Nick Fuentes Hold Rally Outside CPAC

I agree and disagree with you at the same time...

Let's just get rid of the term 'Racism' for a minute...

We have prejudice and people just acting the prick (i.e. doing something wrong)...

Everyone has predudice in some shape or form... It doesn't make it right and some try an justify it. Like argue they should be allowed to keep it and try an justify it...

There are others that know it is wrong and do it anyway because they see gain in it... A guy commits a crime even though he knows it is a crime...

While Trump has a lot of prejudice and ignorance, I think he did a lot of thinks knowing he was doing wrong but justified by saying it was in his favour... Pissing off his perceived enemies and emboldening his base..

Then so many people were questioning was he a racist or not they didn't focus on one thing, did he do something that was wrong, in that he did.... He supporters should have been made answer the question 'Do you support the President's actions here?'... If they say yes, then you say you support wrong actions...
True. Is he racist? Of course. Can we prove it? No. Even with policies that could be perceived as racist. Because maybe they negatively affect brown people.

He purposely showed us he probably is a bigot and racist. In an Archie Bunker type way. Was Archie racist? Of course. But he was also just ignorant which is usually the case.
When you have dinner with a loud and proud Nazi, and then say, "He gets me", you're a racist.
On the weekends, me and the Mrs. head north to Southern New Hampshire for shopping (no sales tax!), and over the past several years a gradual but clear change has been seen. Older couples, younger couples, children as "core American" as any; nobody taking any particular notice as far as I can tell. Certainly no dirty sideways sneers as I would expect from some "losers" on this site.
When you have dinner with a loud and proud Nazi, and then say, "He gets me", you're a racist.
Yea Trump didn't even carefully walk the fine line. He jumped in with the Nazi's but was always careful to leave himself just enough wiggle room that nazi's on USMB could argue he wasn't being racist.

They want to be able to yell in the streets WHITE POWER because black people say Black Power. They don't see the difference. Or don't want to see it.

Today the white man pretends he's the one being treated like a second class citizen because corporations are trying to become as diverse as our society is. Or at least 10% more diverse than they are now, which isn't very diverse. It's like 95% white men.

But we cry because HR departments will only hire a woman or black to be the VP of HR. Waaaah! After so many years of it being white only. And telling us all those years it wasn't because of racism or bias. Not at all? Impossible.

Diversity programs and AA are implemented because Cons refuse to meet us half way. Or even 10%.
Because widdle mr. FEEEEEELZZZ is scawed? Coward. Weakling.
Why don’t you globalist pussies just come out a say it…..”I want more dark people in my community because I prefer to live in a dirty, dangerous, divided, crime ridden, taxpayer dependent shithole.”
Based on that pesky racist data that’s exactly what you’re saying every time you say OUR DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH.

Known perhaps to you. But thanks for the video of a guy calling for a return to christian values and putting Christ back in your life as a moral solution to today's immoral woes--- principles my parents taught and their parents and their parents all the way back to the Founders of this country, then labeling him as a Nazi, racist and hate-monger. Speaks volumes about you. By the way, Hitler didn't believe in God neither and was in that regard a lot more like you. It was YOUR kind of beliefs that gave Hitler the justification to slaughter millions of people.

Try to do something good for once and get your head right.
Known anti-semite, misogynist, and NAZI-lover. Yep.....and here you are.

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