NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds

I think child services should have a close look at that family, but of course, we're all idiots and you are the only person here who graduated from high school and knows what he/she is talking about.....
The problem with this whole thread is people who don't know what they are talking about, meddling in the affairs of others. It is not about what is ok with me but what are the experts saying.

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These individuals devoted their lives in the field of endocrinology and their professional recommendation is that transgender children should start hormone therapy at around the age of the children in the article.

Their professional recommendation is based on the assumption that mental health professionals know what they are talking about.

They don't.
A person who takes gender changing drugs has usually felt like they were in the 'wrong' body since they were very young. Its hardly a phase they are going through.

Persistence of a delusion is not proof the delusion is real.

Kind of like your delusions that entire fields of science are frauds.

I have never said anything like that, but thanks for proving you are willing to attack strawmen in order to win an argument.
And they are just as wrong as the psychiatrist who said that my autistic son shouldn't come home for a year. That was a major disaster too.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Of course not, I didn't explain, didn't feel I need to, the point was, the psychiatrist was wrong because psychology is not a "hard" science. My son ended up trashing the apartment, being put in a psychiatric hospital and losing more than 40 pounds in a month. A really, really bad decision on the part of the psychiatrist. Here's a clue. Autistic people are routine based, any change in routine is going to cause a change in behavior. The well educated but under intelligent psychiatrist forgot that when he said that Andrew should not visit home for the first year he was put in that particular living situation. The opposite was true. Now they are moving him to yet another apartment, but this time, they didn't call in the psychiatrist. They rented the apartment a month ahead of time and have been taking him over in stages so he gets used to the change before it happens. Much smarter.
And they are just as wrong as the psychiatrist who said that my autistic son shouldn't come home for a year. That was a major disaster too.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Of course not, I didn't explain, didn't feel I need to, the point was, the psychiatrist was wrong because psychology is not a "hard" science. My son ended up trashing the apartment, being put in a psychiatric hospital and losing more than 40 pounds in a month. A really, really bad decision on the part of the psychiatrist. Here's a clue. Autistic people are routine based, any change in routine is going to cause a change in behavior. The well educated but under intelligent psychiatrist forgot that when he said that Andrew should not visit home for the first year he was put in that particular living situation. The opposite was true. Now they are moving him to yet another apartment, but this time, they didn't call in the psychiatrist. They rented the apartment a month ahead of time and have been taking him over in stages so he gets used to the change before it happens. Much smarter.

I'm sorry for your experience but it hardly invalidates an entire field of science.
What, exactly, is the reality I am rejecting? Is it the fact that psychology is more concerned with political powerful groups than truth?

So you are a conspiracy theorist, just great.

I notice that you edited out the examples I used. That says a lot about you.

They were stupid, inane examples based in ignorance of the field of psychology. Also your challenge to debate the validity of psychology is yet another example of goal post moving.
Last edited:
I have no idea what you are talking about.

Of course not, I didn't explain, didn't feel I need to, the point was, the psychiatrist was wrong because psychology is not a "hard" science. My son ended up trashing the apartment, being put in a psychiatric hospital and losing more than 40 pounds in a month. A really, really bad decision on the part of the psychiatrist. Here's a clue. Autistic people are routine based, any change in routine is going to cause a change in behavior. The well educated but under intelligent psychiatrist forgot that when he said that Andrew should not visit home for the first year he was put in that particular living situation. The opposite was true. Now they are moving him to yet another apartment, but this time, they didn't call in the psychiatrist. They rented the apartment a month ahead of time and have been taking him over in stages so he gets used to the change before it happens. Much smarter.

I'm sorry for your experience but it hardly invalidates an entire field of science.

No, but it does show that they don't always know what they are talking about because it's not a "hard" science. There is nothing set in stone and each individual is different. Changing a child's sex at 9 is not only a mistake, it's criminal.
So you are a conspiracy theorist, just great.

I notice that you edited out the examples I used. That says a lot about you.

They were stupid, inane examples based in ignorance of the field of psychology. Also your challenge to debate the validity of psychology is yet another example of goal post moving.

Yeah? So you're a psychologist I assume? Why don't you tell us what you base your opinion on that makes his examples "stupid & inane"?

Thanks in advance
So you are a conspiracy theorist, just great.

I notice that you edited out the examples I used. That says a lot about you.

They were stupid, inane examples based in ignorance of the field of psychology. Also your challenge to debate the validity of psychology is yet another example of goal post moving.

I claimed that psychology is pseudo-science way back in post 107, long before you came into the thread.

That wasn't specific enough? Let me see if I can narrow it down for you, every psychologist since Freud is a quack that uses psuedo science to push for feel good solutions to non issues.

Any questions?

You are the one that keeps trying to move things, and then call other people crazy for insisting that you can't do that. If you want to actually prove me wrong, bring it on. If you can't, that makes me right.
I claimed that psychology is pseudo-science way back in post 107, long before you came into the thread.
Good for you! Two problems, (1) saying something doesn't make it so and (2) denying evidence gathered by fields of study you don't agree with is goal post moving.

That wasn't specific enough? Let me see if I can narrow it down for you, every psychologist since Freud is a quack that uses psuedo science to push for feel good solutions to non issues.

Any questions?
No one in psychology past the masters level takes Freud, Jung etc. seriously.
You are the one that keeps trying to move things, and then call other people crazy for insisting that you can't do that. If you want to actually prove me wrong, bring it on. If you can't, that makes me right.
Me not arguing for the legitimacy of established fields of scientific exploration does not make you right you imbecile.
I claimed that psychology is pseudo-science way back in post 107, long before you came into the thread.
Good for you! Two problems, (1) saying something doesn't make it so and (2) denying evidence gathered by fields of study you don't agree with is goal post moving.

That wasn't specific enough? Let me see if I can narrow it down for you, every psychologist since Freud is a quack that uses psuedo science to push for feel good solutions to non issues.

Any questions?
No one in psychology past the masters level takes Freud, Jung etc. seriously.
You are the one that keeps trying to move things, and then call other people crazy for insisting that you can't do that. If you want to actually prove me wrong, bring it on. If you can't, that makes me right.
Me not arguing for the legitimacy of established fields of scientific exploration does not make you right you imbecile.

It doesn't matter if they take Freud seriously or not, they are still quacks.
Oh, it's not the first time I've been attacked for my kids, and it won't be the last. Some people have no idea. What's ironic, is that the same people who think that those who are against giving kids these life changing drugs have no heart are the same ones who attack parents with children with real special needs. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.
wow you screaming hypocrite, you are prepare to regale all and sundry with your need to threaten suicide to get help for your kid, yet because of your quoted "superior medical knowledge" deny others who are probably as desperate as you claim to have been to get help for their kids.
I would add one caveat I distrust anyone who is prepared to air their families ailments to the web to improve their argument, Munchausens by Internet springs to mind.
BBC News - The cruellest of internet hoaxes

And the attacks begin, just as I said they would, gee, what a surprise, NOT!!!
out comes the well thumbed victim card.......well :eusa_boohoo: no surprises there.
I think child services should have a close look at that family, but of course, we're all idiots and you are the only person here who graduated from high school and knows what he/she is talking about.....
The problem with this whole thread is people who don't know what they are talking about, meddling in the affairs of others. It is not about what is ok with me but what are the experts saying.

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These individuals devoted their lives in the field of endocrinology and their professional recommendation is that transgender children should start hormone therapy at around the age of the children in the article.

And they are just as wrong as the psychiatrist who said that my autistic son shouldn't come home for a year. That was a major disaster too.
The psychiatrist probably based his decision on your mental state, were you not threatening suicide?
BBC News - The cruellest of internet hoaxes
And they are just as wrong as the psychiatrist who said that my autistic son shouldn't come home for a year. That was a major disaster too.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Of course not, I didn't explain, didn't feel I need to, the point was, the psychiatrist was wrong because psychology is not a "hard" science. My son ended up trashing the apartment, being put in a psychiatric hospital and losing more than 40 pounds in a month. A really, really bad decision on the part of the psychiatrist. Here's a clue. Autistic people are routine based, any change in routine is going to cause a change in behavior. The well educated but under intelligent psychiatrist forgot that when he said that Andrew should not visit home for the first year he was put in that particular living situation. The opposite was true. Now they are moving him to yet another apartment, but this time, they didn't call in the psychiatrist. They rented the apartment a month ahead of time and have been taking him over in stages so he gets used to the change before it happens. Much smarter.
getting him away from his suicidal mother was probably much smarter.
wow you screaming hypocrite, you are prepare to regale all and sundry with your need to threaten suicide to get help for your kid, yet because of your quoted "superior medical knowledge" deny others who are probably as desperate as you claim to have been to get help for their kids.
I would add one caveat I distrust anyone who is prepared to air their families ailments to the web to improve their argument, Munchausens by Internet springs to mind.
BBC News - The cruellest of internet hoaxes

And the attacks begin, just as I said they would, gee, what a surprise, NOT!!!
out comes the well thumbed victim card.......well :eusa_boohoo: no surprises there.
You are a sick puppy...
NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online

Children as young as nine will be given controversial drugs on the NHS to prepare them for sex-swap surgery, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The treatment, which halts the onset of adulthood, is aimed at youngsters who believe they are trapped in the wrong body. But critics accused the clinic offering the puberty- postponing injections of ‘playing God’.

‘I think many people will be horrified at the thought of a nine-year-old being provided with a drug that effectively stops them developing and maturing naturally,’ said Conservative MP Andrew Percy.

Others insisted that undisputed research shows that the vast majority of under-16s who
are troubled about their gender do not go on to take the drastic step of surgery. Many turn out to be gay, but no longer feel confused about whether they are male or female.

Read more: NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online
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Yeah, great stuff. More of those demented scientists altering nature. Oh right, cause a person born as a man is not always "natural."

More Progressive idiocy in action. And these fools think they can "run the show." Fools!

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