Nick Fuentes Hold Rally Outside CPAC

Pick any red state and move to it.

You are cornfused. All states pretty much are red states, there are very few "blue" states, just blue CITIES.

America copy.jpg
Known anti-Semite, Nick Fuentes, held his own rally outside of CPAC and had a large number of MAGA supporters in his audience cheering him on. I very sparingly use the NAZI term to describe something or someone because it's overused and generally misappropriated, but this is one of the closest comparisons to 1930s Germany I've ever seen in my life. It's frightening how easily people are brainwashed.

So, outside. And not allowed in. This is news why?
Known anti-Semite, Nick Fuentes, held his own rally outside of CPAC
So, outside. And not allowed in. This is news why?

GOOD ONE, WEST! You really caught Taz with a SWIFT KICK TO THE OL' NUTSACK! Out-checkmated him too. Turn that gaslight off.

Guess now if we set up some radical KKK Nazi supporter outside of the DPAC we can declare all of them racists and dictators too! :auiqs.jpg:
GOOD ONE, WEST! You really caught Taz with a SWIFT KICK TO THE OL' NUTSACK! Out-checkmated him too. Turn that gaslight off.

Guess now if we set up some radical KKK Nazi supporter outside of the DPAC we can declare all of them racists and dictators too! :auiqs.jpg:
Maybe you missed the fact that the CPAC attendees flocked to this creeps "presentation"...approvingly
Maybe you missed the fact that the CPAC attendees flocked to this creeps "presentation"...approvingly

Maybe you missed the part where how do you know?

The facts are people stay inside. They don’t go outside.

His audience was the one HE brought with him.

In other words, it is yet another lie.

Kinda like when the Lincoln project hired a black guy to portray a white supremacist.

And morons, like you, were shocked!

Normal people figured out it was all bullshit.

Just like this is.
He didn’t miss it. He’s part of The Cult and they lie. It’s what they do

The only cult member is you. You who trot out crap a blithering idiot can tell is fabricated horse pooh.

I bet you thought the Lincoln project black white supremacist was legit too.

Didn't you, little cultist.
Maybe you missed the fact that the CPAC attendees flocked to this creeps "presentation"...approvingly

Really, Mash? Or a bunch of well-documented paid Antifa/BLM/paid trolls crashed CPAC wearing Trump gear again outside another rally like a hundred others times and put on another show for the faux leftwing media again to spew more fraud leftwing misinformation and fake news?
I very sparingly use the NAZI term to describe something or someone because it's overused and generally misappropriated, but this is one of the closest comparisons to 1930s Germany I've ever seen in my life. It's frightening how easily people are brainwashed.
This ugly period has made it difficult to ignore the parallels. So I gave up trying.

I've said many times, the world has seen this before. How we didn't learn is a mystery.

Never could this happen in America. Never, ever.
Maybe you missed the part where how do you know?

The facts are people stay inside. They don’t go outside.

His audience was the one HE brought with him.

In other words, it is yet another lie.

Kinda like when the Lincoln project hired a black guy to portray a white supremacist.

And morons, like you, were shocked!

Normal people figured out it was all bullshit.

Just like this is.

He was Trump's lunch buddy. It's hardly a stretch to think that Trump supporters would go out to hear him talk.
He was Trump's lunch buddy. It's hardly a stretch to think that Trump supporters would go out to hear him talk.
While I agree that Trump should take better care in screening who he sits down with, considering how dishonest people like you are, Trump didn’t invite him, he was blindsided by Kanye….But hey, don’t let that stop your dishonest narrative about it, we expect it.
I'm sorry but I believe if we let the rich white men continue to treat the middle class like shit, that includes us white middle class people too. They treat us all like n8R8Rs. So I'm not going to let the rich play the white card and get me to go against fairness for all. To me, fairness for all is more important than white men first. Protect your own. This country is way to diverse to have so many white men in the executive board rooms.

So you could say you're a retard to go along with Reagan and Bush after what they did to labor. Fuck Republicans. Trump sounded different but too bad he was so corrupt.

What is that saying about the jews? At first they went after the jews and I said nothing because I wasn't jewish. Then they went after the gays and I wasn't gay. Eventually they came for me but there was no one left to complain to.
Yes tell old rich white democrats like Biden to stop
While I agree that Trump should take better care in screening who he sits down with, considering how dishonest people like you are, Trump didn’t invite him, he was blindsided by Kanye….But hey, don’t let that stop your dishonest narrative about it, we expect it.

if you say so.
They're all incels.

Notice the red hats they're wearing.

BTW, Nick got booted from CPAC.

Just let that sit for a moment.
The Chinese are laughing at us. All of the social justice and run parallel with our decline on the world stage. China will be the new top dog at some point.
In a nation founded, built, funded and run be white people who do you think you should see in executive board rooms? Face it bud….like the Japanese in Japan, whitey is supreme in this nation and you should be damn thankful they are.
But that's just it. We aren't Russia or Japan. We are a melting pot. A very diverse nation. With so called equal rights for women and minorities.

But thanks for admitting that the good old white boys club is holding on to power not because they are the best but because of bias and things like nepitism.

Maybe we'll be greater with more diversity. In fact I'm sure we will. Inclusion. The WOKE war has begun.

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