Nice to See The Respect from out Allies for POTUS

Abe doesn't respect Trump. He knows his country needs the cooperation of the US, and the best way to get that is to flatter the current child president. The US has lost the respect of the world, and can only expect shallow patronizing remarks until we can correct the disgusting mistake of our last presidential election.

So you're now the official spokesperson for the Japanese Prime Minister? How do you know what he does or doesn't respect, are you a clairvoyant or something? You do know that to read a Japanese person's mind, you'd have to speak Japanese, right ? Do you speak Japanese?

Or is this just some hogwash you just made up?

It's well known that Trump is susceptible to flattery. How have you guys not figured that out?

You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!
look at these turds troll. How much you wanna bet that many many many world leaders never were crazy about each other but still supported each other because they ween't stupid like liberals?

Trust me, nobody thinks Abe is being respectful to Trump for any other reason except Abe needs the cooperation of the United States.

Trust you? Why?
Abe doesn't respect Trump. He knows his country needs the cooperation of the US, and the best way to get that is to flatter the current child president. The US has lost the respect of the world, and can only expect shallow patronizing remarks until we can correct the disgusting mistake of our last presidential election.

So you're now the official spokesperson for the Japanese Prime Minister? How do you know what he does or doesn't respect, are you a clairvoyant or something? You do know that to read a Japanese person's mind, you'd have to speak Japanese, right ? Do you speak Japanese?

Or is this just some hogwash you just made up?

It's well known that Trump is susceptible to flattery. How have you guys not figured that out?

You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

Trump is not and has never been a successful businessman, although he plays one on TV. Had he not been born rich, he would be broke. He would have a higher net worth had he simply invested the money his father left him. He is a successful realty TV star.

World leaders all say the same thing about Trump. Flatter him. Play to his narcissism and his ego. Then they laugh about him and make jokes behind his back.

Malcolm Turner mocked Trump at a correspondents’ dinner. Justin Trudeau didn’t call out Trump on his lies about the trade deficit because little is accomplished by offending Trump. Abe has been quoted in the Japanese press as having a strategy for “managing” relations with Trump which involves flattery and half page briefing papers.

Trump is a laughing stock in the rest of the world.

This is the BBC’s take:

What do world leaders think of Trump?


The year the world laughed at U.S. -

Australia - please note that “abc” is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation not the American network.

Donald Trump's presidency has exposed fault lines in our opinion of America - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

And from fact check:

World Opinion of Trump and U.S. -

Believe whatever you want to, but Trump is not "p0-laying" President.
Oh, I'm supposed to be insulted? You look like an idiot going through and hitting the smilie face on everything, it appears like you don't put much thought into anything you read. But hey, you be you.

Tell that to Jillian. I can always tell when she's going to respond to a post of mine, because she invariably laughs first.

turnabout fair play, little twit.

What "turnabout"? I hardly think you're humorous, mostly a hateful, old, and annoying twat.

But that's just my opinion. :biggrin:

that's ok... I think you're a moron. your ignorance does amuse me.

Free country, isn't it? You're entitled to think anything you desire, sweetmeat.
Well, he's not playing president very well.
Abe doesn't respect Trump. He knows his country needs the cooperation of the US, and the best way to get that is to flatter the current child president. The US has lost the respect of the world, and can only expect shallow patronizing remarks until we can correct the disgusting mistake of our last presidential election.

So you're now the official spokesperson for the Japanese Prime Minister? How do you know what he does or doesn't respect, are you a clairvoyant or something? You do know that to read a Japanese person's mind, you'd have to speak Japanese, right ? Do you speak Japanese?

Or is this just some hogwash you just made up?

It's well known that Trump is susceptible to flattery. How have you guys not figured that out?

You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
he is SUCCESSFUL as President as he pizzes YOU 'naives' and fureign leaders and populations off if your links are accurate Jillian . Go TRUMP .
Last edited:
Abe doesn't respect Trump. He knows his country needs the cooperation of the US, and the best way to get that is to flatter the current child president. The US has lost the respect of the world, and can only expect shallow patronizing remarks until we can correct the disgusting mistake of our last presidential election.

So you're now the official spokesperson for the Japanese Prime Minister? How do you know what he does or doesn't respect, are you a clairvoyant or something? You do know that to read a Japanese person's mind, you'd have to speak Japanese, right ? Do you speak Japanese?

Or is this just some hogwash you just made up?

It's well known that Trump is susceptible to flattery. How have you guys not figured that out?

You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

Trump is not and has never been a successful businessman, although he plays one on TV. Had he not been born rich, he would be broke. He would have a higher net worth had he simply invested the money his father left him. He is a successful realty TV star.

World leaders all say the same thing about Trump. Flatter him. Play to his narcissism and his ego. Then they laugh about him and make jokes behind his back.

Malcolm Turner mocked Trump at a correspondents’ dinner. Justin Trudeau didn’t call out Trump on his lies about the trade deficit because little is accomplished by offending Trump. Abe has been quoted in the Japanese press as having a strategy for “managing” relations with Trump which involves flattery and half page briefing papers.

Trump is a laughing stock in the rest of the world.

This is the BBC’s take:

What do world leaders think of Trump?


The year the world laughed at U.S. -

Australia - please note that “abc” is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation not the American network.

Donald Trump's presidency has exposed fault lines in our opinion of America - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

And from fact check:

World Opinion of Trump and U.S. -
------------------------------ who cares , i think that ALL the world that you mention are Only fureigners DLady .

because you have no understanding of what the global economy is or what our global security interests are. because you have little minds, you elected an internet troll who is diminishing this country.
he is SUCCESSFUL as President as he pizzes YOU 'naives' and fureign leaders and populations off if your links are accurate Jillian . Go TRUMP .

successful by what standard? only if you think the role of the president is to be an internet troll like you.

normal people don't hate the country like you do.
So you're now the official spokesperson for the Japanese Prime Minister? How do you know what he does or doesn't respect, are you a clairvoyant or something? You do know that to read a Japanese person's mind, you'd have to speak Japanese, right ? Do you speak Japanese?

Or is this just some hogwash you just made up?

It's well known that Trump is susceptible to flattery. How have you guys not figured that out?

You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
-------------------------- and by the way , i have a low opinion of people that measure success by ONLY counting their money . Whores and thieves have lots of money because they will do anything for Money Jillian .
It's well known that Trump is susceptible to flattery. How have you guys not figured that out?

You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
-------------------------- and by the way , i have a low opinion of people that measure success by ONLY counting their money . Whores and thieves have lots of money because they will do anything for Money Jillian .

so what makes Donald successful? his multiple bankruptcies? his "trump college" scam"? tell the class. he never did anything on his own. so what are you talking about?
So you're now the official spokesperson for the Japanese Prime Minister? How do you know what he does or doesn't respect, are you a clairvoyant or something? You do know that to read a Japanese person's mind, you'd have to speak Japanese, right ? Do you speak Japanese?

Or is this just some hogwash you just made up?

It's well known that Trump is susceptible to flattery. How have you guys not figured that out?

You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

Trump is not and has never been a successful businessman, although he plays one on TV. Had he not been born rich, he would be broke. He would have a higher net worth had he simply invested the money his father left him. He is a successful realty TV star.

World leaders all say the same thing about Trump. Flatter him. Play to his narcissism and his ego. Then they laugh about him and make jokes behind his back.

Malcolm Turner mocked Trump at a correspondents’ dinner. Justin Trudeau didn’t call out Trump on his lies about the trade deficit because little is accomplished by offending Trump. Abe has been quoted in the Japanese press as having a strategy for “managing” relations with Trump which involves flattery and half page briefing papers.

Trump is a laughing stock in the rest of the world.

This is the BBC’s take:

What do world leaders think of Trump?


The year the world laughed at U.S. -

Australia - please note that “abc” is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation not the American network.

Donald Trump's presidency has exposed fault lines in our opinion of America - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

And from fact check:

World Opinion of Trump and U.S. -
------------------------------ who cares , i think that ALL the world that you mention are Only fureigners DLady .

because you have no understanding of what the global economy is or what our global security interests are. because you have little minds, you elected an internet troll who is diminishing this country.
-------------------------------------------------------- Go TRUMP !!
You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
-------------------------- and by the way , i have a low opinion of people that measure success by ONLY counting their money . Whores and thieves have lots of money because they will do anything for Money Jillian .

so what makes Donald successful? his multiple bankruptcies? his "trump college" scam"? tell the class. he never did anything on his own. so what are you talking about?
------------------------------------------- He is doing what a successful American President should do Jillian . For example , everything that You and the 'naives' and 'canadian' chicks hate is exactly what the Successful American President Trump should be doing Jillian .
look at these turds troll. How much you wanna bet that many many many world leaders never were crazy about each other but still supported each other because they ween't stupid like liberals?

Trust me, nobody thinks Abe is being respectful to Trump for any other reason except Abe needs the cooperation of the United States.

Trust you? Why?

Well, because I don't lie or at least try not to (sometimes her butt does look big) but specifically to my post that you quoted it's called a figure of speech.
It's well known that Trump is susceptible to flattery. How have you guys not figured that out?

You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

Trump is not and has never been a successful businessman, although he plays one on TV. Had he not been born rich, he would be broke. He would have a higher net worth had he simply invested the money his father left him. He is a successful realty TV star.

World leaders all say the same thing about Trump. Flatter him. Play to his narcissism and his ego. Then they laugh about him and make jokes behind his back.

Malcolm Turner mocked Trump at a correspondents’ dinner. Justin Trudeau didn’t call out Trump on his lies about the trade deficit because little is accomplished by offending Trump. Abe has been quoted in the Japanese press as having a strategy for “managing” relations with Trump which involves flattery and half page briefing papers.

Trump is a laughing stock in the rest of the world.

This is the BBC’s take:

What do world leaders think of Trump?


The year the world laughed at U.S. -

Australia - please note that “abc” is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation not the American network.

Donald Trump's presidency has exposed fault lines in our opinion of America - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

And from fact check:

World Opinion of Trump and U.S. -
------------------------------ who cares , i think that ALL the world that you mention are Only fureigners DLady .

because you have no understanding of what the global economy is or what our global security interests are. because you have little minds, you elected an internet troll who is diminishing this country.
-------------------------------------------------------- Go TRUMP !!

thanks for trolling by
It's well known that Trump is susceptible to flattery. How have you guys not figured that out?

You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
-------------------------- and by the way , i have a low opinion of people that measure success by ONLY counting their money . Whores and thieves have lots of money because they will do anything for Money Jillian .

Setting Trump aside for a second. Whores and thieves have lots of money? Hmmm, I'm doubting your judgement. I think you'll find your typical prostitute is usually feeding a drug habit they can't really afford.
You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
-------------------------- and by the way , i have a low opinion of people that measure success by ONLY counting their money . Whores and thieves have lots of money because they will do anything for Money Jillian .

Setting Trump aside for a second. Whores and thieves have lots of money? Hmmm, I'm doubting your judgement.

good call. he's bitter white trash and wants everyone to be as angry and miserable as he is.
You only think that because it was stated on either MSNBC or CNN. I heard them say the same thing myself.

A person "susceptible to flattery" would never have become as successful as he has.

if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
-------------------------- and by the way , i have a low opinion of people that measure success by ONLY counting their money . Whores and thieves have lots of money because they will do anything for Money Jillian .

Setting Trump aside for a second. Whores and thieves have lots of money? Hmmm, I'm doubting your judgement. I think you'll find your typical prostitute is usually feeding a drug habit they can't really afford.
----------------------------------------------- not the smart ones HJoy .
if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
-------------------------- and by the way , i have a low opinion of people that measure success by ONLY counting their money . Whores and thieves have lots of money because they will do anything for Money Jillian .

Setting Trump aside for a second. Whores and thieves have lots of money? Hmmm, I'm doubting your judgement.

good call. he's bitter white trash and wants everyone to be as angry and miserable as he is.

I think he failed whore school too.
if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
-------------------------- and by the way , i have a low opinion of people that measure success by ONLY counting their money . Whores and thieves have lots of money because they will do anything for Money Jillian .

Setting Trump aside for a second. Whores and thieves have lots of money? Hmmm, I'm doubting your judgement. I think you'll find your typical prostitute is usually feeding a drug habit they can't really afford.
----------------------------------------------- not the smart ones HJoy .

Trump's not that smart, he's just a 71 year old whore with an inheritance.
if he didn't inherit over 100 million from daddy, he'd have zero.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
------------------------------------------------ and then Jillian starts talking TRUMPS money HJoy !!

because you said he was "successful". what were you talking about if not his money?

try to keep track of your own statements. mmmkay?
-------------------------- and by the way , i have a low opinion of people that measure success by ONLY counting their money . Whores and thieves have lots of money because they will do anything for Money Jillian .

so what makes Donald successful? his multiple bankruptcies? his "trump college" scam"? tell the class. he never did anything on his own. so what are you talking about?
------------------------------------------- He is doing what a successful American President should do Jillian . For example , everything that You and the 'naives' and 'canadian' chicks hate is exactly what the Successful American President Trump should be doing Jillian .

The title of this thread is about the respect other world leaders have for Trump. The OP said that Prime Minister Abe showed great respect for Trump. No. Abe demonstrated good manners and proper decorum, not respect.

A Japanese gentleman would never be disrespectful or rude - to anyone, much less the leader of an ally they need in the region and one of their biggest trading partners.

Then you say you don’t care what other countries think about the US. Fair enough but you replied to a thread which is a discussion about what other world leaders think about Trump.

I leave you with this from Malcom Turnbull, the Prime Minister of Australia.

'We're winning so much': Malcolm Turnbull mocks Trump at Canberra ball – video
aw haw , The TRUMP , my age and generation and doing things the way i like them done .

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