Nick Sandmann case against NBC goes to Discovery Phase

If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside
You are a pussy. The asshole got into the kid's face and didn't get punched out. That's what I would have done.

Not really
If a guy selling ice cream came at me, I would have stepped aside
It’s nit that hard to do

Sandmann was a little prick
You are a real prick, to go along with the snowflake qualities you have.
Okay, there were multiple threads at the time, last mid-January. It may take some searching by now but I'll see what I can find.
No problem, I just want to respond in the most appropriate and relevant thread. I jumped the gun with one question in post 52.

Found a thread where the libel suit had started and I believe at least part of it was linked so it could be read.

My post 20 here sums up where I was/am.

Post 30 of the same thread fleshes out the reference to a fake Sean Spicer suit:

Trump's retarded and has nothing to do with the case.

I'll assume this comment if directed at the OP.

I suspect it will be immediately dismissed. Just because some inbred kid from Buttfuck, Nowhere is sad he was caught on video doesn't mean the 1st Amendment ceases existing.

The First Amendment doesn't protect libel and defamation.

If you named him in your comment and called him an inbred...he could sue you for libel. And you would lose. Just like the Washington Post is going to lose. They don't have a legal leg to stand on.
Commenting on a video is not libel or defamation. Or else people would be getting sued and losing left and right. Especially your hero dotard.

And the WaPo didn't "comment" on it anyway. They simply reported what witnesses said about the event.

That's what the suit's exhibits all point to --- QUOTES from people who were there describing what they saw.

Last summer Sean Spicer's attorney tried to make grunting noises about the same thing, threatening to "sue" the Associated Press for passing on a story (not even their original story) about a heckler who came into a Spicer book signing and accused him of racism. Which is also a fact, it happened and it's fully on video. Spicer's attack dog started spewing about how he was going to "sue" AP for passing that on. Needles to say, he never did. Because he can't.

These fascist assholes can whine and stomp their feet all they like but you can't just "sue" people for accurately reporting what someone said. Period.

And then post 40 from the same thread, from a poster on the other side of the issue, put it lucidly and I agree with this:

>> "Defamation of character occurs when someone makes a false statement about you that causes you some type of harm. The statement must be published (meaning some third party must have heard it), false, and it must result in harm, usually to the reputation. Those essential components of a defamation claim are fairly straightforward. "

Defamation of Character Lawsuits: Proving Actual Harm

I'd say...if the articles are written with qualifiers such as "allegedly" and "claimed" and "according to" and "appeared"...the Washington Post wouldn't be getting sued.

As soon as they claimed one time in a statement that something definitively happened that didn't...they are guilty of defamation.

Just like the Smollett Hoax...they thought this was a slam dunk. It fit the narrative they intentionally project. I think this time it is going to bite them in the ass...and their wallet.

Not sure what "Smollett Hoax" refers to but I think he nailed the criterion right on the head (emphasis added).

It is of course, common, everyday, basic Journalism 101 to couch events in "allegedly" and "claimed" and "according to..." for exactly that reason. It appears to be a fading practice to actually read those words intentionally placed there.

That is all.
Basically speaking,yes.

It isn't a proper news story for a news network to report their negative opinions about private citizens- particularly when the information they are basing their opinions in false and misleading.

Correct, it isn't.

Can you show us where one did that?

I can look at the responses of liberals in reaction to the story and can see that the Main Stream Media message that Sandmann and companions were "little shits" was received.

I think its the fact that the boys were engaged in the big protest in favor of Life Itself as well as their patriotic head gear that got the media's goat about this.
The boys were little shits and their chaperones are lucky they did not get the shit beat out of them

When you were one of the teenagers, how would you have behaved to a group of Black Congressional Israelites who were trashing the children calling them everything except a child of God?

How would you have responded to drunk in Indian garb walking straight into your space , banging a bongo 3 inches from your face?

I think the real problem CNN had with the boys is that they wore patriotic headgear and were in Washington to support life, so they put out liberal dogwhistles to try and ruin the children's lives.

The boys were on a class trip
They should not have been mixing it up with Black Israelites or and old man banging a drum

If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside

This kid did absolutely nothing wrong. He didn't take physical action against the encroaching adult, he didn't smart mouth him or cuss him out, he didn't do anything to deserve the way the usual suspects have been talking about him for months now. You say you would have stepped aside, a less well trained kid than Sandmann would have belted the adult or cussed him out. Heck, they were in an urban area, so firearms could have been produced or a roving gang of feral guns could have opened fire. Sandmann did nothing wrong.
If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside
You are a pussy. The asshole got into the kid's face and didn't get punched out. That's what I would have done.

Not really
If a guy selling ice cream came at me, I would have stepped aside
It’s nit that hard to do

Sandmann was a little prick

I see you doing a LOT of condemning the boys' actions, but nothing for the actions of a supposed adult who got in a kid's face.

In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed.
Unearned arrogance. Y'know, the kind you have.

Oh I see, that's like an unearned run right? Where you score because your opponent made an error?
You think -- sorry, wrong word -- you believe your resume is more impressive than Trump's?


I don't know who said that but now that you mention it, yeah it sure is. My resume has actual JOBS on it. You know, actual positions of responsibility. Then again almost everybody's does, don't they. Almost.

You just keep leaving these YUGE bigly openings and I just keep driving trucks through 'em.

Today I learned that Donald J. Trump has never had a job, and has never held a position of responsibility.

Where were you when I was out here pointing this out four years ago?

Now you see there, if slow thinkers like you kept up more we could have averted being the world laughingstock. But nooOOOOoooo, we had to have a mass of low-info voters waddle into the voting booths and go "hey I've heard of this guy, seen him on TV" just before yelping "HEY THERE'S NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE!".
The collective is the laughingstock, you are the one that’s clueless. You’re just a little drone aren’t you?
If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside
You are a pussy. The asshole got into the kid's face and didn't get punched out. That's what I would have done.

Not really
If a guy selling ice cream came at me, I would have stepped aside
It’s nit that hard to do

Sandmann was a little prick

I see you doing a LOT of condemning the boys' actions, but nothing for the actions of a supposed adult who got in a kid's face.

In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed.

Which one smirked?
If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside
You are a pussy. The asshole got into the kid's face and didn't get punched out. That's what I would have done.

Not really
If a guy selling ice cream came at me, I would have stepped aside
It’s nit that hard to do

Sandmann was a little prick

I see you doing a LOT of condemning the boys' actions, but nothing for the actions of a supposed adult who got in a kid's face.

In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed.

Which one smirked?
Irrelevant. That's not even close to an adult physically approaching a child and banging a drum in his face. The case simply cannot be made that the adult was acting more maturely than the child.
If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside
You are a pussy. The asshole got into the kid's face and didn't get punched out. That's what I would have done.

Not really
If a guy selling ice cream came at me, I would have stepped aside
It’s nit that hard to do

Sandmann was a little prick

I see you doing a LOT of condemning the boys' actions, but nothing for the actions of a supposed adult who got in a kid's face.

In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed.

Which one smirked?
Irrelevant. That's not even close to an adult physically approaching a child and banging a drum in his face. The case simply cannot be made that the adult was acting more maturely than the child.

Which one smirked?
Correct, it isn't.

Can you show us where one did that?

I can look at the responses of liberals in reaction to the story and can see that the Main Stream Media message that Sandmann and companions were "little shits" was received.

I think its the fact that the boys were engaged in the big protest in favor of Life Itself as well as their patriotic head gear that got the media's goat about this.
The boys were little shits and their chaperones are lucky they did not get the shit beat out of them

When you were one of the teenagers, how would you have behaved to a group of Black Congressional Israelites who were trashing the children calling them everything except a child of God?

How would you have responded to drunk in Indian garb walking straight into your space , banging a bongo 3 inches from your face?

I think the real problem CNN had with the boys is that they wore patriotic headgear and were in Washington to support life, so they put out liberal dogwhistles to try and ruin the children's lives.

The boys were on a class trip
They should not have been mixing it up with Black Israelites or and old man banging a drum

If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside

This kid did absolutely nothing wrong. He didn't take physical action against the encroaching adult, he didn't smart mouth him or cuss him out, he didn't do anything to deserve the way the usual suspects have been talking about him for months now. You say you would have stepped aside, a less well trained kid than Sandmann would have belted the adult or cussed him out. Heck, they were in an urban area, so firearms could have been produced or a roving gang of feral guns could have opened fire. Sandmann did nothing wrong.
Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
You are a pussy. The asshole got into the kid's face and didn't get punched out. That's what I would have done.

Not really
If a guy selling ice cream came at me, I would have stepped aside
It’s nit that hard to do

Sandmann was a little prick

I see you doing a LOT of condemning the boys' actions, but nothing for the actions of a supposed adult who got in a kid's face.

In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed.

Which one smirked?
Irrelevant. That's not even close to an adult physically approaching a child and banging a drum in his face. The case simply cannot be made that the adult was acting more maturely than the child.

Which one smirked?
------------------------------------------------------------- seems to me that smiling is legal same as SMIRKING Pogo .
I can look at the responses of liberals in reaction to the story and can see that the Main Stream Media message that Sandmann and companions were "little shits" was received.

I think its the fact that the boys were engaged in the big protest in favor of Life Itself as well as their patriotic head gear that got the media's goat about this.
The boys were little shits and their chaperones are lucky they did not get the shit beat out of them

When you were one of the teenagers, how would you have behaved to a group of Black Congressional Israelites who were trashing the children calling them everything except a child of God?

How would you have responded to drunk in Indian garb walking straight into your space , banging a bongo 3 inches from your face?

I think the real problem CNN had with the boys is that they wore patriotic headgear and were in Washington to support life, so they put out liberal dogwhistles to try and ruin the children's lives.

The boys were on a class trip
They should not have been mixing it up with Black Israelites or and old man banging a drum

If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside

This kid did absolutely nothing wrong. He didn't take physical action against the encroaching adult, he didn't smart mouth him or cuss him out, he didn't do anything to deserve the way the usual suspects have been talking about him for months now. You say you would have stepped aside, a less well trained kid than Sandmann would have belted the adult or cussed him out. Heck, they were in an urban area, so firearms could have been produced or a roving gang of feral guns could have opened fire. Sandmann did nothing wrong.
Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
---------------------------------------------- kid isn't Required to move out of the way by any LAW that I ever heard about RWinger .
Not really
If a guy selling ice cream came at me, I would have stepped aside
It’s nit that hard to do

Sandmann was a little prick

I see you doing a LOT of condemning the boys' actions, but nothing for the actions of a supposed adult who got in a kid's face.

In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed.

Which one smirked?
Irrelevant. That's not even close to an adult physically approaching a child and banging a drum in his face. The case simply cannot be made that the adult was acting more maturely than the child.

Which one smirked?
------------------------------------------------------------- seems to me that smiling is legal same as SMIRKING Pogo .

Sure it's legal. Who said it wasn't?

The post I quoted said nothing about "legal" --- it said, quote:

"In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed."

He's saying the smirk was the "greater responsibility and maturity".
The boys were little shits and their chaperones are lucky they did not get the shit beat out of them

When you were one of the teenagers, how would you have behaved to a group of Black Congressional Israelites who were trashing the children calling them everything except a child of God?

How would you have responded to drunk in Indian garb walking straight into your space , banging a bongo 3 inches from your face?

I think the real problem CNN had with the boys is that they wore patriotic headgear and were in Washington to support life, so they put out liberal dogwhistles to try and ruin the children's lives.

The boys were on a class trip
They should not have been mixing it up with Black Israelites or and old man banging a drum

If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside

This kid did absolutely nothing wrong. He didn't take physical action against the encroaching adult, he didn't smart mouth him or cuss him out, he didn't do anything to deserve the way the usual suspects have been talking about him for months now. You say you would have stepped aside, a less well trained kid than Sandmann would have belted the adult or cussed him out. Heck, they were in an urban area, so firearms could have been produced or a roving gang of feral guns could have opened fire. Sandmann did nothing wrong.
Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
---------------------------------------------- kid isn't Required to move out of the way by any LAW that I ever heard about RWinger .

You seem to be all hung up on "Laws". Deflection.
When you were one of the teenagers, how would you have behaved to a group of Black Congressional Israelites who were trashing the children calling them everything except a child of God?

How would you have responded to drunk in Indian garb walking straight into your space , banging a bongo 3 inches from your face?

I think the real problem CNN had with the boys is that they wore patriotic headgear and were in Washington to support life, so they put out liberal dogwhistles to try and ruin the children's lives.

The boys were on a class trip
They should not have been mixing it up with Black Israelites or and old man banging a drum

If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside

This kid did absolutely nothing wrong. He didn't take physical action against the encroaching adult, he didn't smart mouth him or cuss him out, he didn't do anything to deserve the way the usual suspects have been talking about him for months now. You say you would have stepped aside, a less well trained kid than Sandmann would have belted the adult or cussed him out. Heck, they were in an urban area, so firearms could have been produced or a roving gang of feral guns could have opened fire. Sandmann did nothing wrong.
Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
---------------------------------------------- kid isn't Required to move out of the way by any LAW that I ever heard about RWinger .

You seem to be all hung up on "Laws". Deflection.
only thing that matters is the LAW in a legal case Pogo .
The boys were on a class trip
They should not have been mixing it up with Black Israelites or and old man banging a drum

If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside

This kid did absolutely nothing wrong. He didn't take physical action against the encroaching adult, he didn't smart mouth him or cuss him out, he didn't do anything to deserve the way the usual suspects have been talking about him for months now. You say you would have stepped aside, a less well trained kid than Sandmann would have belted the adult or cussed him out. Heck, they were in an urban area, so firearms could have been produced or a roving gang of feral guns could have opened fire. Sandmann did nothing wrong.
Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
---------------------------------------------- kid isn't Required to move out of the way by any LAW that I ever heard about RWinger .

You seem to be all hung up on "Laws". Deflection.
only thing that matters is the LAW in a legal case Pogo .

There IS NO legal case claiming smirking is illegal.

The legal case there is that still remains is about whether certain media defamed a citizen with knowingly false declarations. The "discovery phase" is where any evidence of that would be presented. If any can be found to exist.

Nothing about that has anything to do with the legality of smirking. My question was to the previous poster's judgment about what "responsibility and maturity" mean. You keep trying to shift that into "Laws".
The boys were little shits and their chaperones are lucky they did not get the shit beat out of them

When you were one of the teenagers, how would you have behaved to a group of Black Congressional Israelites who were trashing the children calling them everything except a child of God?

How would you have responded to drunk in Indian garb walking straight into your space , banging a bongo 3 inches from your face?

I think the real problem CNN had with the boys is that they wore patriotic headgear and were in Washington to support life, so they put out liberal dogwhistles to try and ruin the children's lives.

The boys were on a class trip
They should not have been mixing it up with Black Israelites or and old man banging a drum

If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside

This kid did absolutely nothing wrong. He didn't take physical action against the encroaching adult, he didn't smart mouth him or cuss him out, he didn't do anything to deserve the way the usual suspects have been talking about him for months now. You say you would have stepped aside, a less well trained kid than Sandmann would have belted the adult or cussed him out. Heck, they were in an urban area, so firearms could have been produced or a roving gang of feral guns could have opened fire. Sandmann did nothing wrong.
Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
---------------------------------------------- kid isn't Required to move out of the way by any LAW that I ever heard about RWinger .
What part of not being arrested did you not understand

Being mocked for a creepy smirk is as American as it gets
I can look at the responses of liberals in reaction to the story and can see that the Main Stream Media message that Sandmann and companions were "little shits" was received.

I think its the fact that the boys were engaged in the big protest in favor of Life Itself as well as their patriotic head gear that got the media's goat about this.
The boys were little shits and their chaperones are lucky they did not get the shit beat out of them

When you were one of the teenagers, how would you have behaved to a group of Black Congressional Israelites who were trashing the children calling them everything except a child of God?

How would you have responded to drunk in Indian garb walking straight into your space , banging a bongo 3 inches from your face?

I think the real problem CNN had with the boys is that they wore patriotic headgear and were in Washington to support life, so they put out liberal dogwhistles to try and ruin the children's lives.

The boys were on a class trip
They should not have been mixing it up with Black Israelites or and old man banging a drum

If an old man banging a drum came towards me, I would have stepped aside

This kid did absolutely nothing wrong. He didn't take physical action against the encroaching adult, he didn't smart mouth him or cuss him out, he didn't do anything to deserve the way the usual suspects have been talking about him for months now. You say you would have stepped aside, a less well trained kid than Sandmann would have belted the adult or cussed him out. Heck, they were in an urban area, so firearms could have been produced or a roving gang of feral guns could have opened fire. Sandmann did nothing wrong.
Nothing happened to Sandmann, he was not arrested

However, he was criticized for refusing to step aside as the drummer came towards him and instead staring at him with the creepy Sandmann smirk.

That’s the way things work in life, being criticized by millions does not justify a lawsuit
The so-called adult's actions deserve much more criticism. The kid did nothing wrong.
I see you doing a LOT of condemning the boys' actions, but nothing for the actions of a supposed adult who got in a kid's face.

In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed.

Which one smirked?
Irrelevant. That's not even close to an adult physically approaching a child and banging a drum in his face. The case simply cannot be made that the adult was acting more maturely than the child.

Which one smirked?
------------------------------------------------------------- seems to me that smiling is legal same as SMIRKING Pogo .

Sure it's legal. Who said it wasn't?

The post I quoted said nothing about "legal" --- it said, quote:

"In a showdown between a kid and an adult, I expect the adult to have the greater responsibility and maturity. In this case the roles were reversed."

He's saying the smirk was the "greater responsibility and maturity".
Compared to approaching, invading the personal space of, and banging a drum in the face of the teenager, absolutely he displayed greater responsibility, dignity and maturity than did the so-called adult.

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