NFL Pussies


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
A flash mob of former NFL players are plaintiffs in a class-action suit against the league, charging that the teams induced them to use pain killers that led to debilitating injuries, of which they now complain.

How's that again?

(A) Player says he is hurting. "Give me something to ease the pain."

(B) Team physician prescribes pain pills.

(C) Player takes the bills (or injections, or whatever), and plays.

(D) Players' injuries are exacerbated by continuing to play, and now in later years they are really unpleasant.

What's wrong with this picture? Pain is Nature's way of telling us that we should not be doing what we are doing. Stop doing it, and the pain will go away. But the players WANT THE PAIN TO BE ARTIFICIALLY REMOVED, because they want to keep playing to keep the Gravy Train rolling. Otherwise, they might have TO GROW UP AND GET A REAL JOB!

In essence they now claim that they didn't know that by artificially masking the pain and continuing to play, THEY DIDN'T REALIZE that they would be exacerbating their injuries and possibly doing permanent damage. Somebody representing the teams needed to tell them that. Do the teams also have to tell them to wipe their widdle Bums when they take a poo?

Are they stupid or lying? It has to be one or the other.
It's the same mentality of people who smoke cigarettes for 40 years.

And then want to sue the tobacco company because they have health problems. .... :cuckoo:
It's the same mentality of people who smoke cigarettes for 40 years.

And then want to sue the tobacco company because they have health problems. .... :cuckoo:
. No one wants to own up to the risk they took or they think the nation has been dumbed down enough to entertain their BULLCRAP, and give them yet another big check as a going away gesture.
No one wants to own up to the risk they took or they think the nation has been dumbed down enough to entertain their BULLCRAP, and give them yet another big check as a going away gesture.
Everyone's a victim mentality. .... :cuckoo:

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