NFL to stencil 'End Racism' on end zone borders as part of social justice rollout for kickoff week

antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Got a link?

got a real reply, commie troll boy?

you've been clear where you are coming from. we got the gist of it. you are a commie anti-american traitor.
Name calling.
Oh boo hoo!
I am awed by your repartee.

crushes you like a bug. and you know it.
antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Got a link?

got a real reply, commie troll boy?

you've been clear where you are coming from. we got the gist of it. you are a commie anti-american traitor.
Name calling.
Oh boo hoo!
I am awed by your repartee.
I'm awed by your hypocrisy and total lack of a clue.
antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Got a link?

got a real reply, commie troll boy?

you've been clear where you are coming from. we got the gist of it. you are a commie anti-american traitor.
Name calling.

as per my repeated discussions with you. why are you pretending to be confused? oh right, it gives you an excuse to be an asshole.
More name calling from someone who cried about others calling him/her names.
antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Got a link?

got a real reply, commie troll boy?

you've been clear where you are coming from. we got the gist of it. you are a commie anti-american traitor.
Name calling.
Oh boo hoo!
I am awed by your repartee.

crushes you like a bug. and you know it.
Perhaps in a world of little original the trump cult.
antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Got a link?

got a real reply, commie troll boy?

you've been clear where you are coming from. we got the gist of it. you are a commie anti-american traitor.
Name calling.
Oh boo hoo!
I am awed by your repartee.
I'm awed by your hypocrisy and total lack of a clue.
You're awed easily....I know.
All commies are greedy, moron.
antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Got a link?

got a real reply, commie troll boy?

you've been clear where you are coming from. we got the gist of it. you are a commie anti-american traitor.
Name calling.

as per my repeated discussions with you. why are you pretending to be confused? oh right, it gives you an excuse to be an asshole.
More name calling from someone who cried about others calling him/her names.

my description of your behavior is a valid point. that you did not address.

did you forget our repeated discussion about how you libs use insults in place of actual reasoning and how it is divisive and bullying?

that is what this thread is all about. people like you, calling other people names. ie wacist.
antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Got a link?

got a real reply, commie troll boy?

you've been clear where you are coming from. we got the gist of it. you are a commie anti-american traitor.
Name calling.
Oh boo hoo!
I am awed by your repartee.
I'm awed by your hypocrisy and total lack of a clue.
You're awed easily....I know.
Actually, quite the opposite is the case. Hypocrisy would have to be off the scale before I would even remark on it.
antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Got a link?

got a real reply, commie troll boy?

you've been clear where you are coming from. we got the gist of it. you are a commie anti-american traitor.
Name calling.
Oh boo hoo!
I am awed by your repartee.

crushes you like a bug. and you know it.
Perhaps in a world of little original the trump cult.

no, he did. all you have is name calling.
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Name calling again.

correct. as per my repeated explanation to you, you lying moron.
Bodecea implies you are a racist 5 different ways, and then whines about name calling.
Correct me if I'm wrong...who started this thread with an OP whining about the NFL stenciling "End Racism" on their football field end zones? I believe it to be you.
antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Got a link?

got a real reply, commie troll boy?

you've been clear where you are coming from. we got the gist of it. you are a commie anti-american traitor.
Name calling.
Oh boo hoo!
I am awed by your repartee.

crushes you like a bug. and you know it.
Perhaps in a world of little original the trump cult.

no, he did. all you have is name calling.
I'm not the one calling people crude trump-cult sanctioned names.
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Name calling again.

correct. as per my repeated explanation to you, you lying moron.
Bodecea implies you are a racist 5 different ways, and then whines about name calling.

she is, like all her kind, a vicious bully.

i've called her on it, and she is such a moron, that she thinks that somehow, that means that i should never call someone a name again and that her pointing out name calling, makes some sort of point.
This story is bringing a sympathetic tear to my sad.....:cry:
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Name calling again.

correct. as per my repeated explanation to you, you lying moron.
Bodecea implies you are a racist 5 different ways, and then whines about name calling.
Correct me if I'm wrong...who started this thread with an OP whining about the NFL stenciling "End Racism" on their football field end zones? I believe it to be you.

we are done being lectured by assholes like you.

complaining about the constant insults from asshole like you, is not "whining" and anyone that claims it is, is a fucking liar.
antifa and blm are commie assholes. as are you.
Got a link?

got a real reply, commie troll boy?

you've been clear where you are coming from. we got the gist of it. you are a commie anti-american traitor.
Name calling.
Oh boo hoo!
I am awed by your repartee.

crushes you like a bug. and you know it.
Perhaps in a world of little original the trump cult.

no, he did. all you have is name calling.
I'm not the one calling people crude trump-cult sanctioned names.

you are being quite insulting and you know it. you can shove your spin, like "whining" or "cult" up your ass.
Sure you do. You support Antifa and BLM. Trump is not a terrorist or a white supremacist.
Antifa and BLM are self-defense reactions to 200 years of white supremacy.

BLM probably, Antifa? Just a bunch of entitled brats that believe the world owes them.
Just like "End Racism" is bad, being anti-fascism is trumpland.

it is when you have demonstrated beyond a doubt that what you mean by those terms are really anyone you dislike.

and you dislike anyone who is not an asshole like yourself.

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