NFL kneelers

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Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.

Government is prosecuting kneelers? You're going to have to prove that, I call bull shit to that
I think he means that when Trump from his office as president was calling for NFL owners to fire NFL players -- which the owners could do, but people may have had a problem with Trump advocating for these players to face consequences for protesting.

I personally feel most of the president's animosity still stems from when he failed miserably to compete with the NFL years ago.

So you're saying the President doesn't have first Amendment rights? Where do you get that stupid idea?

Give some examples of when you objected to Obama using his first Amendment rights ...
they claim to be protesting police brutality against blacks. So lets see here, because of a few incidents of police brutality, where in every case the cop in question has been punished, these idiots are willing to destroy the league that pays them millions to play a game?

There may be something to the IQ differential after all.

Once again --- where do you get "they claim" ---- which as far as I know is a plural ---- out of "Colin Kaepernick"?


Or is this just another case of morphing the issue into something you wish it was because you can't deal with what it is?

Say it ain't so.

I agree. The kneelers are just disrespecting the country that is making them rich for playing a game. They aren't protesting anything specific
Screw these gimps; they support assassinating police officers. The only coverage they deserve is everybody cheering the video showing them being escorted in chains onto a tramp freighter and getting deported. Send everybody in the NFL who supports the scum long with them, and everybody on this board defending the loser scum. There isn't anything about the vermin that needs 'discussing'.
Did he as the President forbid protesting? Did he as the President introduce legislation for an amendment repeal? Just what did this government official do that restricted free speech I ask you?
He said players kneeling before football games should be fired. I think Presidents kneeling before Putin should be fired.

The idea that these players do nothing offseason to promote their cause is just ignorant.

I haven't seen any of these guys at other events kneeling during the offseason. Do you have a link to that

And you wouldn't, because there's no mob coercing them to stand for an anthem in the first place.
Unless they go to a baseball game, in which case they would have been a part of whoever doesn't stand in the stands.

You ever notice me not-standing for the anthem at a baseball game? I doubt it.

Does that mean it didn't happen?

You just like digging deeper and deeper, doncha. :dig:

Exactly one hundred years ago another mob in another wave of mob jingoism, cornered a Montana citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded that he kiss the flag.

Starr refused to be cowed.

Starr was then arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. FOR REFUSING A MOB DEMAND TO KISS A FLAG. The mob that tried to coerce him? No arrests, no admonition, no punishment at all.

Mob Mentality --- where it leads. Be proud.
Those who ignore their own history are condemned to ignorantly repeat it.
still waiting for an explanation of the context on the ORIGINAL PLAYER PROTESTS ...
The idea that these players do nothing offseason to promote their cause is just ignorant.

I haven't seen any of these guys at other events kneeling during the offseason. Do you have a link to that

And you wouldn't, because there's no mob coercing them to stand for an anthem in the first place.
Unless they go to a baseball game, in which case they would have been a part of whoever doesn't stand in the stands.

You ever notice me not-standing for the anthem at a baseball game? I doubt it.

Does that mean it didn't happen?

You just like digging deeper and deeper, doncha. :dig:

Exactly one hundred years ago another mob in another wave of mob jingoism, cornered a Montana citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded that he kiss the flag.

Starr refused to be cowed.

Starr was then arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. FOR REFUSING A MOB DEMAND TO KISS A FLAG. The mob that tried to coerce him? No arrests, no admonition, no punishment at all.

Mob Mentality --- where it leads.
Those who ignore their own history are condemned to ignorantly repeat it.

The Democrat party is all mob mentality now, you have nothing else
still waiting for an explanation of the context on the ORIGINAL PLAYER PROTESTS ...

Angry, entitled black man kneels because he hates America and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him or how much worse it is everywhere else
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
I don't watch sports so I guess I don't get to give a shit.

You realize the thread is accurately titled. If you don't give a shit, click on another link. No one gives a shit that you don't give a shit
Had conservatives simply ignored what the players were doing from the outset, the demonstrations would have likely ended by now.
And for far too many on the right this is solely about race and conservatives’ unwarranted hostility with regard to issues that black Americans are concerned about.

Ignore them and they will go away

No. See a recurring theme among Left beenies? They want you silent.
Had the entire Rightwing said "Fuck YOU" and completely stopped patronizing the NFL, and those overpaid America haters started losing their jobs and having to go back to working like most Americans, THEN the demonstrations would have ended instantly

I'm sure the Left would just love the Right to remain totally silent. For the most part, they do anyway. Which is why all this kinda crap continues to proliferate.

the exact reason Facebook, Twitter & Google are now targeting Conservatives is because they were silent too long. It's also the reason Maxine waters and so many are openly waging public war against the Right....they know the Right will remain silent.

And it's gonna get a lot worse kiddies. Only getting started.
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Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.

How is that being against the first amendment? You do realize the amendment was created so that government could not stop us from free speech, not the NFL, don't you?
The so-called president isn't part of the government? Oh....if only that were true in this case.......

Now people in the government don't have first Amendment rights? Bull crap, they do. They can't pass laws violating free speech or prosecute people for free speech. But they have free speech, despot.

Give an example of where you have EVER applied this standard you claim to have to Democrats
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Progressives are often fucked in the head. They lack respect, promote division and like bringing attention to themselves. In this case they're in such decay they lie by denying they're protesting our flag, anthem and country. And they can't even articulate their motives using factual information.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Duh, it's sort of meaningless to protest without an audience. BTW, it has been reported that they do quite a lot on their own time to give back.


Cool. And why did Clinton dodge the draft?
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Actually, many NFL players put action behind their protest during the off season -- now you may not have heard about it because they didn't do it in a way to draw attention --also, because the liberal media didn't want to report on it, because of how liberal the media is and all..

But here is one example of why your post is a bunch of BS:

"After the anthem, and off the field, Jenkins’ push for social justice and racial equality continued. Along with four other NFL players, he traveled to Washington, D.C., for a meeting with lawmakers to discuss criminal justice reform."

When Malcolm Jenkins went on a ride along with Philly police he said: "There was a lot I wanted to accomplish by doing it. First, I wanted to kind of learn for myself before I went on advocating and making a lot of noise. I wanted to learn for myself, kind of both ends of the spectrum. What is it that officers are going through? What are their challenges? Their perspective on the issue. Or even if they believed that there was an issue. And then also being able to hear the voices of members of the community that have to deal with police interactions all the time. The third thing I wanted to do is document the conversations that came out of it, between myself and law enforcement."

Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins talks about his ride-along with Philly Police Department

So no, NFL players are not just protesting during the anthem and nothing else off the field, you wouldn't know or care because you don't see a problem to begin with --- but you same people are willing to declare the entire FBI and DOJ as being corrupt and I don't recall one single Trump official being shot unarmed.

I don't see one word in that entire, worthless post of yours that mentions Jenkins protesting anywhere except on the Football Field.

Not one.

You're an ignoramus. But, you're a dimocrap which also means you're stupid.

That Jenkins is doing something off the field to help is laudable but that doesn't seem to include protesting anywhere but on the Field.

Get a clue, moron.

Go to the Bank, withdraw some money, go to a store and freaking buy a CLUE.

Here's a thought.

Go to an Army Base and protest. Go to a Soldier's Funeral and protest the Flag being handed to his Widow.

Let me know how you make out.

You peeps are real brave when you're surrounded by Cops to protect you.

Actually --- and I actually looked it up ---- I don't see one indication anywhere that Malcolm Jenkins is or was kneeling ON the football field.

Not one.

Nor do I see any indication in the post you quoted of any political party, or any way this is connected to politics at all.

Here's a thought.

Get a clue, moron. Go to the Bank, withdraw some money, go to a store and freaking buy a CLUE.

Go ahead, prove me wrong and show me Malcolm Jenkins protesting on the football field in an NFL game . Let alone any connection whatsoever to "army bases" or "soldiers" or any of your childlike fantasies of scary black man monsters.

You see, I'm an Iggles fan and I already know better and I'm showing blitz. Bring it on.
they claim to be protesting police brutality against blacks. So lets see here, because of a few incidents of police brutality, where in every case the cop in question has been punished, these idiots are willing to destroy the league that pays them millions to play a game?

There may be something to the IQ differential after all.

Once again --- where do you get "they claim" ---- which as far as I know is a plural ---- out of "Colin Kaepernick"?


Or is this just another case of morphing the issue into something you wish it was because you can't deal with what it is?

Say it ain't so.

I agree. The kneelers are just disrespecting the country that is making them rich for playing a game. They aren't protesting anything specific

If that's what you need to tell yourself as you cry yourself to sleep over the revelation that not everybody is a sheep, I have to say I ain't surprised.
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