NFL kneelers

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"Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]"
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life

They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.

We cons bitched about his statements with Martin and Ferguson,

but we never pretended that him opening his stupid mouth, was some from of government threat.
How do you know what the players do in their off time?

Because they do nothing if not for the camera.

What a stupid thing to say

This is where you start to show how much the kneelers do during their off season.

I have no idea, as I am not obsessed with them and I do not really give a shit. It is you people that allow them to get into your head and become your focus.
I think they should protest if they feel motivated to do so. But not during a football game
I agree.

and to disgrace the national anthem, the flag, the military, and everyone who died protecting their right to protest.

This part of your post is stupid. It does no such thing. Protesting injustice in a non-violent manner is in the best traditions of our nation. But you can't do it at work.

The method of protest can be criticized.

YOur pretense that you don't understand that is wearing very thin.

I bet that these players do more to respect the flag, military, country during the anthem than 90% of your ilk.

You can't even admit that they have a just cause.

As part of my job as a corporate mogul (LOL) I have been to a few conventions, seminars, workshops, symposiums, etc… I don’t recall one that had the national anthem played at the beginning of it. Each week, there are what 16 games or so; the national anthem is played at every one of them, every NBA game, every MLB game and probably every MLS match as well. To question the sports leagues’ patriotism when you or your employer never say the anthem at your place of business (much less in your house) is hypocrisy. As for the players, the 99.9% of the players who do the traditional standing at attention and not protesting…do you like being criticized for what someone with whom your affiliated does? Should we just assume that all Trump supporters are whore mongers because he is? I don’t think the players should be protesting at their place of business. They can garner enough support away from the field and the protests can and probably do lead to internal strife within the team. I think the players are wrong but the Trump ass kissers should stop with the bullshit notion that somehow this denigrates the flag, disrespects the military, etc…
"Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]"
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life

They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.
Trump Threatens NFL’s Tax Status; Owners to Consider Kneel Ban
Funny the irony that you have no problem telling people what to do. Hypocrisy much?

WheelieAdict: Players have free speech, so shut the fuck up, you don't ...

LOL, what a dumb ass.

BTW, remind me again where I advocated government get involved in this. I don't remember that part. Oh yeah, I didn't. You're stupid as shit
Why did you cut off and change my quote? Because you are an asshole that tries to change what someone truly says. A true piece of shit.

I quoted the part I was addressing, see how that works? The rest was inane babble.

In the rest, you said that it's big government for Trump to state his personal opinion because you're stupid.

Then you started talking about identity politics when I didn't say anything about race or any other identity because you're stupid.

Again, where did Trump or I bring government into this? You really are an idiot. No one has proposed any laws or legislation. No one
No you selectively took not just a quote, but part of one, changed it, and then posted it as my own words. That's why you are a piece of shit.

Trump is government and can't stop threatening the NFL.
"Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]" Big government wannabe dictator trump thinks he can control business.
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Trump stating his view is not government. Passing laws or prosecuting people is government. That isn't happening. What the hell is wrong with you?

Give me an example of when you ever held Obama or Hillary to that standard, that stating their view "is government." You're so full of shit it's seeping out of your ears

Every tweet Trump makes is an official statement from the US government

Err, interesting claim. and so what? We have an official statement about what the president thinks about an issue?

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.
"Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]"
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life

They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.

Yes. Well put. If Trump proposes legislation regarding the NFL, then I'll flip against him. But that's not going to happen and he has the right to his view and to state it. WheelieAddict thinks that too if we flip parties. It's only Republicans he thinks need to be silenced even from stating their view
Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life

They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.
Trump Threatens NFL’s Tax Status; Owners to Consider Kneel Ban

OMG, you mean Trump is threatening to treat the NFL like every other business, the tyrant!

That's what Hitler threatened Germans with you know. We're going to remove special tax breaks!!!
That's what they're doing now. Having an opinion is not bothering them in the least. It's an opinion, and until Democrats take over, we're allowed to have them.

He does? And how does he propose to do that?
"Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]"
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life
Donald Trump threatens NFL stadium tax breaks
Why did you cut off and change my quote? Because you are an asshole that tries to change what someone truly says. A true piece of shit.

I quoted the part I was addressing, see how that works? The rest was inane babble.

In the rest, you said that it's big government for Trump to state his personal opinion because you're stupid.

Then you started talking about identity politics when I didn't say anything about race or any other identity because you're stupid.

Again, where did Trump or I bring government into this? You really are an idiot. No one has proposed any laws or legislation. No one
No you selectively took not just a quote, but part of one, changed it, and then posted it as my own words. That's why you are a piece of shit.

Trump is government and can't stop threatening the NFL.
"Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]" Big government wannabe dictator trump thinks he can control business.
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Trump stating his view is not government. Passing laws or prosecuting people is government. That isn't happening. What the hell is wrong with you?

Give me an example of when you ever held Obama or Hillary to that standard, that stating their view "is government." You're so full of shit it's seeping out of your ears

Every tweet Trump makes is an official statement from the US government

Err, interesting claim. and so what? We have an official statement about what the president thinks about an issue?

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

It is not a claim, it is a fact.

The DOJ stated that Trump's tweets are "official statements of the President of the United States,”

The Press Sec of the POTUS said ""The President is the President of the United States, so they're considered official statements by the President of the United States,"
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life

They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.
Trump Threatens NFL’s Tax Status; Owners to Consider Kneel Ban

OMG, you mean Trump is threatening to treat the NFL like every other business, the cad!
^Admits trump is threatening the NFL
I think they should protest if they feel motivated to do so. But not during a football game
I agree.

and to disgrace the national anthem, the flag, the military, and everyone who died protecting their right to protest.

This part of your post is stupid. It does no such thing. Protesting injustice in a non-violent manner is in the best traditions of our nation. But you can't do it at work.

The method of protest can be criticized.

YOur pretense that you don't understand that is wearing very thin.

I bet that these players do more to respect the flag, military, country during the anthem than 90% of your ilk.

You can't even admit that they have a just cause.

As part of my job as a corporate mogul (LOL) I have been to a few conventions, seminars, workshops, symposiums, etc… I don’t recall one that had the national anthem played at the beginning of it. Each week, there are what 16 games or so; the national anthem is played at every one of them, every NBA game, every MLB game and probably every MLS match as well. To question the sports leagues’ patriotism when you or your employer never say the anthem at your place of business (much less in your house) is hypocrisy. As for the players, the 99.9% of the players who do the traditional standing at attention and not protesting…do you like being criticized for what someone with whom your affiliated does? Should we just assume that all Trump supporters are whore mongers because he is? I don’t think the players should be protesting at their place of business. They can garner enough support away from the field and the protests can and probably do lead to internal strife within the team. I think the players are wrong but the Trump ass kissers should stop with the bullshit notion that somehow this denigrates the flag, disrespects the military, etc…

THe ritual calls for them to stand to show respect and unity.

THey do the opposite.

Their message is clear.

I quoted the part I was addressing, see how that works? The rest was inane babble.

In the rest, you said that it's big government for Trump to state his personal opinion because you're stupid.

Then you started talking about identity politics when I didn't say anything about race or any other identity because you're stupid.

Again, where did Trump or I bring government into this? You really are an idiot. No one has proposed any laws or legislation. No one
No you selectively took not just a quote, but part of one, changed it, and then posted it as my own words. That's why you are a piece of shit.

Trump is government and can't stop threatening the NFL.
"Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]" Big government wannabe dictator trump thinks he can control business.
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Trump stating his view is not government. Passing laws or prosecuting people is government. That isn't happening. What the hell is wrong with you?

Give me an example of when you ever held Obama or Hillary to that standard, that stating their view "is government." You're so full of shit it's seeping out of your ears

Every tweet Trump makes is an official statement from the US government

Err, interesting claim. and so what? We have an official statement about what the president thinks about an issue?

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

It is not a claim, it is a fact.

The DOJ stated that Trump's tweets are "official statements of the President of the United States,”

The Press Sec of the POTUS said ""The President is the President of the United States, so they're considered official statements by the President of the United States,"

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.
I think they should protest if they feel motivated to do so. But not during a football game
I agree.

and to disgrace the national anthem, the flag, the military, and everyone who died protecting their right to protest.

This part of your post is stupid. It does no such thing. Protesting injustice in a non-violent manner is in the best traditions of our nation. But you can't do it at work.

The method of protest can be criticized.

YOur pretense that you don't understand that is wearing very thin.

I bet that these players do more to respect the flag, military, country during the anthem than 90% of your ilk.

You can't even admit that they have a just cause.

As part of my job as a corporate mogul (LOL) I have been to a few conventions, seminars, workshops, symposiums, etc… I don’t recall one that had the national anthem played at the beginning of it. Each week, there are what 16 games or so; the national anthem is played at every one of them, every NBA game, every MLB game and probably every MLS match as well. To question the sports leagues’ patriotism when you or your employer never say the anthem at your place of business (much less in your house) is hypocrisy. As for the players, the 99.9% of the players who do the traditional standing at attention and not protesting…do you like being criticized for what someone with whom your affiliated does? Should we just assume that all Trump supporters are whore mongers because he is? I don’t think the players should be protesting at their place of business. They can garner enough support away from the field and the protests can and probably do lead to internal strife within the team. I think the players are wrong but the Trump ass kissers should stop with the bullshit notion that somehow this denigrates the flag, disrespects the military, etc…

So? You don't understand the difference between a corporate job and an entertainment business? Seriously?

So just to be clear, if your company tells you to do timesheets or to work at the office rather than home or go to a meeting and you don't want to do it, you tell them to go stuff it, right? That's what you're claiming?
Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life

They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.
Trump Threatens NFL’s Tax Status; Owners to Consider Kneel Ban

Thanks for the leftist link. In the first sentence:

President Trump on Tuesday morning suggested the National Football League lose its “massive tax breaks” because of players kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality.

A suggestion is not a threat. Trump doesn't have the authority to take away any tax breaks. That's up to the Congress who didn't even acknowledge the statement.
  • Thanks
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"Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]"
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life
Donald Trump threatens NFL stadium tax breaks

Good, they shouldn't get tax breaks or exemptions. Taking away a perk isn't proposing something to punish them
No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life

They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.
Trump Threatens NFL’s Tax Status; Owners to Consider Kneel Ban

OMG, you mean Trump is threatening to treat the NFL like every other business, the cad!
^Admits trump is threatening the NFL

Being against government treating citizens differently is completely consistent with my libertarian ideology. Supporting treating them differently is completely contrary to it.

That they are going to be treated like everyone else is not a threat. A threat would be treating them adversely differently than everyone else.

Again, Obama and Hillary gave their opinions all the time. Give some examples of when you told them they are the government, so STFU. We both know that never happened
That's what they're doing now. Having an opinion is not bothering them in the least. It's an opinion, and until Democrats take over, we're allowed to have them.

He does? And how does he propose to do that?
"Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]"
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life
Tell your god emperor trump to stop threatening the NFL so I can watch sports and not have to deal with republican identity politics bullshit.
"Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]"
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life
Tell your god emperor trump to stop threatening the NFL so I can watch sports and not have to deal with republican identity politics bullshit.

OMG, it was Trump who started kneeling and bringing politics into sports??? I did not know that. The cad!!!
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