Nice to See The Respect from out Allies for POTUS

if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
-------------------------- and by the way , i have a low opinion of people that measure success by ONLY counting their money . Whores and thieves have lots of money because they will do anything for Money Jillian .

so what makes Donald successful? his multiple bankruptcies? his "trump college" scam"? tell the class. he never did anything on his own. so what are you talking about?
------------------------------------------- He is doing what a successful American President should do Jillian . For example , everything that You and the 'naives' and 'canadian' chicks hate is exactly what the Successful American President Trump should be doing Jillian .

Cutting taxes for millionaires and putting it on the credit card is going to make him just as successful as a President as George W. Bush, who did the exact same thing.
Abe is on now with high praise for our President. Unlike Obama, who had to go on a apology tour and trash America in seek of support

Japan PM Rolls His Eyes After Donald Trump Shakes His Hand For 19 Seconds
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
-------------------------- and by the way , i have a low opinion of people that measure success by ONLY counting their money . Whores and thieves have lots of money because they will do anything for Money Jillian .

so what makes Donald successful? his multiple bankruptcies? his "trump college" scam"? tell the class. he never did anything on his own. so what are you talking about?
------------------------------------------- He is doing what a successful American President should do Jillian . For example , everything that You and the 'naives' and 'canadian' chicks hate is exactly what the Successful American President Trump should be doing Jillian .

Cutting taxes for millionaires and putting it on the credit card is going to make him just as successful as a President as George W. Bush, who did the exact same thing.
Perhaps we should just tax successful employers (millionaires as leftists call them) right out of the country. Then we could be a country of nothing but poor people working for the government.
these 'naives' are like little old Ladies talking over the fence gossiping .
Abe doesn't respect Trump. He knows his country needs the cooperation of the US, and the best way to get that is to flatter the current child president. The US has lost the respect of the world, and can only expect shallow patronizing remarks until we can correct the disgusting mistake of our last presidential election.

These god damned sycophants probably think every foreign leader has a crush on Trump.
-------------------------------------------- doesn't matter if they do or don't have a crush on the Trump as The TRUMP leads them around by the nose rings HJoy .

the orange freak has totally diminished our influence around the world.

you people are pathetic.

-------------------------------------------- Pismoe thinks that's funny. And what is up with the line in front of the first sentence in every post?

the line is bizarre, too. but again, there's no cure for stupid.

You’re on hospice?
Trust me, nobody thinks Abe is being respectful to Trump for any other reason except Abe needs the cooperation of the United States.
You polled everybody huh? lol

You want a poll? Here is one about Amerca's sinking approval in Japan.

Let's discuss Donald Trump's popularity in Japan | The Japan Times
------------------------------------ why is a poll of Japanese 'subjects' important to The TRUMP or the USA HJoy !!

It just demonstrates what what Abe's country thinks of Trump.
----------------------------- who cares , the japanese subjects will do as ABE tells them HJoy .

I have a feeling Agolf Twitler will be asking for another rah rah party soon. :113:

Abe doesn't respect Trump. He knows his country needs the cooperation of the US, and the best way to get that is to flatter the current child president. The US has lost the respect of the world, and can only expect shallow patronizing remarks until we can correct the disgusting mistake of our last presidential election.

So you're now the official spokesperson for the Japanese Prime Minister? How do you know what he does or doesn't respect, are you a clairvoyant or something? You do know that to read a Japanese person's mind, you'd have to speak Japanese, right ? Do you speak Japanese?

Or is this just some hogwash you just made up?

It's well known that Trump is susceptible to flattery. How have you guys not figured that out?

Russia figured it out quite a while ago....

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