NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds

We should not be promoting mental illness PERIOD, as tax payers, as humans for pete's sake. If you think you were born in the wrong body, your dumb ass is WRONG, homeboy!

Homosexuality is one thing, but defying reality to the point of pretending someone can change their sex? No...that is evil no matter how you mask it.

You liberals are so sick it's almost sad..

If someone thinks they are in the wrong body, that is their business. They can get the life altering surgery if they want. They should not be getting life altering drugs at 9 years old. Wait until they are 18 and let them do as they wish.
Sure..as long as those of us who disagree don't have to pay for said life altering surgeries, and definitely not expected to pretend we don't notice when they're men with their junk cut off & get all bent out of shape if they get turned down, cool.

People shouldn't be just cool with this, but oh well..ultimately I prefer to live & let live
The peer review process is not perfect, and publication is merely the first step of the process. What happened after the paper was published? Was it debunked by the review process, or found to be valid?

Papers are peer-reviewed before they are published, otherwise what is the point?
The peer review process is not perfect, and publication is merely the first step of the process. What happened after the paper was published? Was it debunked by the review process, or found to be valid?

Papers are peer-reviewed before they are published, otherwise what is the point?

Damn, I love idiots.

Funny how, even with them being checked before they are published, we still get papers that are bullshit published, isn't it? Could that be because, despite your massive ignorance, the peer review process is imperfect because it is full of people?
Damn, I love idiots.

Funny how, even with them being checked before they are published, we still get papers that are bullshit published, isn't it? Could that be because, despite your massive ignorance, the peer review process is imperfect because it is full of people?

Is your argument that we cannot trust any academic publication because of two examples of individuals deliberately trying to game the peer review process? Are you skeptical of all scientific knowledge?
Damn, I love idiots.

Funny how, even with them being checked before they are published, we still get papers that are bullshit published, isn't it? Could that be because, despite your massive ignorance, the peer review process is imperfect because it is full of people?

Is your argument that we cannot trust any academic publication because of two examples of individuals deliberately trying to game the peer review process? Are you skeptical of all scientific knowledge?

No, my argument is that the process is not perfect, and that the it is irrelevant to my argument that psychology is not science.

But, please, feel free to keep positing articles that have nothing to do with my point to prove how stupid you are.
No, my argument is that the process is not perfect, and that the it is irrelevant to my argument that psychology is not science.

But, please, feel free to keep positing articles that have nothing to do with my point to prove how stupid you are.

Keep moving those goal posts...
No, my argument is that the process is not perfect, and that the it is irrelevant to my argument that psychology is not science.

But, please, feel free to keep positing articles that have nothing to do with my point to prove how stupid you are.

Keep moving those goal posts...

Moving the goal posts? My claim is that there is absolutely no science behind the claim that 9 year old children have gender dysphoria, feel free to show me where I moved anything.

Not that I expect you to respond, that would require a degree of honesty, which doesn't exist among anyone that thinks psychology is actually science.
A person who takes gender changing drugs has usually felt like they were in the 'wrong' body since they were very young. Its hardly a phase they are going through.
No, my argument is that the process is not perfect, and that the it is irrelevant to my argument that psychology is not science.

But, please, feel free to keep positing articles that have nothing to do with my point to prove how stupid you are.

Keep moving those goal posts...

Moving the goal posts? My claim is that there is absolutely no science behind the claim that 9 year old children have gender dysphoria, feel free to show me where I moved anything.

Not that I expect you to respond, that would require a degree of honesty, which doesn't exist among anyone that thinks psychology is actually science.

The fact that you find psychology not to be a science is absurd but that is beside the point. My sources were in the field of neuroscience and endocrinology. Rejecting entire fields of science just so your arguments still hold, is textbook moving the goalposts. I cannot continue to have arguments with someone who rejects reality, I just cant.
Keep moving those goal posts...

Moving the goal posts? My claim is that there is absolutely no science behind the claim that 9 year old children have gender dysphoria, feel free to show me where I moved anything.

Not that I expect you to respond, that would require a degree of honesty, which doesn't exist among anyone that thinks psychology is actually science.

The fact that you find psychology not to be a science is absurd but that is beside the point. My sources were in the field of neuroscience and endocrinology. Rejecting entire fields of science just so your arguments still hold, is textbook moving the goalposts. I cannot continue to have arguments with someone who rejects reality, I just cant.

psychology is not a "hard" science, it is conjecture. No child should have life altering drugs based on conjecture.
psychology is not a "hard" science, it is conjecture. No child should have life altering drugs based on conjecture.

Psychology is hardly conjecture. Am I debating a bunch of high school dropouts?!

Yes, you are debating a bunch of high school dropouts. You are the only person here with a college education. You know everything and the rest of us are idiots. Good grief. <for your tiny little brain, that was said sarcastically>

You think a 9 year old child should have drugs to alter his body chemistry so he can be a girl. 9 years old! You find nothing odd with a child who tries to breast feed a doll, even though he and his sister are adopted and he couldn't possibly be parroting his mother, unless....

I think child services should have a close look at that family, but of course, we're all idiots and you are the only person here who graduated from high school and knows what he/she is talking about.....
A person who takes gender changing drugs has usually felt like they were in the 'wrong' body since they were very young. Its hardly a phase they are going through.

Persistence of a delusion is not proof the delusion is real.
I think child services should have a close look at that family, but of course, we're all idiots and you are the only person here who graduated from high school and knows what he/she is talking about.....
The problem with this whole thread is people who don't know what they are talking about, meddling in the affairs of others. It is not about what is ok with me but what are the experts saying.

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These individuals devoted their lives in the field of endocrinology and their professional recommendation is that transgender children should start hormone therapy at around the age of the children in the article.
I think child services should have a close look at that family, but of course, we're all idiots and you are the only person here who graduated from high school and knows what he/she is talking about.....
The problem with this whole thread is people who don't know what they are talking about, meddling in the affairs of others. It is not about what is ok with me but what are the experts saying.

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These individuals devoted their lives in the field of endocrinology and their professional recommendation is that transgender children should start hormone therapy at around the age of the children in the article.

And they are just as wrong as the psychiatrist who said that my autistic son shouldn't come home for a year. That was a major disaster too.
Keep moving those goal posts...

Moving the goal posts? My claim is that there is absolutely no science behind the claim that 9 year old children have gender dysphoria, feel free to show me where I moved anything.

Not that I expect you to respond, that would require a degree of honesty, which doesn't exist among anyone that thinks psychology is actually science.

The fact that you find psychology not to be a science is absurd but that is beside the point. My sources were in the field of neuroscience and endocrinology. Rejecting entire fields of science just so your arguments still hold, is textbook moving the goalposts. I cannot continue to have arguments with someone who rejects reality, I just cant.

What, exactly, is the reality I am rejecting? Is it the fact that psychology is more concerned with political powerful groups than truth? Why else would it insist that sexual preference is settled at birth, and still insist that pedophilia is a mental disorder? Or argue that children as young as 9 can know they belong in a different body, but that people under 18 are too malleable to be called a sociopath? Don't those positions contradict each other? How does my awareness of those contradictions indicate that I am ignoring reality? Doesn't your insistence that psychology is a valid scientific field despite the inherent contradictions of its claims make you the one that is denying reality?

Maybe you should go back to arguing with ignorant idiots instead of people who know what they are talking about.
With how adamant some of these feminist liberals are on here about this issue, almost seems as if they've got a lot riding on it becoming acceptable by society, maybe even some sort of financial gain?

Fess up, ladies. You've all been looking forward to careers in castrating men for money, haven't you? Getting paid to do what you'd love?

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