NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds

The problem with this whole thread is people who don't know what they are talking about, meddling in the affairs of others. It is not about what is ok with me but what are the experts saying.

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These individuals devoted their lives in the field of endocrinology and their professional recommendation is that transgender children should start hormone therapy at around the age of the children in the article.

And they are just as wrong as the psychiatrist who said that my autistic son shouldn't come home for a year. That was a major disaster too.
The psychiatrist probably based his decision on your mental state, were you not threatening suicide?
BBC News - The cruellest of internet hoaxes

That was more than a year previously. If you go back and read my posts, you'll find the story. I'm one of the few honest people here, I've not lied about anything and I've spoken about my life. I treat people here just as I would treat people in real live, hence I've only used the "f" word ONCE! You can see how many years I've been here and how many times I've resorted to cussing. Yeah, you're one of the lucky ones.

When I told my son's counselor that I was actually considering suicide, the cops showed up at my door. I said, "are you here to take me away?" and they said "yes." I gave them a big hug and then said, we can't leave my autistic son alone. Funny, they left me. Seems they have no problem taking away the psychotic mother but they didn't want anything to do with the autistic son. Within a week they had someone coming in to help me with my son and nearly 100 hours of assistance a month. It wasn't enough and I continued to look for placement. 3 adult family homes to refused him in writing. Then I was called by "Independent Living Services," a non-profit organization that helps people like my son live and integrate into society. They moved him into an apartment with a roommate. That's when the psychiatrist said he couldn't come home for a year. This was more than a year after my "suicide" call. As I said, I still don't know how serious I was, I just know I was in a bad place. My husband has Parkinsons, I have physical problems, I was in a hole and didn't see any way out. Things are much better now. Oh, we still have our physical problems but things are brighter and my husband and I have even been able to take a few vacations. Andrew comes over for dinner once a week. He's happy, we're happy and I have his 2nd yearly assessment since he left home coming up next week.

Seems to me, if my "suicide" call was the reason for his not coming home for a year, they never would have left him here for a year afterwards. Even with help coming in for 100 hours a month.

Here's something else that's interesting. Andrew could have lived here if they would have provided 24/7 care. They won't provide 24/7 care when he's living with his parents. Not living with us, they provide 24/7 care, and apartment, utilities, and behavioral therapists, something else they wouldn't provide when he was here, as well as that stupid psychiatrist (Independent Living Services doesn't use him anymore) and many more benefits not provided to people living with their parents. It would have been so much cheaper for the tax payer to just provide the services in his own home. We could have even left the home to the state to use for people like Andrew.
I've been ignoring I.P.Freely's posts, he seems to be a troll. I would suggest you do the same.
And they are just as wrong as the psychiatrist who said that my autistic son shouldn't come home for a year. That was a major disaster too.
The psychiatrist probably based his decision on your mental state, were you not threatening suicide?
BBC News - The cruellest of internet hoaxes

That was more than a year previously. If you go back and read my posts, you'll find the story. I'm one of the few honest people here, I've not lied about anything and I've spoken about my life. I treat people here just as I would treat people in real live, hence I've only used the "f" word ONCE! You can see how many years I've been here and how many times I've resorted to cussing. Yeah, you're one of the lucky ones.

When I told my son's counselor that I was actually considering suicide, the cops showed up at my door. I said, "are you here to take me away?" and they said "yes." I gave them a big hug and then said, we can't leave my autistic son alone. Funny, they left me. Seems they have no problem taking away the psychotic mother but they didn't want anything to do with the autistic son. Within a week they had someone coming in to help me with my son and nearly 100 hours of assistance a month. It wasn't enough and I continued to look for placement. 3 adult family homes to refused him in writing. Then I was called by "Independent Living Services," a non-profit organization that helps people like my son live and integrate into society. They moved him into an apartment with a roommate. That's when the psychiatrist said he couldn't come home for a year. This was more than a year after my "suicide" call. As I said, I still don't know how serious I was, I just know I was in a bad place. My husband has Parkinsons, I have physical problems, I was in a hole and didn't see any way out. Things are much better now. Oh, we still have our physical problems but things are brighter and my husband and I have even been able to take a few vacations. Andrew comes over for dinner once a week. He's happy, we're happy and I have his 2nd yearly assessment since he left home coming up next week.

Seems to me, if my "suicide" call was the reason for his not coming home for a year, they never would have left him here for a year afterwards. Even with help coming in for 100 hours a month.

Here's something else that's interesting. Andrew could have lived here if they would have provided 24/7 care. They won't provide 24/7 care when he's living with his parents. Not living with us, they provide 24/7 care, and apartment, utilities, and behavioral therapists, something else they wouldn't provide when he was here, as well as that stupid psychiatrist (Independent Living Services doesn't use him anymore) and many more benefits not provided to people living with their parents. It would have been so much cheaper for the tax payer to just provide the services in his own home. We could have even left the home to the state to use for people like Andrew.
I would stop if I were you and seek help.
The psychiatrist probably based his decision on your mental state, were you not threatening suicide?
BBC News - The cruellest of internet hoaxes

That was more than a year previously. If you go back and read my posts, you'll find the story. I'm one of the few honest people here, I've not lied about anything and I've spoken about my life. I treat people here just as I would treat people in real live, hence I've only used the "f" word ONCE! You can see how many years I've been here and how many times I've resorted to cussing. Yeah, you're one of the lucky ones.

When I told my son's counselor that I was actually considering suicide, the cops showed up at my door. I said, "are you here to take me away?" and they said "yes." I gave them a big hug and then said, we can't leave my autistic son alone. Funny, they left me. Seems they have no problem taking away the psychotic mother but they didn't want anything to do with the autistic son. Within a week they had someone coming in to help me with my son and nearly 100 hours of assistance a month. It wasn't enough and I continued to look for placement. 3 adult family homes to refused him in writing. Then I was called by "Independent Living Services," a non-profit organization that helps people like my son live and integrate into society. They moved him into an apartment with a roommate. That's when the psychiatrist said he couldn't come home for a year. This was more than a year after my "suicide" call. As I said, I still don't know how serious I was, I just know I was in a bad place. My husband has Parkinsons, I have physical problems, I was in a hole and didn't see any way out. Things are much better now. Oh, we still have our physical problems but things are brighter and my husband and I have even been able to take a few vacations. Andrew comes over for dinner once a week. He's happy, we're happy and I have his 2nd yearly assessment since he left home coming up next week.

Seems to me, if my "suicide" call was the reason for his not coming home for a year, they never would have left him here for a year afterwards. Even with help coming in for 100 hours a month.

Here's something else that's interesting. Andrew could have lived here if they would have provided 24/7 care. They won't provide 24/7 care when he's living with his parents. Not living with us, they provide 24/7 care, and apartment, utilities, and behavioral therapists, something else they wouldn't provide when he was here, as well as that stupid psychiatrist (Independent Living Services doesn't use him anymore) and many more benefits not provided to people living with their parents. It would have been so much cheaper for the tax payer to just provide the services in his own home. We could have even left the home to the state to use for people like Andrew.
I would stop if I were you and seek help.

Apparently, your reading skills are sadly lacking. I did seek help. It took me a long time, but I finally got it. Like I said, things are going well now.
That was more than a year previously. If you go back and read my posts, you'll find the story. I'm one of the few honest people here, I've not lied about anything and I've spoken about my life. I treat people here just as I would treat people in real live, hence I've only used the "f" word ONCE! You can see how many years I've been here and how many times I've resorted to cussing. Yeah, you're one of the lucky ones.

When I told my son's counselor that I was actually considering suicide, the cops showed up at my door. I said, "are you here to take me away?" and they said "yes." I gave them a big hug and then said, we can't leave my autistic son alone. Funny, they left me. Seems they have no problem taking away the psychotic mother but they didn't want anything to do with the autistic son. Within a week they had someone coming in to help me with my son and nearly 100 hours of assistance a month. It wasn't enough and I continued to look for placement. 3 adult family homes to refused him in writing. Then I was called by "Independent Living Services," a non-profit organization that helps people like my son live and integrate into society. They moved him into an apartment with a roommate. That's when the psychiatrist said he couldn't come home for a year. This was more than a year after my "suicide" call. As I said, I still don't know how serious I was, I just know I was in a bad place. My husband has Parkinsons, I have physical problems, I was in a hole and didn't see any way out. Things are much better now. Oh, we still have our physical problems but things are brighter and my husband and I have even been able to take a few vacations. Andrew comes over for dinner once a week. He's happy, we're happy and I have his 2nd yearly assessment since he left home coming up next week.

Seems to me, if my "suicide" call was the reason for his not coming home for a year, they never would have left him here for a year afterwards. Even with help coming in for 100 hours a month.

Here's something else that's interesting. Andrew could have lived here if they would have provided 24/7 care. They won't provide 24/7 care when he's living with his parents. Not living with us, they provide 24/7 care, and apartment, utilities, and behavioral therapists, something else they wouldn't provide when he was here, as well as that stupid psychiatrist (Independent Living Services doesn't use him anymore) and many more benefits not provided to people living with their parents. It would have been so much cheaper for the tax payer to just provide the services in his own home. We could have even left the home to the state to use for people like Andrew.
I would stop if I were you and seek help.

Apparently, your reading skills are sadly lacking. I did seek help. It took me a long time, but I finally got it. Like I said, things are going well now.
for your Munchausen's by internet ?, judging by the above its not working.
Last edited:
I would stop if I were you and seek help.

Apparently, your reading skills are sadly lacking. I did seek help. It took me a long time, but I finally got it. Like I said, things are going well now.
for your Munchausen's by internet ?, judging by the above its not working.

Hey you soulless cock smoking faggot...there is nothing in her story that hints at munchhausen syndrome. She said the fact she was having a hard time with her child & recieving hardly any help caused her to have suicidal thoughts. Sounds pretty legit to me. You...you seem to be a miserable psychopath who has no friends & family probably hates your guts.

Go take a headfirst dive from a highrise downtown into a pile of wet concrete, faggot. That way you can spare your parents the expense of paying to bury you.

Slack jawed faggot.
Apparently, your reading skills are sadly lacking. I did seek help. It took me a long time, but I finally got it. Like I said, things are going well now.
for your Munchausen's by internet ?, judging by the above its not working.

Hey you soulless cock smoking faggot...there is nothing in her story that hints at munchhausen syndrome. She said the fact she was having a hard time with her child & recieving hardly any help caused her to have suicidal thoughts. Sounds pretty legit to me. You...you seem to be a miserable psychopath who has no friends & family probably hates your guts.

Go take a headfirst dive from a highrise downtown into a pile of wet concrete, faggot. That way you can spare your parents the expense of paying to bury you.

Slack jawed faggot.
what a splendid turn of phrase, is it all your own work?
Munchausen By Internet: Faking Illnesses Online | TIME.com

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