topic. Any content or just snotty?
I will go with snotty. Conservatives are obsessed with identity politics. Snowflakes that have religion and patriotism tests. How about stfu and let us all watch football without your incessant whining.
NFL players: kneel

Non-leftists: Object

Pogo: Oh ... my ... God, non-leftists started this!!!!

You mentioned your hillbilly logic already

Feel free to show the class where the NFL players union, or any player or players, ever started insisting, "Look, I'm not gonna participate in this game unless we can first have a meaningless fake-patriotism charade on the field where we have a captive audience".

And when you've got that, show the class where those players then demanded "we're not happy being in the locker room when this fake patriotism charade goes on --- make us all trot out and stand there like marionettes!".

Happy huntin' Dumbass.

Interesting. Pogo's getting really defensive and insecure. He needs to be speaking for a crowd of people to prop up his ego because he doesn't have the gonads to speak for himself.

As for your question, people who don't work in fake news like you do where you write political OP-EDs on the front page of the paper, have to follow their employer's requirements whether they like them or not. Or they need to find another job.

Didn't know that, huh hillbilly?

Another fun fact. Outside fake news, almost no one is allowed by their employer to stage political protests at work and for the same reason the NFL shouldn't allow it. All it does is piss off customers.

See how that works? No, huh?
Works both ways. How about you both stfu. lol!

Sorry for discussing the thread topic. Any content or just snotty?
I will go with snotty. Conservatives are obsessed with identity politics. Snowflakes that have religion and patriotism tests. How about stfu and let us all watch football without your incessant whining.

You're full of shit. I didn't "whine" anywhere, dumb ass. Snowflakes melt. I'm blasting you idiot leftists for your anti-Americanism and the stupid shit that people have the right to stage political protests at work. Buy a dictionary, ass wipe
Feel free to show the class where the NFL players union, or any player or players, ever started insisting, "Look, I'm not gonna participate in this game unless we can first have a meaningless fake-patriotism charade on the field where we have a captive audience".

And when you've got that, show the class where those players then demanded "we're not happy being in the locker room when this fake patriotism charade goes on --- make us all trot out and stand there like marionettes!".

Happy huntin' Dumbass.

Interesting. Pogo's getting really defensive and insecure. He needs to be speaking for a crowd of people to prop up his ego because he doesn't have the gonads to speak for himself.

As for your question, people who don't work in fake news like you do where you write political OP-EDs on the front page of the paper, have to follow their employer's requirements whether they like them or not. Or they need to find another job.

Didn't know that, huh hillbilly?

Another fun fact. Outside fake news, almost no one is allowed by their employer to stage political protests at work and for the same reason the NFL shouldn't allow it. All it does is piss off customers.

See how that works? No, huh?
Works both ways. How about you both stfu. lol!

Sorry for discussing the thread topic. Any content or just snotty?
I will go with snotty. Conservatives are obsessed with identity politics. Snowflakes that have religion and patriotism tests. How about stfu and let us all watch football without your incessant whining.

You're full of shit. I didn't "whine" anywhere, dumb ass. Snowflakes melt. I'm blasting you idiot leftists for your anti-Americanism and the stupid shit that people have the right to stage political protests at work. Buy a dictionary, ass wipe
Lol now you aren't only whining but bitching too. How about get your politics out of football and stfu.
Interesting. Pogo's getting really defensive and insecure. He needs to be speaking for a crowd of people to prop up his ego because he doesn't have the gonads to speak for himself.

As for your question, people who don't work in fake news like you do where you write political OP-EDs on the front page of the paper, have to follow their employer's requirements whether they like them or not. Or they need to find another job.

Didn't know that, huh hillbilly?

Another fun fact. Outside fake news, almost no one is allowed by their employer to stage political protests at work and for the same reason the NFL shouldn't allow it. All it does is piss off customers.

See how that works? No, huh?
Works both ways. How about you both stfu. lol!

Sorry for discussing the thread topic. Any content or just snotty?
I will go with snotty. Conservatives are obsessed with identity politics. Snowflakes that have religion and patriotism tests. How about stfu and let us all watch football without your incessant whining.

You're full of shit. I didn't "whine" anywhere, dumb ass. Snowflakes melt. I'm blasting you idiot leftists for your anti-Americanism and the stupid shit that people have the right to stage political protests at work. Buy a dictionary, ass wipe
Lol now you aren't only whining but bitching too. How about get your politics out of football and stfu.

Read the thread title, moron
Works both ways. How about you both stfu. lol!

Sorry for discussing the thread topic. Any content or just snotty?
I will go with snotty. Conservatives are obsessed with identity politics. Snowflakes that have religion and patriotism tests. How about stfu and let us all watch football without your incessant whining.

You're full of shit. I didn't "whine" anywhere, dumb ass. Snowflakes melt. I'm blasting you idiot leftists for your anti-Americanism and the stupid shit that people have the right to stage political protests at work. Buy a dictionary, ass wipe
Lol now you aren't only whining but bitching too. How about get your politics out of football and stfu.

Read the thread title, moron
I did. How about you big government conservatives leave the NFL alone and let teams discipline players as they see fit. Big government authoritarian trump wants to take their salaries. You assholes and trump need to stfu and leave the NFL alone. Take your identity politics elsewhere. Stop ruining stuff with your bullshit.
Last edited:
Sorry for discussing the thread topic. Any content or just snotty?
I will go with snotty. Conservatives are obsessed with identity politics. Snowflakes that have religion and patriotism tests. How about stfu and let us all watch football without your incessant whining.

You're full of shit. I didn't "whine" anywhere, dumb ass. Snowflakes melt. I'm blasting you idiot leftists for your anti-Americanism and the stupid shit that people have the right to stage political protests at work. Buy a dictionary, ass wipe
Lol now you aren't only whining but bitching too. How about get your politics out of football and stfu.

Read the thread title, moron
I did. How about you big government conservatives leave the NFL alone and let teams discipline players as they see fit.

Funny the irony that you have no problem telling people what to do. Hypocrisy much?

WheelieAdict: Players have free speech, so shut the fuck up, you don't ...

LOL, what a dumb ass.

BTW, remind me again where I advocated government get involved in this. I don't remember that part. Oh yeah, I didn't. You're stupid as shit
I will go with snotty. Conservatives are obsessed with identity politics. Snowflakes that have religion and patriotism tests. How about stfu and let us all watch football without your incessant whining.

You're full of shit. I didn't "whine" anywhere, dumb ass. Snowflakes melt. I'm blasting you idiot leftists for your anti-Americanism and the stupid shit that people have the right to stage political protests at work. Buy a dictionary, ass wipe
Lol now you aren't only whining but bitching too. How about get your politics out of football and stfu.

Read the thread title, moron
I did. How about you big government conservatives leave the NFL alone and let teams discipline players as they see fit.

Funny the irony that you have no problem telling people what to do. Hypocrisy much?

WheelieAdict: Players have free speech, so shut the fuck up, you don't ...

LOL, what a dumb ass.

BTW, remind me again where I advocated government get involved in this. I don't remember that part. Oh yeah, I didn't. You're stupid as shit
Why did you cut off and change my quote? Because you are an asshole that tries to change what someone truly says. A true piece of shit.
You're full of shit. I didn't "whine" anywhere, dumb ass. Snowflakes melt. I'm blasting you idiot leftists for your anti-Americanism and the stupid shit that people have the right to stage political protests at work. Buy a dictionary, ass wipe
Lol now you aren't only whining but bitching too. How about get your politics out of football and stfu.

Read the thread title, moron
I did. How about you big government conservatives leave the NFL alone and let teams discipline players as they see fit.

Funny the irony that you have no problem telling people what to do. Hypocrisy much?

WheelieAdict: Players have free speech, so shut the fuck up, you don't ...

LOL, what a dumb ass.

BTW, remind me again where I advocated government get involved in this. I don't remember that part. Oh yeah, I didn't. You're stupid as shit
Why did you cut off and change my quote? Because you are an asshole that tries to change what someone truly says. A true piece of shit.

I quoted the part I was addressing, see how that works? The rest was inane babble.

In the rest, you said that it's big government for Trump to state his personal opinion because you're stupid.

Then you started talking about identity politics when I didn't say anything about race or any other identity because you're stupid.

Again, where did Trump or I bring government into this? You really are an idiot. No one has proposed any laws or legislation. No one
Lol now you aren't only whining but bitching too. How about get your politics out of football and stfu.

Read the thread title, moron
I did. How about you big government conservatives leave the NFL alone and let teams discipline players as they see fit.

Funny the irony that you have no problem telling people what to do. Hypocrisy much?

WheelieAdict: Players have free speech, so shut the fuck up, you don't ...

LOL, what a dumb ass.

BTW, remind me again where I advocated government get involved in this. I don't remember that part. Oh yeah, I didn't. You're stupid as shit
Why did you cut off and change my quote? Because you are an asshole that tries to change what someone truly says. A true piece of shit.

I quoted the part I was addressing, see how that works? The rest was inane babble.

In the rest, you said that it's big government for Trump to state his personal opinion because you're stupid.

Then you started talking about identity politics when I didn't say anything about race or any other identity because you're stupid.

Again, where did Trump or I bring government into this? You really are an idiot. No one has proposed any laws or legislation. No one
No you selectively took not just a quote, but part of one, changed it, and then posted it as my own words. That's why you are a piece of shit.

Trump is government and can't stop threatening the NFL.
"Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]" Big government wannabe dictator trump thinks he can control business.
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs
This is truth. So you've been firing off strongly-worded letters at the Pentagon and the NFL for trotting in these fake patriotism charades at what was supposed to be a football game, haven't you.

Wow, the Pentagon and the NFL started the kneeling?

You just get dumber and more Democrat partisan every day

They certainly started the anthem. But nice try once AGAIN trying to morph somebody else's statement from what it is into what you wish it had been. Verbal history-revisionism. Again, rhetorical fascism and again, fumble.

It's hilarious how you think the Pentagon started the kneeling bringing politics into sport.

Have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one?

Upon further review I am forced to amend. I should have added the adjective "desperate" to "Verbal history-revisionism".

NFL players: kneel

Non-leftists: Object

Pogo: Oh ... my ... God, non-leftists started this!!!!

You mentioned your hillbilly logic already

Feel free to show the class where the NFL players union, or any player or players, ever started insisting, "Look, I'm not gonna participate in this game unless we can first have a meaningless fake-patriotism charade on the field where we have a captive audience".

And when you've got that, show the class where those players then demanded "we're not happy being in the locker room when this fake patriotism charade goes on --- make us all trot out and stand there like marionettes!".

Happy huntin' Dumbass.

Interesting. Pogo's getting really defensive and insecure. He needs to be speaking for a crowd of people to prop up his ego because he doesn't have the gonads to speak for himself.

As for your question, people who don't work in fake news like you do where you write political OP-EDs on the front page of the paper, have to follow their employer's requirements whether they like them or not. Or they need to find another job.

Didn't know that, huh hillbilly?

Another fun fact. Outside fake news, almost no one is allowed by their employer to stage political protests at work and for the same reason the NFL shouldn't allow it. All it does is piss off customers.

See how that works? No, huh?
Interesting how Kaz has described his hero, Trump. Needs to be speaking for a crowd to prop us his ego.

A really fun fact is this: It is up to the employer to allow things to go on. Not you. Not your fat assed orange buddy.

You & Trump do not get to decide what is being protested.
The only customers the NFL is pissing off are ignorant people who were duped by Trump. You should be having a fit about Trump as he actually did dishonor the military.
I did. How about you big government conservatives leave the NFL alone and let teams discipline players as they see fit.

That's what they're doing now. Having an opinion is not bothering them in the least. It's an opinion, and until Democrats take over, we're allowed to have them.

Big government authoritarian trump wants to take their salaries.

He does? And how does he propose to do that?
I think they should protest if they feel motivated to do so. But not during a football game
I agree.

and to disgrace the national anthem, the flag, the military, and everyone who died protecting their right to protest.

This part of your post is stupid. It does no such thing. Protesting injustice in a non-violent manner is in the best traditions of our nation. But you can't do it at work.

The method of protest can be criticized.

YOur pretense that you don't understand that is wearing very thin.
I did. How about you big government conservatives leave the NFL alone and let teams discipline players as they see fit.

That's what they're doing now. Having an opinion is not bothering them in the least. It's an opinion, and until Democrats take over, we're allowed to have them.

Big government authoritarian trump wants to take their salaries.

He does? And how does he propose to do that?
"Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]"
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs
I think they should protest if they feel motivated to do so. But not during a football game
I agree.

and to disgrace the national anthem, the flag, the military, and everyone who died protecting their right to protest.

This part of your post is stupid. It does no such thing. Protesting injustice in a non-violent manner is in the best traditions of our nation. But you can't do it at work.

The method of protest can be criticized.

YOur pretense that you don't understand that is wearing very thin.

I bet that these players do more to respect the flag, military, country during the anthem than 90% of your ilk.

You can't even admit that they have a just cause.
I did. How about you big government conservatives leave the NFL alone and let teams discipline players as they see fit.

That's what they're doing now. Having an opinion is not bothering them in the least. It's an opinion, and until Democrats take over, we're allowed to have them.

Big government authoritarian trump wants to take their salaries.

He does? And how does he propose to do that?
"Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]"
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Freedom of CHOICE...

Players choose to kneel.

Owners choose to let the players damage ''the product'.

People choose to NOT watch.

I personally would not mind seeing the NFL nearly collapse as a result to teach these millionaires just how great of a country they have, that WAS willing to pay them so much to play a game.

I personally have not watched a pro baseball game since those spoiled turds went on strike & there was no World Series that year years ago. F* 'Em... College baseball is just as if not more entertaining.

Of course, that is / was MY choice.
You & Trump do not get to decide what is being protested.
The only customers the NFL is pissing off are ignorant people who were duped by Trump. You should be having a fit about Trump as he actually did dishonor the military.

The President is protesting that his people are being abused by the NFL players by being subjected to the protests.

And all Mr. Trump is suggesting is that people not attend or view the games in protest against the players' disrespect to America's veterans. As, BTW, is his right to do so.

But libs think that the people are somehow required to be abused by protests.

I remember the conniption that the left threw when Vice President Pence chose to leave an NFL game rather than be subject to disrespect and abuse.
Read the thread title, moron
I did. How about you big government conservatives leave the NFL alone and let teams discipline players as they see fit.

Funny the irony that you have no problem telling people what to do. Hypocrisy much?

WheelieAdict: Players have free speech, so shut the fuck up, you don't ...

LOL, what a dumb ass.

BTW, remind me again where I advocated government get involved in this. I don't remember that part. Oh yeah, I didn't. You're stupid as shit
Why did you cut off and change my quote? Because you are an asshole that tries to change what someone truly says. A true piece of shit.

I quoted the part I was addressing, see how that works? The rest was inane babble.

In the rest, you said that it's big government for Trump to state his personal opinion because you're stupid.

Then you started talking about identity politics when I didn't say anything about race or any other identity because you're stupid.

Again, where did Trump or I bring government into this? You really are an idiot. No one has proposed any laws or legislation. No one
No you selectively took not just a quote, but part of one, changed it, and then posted it as my own words. That's why you are a piece of shit.

Trump is government and can't stop threatening the NFL.
"Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]" Big government wannabe dictator trump thinks he can control business.
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Trump stating his view is not government. Passing laws or prosecuting people is government. That isn't happening. What the hell is wrong with you?

Give me an example of when you ever held Obama or Hillary to that standard, that stating their view "is government." You're so full of shit it's seeping out of your ears
I did. How about you big government conservatives leave the NFL alone and let teams discipline players as they see fit.

That's what they're doing now. Having an opinion is not bothering them in the least. It's an opinion, and until Democrats take over, we're allowed to have them.

Big government authoritarian trump wants to take their salaries.

He does? And how does he propose to do that?
"Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]"
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.
I did. How about you big government conservatives leave the NFL alone and let teams discipline players as they see fit.

That's what they're doing now. Having an opinion is not bothering them in the least. It's an opinion, and until Democrats take over, we're allowed to have them.

Big government authoritarian trump wants to take their salaries.

He does? And how does he propose to do that?
"Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]"
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

Apparently you don't understand the constitutional rule of the President. But apparently, the college educated men playing in the NFL do.
They know the President can't outlaw their disrespect to America's veterans, so they are continuing with it.
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