NFL kneelers

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Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life

They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.
Trump Threatens NFL’s Tax Status; Owners to Consider Kneel Ban

Thanks for the leftist link. In the first sentence:

President Trump on Tuesday morning suggested the National Football League lose its “massive tax breaks” because of players kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality.

A suggestion is not a threat. Trump doesn't have the authority to take away any tax breaks. That's up to the Congress who didn't even acknowledge the statement.
Its a threat, the owners take it seriously. It wouldn't even be an issue if it wasn't for the authoritarian big government republicans that want to control people.
Avoiding answering the question? One more time: How does Trump propose the government should take their salaries for protesting?
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life
Tell your god emperor trump to stop threatening the NFL so I can watch sports and not have to deal with republican identity politics bullshit.

OMG, it was Trump who started kneeling and bringing politics into sports??? I did not know that. The cad!!!
No, it is trump and republicans that think they are dictators and can tell others what to do, or they wouldn't have had an issue with it. They threaten businesses with taxes like a mob shakedown to try to control people.
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No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life

They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.
Trump Threatens NFL’s Tax Status; Owners to Consider Kneel Ban

Thanks for the leftist link. In the first sentence:

President Trump on Tuesday morning suggested the National Football League lose its “massive tax breaks” because of players kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality.

A suggestion is not a threat. Trump doesn't have the authority to take away any tax breaks. That's up to the Congress who didn't even acknowledge the statement.
Its a threat, the owners take it seriously. It wouldn't even be an issue if it wasn't for the authoritarian big government republicans that want to control people.

Yeah, don't you just hate those control freaks telling private business what to do?
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NFL teams were set to ban kneeling due to big government republicans that want to control peoples lives and restrict their freedom. The NFL players union objected and the issue is tabled for now.
Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life

They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.
Trump Threatens NFL’s Tax Status; Owners to Consider Kneel Ban

Thanks for the leftist link. In the first sentence:

President Trump on Tuesday morning suggested the National Football League lose its “massive tax breaks” because of players kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality.

A suggestion is not a threat. Trump doesn't have the authority to take away any tax breaks. That's up to the Congress who didn't even acknowledge the statement.
Its a threat, the owners take it seriously. It wouldn't even be an issue if it wasn't for the authoritarian big government republicans that want to control people.

Yeah, don't you just hate those control freaks telling private business what to do?
Going off topic? You have lost.
No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life

They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.
Trump Threatens NFL’s Tax Status; Owners to Consider Kneel Ban

Thanks for the leftist link. In the first sentence:

President Trump on Tuesday morning suggested the National Football League lose its “massive tax breaks” because of players kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality.

A suggestion is not a threat. Trump doesn't have the authority to take away any tax breaks. That's up to the Congress who didn't even acknowledge the statement.
Its a threat, the owners take it seriously. It wouldn't even be an issue if it wasn't for the authoritarian big government republicans that want to control people.

Funny, you still haven't given any examples of when you told Obama he wasn't allowed to publicly state an opinion because he "is government." Well?
Football fans aren't the government, so they don't need subject to abuse.

They can't satisfy the demands of these crybaby billionaires, even if they want to.

But isn't it interesting that America is the only country which has this kind of abuse of its anthem? When the NFL played in England last year, the players didn't even take a knee for the UK's anthem- even though England burned the freaking White House.
It's not about the anthem. It's about police brutality.
Trump is the government and is proclaiming they should be suspended without pay. That sounds like a threat from big government to me. He needs to shut the f up and stop ruining sports with his identity politics.

No, Trump is a citizen of the United States. As such, he is entitled to an opinion just like you and I are. Now if he uses his position to do something to the NFL, THEN you can say he's involving government.

He has not introduced any legislation or executive order. He has not made a government threat of any kind. He has never said GOVERNMENT should take any salaries away. He could say that the NFL should fire any kneelers, but that doesn't mean he's forcing them to do so. Trump's OPINION is the NFL should fine players--not Trump.

Yes. And wow, what a liar the dumb ass is. Obviously he's never told a Democrat politician to STFU because they ARE the government in his life
Tell your god emperor trump to stop threatening the NFL so I can watch sports and not have to deal with republican identity politics bullshit.

OMG, it was Trump who started kneeling and bringing politics into sports??? I did not know that. The cad!!!
No, it is trump and republicans that think they are dictators and can tell others what to do, or they wouldn't have had an issue with it. They threaten businesses with taxes like a mob shakedown to try to control people.

That's classic. So the mob threatens people that they are going to treat them like everyone else? You actually believe that?
I don't watch sports so I guess I don't get to give a shit.

You realize the thread is accurately titled. If you don't give a shit, click on another link. No one gives a shit that you don't give a shit
Yet you felt the need to reply.......... :eusa_whistle:


Right, I think it was stupid that you commented on something to say you don't care about it. So I said so. What about that didn't you follow?
Seems someone was triggered...... And it twern't me........ :lol:
Let me guess, you have an un-diagnosed control fixation....... :eusa_whistle:

Grow up
And end up like you? HELL NO!!!!!!!!
Football fans aren't the government, so they don't need subject to abuse.

They can't satisfy the demands of these crybaby billionaires, even if they want to.

But isn't it interesting that America is the only country which has this kind of abuse of its anthem? When the NFL played in England last year, the players didn't even take a knee for the UK's anthem- even though England burned the freaking White House.
It's not about the anthem. It's about police brutality.

What police brutality? All incidents are investigated and if the force finds that a police officer used excessive force, they are punished for it; usually be being terminated.
There wasn't enough support for him to actually have a formal vote. Garland was too much of an extremist, and would have ruined the ideological balance on the court, possibly destroying our democracy forever.
Too much of an extremist? More than the one the Reps are trying to shove down our throats now? That prick thinks the Nixon ruling was wrong! How extreme is that?
They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.
Trump Threatens NFL’s Tax Status; Owners to Consider Kneel Ban

Thanks for the leftist link. In the first sentence:

President Trump on Tuesday morning suggested the National Football League lose its “massive tax breaks” because of players kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality.

A suggestion is not a threat. Trump doesn't have the authority to take away any tax breaks. That's up to the Congress who didn't even acknowledge the statement.
Its a threat, the owners take it seriously. It wouldn't even be an issue if it wasn't for the authoritarian big government republicans that want to control people.

Yeah, don't you just hate those control freaks telling private business what to do?
Going off topic? You have lost.

It's right on topic. Read the article. Did DumBama get the GM CEO fired or not? Did he not threaten a private company as a government official to impose his will on them?

After all, that's what you're accusing Trump of doing, so I don't see how making a comparison is off topic.
NFL teams were set to ban kneeling due to big government republicans that want to control peoples lives and restrict their freedom. The NFL players union objected and the issue is tabled for now.

It had nothing to do with Republicans. It has to do with them upsetting some of their audience. Their Republicans in their audience? Perhaps, but not the party or officials.
They act like DumBama never had an opinion. He had opinions on Ferguson, but he didn't do anything about it as a President. He had an opinion on the Travon Martin case, but he never did anything about it as Prez. He had an opinion on the white officer that arrested the college professor for getting out of hand, but he didn't use his power as President to do anything but hold a Beer Summit, and even that was more personal than professional; he had to cover his ass for being wrong.

Until Trump or any government official tries or threatens to use government to punish those they disagree with, they are simply citizens expressing their views. In this case, Trump was speaking more from a businessman's point of view than a President.
Trump Threatens NFL’s Tax Status; Owners to Consider Kneel Ban

Thanks for the leftist link. In the first sentence:

President Trump on Tuesday morning suggested the National Football League lose its “massive tax breaks” because of players kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality.

A suggestion is not a threat. Trump doesn't have the authority to take away any tax breaks. That's up to the Congress who didn't even acknowledge the statement.
Its a threat, the owners take it seriously. It wouldn't even be an issue if it wasn't for the authoritarian big government republicans that want to control people.

Yeah, don't you just hate those control freaks telling private business what to do?
Going off topic? You have lost.
LOL, you're losing. Your hypocrisy is not off topic. It's directly on topic. It proves your argument is partisan and completely disingenuous.

Someone with integrity applies a standard to himself first.

A hypocrite calls your own hypocrisy "off topic"
Football fans aren't the government, so they don't need subject to abuse.

They can't satisfy the demands of these crybaby billionaires, even if they want to.

But isn't it interesting that America is the only country which has this kind of abuse of its anthem? When the NFL played in England last year, the players didn't even take a knee for the UK's anthem- even though England burned the freaking White House.
It's not about the anthem. It's about police brutality.

Of course it's about the anthem. That's why they pick that moment to stage a political protest while at work
Garland was rejected by the Senate, I did contact my senators about him and asked them to oppose bringing his name up for consideration
You can't be rejected by the Senate without a hearing, which he never got because of that piece of shit McConnell.

Where does it say that you are entitled to hearings in the Constitution again? I can't find that part

Thanks for the leftist link. In the first sentence:

President Trump on Tuesday morning suggested the National Football League lose its “massive tax breaks” because of players kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality.

A suggestion is not a threat. Trump doesn't have the authority to take away any tax breaks. That's up to the Congress who didn't even acknowledge the statement.
Its a threat, the owners take it seriously. It wouldn't even be an issue if it wasn't for the authoritarian big government republicans that want to control people.

Yeah, don't you just hate those control freaks telling private business what to do?
Going off topic? You have lost.

It's right on topic. Read the article. Did DumBama get the GM CEO fired or not? Did he not threaten a private company as a government official to impose his will on them?

After all, that's what you're accusing Trump of doing, so I don't see how making a comparison is off topic.
It's "off topic" because you nailed the truth. That's how these creatures operate. Either "off topic" or "irrelevant".
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