NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds

You know this because you suddenly have a medical degree?

I'm sorry, are you not the one attacking the medical community for diagnosing gender identity disorder?

Neither am I, I am attacking the psychology community, which has nothing to do with the medical community.

Maybe you would know that if you paid attention.

So you are attacking the experts, who are qualified to diagnose gender identity disorder, because you don't believe that such a thing exists?
I'm sorry, are you not the one attacking the medical community for diagnosing gender identity disorder?

Neither am I, I am attacking the psychology community, which has nothing to do with the medical community.

Maybe you would know that if you paid attention.

So you are attacking the experts, who are qualified to diagnose gender identity disorder, because you don't believe that such a thing exists?

These are the same experts who told us that homosexuality was a medical disorder, but feel free to point to them any time you want.
Neither am I, I am attacking the psychology community, which has nothing to do with the medical community.

Maybe you would know that if you paid attention.

So you are attacking the experts, who are qualified to diagnose gender identity disorder, because you don't believe that such a thing exists?

These are the same experts who told us that homosexuality was a medical disorder, but feel free to point to them any time you want.

Ah, I see. They were wrong once, therefore they must be wrong again?
So you are attacking the experts, who are qualified to diagnose gender identity disorder, because you don't believe that such a thing exists?

These are the same experts who told us that homosexuality was a medical disorder, but feel free to point to them any time you want.

Ah, I see. They were wrong once, therefore they must be wrong again?

No, they didn't use science, or common sense before, and they still don't. They might actually be right about this, but they have absolutely no science to back them up. They also have a history of being wrong even when they are dealing with adults who have gender dysphoria.

When sex-change is a mistake: Some transsexuals suffer bitter regrets. Sarah Lonsdale reports - Life & Style - The Independent

But, like I said, keep pointing to them, if it makes you feel better to rely on people who claim to use science but don't. Personally, I think it makes as much sense as the people whopoint to the Creation Museum when we start talking about evolution, but go for it.
These are the same experts who told us that homosexuality was a medical disorder, but feel free to point to them any time you want.

Ah, I see. They were wrong once, therefore they must be wrong again?

No, they didn't use science, or common sense before, and they still don't. They might actually be right about this, but they have absolutely no science to back them up. They also have a history of being wrong even when they are dealing with adults who have gender dysphoria.

When sex-change is a mistake: Some transsexuals suffer bitter regrets. Sarah Lonsdale reports - Life & Style - The Independent

But, like I said, keep pointing to them, if it makes you feel better to rely on people who claim to use science but don't. Personally, I think it makes as much sense as the people whopoint to the Creation Museum when we start talking about evolution, but go for it.

Some have regrets, yes. But the majority do not.
No it's not remarkable. A newborn does not know it wants to be a girl. They wanted one. The fact they adopted a girl later proves it.
Ah, I see. They were wrong once, therefore they must be wrong again?

No, they didn't use science, or common sense before, and they still don't. They might actually be right about this, but they have absolutely no science to back them up. They also have a history of being wrong even when they are dealing with adults who have gender dysphoria.

When sex-change is a mistake: Some transsexuals suffer bitter regrets. Sarah Lonsdale reports - Life & Style - The Independent

But, like I said, keep pointing to them, if it makes you feel better to rely on people who claim to use science but don't. Personally, I think it makes as much sense as the people whopoint to the Creation Museum when we start talking about evolution, but go for it.

Some have regrets, yes. But the majority do not.

If adults, who are actually capable of understanding the consequences of their decisions, can still get it wrong, why the fuck should we allow children to make a life changing decision? Is it because the people who counsel children, who are trained the exact same way the people who counsel adults are, are infinitely smarter than anyone else?

My point is simple, children don't really know what they want, especially about issues like this. The APA actually says that you cannot be a sociopath until you turn 18 because children are not fully developed and their brains are malleable. Yet you want me to believe that children as young as 9 can know, not just believe but know absolutely, that they were born into the wrong body.

Not only is the science against that position, so is the psuedo-science that wants me to believe it.

Can A Child Be A Sociopath? : Discovery News

Frankly, I find it abhorrent that anyone would countenance this. It is no different than a parent forcing a child into therapy because they are gay. Leave them the fuck alone, they can make up their minds when they are adults.
and qualified clinicians then the answer is yes just like it would be yes for the blood transfusion.

Ps are you a highly skilled pediatrician?

LOL, better, I'm a mom of two special needs kids. Believe me, over the years I've learned more than most pediatricians know about kids.
I don't believe you.Who will look after your special needs children when you die?

Excellent question. My youngest is now in an apartment with another roommate and 24/7 care provided by the government. He's happy and it's working, finally. He's 27 years old, my oldest, higher functioning, is 29 and still at home. I'm worried about him, but we're going to set up a trust fund and put my niece or nephew in charge.
They get the drugs early because once puberty hits, it very difficult to stop. If they change their minds, they come off the drug and their bodies go through puberty.

Not a big deal.

You know this because you suddenly have a medical degree?
you don't need one according to notagainsheila, I take it by the question you disagree with the loon. :badgrin:

Never said that, but thank you for putting words in my mouth.

BTW, getting a degree only means you know how to get a degree, it doesn't necessarily make you smarter. Check out Einstein. The most educated man I ever met was my grandfather and he was self educated.
NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online

Children as young as nine will be given controversial drugs on the NHS to prepare them for sex-swap surgery, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The treatment, which halts the onset of adulthood, is aimed at youngsters who believe they are trapped in the wrong body. But critics accused the clinic offering the puberty- postponing injections of ‘playing God’.

‘I think many people will be horrified at the thought of a nine-year-old being provided with a drug that effectively stops them developing and maturing naturally,’ said Conservative MP Andrew Percy.

Others insisted that undisputed research shows that the vast majority of under-16s who
are troubled about their gender do not go on to take the drastic step of surgery. Many turn out to be gay, but no longer feel confused about whether they are male or female.

Read more: NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online
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Yeah, great stuff. More of those demented scientists altering nature. Oh right, cause a person born as a man is not always "natural."

They get the drugs early because once puberty hits, it very difficult to stop. If they change their minds, they come off the drug and their bodies go through puberty.

Not a big deal.
I concur, but we don't count because we give credit to people who have an educational ability, which allows them to train for many years to help the public. That according to the know it all loon notagainpleasesheila counts for nothing.:eusa_angel:

You're an ass if you think that you should give life altering drugs to a 9 year old child. And no, I don't trust the so called "experts" on this.

In 15 years these kids are going to be all over the "experts" and their parents for ruining their lives.

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