NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds

If they REALLY want the sex change", they should be free to make that choice. A little young... but apparently they will have better "results" if they begin the transition at a younger age.
Yep, which is why they do it then. Adults find it really difficult,whereas if the child had drugs or a quick operation at an early age, then the child wouldn't have to worry about social reactions. Though what this article doesn't point out is that a lot of sex changes are by intersex people, who can have both sexual organs.

9 years old is waaaaaaaay too young to make those types of decisions, don't you think? It's one thing for adults to make the decision to mutilate themselves, it's another to expect a 9 year old to fully understand what it is that they are doing to themselves & how it could effect them in the future.

Do you atleast have enough decency & common sense to concede that point?
If they REALLY want the sex change", they should be free to make that choice. A little young... but apparently they will have better "results" if they begin the transition at a younger age.
Yep, which is why they do it then. Adults find it really difficult,whereas if the child had drugs or a quick operation at an early age, then the child wouldn't have to worry about social reactions. Though what this article doesn't point out is that a lot of sex changes are by intersex people, who can have both sexual organs.

9 years old is waaaaaaaay too young to make those types of decisions, don't you think? It's one thing for adults to make the decision to mutilate themselves, it's another to expect a 9 year old to fully understand what it is that they are doing to themselves & how it could effect them in the future.

Do you atleast have enough decency & common sense to concede that point?

Telling you man. Do not communicate with a piece of shit like that. You may have more fun peeing up a flagpole.

You see his posts? You think you are going to say anything that makes sense to him in any way? He is on my ignore already.
You cannot change your sex, no matter how you try. We are encouraging mental illness by doing things such as this... This is WRONG. 9 year olds also want to be fairies and other mythical creatures...but it ain't gonna happen. Want is not a reason to allow it. This stuff is totally unethical.
And I thought the dark ages were over, but then you show up. Curious how you think allowing intersex people to be a single gender, is so 'wrong', when just like same-sex marriage it doesn't hurt anyone - except Christian fundies that want to return the inquisition and persecute people that have sex chance operations.

There is no such thing as an "intersex" person. You are either born male or female, and in extremely rare cases, a hermaphrodite...and even then they are always more one than the other.

And no, you can cut your chorizo & huevos off and poke a hole where it used to be, and mold lips for it out of old chewed up bubble gum for all I care...

We are talking about children here.
If they REALLY want the sex change", they should be free to make that choice. A little young... but apparently they will have better "results" if they begin the transition at a younger age.
Yep, which is why they do it then. Adults find it really difficult,whereas if the child had drugs or a quick operation at an early age, then the child wouldn't have to worry about social reactions. Though what this article doesn't point out is that a lot of sex changes are by intersex people, who can have both sexual organs.

9 years old is waaaaaaaay too young to make those types of decisions, don't you think? It's one thing for adults to make the decision to mutilate themselves, it's another to expect a 9 year old to fully understand what it is that they are doing to themselves & how it could effect them in the future.

Do you atleast have enough decency & common sense to concede that point?
Ever heard of the term 'parental guardian', a thing called a 'voice box' and a 'mouth'? Perhaps you have heard of these people called 'doctors', that can assess a child's biological condition. You realize that 9 year olds can communicate their feelings, parents can act in best interests of their children, and that doctors can give recommendations.
It takes a lot for me to put someone on ignore... Plus if I did that with everyone I disagreed with, Id end up in a forum with every agreeing with me most of the time....that's too much like the bobblehwad liberals for me to subject myself to. Lol
Yep, which is why they do it then. Adults find it really difficult,whereas if the child had drugs or a quick operation at an early age, then the child wouldn't have to worry about social reactions. Though what this article doesn't point out is that a lot of sex changes are by intersex people, who can have both sexual organs.

9 years old is waaaaaaaay too young to make those types of decisions, don't you think? It's one thing for adults to make the decision to mutilate themselves, it's another to expect a 9 year old to fully understand what it is that they are doing to themselves & how it could effect them in the future.

Do you atleast have enough decency & common sense to concede that point?

Telling you man. Do not communicate with a piece of shit like that. You may have more fun peeing up a flagpole.

You see his posts? You think you are going to say anything that makes sense to him in any way? He is on my ignore already.
Yep, which is why they do it then. Adults find it really difficult,whereas if the child had drugs or a quick operation at an early age, then the child wouldn't have to worry about social reactions. Though what this article doesn't point out is that a lot of sex changes are by intersex people, who can have both sexual organs.

9 years old is waaaaaaaay too young to make those types of decisions, don't you think? It's one thing for adults to make the decision to mutilate themselves, it's another to expect a 9 year old to fully understand what it is that they are doing to themselves & how it could effect them in the future.

Do you atleast have enough decency & common sense to concede that point?

Telling you man. Do not communicate with a piece of shit like that. You may have more fun peeing up a flagpole.

You see his posts? You think you are going to say anything that makes sense to him in any way? He is on my ignore already.
Well that is a relief, considering this thread is a rage fest against the human rights of children, in favor of Christian fundamentalists beliefs. Your posts just remind me how dumbed down American society has become, if medical operations and drugs are viewed as 'evil', without a shred of scientific evidence to back it up.
Well those doctors better make sure that the parents themselves are not reponsible for the child's confusion before taking their word for it. You have to be a sick individual to do this to your 9 year old child. If I ever find anyone promoting this crap and foisting sexual confusion on a child, I will be reporting them to CPS and any other agencies applicable.
Yep, which is why they do it then. Adults find it really difficult,whereas if the child had drugs or a quick operation at an early age, then the child wouldn't have to worry about social reactions. Though what this article doesn't point out is that a lot of sex changes are by intersex people, who can have both sexual organs.

9 years old is waaaaaaaay too young to make those types of decisions, don't you think? It's one thing for adults to make the decision to mutilate themselves, it's another to expect a 9 year old to fully understand what it is that they are doing to themselves & how it could effect them in the future.

Do you atleast have enough decency & common sense to concede that point?
Ever heard of the term 'parental guardian', a thing called a 'voice box' and a 'mouth'? Perhaps you have heard of these people called 'doctors', that can assess a child's biological condition. You realize that 9 year olds can communicate their feelings, parents can act in best interests of their children, and that doctors can give recommendations.
It takes a lot for me to put someone on ignore... Plus if I did that with everyone I disagreed with, Id end up in a forum with every agreeing with me most of the time....that's too much like the bobblehwad liberals for me to subject myself to. Lol
9 years old is waaaaaaaay too young to make those types of decisions, don't you think? It's one thing for adults to make the decision to mutilate themselves, it's another to expect a 9 year old to fully understand what it is that they are doing to themselves & how it could effect them in the future.

Do you atleast have enough decency & common sense to concede that point?

Telling you man. Do not communicate with a piece of shit like that. You may have more fun peeing up a flagpole.

You see his posts? You think you are going to say anything that makes sense to him in any way? He is on my ignore already.

I do not think in his case he classifies as some liberal that disagrees with some ideological view point.

You will not get through to him. I mean look at his posts.
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You cannot change your sex, no matter how you try. We are encouraging mental illness by doing things such as this... This is WRONG. 9 year olds also want to be fairies and other mythical creatures...but it ain't gonna happen. Want is not a reason to allow it. This stuff is totally unethical.
And I thought the dark ages were over, but then you show up. Curious how you think allowing intersex people to be a single gender, is so 'wrong', when just like same-sex marriage it doesn't hurt anyone - except Christian fundies that want to return the inquisition and persecute people that have sex chance operations.

There is no such thing as an "intersex" person. You are either born male or female, and in extremely rare cases, a hermaphrodite...and even then they are always more one than the other.

And no, you can cut your chorizo & huevos off and poke a hole where it used to be, and mold lips for it out of old chewed up bubble gum for all I care...

We are talking about children here.
Heard of Google and Wikipedia? God, you are hopeless. Have fun raving against us 'evil liberals', but these drugs will still be provided, and operations will still continue. Sure are a sore loser, if you don't get that social and scientific progress doesn't stop just because you want it to.
Hahahaha! Damn son...you're the biggest idiot I have ever ran into on the Internet. Be proud.
And I thought the dark ages were over, but then you show up. Curious how you think allowing intersex people to be a single gender, is so 'wrong', when just like same-sex marriage it doesn't hurt anyone - except Christian fundies that want to return the inquisition and persecute people that have sex chance operations.

There is no such thing as an "intersex" person. You are either born male or female, and in extremely rare cases, a hermaphrodite...and even then they are always more one than the other.

And no, you can cut your chorizo & huevos off and poke a hole where it used to be, and mold lips for it out of old chewed up bubble gum for all I care...

We are talking about children here.
Heard of Google and Wikipedia? God, you are hopeless. Have fun raving against us 'evil liberals', but these drugs will still be provided, and operations will still continue. Sure are a sore loser, if you don't get that social and scientific progress doesn't stop just because you want it to.
It takes a lot for me to put someone on ignore... Plus if I did that with everyone I disagreed with, Id end up in a forum with every agreeing with me most of the time....that's too much like the bobblehwad liberals for me to subject myself to. Lol
Telling you man. Do not communicate with a piece of shit like that. You may have more fun peeing up a flagpole.

You see his posts? You think you are going to say anything that makes sense to him in any way? He is on my ignore already.

I do not think in his case he classifies as some liberal that disagrees with some ideological view point.

You will get through to him. I mean look at his posts.
I disagree with people when they quote and agree with politicians that spout nonsense. I am voting Green Party, not Democrat (and have never voted Democrat) - which means you can't hold me responsible for whatever Democrats do - even if at times I might agree with them. If you want me to be more precise I am anti-statist, Anarchist-Communist and at times Anarcho-Capitalist, so I would be at odds with the notion that politicians (without any empirical evidence to back up their claims) should have the right to dictate how parents should take care of their children.
Boy oh boy...just when you have proven to be the biggest idiot I have eve met on the Internet...there you go and double down on stupid.

You cannot be an anarcho-communist and anarcho-capitalist at the same time, or either part of the time, they are completely different ideologies.
You really are stupid if you think you can be. Lol
It takes a lot for me to put someone on ignore... Plus if I did that with everyone I disagreed with, Id end up in a forum with every agreeing with me most of the time....that's too much like the bobblehwad liberals for me to subject myself to. Lol

I do not think in his case he classifies as some liberal that disagrees with some ideological view point.

You will get through to him. I mean look at his posts.
I disagree with people when they quote and agree with politicians that spout nonsense. I am voting Green Party, not Democrat (and have never voted Democrat) - which means you can't hold me responsible for whatever Democrats do - even if at times I might agree with them. If you want me to be more precise I am anti-statist, Anarchist-Communist and at times Anarcho-Capitalist, so I would be at odds with the notion that politicians (without any empirical evidence to back up their claims) should have the right to dictate how parents should take care of their children.
Boy oh boy...just when you have proven to be the biggest idiot I have eve met on the Internet...there you go and double down on stupid.

You cannot be an anarcho-communist and anarcho-capitalist at the same time, or either part of the time, they are completely different ideologies.
You really are stupid if you think you can be. Lol
I do not think in his case he classifies as some liberal that disagrees with some ideological view point.

You will get through to him. I mean look at his posts.
I disagree with people when they quote and agree with politicians that spout nonsense. I am voting Green Party, not Democrat (and have never voted Democrat) - which means you can't hold me responsible for whatever Democrats do - even if at times I might agree with them. If you want me to be more precise I am anti-statist, Anarchist-Communist and at times Anarcho-Capitalist, so I would be at odds with the notion that politicians (without any empirical evidence to back up their claims) should have the right to dictate how parents should take care of their children.
Why not? Both disagree with government interference in people's lives, both are individualist (with one favoring private contracts, and the other direct democracy), and both are viable alternatives to the false-free market and state-capitalist economy - so long as you have an informed and sensible population. It would be stupid to not see the positives under both systems. For the meantime though, in a state society, the best system is regulated state-capitalism - rather than state communism.
Because anarchocommunism is supposed to be the end result of the communist revolution, anarchocapitalism is about unfettered stateless(or atleast the state that exists does not interfere in the free market)capitalism. They are diametrically opposed, that's why you dumb ass. You really are too stupid to understand that, I know...just as you are too stupid to understand that it is wrong to give sex change treatments to minors.

I can't believe I met the dumbest person on earth today.....
Boy oh boy...just when you have proven to be the biggest idiot I have eve met on the Internet...there you go and double down on stupid.

You cannot be an anarcho-communist and anarcho-capitalist at the same time, or either part of the time, they are completely different ideologies.
You really are stupid if you think you can be. Lol
I disagree with people when they quote and agree with politicians that spout nonsense. I am voting Green Party, not Democrat (and have never voted Democrat) - which means you can't hold me responsible for whatever Democrats do - even if at times I might agree with them. If you want me to be more precise I am anti-statist, Anarchist-Communist and at times Anarcho-Capitalist, so I would be at odds with the notion that politicians (without any empirical evidence to back up their claims) should have the right to dictate how parents should take care of their children.
Why not? Both disagree with government interference in people's lives, both are individualist (with one favoring private contracts, and the other direct democracy), and both are viable alternatives to the false-free market and state-capitalist economy - so long as you have an informed and sensible population. It would be stupid to not see the positives under both systems. For the meantime though, in a state society, the best system is regulated state-capitalism - rather than state communism.
Because anarchocommunism is supposed to be the end result of the communist revolution, anarchocapitalism is about unfettered stateless(or atleast the state that exists does not interfere in the free market)capitalism. They are diametrically opposed, that's why you dumb ass. You really are too stupid to understand that, I know...just as you are too stupid to understand that it is wrong to give sex change treatments to minors.

I can't believe I met the dumbest person on earth today.....
Boy oh boy...just when you have proven to be the biggest idiot I have eve met on the Internet...there you go and double down on stupid.

You cannot be an anarcho-communist and anarcho-capitalist at the same time, or either part of the time, they are completely different ideologies.
You really are stupid if you think you can be. Lol
Why not? Both disagree with government interference in people's lives, both are individualist (with one favoring private contracts, and the other direct democracy), and both are viable alternatives to the false-free market and state-capitalist economy - so long as you have an informed and sensible population. It would be stupid to not see the positives under both systems. For the meantime though, in a state society, the best system is regulated state-capitalism - rather than state communism.
Stupidity is in the eye of the beholder. Right-wingers say liberals are stupid, doesn't make them so. Likewise your claims that sex change operations on children are 'evil', doesn't make them so. I admire the courage of parents and their children, going through a difficult operation or treatment. A pity you hate on families and children you don't even know.
Derp. Hey moron, Im sitting here talking about protecting these children from both wack job parents foisting sexual confusion on them & institutionalized insanity that wants to facilitate the mutilation of said children...and your stupid ass claims I think the children are evil. You're 100% Grade A RETARD.... A chunk of ground beef is more aware of reality and able to reason better than you.

Are you done getting kicked around or do you still want more. Not one honest person reading this can deny how stupid you look right now, Mr.AnarchoCommunistCapitalistDemocraticSocialistGreenPartier.

Yes stupidity is in the eye that is beholding it coming from you right now. Lol

Because anarchocommunism is supposed to be the end result of the communist revolution, anarchocapitalism is about unfettered stateless(or atleast the state that exists does not interfere in the free market)capitalism. They are diametrically opposed, that's why you dumb ass. You really are too stupid to understand that, I know...just as you are too stupid to understand that it is wrong to give sex change treatments to minors.

I can't believe I met the dumbest person on earth today.....
Why not? Both disagree with government interference in people's lives, both are individualist (with one favoring private contracts, and the other direct democracy), and both are viable alternatives to the false-free market and state-capitalist economy - so long as you have an informed and sensible population. It would be stupid to not see the positives under both systems. For the meantime though, in a state society, the best system is regulated state-capitalism - rather than state communism.
Stupidity is in the eye of the beholder. Right-wingers say liberals are stupid, doesn't make them so. Likewise your claims that sex change operations on children are 'evil', doesn't make them so. I admire the courage of parents and their children, going through a difficult operation or treatment. A pity you hate on families and children you don't even know.
‘I think many people will be horrified at the thought of a nine-year-old being provided with a drug that effectively stops them developing and maturing naturally,’ said Conservative MP Andrew Percy.
So a froth-at-the mouth conservative demands that kids struggling with their gender identity be forced to live as a girl when they are in every other sense a male and vice versa. Funny, he wants the state to intrude and violate the civil rights of people because he thinks his fundie morality trumps human rights, then justifies it on grounds that have no scientific basis.

They are children and have no fucking concept of what gender means unless some asshole force feeds it to them and tells them they are in the wrong fucking body.
Hey libfags if someone thinks delusion ally that cigarettes are not harmful should they be allowed to smoke wherever they want or do you have to be an ass pirate to force your denial of reality onto others?
If they REALLY want the sex change", they should be free to make that choice. A little young... but apparently they will have better "results" if they begin the transition at a younger age.

When I was 9 I wanted to be Spider-Man, should my parents have let me stick my hand into nest of radioactive spiders to see if I could fulfill my dream, or should they have been responsible adults and told me no? What happens after they transisition and grow up to discover that their 9 year old self was wrong about the whole concept? Why the fuck don't people think?

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