NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds

Somebody has to pay for it. Or do the doctors, the hospitals and all the other people work pro-bono?

Go fester some other message board you fucking **** troll.
Thank you, do you want to answer the question I asked Theowl you boil shot lickspittle.

The drug is made to prevent puberty in people going into it too early, what is happening here is preventing it from happening to make a POSSIBLE sex change operation later in life easier. So you mess with biology for the chance later of making a sex reassignment surgery slightly easier.

Its stupid and marginally criminal.

Well, the question was answered to sir subject to the crown.
NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online

Children as young as nine will be given controversial drugs on the NHS to prepare them for sex-swap surgery, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The treatment, which halts the onset of adulthood, is aimed at youngsters who believe they are trapped in the wrong body. But critics accused the clinic offering the puberty- postponing injections of ‘playing God’.

‘I think many people will be horrified at the thought of a nine-year-old being provided with a drug that effectively stops them developing and maturing naturally,’ said Conservative MP Andrew Percy.

Others insisted that undisputed research shows that the vast majority of under-16s who
are troubled about their gender do not go on to take the drastic step of surgery. Many turn out to be gay, but no longer feel confused about whether they are male or female.

Read more: NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online
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Yeah, great stuff. More of those demented scientists altering nature. Oh right, cause a person born as a man is not always "natural."

It starts in California....and then morphs outwards. That's how the mentally ill agendas always go. Mentally ill people are the most aggressive in promoting themselves as "normal" [and forcing everyone else to comply with that self-perception ...or else!] because their defense mechanisms are hyper stimulated to keep reality at bay.

So I had this theory years ago which seems appropriate to share right now. As the US was settled by escapees from Europe, who were themselves rejects of civilized societies for one reason or another, some good, some expected..the worst of these were pushed further West. As the more and more concentrated populations of the least desireables were shoved westward, by the time they reached California, there was nowhere else to go. So California by default became the Mecca for the deranged. The most deranged people in the US. I lived there and on the East Coast. It's a very very stark difference.

Anyway, so this population of demented people [not all, but most hover around San Francisco and Hollywood] are the ones charged with promoting "reality" via their monopoly: Television and movies. They thirst for endless pushing of the bar lower and lower on what type of physical indulgences can become acceptable, as they use silicone injections, botox, plastic surgery, eating disorders and you name it to keep the din of their issues down to a dull roar.

And this is a new low for them. Drugging children to later amputate healthy organs to play-act the opposite gender. When any psyche 101 flunkie knows without thinking even that this is a classic case of coercion of adults on children and untreated mental illness that results.

The solution isnt to farm-raise transsexuals like this. The solution is to change this cult, this seedy subculture from the bone marrow outward. And hence the reason I strive daily to make that happen.

September 29, 2011|9:25 pm

A young boy, adopted by a lesbian couple when he was just two, has been reported to have started the process of changing his sex to be female at the age of just eight.

Thomas Lobel, who is now known as Tammy and is aged 11, currently testifies that he always knew he wanted to be a girl. To that end, with his mothers’ blessings he is undergoing hormone blocking treatment to stop him going through puberty.

The lesbian mothers, who live in Berkeley, California insist they have not forced their son to become a girl. However, many critics have blasted the parents saying that the child’s sexuality should not be such a central agenda at the age of eight http://www.christianpost.com/news/lesbian-couple-allows-adopted-son-8-to-start-sex-change-56884/
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read what the drug is used for, what would you do if your child was suffering .......prey:badgrin:
Precocious puberty Definition - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic

I cannot tell, is this jagoff saying sex changes should not be allowed since it is not natural?

I really cannot tell.
nah its a simple question, if your child had precocious puberty would you let him/her suffer or put yourself in debt for life and take the child to the Mayo.
Which is it pussy.?

The Mayo Clinic never charges anyone a dime, it is all paid for by donations.
I cannot tell, is this jagoff saying sex changes should not be allowed since it is not natural?

I really cannot tell.
nah its a simple question, if your child had precocious puberty would you let him/her suffer or put yourself in debt for life and take the child to the Mayo.
Which is it pussy.?

The Mayo Clinic never charges anyone a dime, it is all paid for by donations.

Thanks for catching that...I shouldve caught that myself being that a sister in law works for the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix.
NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online

Children as young as nine will be given controversial drugs on the NHS to prepare them for sex-swap surgery, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The treatment, which halts the onset of adulthood, is aimed at youngsters who believe they are trapped in the wrong body. But critics accused the clinic offering the puberty- postponing injections of ‘playing God’.

‘I think many people will be horrified at the thought of a nine-year-old being provided with a drug that effectively stops them developing and maturing naturally,’ said Conservative MP Andrew Percy.

Others insisted that undisputed research shows that the vast majority of under-16s who
are troubled about their gender do not go on to take the drastic step of surgery. Many turn out to be gay, but no longer feel confused about whether they are male or female.

Read more: NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Yeah, great stuff. More of those demented scientists altering nature. Oh right, cause a person born as a man is not always "natural."

You know, when I was a kid, I was what they called a "Tom Boy". I was more comfortable in jeans and a tshirt than in dresses, and this was when girls had to wear dresses. I was in fights, I built club houses, I could swing a hammer as well as any boy and I could cast a fishing line better than most of them. I was real disappointed when I couldn't take shop in junior high, especially given that the boys could take home ec. I would hate to think that because of all those things, they decided to turn me into a boy. I'm happy being a woman. I was happy being a girl, I was just different from most girls.
NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online

Children as young as nine will be given controversial drugs on the NHS to prepare them for sex-swap surgery, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The treatment, which halts the onset of adulthood, is aimed at youngsters who believe they are trapped in the wrong body. But critics accused the clinic offering the puberty- postponing injections of ‘playing God’.

‘I think many people will be horrified at the thought of a nine-year-old being provided with a drug that effectively stops them developing and maturing naturally,’ said Conservative MP Andrew Percy.

Others insisted that undisputed research shows that the vast majority of under-16s who
are troubled about their gender do not go on to take the drastic step of surgery. Many turn out to be gay, but no longer feel confused about whether they are male or female.

Read more: NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Yeah, great stuff. More of those demented scientists altering nature. Oh right, cause a person born as a man is not always "natural."

You know, when I was a kid, I was what they called a "Tom Boy". I was more comfortable in jeans and a tshirt than in dresses, and this was when girls had to wear dresses. I was in fights, I built club houses, I could swing a hammer as well as any boy and I could cast a fishing line better than most of them. I was real disappointed when I couldn't take shop in junior high, especially given that the boys could take home ec. I would hate to think that because of all those things, they decided to turn me into a boy. I'm happy being a woman. I was happy being a girl, I was just different from most girls.

Well, most men I know prefer a woman dressing like this.....


Rather than getting all dressed up like they are going to the prom with George Washington.....


Anyway, I was always attracted to the tom boy types. Not BUTCH types mind you. Cannot help that, but tomboy did not automatically mean "butch."
‘I think many people will be horrified at the thought of a nine-year-old being provided with a drug that effectively stops them developing and maturing naturally,’ said Conservative MP Andrew Percy.
So a froth-at-the mouth conservative demands that kids struggling with their gender identity be forced to live as a girl when they are in every other sense a male and vice versa. Funny, he wants the state to intrude and violate the civil rights of people because he thinks his fundie morality trumps human rights, then justifies it on grounds that have no scientific basis.
‘I think many people will be horrified at the thought of a nine-year-old being provided with a drug that effectively stops them developing and maturing naturally,’ said Conservative MP Andrew Percy.
So a froth-at-the mouth conservative demands that kids struggling with their gender identity be forced to live as a girl when they are in every other sense a male and vice versa. Funny, he wants the state to intrude and violate the civil rights of people because he thinks his fundie morality trumps human rights, then justifies it on grounds that have no scientific basis.

The bottom of the barrel piece of fucking shit right here folks.

Good thing to know you fucking liberals do not want science to interfere with nature, well except with a boy with a frank and beans is all confused about his frank and beans.

Hey lets cut off those frank & beans and give the boy something that is not a vagina, but "vagina like."

This poster right here......is that bottom of the barrel, slimy worm that the left wing propaganda has turned and is turning people into. Look no further folks. Look no further than this demented hypocrite.
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If they REALLY want the sex change", they should be free to make that choice. A little young... but apparently they will have better "results" if they begin the transition at a younger age.
‘I think many people will be horrified at the thought of a nine-year-old being provided with a drug that effectively stops them developing and maturing naturally,’ said Conservative MP Andrew Percy.
So a froth-at-the mouth conservative demands that kids struggling with their gender identity be forced to live as a girl when they are in every other sense a male and vice versa. Funny, he wants the state to intrude and violate the civil rights of people because he thinks his fundie morality trumps human rights, then justifies it on grounds that have no scientific basis.

The bottom of the barrel piece of fucking shit right here folks.

Good thing to know you fucking liberals do not want to science to interfere with nature, well except a boy with a frank and beans is all confused about his frank and beans.

Hey lets cut off those frank & beans and give the boy something that is not a vagina, but "vagina like."

This poster right here......is that bottom of the barrel, slimy worm that the left wing propaganda has turned and is turning people into. Look no further folks. Look no further than this demented hypocrite.
So says the guy sitting at a computer running Microsoft, OS X, or Linux; all of which were established with help by 'evil liberals'. Because you want to dictate how people live their lives you hate on everyone that thinks differently and doesn't believe in a hateful god. There are plenty of good Christians not like you, and I am thankful there are.
You cannot change your sex, no matter how you try. We are encouraging mental illness by doing things such as this... This is WRONG. 9 year olds also want to be fairies and other mythical creatures...but it ain't gonna happen. Want is not a reason to allow it. This stuff is totally unethical.
You cannot change your sex, no matter how you try. We are encouraging mental illness by doing things such as this... This is WRONG. 9 year olds also want to be fairies and other mythical creatures...but it ain't gonna happen. Want is not a reason to allow it. This stuff is totally unethical.

I know, the asshole thinks when they give a boy a sex change, that it turns his penis into an actual vagina.

Should we keep it from him that he is not a girl and never will be?

Naaaaha, lets let him believe he is, when he isn't. Let him believe that casserole of nonsense is a functioning female reproduction system.

I think the slimy, bottom of barrel, miserable piece of shit does not know or he does not care or both that it in fact is not a vagina.

Good thing though, how these liberals are pretty selective with their outrage over how science and how man interferes with nature isn't it? They applaud with bullshit like this but get all bent out of shape over desert tortoises. As if any of them can tell you how their nature is being altered by cattle.

Oh, never mind. I have told you how impossible it is to even have an actual conversation with these demented fucking hypocrites. This winner shows precisely why I say that.
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If they REALLY want the sex change", they should be free to make that choice. A little young... but apparently they will have better "results" if they begin the transition at a younger age.
Yep, which is why they do it then. Adults find it really difficult,whereas if the child had drugs or a quick operation at an early age, then the child wouldn't have to worry about social reactions. Though what this article doesn't point out is that a lot of sex changes are by intersex people, who can have both sexual organs.
You cannot change your sex, no matter how you try. We are encouraging mental illness by doing things such as this... This is WRONG. 9 year olds also want to be fairies and other mythical creatures...but it ain't gonna happen. Want is not a reason to allow it. This stuff is totally unethical.
And I thought the dark ages were over, but then you show up. Curious how you think allowing intersex people to be a single gender, is so 'wrong', when just like same-sex marriage it doesn't hurt anyone - except Christian fundies that want to return the inquisition and persecute people that have sex chance operations.

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