NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds

Thank you, do you want to answer the question I asked Theowl you boil shot lickspittle.

The drug is made to prevent puberty in people going into it too early, what is happening here is preventing it from happening to make a POSSIBLE sex change operation later in life easier. So you mess with biology for the chance later of making a sex reassignment surgery slightly easier.
so you would prefer to see your child suffer? do you agree with the Jehovahs witnesses refusal to give a child a blood transfusion to save its life? isn't a blood transfusion "messing with biology"?

You really want to compare a life saving blood transfusion to messing up a kids body before they are 18 due to the PARENTS thinking the kid should be another sex?
NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online

Children as young as nine will be given controversial drugs on the NHS to prepare them for sex-swap surgery, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The treatment, which halts the onset of adulthood, is aimed at youngsters who believe they are trapped in the wrong body.



Yeah, great stuff. More of those demented scientists altering nature. Oh right, cause a person born as a man is not always "natural."

This is NOT about Sexuality.

This is about doing medical technology development experiments on low-mid income human subjects, for the purpose of developing anti-Aging, and Longevity Treatments for the hyper-Wealthy.

The Gender change is just an excuse to be in tampering with the patients hormonal body clock and genes.

There have been those in the Med-Tech community trying to work this tech out for decades, but they've gone as far as they can without human test subjects.

Thank you, do you want to answer the question I asked Theowl you boil shot lickspittle.

The drug is made to prevent puberty in people going into it too early, what is happening here is preventing it from happening to make a POSSIBLE sex change operation later in life easier. So you mess with biology for the chance later of making a sex reassignment surgery slightly easier.
so you would prefer to see your child suffer? do you agree with the Jehovahs witnesses refusal to give a child a blood transfusion to save its life? isn't a blood transfusion "messing with biology"?

I would prefer that all children be allowed to be children, but you assholes want to brainwash them into believing that they have to change their gender in order to keep their sweet singing voice.

By the way, there are some very sound arguments against giving a transfusion to anyone, and they are based on science, not religious belief.
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Let me say it again, this is NOT about Sexuality.

This is about convincing people to allow their children to be used as test subject in developing human longevity treatments for the Hyper Wealthy!

What if the kids don't want these drugs? What if they are fine and healthy the way that they already are? How can something be fixed when it isn't broken to begin with?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. This kind of news reminds me of the very first episode of the Home Improvement TV show. There was nothing wrong with the dish washer, but Tim "improved" it any ways and when he hit the "on" switch, the plate that he put in there was blown right out the back of the unit. :D :D :D
Somebody has to pay for it. Or do the doctors, the hospitals and all the other people work pro-bono?

Go fester some other message board you fucking **** troll.
Thank you, do you want to answer the question I asked Theowl you boil shot lickspittle.

The drug is made to prevent puberty in people going into it too early, what is happening here is preventing it from happening to make a POSSIBLE sex change operation later in life easier. So you mess with biology for the chance later of making a sex reassignment surgery slightly easier.

Its stupid and marginally criminal.

Well, you do it when they're young--maybe too young to really know what's going on. Then, if problems rise you just quietly shred any documentation and shrug your shoulders :dunno:
This is child abuse. No different than the old Chinese foot binding done to little girls.
So a froth-at-the mouth conservative demands that kids struggling with their gender identity be forced to live as a girl when they are in every other sense a male and vice versa. Funny, he wants the state to intrude and violate the civil rights of people because he thinks his fundie morality trumps human rights, then justifies it on grounds that have no scientific basis.

Do you really believe they should do this to CHILDREN?????
of course if the parents or guardian agree with the clinician.

What about the children whose identites are not fully formed? They themselves are clueless about who they are. Are you going to reinvent child psychology to fit the LGBT agenda? At the grave psychological expense of these separate entities known as children?
Against their will?

What does a nine year old know about their own choices and free will.

Give me a few hours a day to "Play" with any modern, parental attention starved child, and I could have them believing the moon was made of cheese, and we were going there to eat it in a month.

It is in the very nature of being a child that they are very vulnerable to manipulation. This is one of the primary reasons that civilization has special laws regarding interactions between adults and children.

These children are being used as subjects for ongoing medical experiments in hormonal therapy with longevity being the ultimate goal.

The treatment which will come from this research will be available, at great expense, only to the very wealthy Elite.

This is not about gender reassignment, that is just cover. This is about human experiments in altering genetic coded aging mechanisms.

Some of U.S. have enough integrity, that when we learn what the technology we are helping to develop is really intended for, we find other jobs.

The drug is made to prevent puberty in people going into it too early, what is happening here is preventing it from happening to make a POSSIBLE sex change operation later in life easier. So you mess with biology for the chance later of making a sex reassignment surgery slightly easier.
so you would prefer to see your child suffer? do you agree with the Jehovahs witnesses refusal to give a child a blood transfusion to save its life? isn't a blood transfusion "messing with biology"?

You really want to compare a life saving blood transfusion to messing up a kids body before they are 18 due to the PARENTS thinking the kid should be another sex?
and qualified clinicians then the answer is yes just like it would be yes for the blood transfusion.

Ps are you a highly skilled pediatrician?
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NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online

Children as young as nine will be given controversial drugs on the NHS to prepare them for sex-swap surgery, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The treatment, which halts the onset of adulthood, is aimed at youngsters who believe they are trapped in the wrong body.



Yeah, great stuff. More of those demented scientists altering nature. Oh right, cause a person born as a man is not always "natural."

This is NOT about Sexuality.

This is about doing medical technology development experiments on low-mid income human subjects, for the purpose of developing anti-Aging, and Longevity Treatments for the hyper-Wealthy.

The Gender change is just an excuse to be in tampering with the patients hormonal body clock and genes.

There have been those in the Med-Tech community trying to work this tech out for decades, but they've gone as far as they can without human test subjects.

proof please.
The drug is made to prevent puberty in people going into it too early, what is happening here is preventing it from happening to make a POSSIBLE sex change operation later in life easier. So you mess with biology for the chance later of making a sex reassignment surgery slightly easier.
so you would prefer to see your child suffer? do you agree with the Jehovahs witnesses refusal to give a child a blood transfusion to save its life? isn't a blood transfusion "messing with biology"?

I would prefer that all children be allowed to be children, but you assholes want to brainwash them into believing that they have to change their gender in order to keep their sweet singing voice.

By the way, there are some very sound arguments against giving a transfusion to anyone, and they are based on science, not religious belief.
first para is a right load of old bollocks.
To the second para you would let a child die from the withholding of a transfusion if the blood source was safe?
Let me say it again, this is NOT about Sexuality.

This is about convincing people to allow their children to be used as test subject in developing human longevity treatments for the Hyper Wealthy!

you can repeat that bollocks as much as you like and it will still be bollocks.
Do you really believe they should do this to CHILDREN?????
of course if the parents or guardian agree with the clinician.

What about the children whose identites are not fully formed? They themselves are clueless about who they are. Are you going to reinvent child psychology to fit the LGBT agenda? At the grave psychological expense of these separate entities known as children?
are you a pediatric specialist in the field psychology?:cuckoo:
Against their will?

What does a nine year old know about their own choices and free will.

Give me a few hours a day to "Play" with any modern, parental attention starved child, and I could have them believing the moon was made of cheese, and we were going there to eat it in a month.

It is in the very nature of being a child that they are very vulnerable to manipulation. This is one of the primary reasons that civilization has special laws regarding interactions between adults and children.
No shit Sherlock, I presume you object to children being expose to any form of religious training then?
so you would prefer to see your child suffer? do you agree with the Jehovahs witnesses refusal to give a child a blood transfusion to save its life? isn't a blood transfusion "messing with biology"?

You really want to compare a life saving blood transfusion to messing up a kids body before they are 18 due to the PARENTS thinking the kid should be another sex?
and qualified clinicians then the answer is yes just like it would be yes for the blood transfusion.

Ps are you a highly skilled pediatrician?

The same qualified clinicians who used to cure homosexuality?
so you would prefer to see your child suffer? do you agree with the Jehovahs witnesses refusal to give a child a blood transfusion to save its life? isn't a blood transfusion "messing with biology"?

I would prefer that all children be allowed to be children, but you assholes want to brainwash them into believing that they have to change their gender in order to keep their sweet singing voice.

By the way, there are some very sound arguments against giving a transfusion to anyone, and they are based on science, not religious belief.
first para is a right load of old bollocks.
To the second para you would let a child die from the withholding of a transfusion if the blood source was safe?

The point is that no transfusion is safe.
I would prefer that all children be allowed to be children, but you assholes want to brainwash them into believing that they have to change their gender in order to keep their sweet singing voice.

By the way, there are some very sound arguments against giving a transfusion to anyone, and they are based on science, not religious belief.
first para is a right load of old bollocks.
To the second para you would let a child die from the withholding of a transfusion if the blood source was safe?

The point is that no transfusion is safe.
the point is are you a Professor of Hematology ?

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