Nick Fuentes Hold Rally Outside CPAC

Yes tell old rich white democrats like Biden to stop
We're trying. Have you seen how many more women are in congress because of Democrats? Of course you hate them all. Think about the Squad and tell me you treat minorities and women fairly. Think about how you thought Trump was great but Hillary is a bitch. Pelosi. Whitmer.

You guys hate women and blacks.
No balls to let your true racist show?
It's not like I don't disagree with you white devils that the black community is fucked up. I don't want black people moving into my community either. I get it. They are too uncivilized. Crime will go up.

I used to think crime went up because all the economic opportunity left with white flight in the 1970's but now I see first comes the increase in crime and then we leave. If blacks didn't bring crime, we'd stay put. Dilbert makes a good point.

Of course like him this is just hyperbole.

But blacks need to hear it. Yes, we put them in the hole they are in now and to this day whites are keeping them in that hole. We must do better. But so must they. In fact, even though we did this to them, they must go first. Raise your kids to be black like Obama. Not like Yeze or Kanye. Don't have kids you can't afford.

Did you see Trump is promising a tax break for anyone who has kids? He wants to see a baby boom in America. Does that include poor people? Do we really want to encourage/reward them for having kids? We do need more ditch diggers.
But that's just it. We aren't Russia or Japan. We are a melting pot. A very diverse nation. With so called equal rights for women and minorities.

But thanks for admitting that the good old white boys club is holding on to power not because they are the best but because of bias and things like nepitism.

Maybe we'll be greater with more diversity. In fact I'm sure we will. Inclusion. The WOKE war has begun.
Hahaha….Look white guilter, your theory is fun for you wokesters to tinker with but the reality is EVERYBODY sane and paying attention knows the Great Experiment / The Melting Pot has failed miserably….diversity and multiculturalism is divisive and is taking it’s toll and destroying us from the inside out.
Why do you think ALL diverse communities, cities and states are divided, disgusting, dangerous, poverty stricken And chaotic shitholes?
Hahaha….Look white guilter, your theory is fun for you wokesters to tinker with but the reality is EVERYBODY sane and paying attention knows the Great Experiment / The Melting Pot has failed miserably….diversity and multiculturalism is divisive and is taking it’s toll and destroying us from the inside out.
Why do you think ALL diverse communities, cities and states are divided, disgusting, dangerous, poverty stricken And chaotic shitholes?
The dream hasn't been acheived yet but the experiment has not failed. It's taking a step back because of guys like you and DiSantis.
We're trying. Have you seen how many more women are in congress because of Democrats? Of course you hate them all. Think about the Squad and tell me you treat minorities and women fairly. Think about how you thought Trump was great but Hillary is a bitch. Pelosi. Whitmer.

You guys hate women and blacks.
Screw the squad, and your false equality, try getting some women candidates who actually love America, and are qualified, instead of putting then in just because they have a vagina. The squad members should be hung, they hate America and are trying to bring it down.
We're trying. Have you seen how many more women are in congress because of Democrats? Of course you hate them all. Think about the Squad and tell me you treat minorities and women fairly. Think about how you thought Trump was great but Hillary is a bitch. Pelosi. Whitmer.

You guys hate women and blacks.
Typical asshat democrat, telling me how I hate women while you allow men to compete with them in sports,and use their restrooms, and blacks while your party champions them, and does nothing to help them you puke.
It's not like I don't disagree with you white devils that the black community is fucked up. I don't want black people moving into my community either. I get it. They are too uncivilized. Crime will go up.

I used to think crime went up because all the economic opportunity left with white flight in the 1970's but now I see first comes the increase in crime and then we leave. If blacks didn't bring crime, we'd stay put. Dilbert makes a good point.

Of course like him this is just hyperbole.

But blacks need to hear it. Yes, we put them in the hole they are in now and to this day whites are keeping them in that hole. We must do better. But so must they. In fact, even though we did this to them, they must go first. Raise your kids to be black like Obama. Not like Yeze or Kanye. Don't have kids you can't afford.

Did you see Trump is promising a tax break for anyone who has kids? He wants to see a baby boom in America. Does that include poor people? Do we really want to encourage/reward them for having kids? We do need more ditch diggers.
Up yours racist, blacks problem is generational welfare, passed down originally, and continually caused by black fathers leaving, and democrats telling them they can't do anything for themselves!
The dream hasn't been acheived yet but the experiment has not failed. It's taking a step back because of guys like you and DiSantis.
Where is your feel good bullshit working? Point us to a diverse city that is united, clean, safe and prosperous. A diverse place where public schools are working, where healthcare isn’t a complete shit-show and where wages are on the up and up.
You can’t so you won’t.
Where is your feel good bullshit working? Point us to a diverse city that is united, clean, safe and prosperous. A diverse place where public schools are working, where healthcare isn’t a complete shit-show and where wages are on the up and up.
You can’t so you won’t.
San Fransisco, sorry couldn't help myself. :auiqs.jpg:
Screw the squad, and your false equality, try getting some women candidates who actually love America, and are qualified, instead of putting then in just because they have a vagina. The squad members should be hung, they hate America and are trying to bring it down.
You don't realize how brainwashed and one sided you are. No woman will be good with you. No liberal. Sorry, this country is great because of liberal policies AND occasionally you right wingers come up with some good shit too. A one party all conservative country would be like going back to England when they had a small ruling elite, a small middle class and the masses known as the rabble. That's what conservative policies produce. We have to organize into unions or pass labor laws to get anywhere. Liberal government is best. A WELL REGULATED capitalist society is the best. But the corporations don't own us. They own you. Meanwhile you don't even believe man made climate change is real. Thanks Fox, Rush,
We're trying. Have you seen how many more women are in congress because of Democrats? Of course you hate them all. Think about the Squad and tell me you treat minorities and women fairly. Think about how you thought Trump was great but Hillary is a bitch. Pelosi. Whitmer.

You guys hate women and blacks.

Ummm, you are the idiot who posts anti black screeds. Not me.
Typical asshat democrat, telling me how I hate women while you allow men to compete with them in sports,and use their restrooms, and blacks while your party champions them, and does nothing to help them you puke.
See? Social Wedge issues. Trannies in bathrooms, woke, women competing with trannies, the culture wars begin.

Trying to get everyone's attention off the fact you're going to ban abortion. Ladies? It's on the 2024 ticket. Abortion.
Ummm, you are the idiot who posts anti black screeds. Not me.
You republicans wouldn't dare. Instead you just quietly don't hire them, live near them, trust them, or want them to date your daughters. Quietly. Hey I don't claim to be 100% not a racist. Black people are racist too right? Just ask Dilbert. What set him off? 49% of blacks said it's not okay to be white. Fuck them.
You don't realize how brainwashed and one sided you are. No woman will be good with you. No liberal. Sorry, this country is great because of liberal policies AND occasionally you right wingers come up with some good shit too. A one party all conservative country would be like going back to England when they had a small ruling elite, a small middle class and the masses known as the rabble. That's what conservative policies produce. We have to organize into unions or pass labor laws to get anywhere. Liberal government is best. A WELL REGULATED capitalist society is the best. But the corporations don't own us. They own you. Meanwhile you don't even believe man made climate change is real. Thanks Fox, Rush,
Correct you are sorry!
See? Social Wedge issues. Trannies in bathrooms, woke, women competing with trannies, the culture wars begin.

Trying to get everyone's attention off the fact you're going to ban abortion. Ladies? It's on the 2024 ticket. Abortion.
Culture wars? :auiqs.jpg:
You republicans wouldn't dare. Instead you just quietly don't hire them, live near them, trust them, or want them to date your daughters. Quietly. Hey I don't claim to be 100% not a racist. Black people are racist too right? Just ask Dilbert. What set him off? 49% of blacks said it's not okay to be white. Fuck them.
E#ven if any of that were true, which it is not, mind your own friggin business.
Culture wars? :auiqs.jpg:
You lost the 2022 culture war. The red wave didn't happen because of abortion. Is that your hope pro choice women will forget and not show up to vote against you in 2024 and 2026 and beyond?

Good luck. Instead you're trying to distract us with woke. Fuck woke. If you don't agree with BLM you probably should learn CRT.
You lost the 2022 culture war. The red wave didn't happen because of abortion. Is that your hope pro choice women will forget and not show up to vote against you in 2024 and 2026 and beyond?

Good luck. Instead you're trying to distract us with woke. Fuck woke. If you don't agree with BLM you probably should learn CRT.
My hope is women, and men will be more responsible, and not have unwanted pregnancies capeche? Abortion is a demonrat issue that they beat the drum for as healthcare, which is of course B.S.

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