Nick Fuentes Hold Rally Outside CPAC

Known anti-Semite, Nick Fuentes, held his own rally outside of CPAC and had a large number of MAGA supporters in his audience cheering him on. I very sparingly use the NAZI term to describe something or someone because it's overused and generally misappropriated, but this is one of the closest comparisons to 1930s Germany I've ever seen in my life. It's frightening how easily people are brainwashed.

You should not be sparing in the use of Nazi to describe Fuentes. He proudly admits to being a Nazi.

The other thing that’s got to go is this Talmudic Judaism,” Fuentes said to applause.

Fuentes also said that he believes at least “half, or two-thirds, or three-quarters” of various media, educational, financial, and governmental organizations are Jewish and that society has “big problems when the people aren’t Christian.”

Fuentes capped off his secular rant by saying it was “a long way of saying I love Hitler” while the crowd chanted “Christ is king.”


Give us a big kiss, you adorable Nazi, you!
You should not be sparing in the use of Nazi to describe Fuentes. He proudly admits to being a Nazi.

The other thing that’s got to go is this Talmudic Judaism,” Fuentes said to applause.

Fuentes also said that he believes at least “half, or two-thirds, or three-quarters” of various media, educational, financial, and governmental organizations are Jewish and that society has “big problems when the people aren’t Christian.”

Fuentes capped off his secular rant by saying it was “a long way of saying I love Hitler” while the crowd chanted “Christ is king.”
But wasn't it them who fried the slaves? And passed Civil Rights legislation?
Known perhaps to you. But thanks for the video of a guy calling for a return to christian values and putting Christ back in your life as a moral solution to today's immoral woes--- principles my parents taught and their parents and their parents all the way back to the Founders of this country, then labeling him as a Nazi, racist and hate-monger. Speaks volumes about you. By the way, Hitler didn't believe in God neither and was in that regard a lot more like you. It was YOUR kind of beliefs that gave Hitler the justification to slaughter millions of people.

Try to do something good for once and get your head right.
How are you ignorant of the fact that Nick Fuentes is a loud and proud Nazi?

"Duhhhhh....well, he believes in God, so I'm good!"
Lately, I have been seeing more and more evidence of it in NH (which I'm sure a cowardly weakling like you wants to think of as "white").
:lol: :finger3:
Hahahaha…yep, all white communities are always harmonious as fuck…they’re usually clean and they don’t smell like weed….weird huh?
Known anti-Semite, Nick Fuentes, held his own rally outside of CPAC and had a large number of MAGA supporters in his audience cheering him on. I very sparingly use the NAZI term to describe something or someone because it's overused and generally misappropriated, but this is one of the closest comparisons to 1930s Germany I've ever seen in my life. It's frightening how easily people are brainwashed.

Where is the video of Fuentes applauding hitler?
I could see my 21 year old nephew in that crowd. Junior at MSU. College is paid for. Going to Law School after. Right now he's at Spring Break. Dad bought a cheap condo in Ft Lauderdale 2 miles from the ocean. He's with 3 buddies god I'm so jealous. He doesn't realize this is the best time of his life. Maybe he does we tell him all the time.

And his dad is a former VP of HR. He doesn't want to be the VP anymore and the company wants a diversity candidate. So a black guy runs HR now. He's actually a very talented smart guy but he's all about diversity. So I can see how white people don't like diversity but if you listen to this guy speaking to a group of employees, the crowd is 100% white. And mostly men. At the top of every department at every company it's almost all white men.

White men want to argue that it's not bias, racism, sexism, etc. and they make a lot of good arguments but honestly, it's also racism, sexism, bias, prejudice, etc.
I agree and disagree with you at the same time...

Let's just get rid of the term 'Racism' for a minute...

We have prejudice and people just acting the prick (i.e. doing something wrong)...

Everyone has predudice in some shape or form... It doesn't make it right and some try an justify it. Like argue they should be allowed to keep it and try an justify it...

There are others that know it is wrong and do it anyway because they see gain in it... A guy commits a crime even though he knows it is a crime...

While Trump has a lot of prejudice and ignorance, I think he did a lot of thinks knowing he was doing wrong but justified by saying it was in his favour... Pissing off his perceived enemies and emboldening his base..

Then so many people were questioning was he a racist or not they didn't focus on one thing, did he do something that was wrong, in that he did.... He supporters should have been made answer the question 'Do you support the President's actions here?'... If they say yes, then you say you support wrong actions...
Lately, I have been seeing more and more evidence of it in NH (which I'm sure a cowardly weakling like you wants to think of as "white").
:lol: :finger3:
Anywhere with demographics like those shown in the pie chart below is going to be pretty nice, clean, safe and unified…..Why do you think that is?

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