Nick Sandmann case against NBC goes to Discovery Phase

Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
The so-called adult's actions deserve much more criticism. The kid did nothing wrong.

I was raised to step aside in a crowd when someone is trying to get through

Sandman was obviously raised to block their path and stare at them with a creepy smirk
Again, the so-called adult's actions are far more deserving of criticism than the teenager's. Obviously, the adult was seeking a confrontation and NOT just trying to get through. Your characterization of the situation is incorrect. Equally obviously, the teenager did not give him the confrontation, but simply stood there, not saying a word while the so-called adult banged a drum in his face. He is to be lauded for not escalating the situation.

Actually there's a strong case to be made that smirking DOES escalate the situation.

----- why else would two people standing around become a "news" item? If the kid doesn't smirk, this thread doesn't exist.
The kid's smile -- you repeatedly calling it a smirk only proves the depth of your programming -- was a reaction to the alleged adult getting in his face, an effort to show he wasn't getting angry.

Try thinking for yourself for a change. Note that you'll probably smell some smoke; that's common.

Yyyyeah I don't smell smoke -- I smell smirk. Body language, I know.
Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
The so-called adult's actions deserve much more criticism. The kid did nothing wrong.

I was raised to step aside in a crowd when someone is trying to get through

Sandman was obviously raised to block their path and stare at them with a creepy smirk
Again, the so-called adult's actions are far more deserving of criticism than the teenager's. Obviously, the adult was seeking a confrontation and NOT just trying to get through. Your characterization of the situation is incorrect. Equally obviously, the teenager did not give him the confrontation, but simply stood there, not saying a word while the so-called adult banged a drum in his face. He is to be lauded for not escalating the situation.

Actually there's a strong case to be made that smirking DOES escalate the situation.

----- why else would two people standing around become a "news" item? If the kid doesn't smirk, this thread doesn't exist.
---------------------------------------------------- Is there a legal definition for the OFFENCE of SMIRKING eh ??

There you go again, trying to make "laws" where nobody claimed any. We JUST DID THIS a little while ago.
The memory is the second thing to go.

------------------------------------------------ so what , as I said earlier SMIRKING if it can be definitively defined looks a heck of a lot like SMILING to me and neither smiling or smirking are illegal or against the law Pogo .

This kid did absolutely nothing wrong. He didn't take physical action against the encroaching adult, he didn't smart mouth him or cuss him out, he didn't do anything to deserve the way the usual suspects have been talking about him for months now. You say you would have stepped aside, a less well trained kid than Sandmann would have belted the adult or cussed him out. Heck, they were in an urban area, so firearms could have been produced or a roving gang of feral guns could have opened fire. Sandmann did nothing wrong.
Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
The so-called adult's actions deserve much more criticism. The kid did nothing wrong.

I was raised to step aside in a crowd when someone is trying to get through

Sandman was obviously raised to block their path and stare at them with a creepy smirk
Again, the so-called adult's actions are far more deserving of criticism than the teenager's. Obviously, the adult was seeking a confrontation and NOT just trying to get through. Your characterization of the situation is incorrect. Equally obviously, the teenager did not give him the confrontation, but simply stood there, not saying a word while the so-called adult banged a drum in his face. He is to be lauded for not escalating the situation.
How is an old man banging a drum and giving an Indian chant confrontational?

Just stop, Chief Little Drum (the man of stolen valor) was antagonistic in the face of a 16 year old kid.
If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside
You are a pussy. The asshole got into the kid's face and didn't get punched out. That's what I would have done.

Not really
If a guy selling ice cream came at me, I would have stepped aside
It’s nit that hard to do

Sandmann was a little prick

I see you doing a LOT of condemning the boys' actions, but nothing for the actions of a supposed adult who got in a kid's face.

In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed.

Which one smirked?
Which one approached the other?

It's okay. You can criticize the guy. You won't burst into flame, but your fellow leftists might call you racist. Pay them no mind -- they're idiots.

I don't know. Nor does it matter. There's nothing in the physical communication about "approach".

Nor is this germane to the topic, which is did (whatever) media source defame the kid, and if so, where is the evidence.
The so-called adult's actions deserve much more criticism. The kid did nothing wrong.

I was raised to step aside in a crowd when someone is trying to get through

Sandman was obviously raised to block their path and stare at them with a creepy smirk
Again, the so-called adult's actions are far more deserving of criticism than the teenager's. Obviously, the adult was seeking a confrontation and NOT just trying to get through. Your characterization of the situation is incorrect. Equally obviously, the teenager did not give him the confrontation, but simply stood there, not saying a word while the so-called adult banged a drum in his face. He is to be lauded for not escalating the situation.

Actually there's a strong case to be made that smirking DOES escalate the situation.

----- why else would two people standing around become a "news" item? If the kid doesn't smirk, this thread doesn't exist.
The kid's smile -- you repeatedly calling it a smirk only proves the depth of your programming -- was a reaction to the alleged adult getting in his face, an effort to show he wasn't getting angry.

Try thinking for yourself for a change. Note that you'll probably smell some smoke; that's common.

Yyyyeah I don't smell smoke -- I smell smirk. Body language, I know.
------------------------------------ I don't think that people differing perception of Smirk or Smile matters as both are legal Pogo .-------------- maybe , we will see eh .
This is the part where we discover what pricks run NBC.
Well, I thought the Epstein case has made it pretty clear that all the major networks are led by pervs and pedos.

I thought the Epstein case has made it pretty clear that the Trump adminstration is led by pervs and pedos.....

Jeff Epstein wasn't part of the Trump Administration.

In actuality, Donald J. Trump 86'ed Mr. Epstein from his properties many years ago. Ep was BFF with the Clintons.
The so-called adult's actions deserve much more criticism. The kid did nothing wrong.

I was raised to step aside in a crowd when someone is trying to get through

Sandman was obviously raised to block their path and stare at them with a creepy smirk
Again, the so-called adult's actions are far more deserving of criticism than the teenager's. Obviously, the adult was seeking a confrontation and NOT just trying to get through. Your characterization of the situation is incorrect. Equally obviously, the teenager did not give him the confrontation, but simply stood there, not saying a word while the so-called adult banged a drum in his face. He is to be lauded for not escalating the situation.

Actually there's a strong case to be made that smirking DOES escalate the situation.

----- why else would two people standing around become a "news" item? If the kid doesn't smirk, this thread doesn't exist.
The kid's smile -- you repeatedly calling it a smirk only proves the depth of your programming -- was a reaction to the alleged adult getting in his face, an effort to show he wasn't getting angry.

Try thinking for yourself for a change. Note that you'll probably smell some smoke; that's common.

Yyyyeah I don't smell smoke -- I smell smirk. Body language, I know.
You were told he was smirking, so that's what you mindlessly repeat.

It's that whole inability to think for yourself thing.
You are a pussy. The asshole got into the kid's face and didn't get punched out. That's what I would have done.

Not really
If a guy selling ice cream came at me, I would have stepped aside
It’s nit that hard to do

Sandmann was a little prick

I see you doing a LOT of condemning the boys' actions, but nothing for the actions of a supposed adult who got in a kid's face.

In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed.

Which one smirked?
Which one approached the other?

It's okay. You can criticize the guy. You won't burst into flame, but your fellow leftists might call you racist. Pay them no mind -- they're idiots.

I don't know. Nor does it matter. There's nothing in the physical communication about "approach".

Nor is this germane to the topic, which is did (whatever) media source defame the kid, and if so, where is the evidence.
Which one approached the other? You tried to float the ridiculous idea that a smirk could be provocation -- but a stranger getting in your face in a public place isn't?

Damn, you're an idiot.
I was raised to step aside in a crowd when someone is trying to get through

Sandman was obviously raised to block their path and stare at them with a creepy smirk
Again, the so-called adult's actions are far more deserving of criticism than the teenager's. Obviously, the adult was seeking a confrontation and NOT just trying to get through. Your characterization of the situation is incorrect. Equally obviously, the teenager did not give him the confrontation, but simply stood there, not saying a word while the so-called adult banged a drum in his face. He is to be lauded for not escalating the situation.

Actually there's a strong case to be made that smirking DOES escalate the situation.

----- why else would two people standing around become a "news" item? If the kid doesn't smirk, this thread doesn't exist.
The kid's smile -- you repeatedly calling it a smirk only proves the depth of your programming -- was a reaction to the alleged adult getting in his face, an effort to show he wasn't getting angry.

Try thinking for yourself for a change. Note that you'll probably smell some smoke; that's common.

Yyyyeah I don't smell smoke -- I smell smirk. Body language, I know.
You were told he was smirking, so that's what you mindlessly repeat.

It's that whole inability to think for yourself thing.

It looked like a nervous smile to me, not a "smirk". They don't have people like Phillips or Black Congressional Israelites in Kentucky and he had to stay on his best behavior and did.
This kid did absolutely nothing wrong. He didn't take physical action against the encroaching adult, he didn't smart mouth him or cuss him out, he didn't do anything to deserve the way the usual suspects have been talking about him for months now. You say you would have stepped aside, a less well trained kid than Sandmann would have belted the adult or cussed him out. Heck, they were in an urban area, so firearms could have been produced or a roving gang of feral guns could have opened fire. Sandmann did nothing wrong.
Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
The so-called adult's actions deserve much more criticism. The kid did nothing wrong.

I was raised to step aside in a crowd when someone is trying to get through

Sandman was obviously raised to block their path and stare at them with a creepy smirk
Again, the so-called adult's actions are far more deserving of criticism than the teenager's. Obviously, the adult was seeking a confrontation and NOT just trying to get through. Your characterization of the situation is incorrect. Equally obviously, the teenager did not give him the confrontation, but simply stood there, not saying a word while the so-called adult banged a drum in his face. He is to be lauded for not escalating the situation.
How is an old man banging a drum and giving an Indian chant confrontational?

You're not being serious.

1. How is a teenager smiling a confrontation?
2. Walking up to someone and banging a drum inches from someone's face is confrontation. Try it some time.
Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
The so-called adult's actions deserve much more criticism. The kid did nothing wrong.

I was raised to step aside in a crowd when someone is trying to get through

Sandman was obviously raised to block their path and stare at them with a creepy smirk
Again, the so-called adult's actions are far more deserving of criticism than the teenager's. Obviously, the adult was seeking a confrontation and NOT just trying to get through. Your characterization of the situation is incorrect. Equally obviously, the teenager did not give him the confrontation, but simply stood there, not saying a word while the so-called adult banged a drum in his face. He is to be lauded for not escalating the situation.
How is an old man banging a drum and giving an Indian chant confrontational?

You're not being serious.

1. How is a teenager smiling a confrontation?
2. Walking up to someone and banging a drum inches from someone's face is confrontation. Try it some time.

I wonder what the response of the libs would have been if the students were BLM supporters in Washington for a Black Power rally, and some American Nazi Party members had spent an hour razzing them and suddenly someone in town for a Croat festival came right on up to one of the students and started playing polka music on his accordion 5 inches from one of the student's ears?

Would the kid be criticized for standing there with a smile on his face?
The so-called adult's actions deserve much more criticism. The kid did nothing wrong.

I was raised to step aside in a crowd when someone is trying to get through

Sandman was obviously raised to block their path and stare at them with a creepy smirk
Again, the so-called adult's actions are far more deserving of criticism than the teenager's. Obviously, the adult was seeking a confrontation and NOT just trying to get through. Your characterization of the situation is incorrect. Equally obviously, the teenager did not give him the confrontation, but simply stood there, not saying a word while the so-called adult banged a drum in his face. He is to be lauded for not escalating the situation.
How is an old man banging a drum and giving an Indian chant confrontational?

You're not being serious.

1. How is a teenager smiling a confrontation?
2. Walking up to someone and banging a drum inches from someone's face is confrontation. Try it some time.

I wonder what the response of the libs would have been if the students were BLM supporters in Washington for a Black Power rally, and some American Nazi Party members had spent an hour razzing them and suddenly someone in town for a Croat festival came right on up to one of the students and started playing polka music on his accordion 5 inches from one of the student's ears?

Would the kid be criticized for standing there with a smile on his face?

He would probably be criticized for not getting violent.
Oh I see, that's like an unearned run right? Where you score because your opponent made an error?
You think -- sorry, wrong word -- you believe your resume is more impressive than Trump's?


I don't know who said that but now that you mention it, yeah it sure is. My resume has actual JOBS on it. You know, actual positions of responsibility. Then again almost everybody's does, don't they. Almost.

You just keep leaving these YUGE bigly openings and I just keep driving trucks through 'em.

Today I learned that Donald J. Trump has never had a job, and has never held a position of responsibility.

Where were you when I was out here pointing this out four years ago?

Now you see there, if slow thinkers like you kept up more we could have averted being the world laughingstock. But nooOOOOoooo, we had to have a mass of low-info voters waddle into the voting booths and go "hey I've heard of this guy, seen him on TV" just before yelping "HEY THERE'S NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE!".
1. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you lying 4 years ago didn't affect reality then, and it doesn't affect reality now.

Sorry, I don't recall "lying 4 years ago". What I do recall is pointing out that Rump, until the inauguration, has literally never held a job in his life, never taken on responsibility, never had the experience of filling out an application, sitting through an interview, waiting to find out if he'd been selected, knowing that he might not, and if he was, facing an indefinite future where he'd have to meet somebody else's expectations whether he felt like it that day or not, knowing that if he did not meet those expectations he could be replaced and have to start all over. You know, like you did, like I did, like everybody who hasn't had everything just handed to him for nothing, did. In fact he's bent over backward to avoid every kind of responsibility, from bankruptcies to destroying the USFL to failing to acknowledge he was wrong about the Central Park Five to even parenting. An endless torrent of "didn't happen" and "I licensed my name, I wasn't in charge". He can't even admit he said "Tim Apple". Incapable of taking responsibility.

I then pointed out the wisdom, or lack thereof, in putting such an irresponsible subject into what is arguably the most responsible job in the world.

Yeah I remember that pretty well. And yet, here you are just now finding out. Whattaya gonna do, I tried.

2. People like you are why Trump won to begin with. You insult the people you need to support you, then can't believe they don't support you.

I don't "need" Rump to support me. I need him to fuck off to Antarctica or somewhere, although that's a mean thing to do to penguins. And Rump certainly doesn't support me -- I'm a thinker. He loves the poorly educated, and of course he does. Much more malleable.

Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
The so-called adult's actions deserve much more criticism. The kid did nothing wrong.

I was raised to step aside in a crowd when someone is trying to get through

Sandman was obviously raised to block their path and stare at them with a creepy smirk
Again, the so-called adult's actions are far more deserving of criticism than the teenager's. Obviously, the adult was seeking a confrontation and NOT just trying to get through. Your characterization of the situation is incorrect. Equally obviously, the teenager did not give him the confrontation, but simply stood there, not saying a word while the so-called adult banged a drum in his face. He is to be lauded for not escalating the situation.

Actually there's a strong case to be made that smirking DOES escalate the situation.

----- why else would two people standing around become a "news" item? If the kid doesn't smirk, this thread doesn't exist.
The kid's smile -- you repeatedly calling it a smirk only proves the depth of your programming -- was a reaction to the alleged adult getting in his face, an effort to show he wasn't getting angry.

It's pretty obviously a posture of defiance.

And before Pizzazz comes trotting in with "it's not illegal", it's not illegal. But it is communication.
Again, the so-called adult's actions are far more deserving of criticism than the teenager's. Obviously, the adult was seeking a confrontation and NOT just trying to get through. Your characterization of the situation is incorrect. Equally obviously, the teenager did not give him the confrontation, but simply stood there, not saying a word while the so-called adult banged a drum in his face. He is to be lauded for not escalating the situation.

Actually there's a strong case to be made that smirking DOES escalate the situation.

----- why else would two people standing around become a "news" item? If the kid doesn't smirk, this thread doesn't exist.
The kid's smile -- you repeatedly calling it a smirk only proves the depth of your programming -- was a reaction to the alleged adult getting in his face, an effort to show he wasn't getting angry.

Try thinking for yourself for a change. Note that you'll probably smell some smoke; that's common.

Yyyyeah I don't smell smoke -- I smell smirk. Body language, I know.
You were told he was smirking, so that's what you mindlessly repeat.

It's that whole inability to think for yourself thing.

It looked like a nervous smile to me, not a "smirk". They don't have people like Phillips or Black Congressional Israelites in Kentucky and he had to stay on his best behavior and did.

Ain't nothing "nervous" about a smirk. He's mocking the other person. I understand that's legal (<<disclaimer).

And get off the "Kentucky" song and dance. Covington Kentucky is a suburb of Cincinnati. Right over the river. They ain't a bunch of hicks.
Not really
If a guy selling ice cream came at me, I would have stepped aside
It’s nit that hard to do

Sandmann was a little prick

I see you doing a LOT of condemning the boys' actions, but nothing for the actions of a supposed adult who got in a kid's face.

In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed.

Which one smirked?
Which one approached the other?

It's okay. You can criticize the guy. You won't burst into flame, but your fellow leftists might call you racist. Pay them no mind -- they're idiots.

I don't know. Nor does it matter. There's nothing in the physical communication about "approach".

Nor is this germane to the topic, which is did (whatever) media source defame the kid, and if so, where is the evidence.
Which one approached the other? You tried to float the ridiculous idea that a smirk could be provocation -- but a stranger getting in your face in a public place isn't?

Damn, you're an idiot.

I don't believe I said anything about 'provocation'. Got a quote?
Actually there's a strong case to be made that smirking DOES escalate the situation.

----- why else would two people standing around become a "news" item? If the kid doesn't smirk, this thread doesn't exist.
The kid's smile -- you repeatedly calling it a smirk only proves the depth of your programming -- was a reaction to the alleged adult getting in his face, an effort to show he wasn't getting angry.

Try thinking for yourself for a change. Note that you'll probably smell some smoke; that's common.

Yyyyeah I don't smell smoke -- I smell smirk. Body language, I know.
You were told he was smirking, so that's what you mindlessly repeat.

It's that whole inability to think for yourself thing.

It looked like a nervous smile to me, not a "smirk". They don't have people like Phillips or Black Congressional Israelites in Kentucky and he had to stay on his best behavior and did.

Ain't nothing "nervous" about a smirk. He's mocking the other person. I understand that's legal (<<disclaimer).

And get off the "Kentucky" song and dance. Covington Kentucky is a suburb of Cincinnati. Right over the river. They ain't a bunch of hicks.

Let's explore this a little. Let's stipulate for the sake of the argument that Sandmann was "mocking" the other guy. How does that in any way justify the intense wave of criticism focused on him to the near total disregard of the other guy's actions?

A "mocking" expression vs:

Getting in his face
Banging a drum inches from his face
Chanting at him, again, inches from his face

And some want to insist Sandmann is the jerk? Not in this lifetime.
I mean , hey , why didn't the DRUM BANGER just move to the left or the right and avoid the smiling kid RWinger ??
There was no left or right...he was moving forward until blocked by the smirking Sandmann
I mean , hey , why didn't the DRUM BANGER just move to the left or the right and avoid the smiling kid RWinger ??
There was no left or right...he was moving forward until blocked by the smirking Sandmann
Please show where Sandmann moved into the "adult's" way to block him. Failing that, admit that the "adult" moved toward Sandmann and deliberately got in his face.

I realize that this is pivotal to your argument that somehow Sandmann is responsible for the standoff, but you need to be honest about this.

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