NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds

Derp doctor not....wtf do you think the drugs are for?
this, I think the parents and child are remarkable .

I think the parents and doctors are nuts. 14 drugs? I didn't have my severely autistic son on that many drugs. In fact, until he left home, the only drug I had him on was melatonin at night to help him sleep, though he was on Clonidine for while when he was younger for hyperactivity.

The boy is a boy and the parents don't have the right to change his gender. If he needs to change his gender, it can be done when he's 18. In the meantime, when he's playing, let him play with dolls if he wants to. Good grief, where on earth did he get the idea for breast feeding a doll? I never did that, I don't know of any little girls who did. Seems to me something really strange is going on in that house.
LOL, better, I'm a mom of two special needs kids. Believe me, over the years I've learned more than most pediatricians know about kids.
I don't believe you.Who will look after your special needs children when you die?

Excellent question. My youngest is now in an apartment with another roommate and 24/7 care provided by the government. He's happy and it's working, finally. He's 27 years old, my oldest, higher functioning, is 29 and still at home. I'm worried about him, but we're going to set up a trust fund and put my niece or nephew in charge.

So IP the answer is you.
LOL, better, I'm a mom of two special needs kids. Believe me, over the years I've learned more than most pediatricians know about kids.
I don't believe you.Who will look after your special needs children when you die?

Excellent question. My youngest is now in an apartment with another roommate and 24/7 care provided by the government. He's happy and it's working, finally. He's 27 years old, my oldest, higher functioning, is 29 and still at home. I'm worried about him, but we're going to set up a trust fund and put my niece or nephew in charge.
so you dumped the youngest on the state for the professionals to look after........Mum does know best:badgrin:
I don't believe you.Who will look after your special needs children when you die?

Excellent question. My youngest is now in an apartment with another roommate and 24/7 care provided by the government. He's happy and it's working, finally. He's 27 years old, my oldest, higher functioning, is 29 and still at home. I'm worried about him, but we're going to set up a trust fund and put my niece or nephew in charge.

So IP the answer is you.

IP doesn't pay income taxes, so I doubt that.
Excellent question. My youngest is now in an apartment with another roommate and 24/7 care provided by the government. He's happy and it's working, finally. He's 27 years old, my oldest, higher functioning, is 29 and still at home. I'm worried about him, but we're going to set up a trust fund and put my niece or nephew in charge.

So IP the answer is you.

IP doesn't pay income taxes, so I doubt that.
not in the US, but at below $500 an abortion I will make a donation to reduce your welfare costs if you like.
I don't believe you.Who will look after your special needs children when you die?

Excellent question. My youngest is now in an apartment with another roommate and 24/7 care provided by the government. He's happy and it's working, finally. He's 27 years old, my oldest, higher functioning, is 29 and still at home. I'm worried about him, but we're going to set up a trust fund and put my niece or nephew in charge.
so you dumped the youngest on the state for the professionals to look after........Mum does know best:badgrin:

We kept him at home until he was 24. When my husband got parkinson's, we couldn't handle him anymore. So yeah, I sought help. It took me threatening suicide to get any help. I'm sorry to say I still don't know how serious I was.

And now the attacks start...I'm a welfare queen. I'm living off of every one else's tax dollars, etc etc etc. You know what? Fuck it!

And just so you know how seriously that was meant, go back all these years and see when I last said the "f" word. That's right, I didn't. You and your ilk can go to hell for all I care.
Excellent question. My youngest is now in an apartment with another roommate and 24/7 care provided by the government. He's happy and it's working, finally. He's 27 years old, my oldest, higher functioning, is 29 and still at home. I'm worried about him, but we're going to set up a trust fund and put my niece or nephew in charge.
so you dumped the youngest on the state for the professionals to look after........Mum does know best:badgrin:

We kept him at home until he was 24. When my husband got parkinson's, we couldn't handle him anymore. So yeah, I sought help. It took me threatening suicide to get any help. I'm sorry to say I still don't know how serious I was.

And now the attacks start...I'm a welfare queen. I'm living off of every one else's tax dollars, etc etc etc. You know what? Fuck it!

And just so you know how seriously that was meant, go back all these years and see when I last said the "f" word. That's right, I didn't. You and your ilk can go to hell for all I care.

He is a troll with a pile of shit for an avatar, don't let him get to you.
so you dumped the youngest on the state for the professionals to look after........Mum does know best:badgrin:

We kept him at home until he was 24. When my husband got parkinson's, we couldn't handle him anymore. So yeah, I sought help. It took me threatening suicide to get any help. I'm sorry to say I still don't know how serious I was.

And now the attacks start...I'm a welfare queen. I'm living off of every one else's tax dollars, etc etc etc. You know what? Fuck it!

And just so you know how seriously that was meant, go back all these years and see when I last said the "f" word. That's right, I didn't. You and your ilk can go to hell for all I care.

He is a troll with a pile of shit for an avatar, don't let him get to you.

Oh, it's not the first time I've been attacked for my kids, and it won't be the last. Some people have no idea. What's ironic, is that the same people who think that those who are against giving kids these life changing drugs have no heart are the same ones who attack parents with children with real special needs. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.
We kept him at home until he was 24. When my husband got parkinson's, we couldn't handle him anymore. So yeah, I sought help. It took me threatening suicide to get any help. I'm sorry to say I still don't know how serious I was.

And now the attacks start...I'm a welfare queen. I'm living off of every one else's tax dollars, etc etc etc. You know what? Fuck it!

And just so you know how seriously that was meant, go back all these years and see when I last said the "f" word. That's right, I didn't. You and your ilk can go to hell for all I care.

He is a troll with a pile of shit for an avatar, don't let him get to you.

Oh, it's not the first time I've been attacked for my kids, and it won't be the last. Some people have no idea. What's ironic, is that the same people who think that those who are against giving kids these life changing drugs have no heart are the same ones who attack parents with children with real special needs. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.
wow you screaming hypocrite, you are prepare to regale all and sundry with your need to threaten suicide to get help for your kid, yet because of your quoted "superior medical knowledge" deny others who are probably as desperate as you claim to have been to get help for their kids.
I would add one caveat I distrust anyone who is prepared to air their families ailments to the web to improve their argument, Munchausens by Internet springs to mind.
BBC News - The cruellest of internet hoaxes
Has no one watched the video? She, he, it has said they always knew they wanted to be a girl. No baby knows they want to be the opposite sex.
That's because hormone therapy for transitioning is far more effective if started before puberty. This is simply an example of an organization having a policy based in science instead conforming to the sensibilities of the ignorant.
He is a troll with a pile of shit for an avatar, don't let him get to you.

Oh, it's not the first time I've been attacked for my kids, and it won't be the last. Some people have no idea. What's ironic, is that the same people who think that those who are against giving kids these life changing drugs have no heart are the same ones who attack parents with children with real special needs. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.
wow you screaming hypocrite, you are prepare to regale all and sundry with your need to threaten suicide to get help for your kid, yet because of your quoted "superior medical knowledge" deny others who are probably as desperate as you claim to have been to get help for their kids.
I would add one caveat I distrust anyone who is prepared to air their families ailments to the web to improve their argument, Munchausens by Internet springs to mind.
BBC News - The cruellest of internet hoaxes

And the attacks begin, just as I said they would, gee, what a surprise, NOT!!!
Has no one watched the video? She, he, it has said they always knew they wanted to be a girl. No baby knows they want to be the opposite sex.

You'll believe whatever your parents want you to believe. You don't find it strange that this boy tried to breast feed a doll? Do you know ANY little girls who did that? ANY at all? That's a clear sign of abuse.
That's because hormone therapy for transitioning is far more effective if started before puberty. This is simply an example of an organization having a policy based in science instead conforming to the sensibilities of the ignorant.

If it were based on science I wouldn't have a problem with it.
Well this is another example of the looney left screwing-up peoples lives.
If it were based on science I wouldn't have a problem with it.

I'm glad to hear that, here you go:
Endocrine Treatment of Transsexual Persons:An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline said:
Conclusions: Transsexual persons seeking to develop the physical characteristics of the desired gender require a safe, effective hormone regimen that will 1) suppress endogenous hormone secretion determined by the person’s genetic/biologic sex and 2) maintain sex hormone levels within the normal range for the person’s desired gender. A mental health professional (MHP) must recommend endocrine treatment and participate in ongoing care throughout the endocrine transition and decision for surgical sex reassignment. The endocrinologist must confirm the diagnostic criteria the MHP used to make these recommendations. Because a diagnosis of transsexualism in a prepubertal child cannot be made with certainty, we do not recommend endocrine treatment of prepubertal children. We recommend treating transsexual adolescents (Tanner stage 2) by suppressing puberty with GnRH analogues until age 16 years old, after which cross-sex hormones may be given. We suggest suppressing endogenous sex hormones, maintaining physiologic levels of gender-appropriate sex hormones and monitoring for known risks in adult transsexual persons.
Endocrine treatment of transsexual persons should include suppression of endogenous sex hormones, physiologic levels of gender-appropriate sex hormones, and suppression of puberty in adolescents (Tanner stage 2).
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