Nigel Farage Booed and Jeered As He Sets NWO/EU Globalist Elites Straight...

:lmao:"One day your all gonna have to find real jobs."

Aw man, he really ripped em.
The EU and other Globalist Organizations do not represent Democracy. These bureaucrats in Brussels are mostly appointed. They are not elected. Yet they're forcing their decisions on Europe. The EU will have to be scrapped completely. It's just not Democratic.
Nigel Farage is the UK version of Trump and Putin........a true leader. ...... :thup:
The EU and other Globalist Organizations do not represent Democracy. These bureaucrats in Brussels are mostly appointed. They are not elected. Yet they're forcing their decisions on Europe. The EU will have to be scrapped completely. It's just not Democratic.
i don't think you know what you are talking about
The EU and other Globalist Organizations do not represent Democracy. These bureaucrats in Brussels are mostly appointed. They are not elected. Yet they're forcing their decisions on Europe. The EU will have to be scrapped completely. It's just not Democratic.
i don't think you know what you are talking about

Hopefully, this is the beginning of the end for the NWO Global Elites. Hopefully other nations will follow Britain's lead and declare their independence as well.
Hard to fathom why so many European nations sacrificed their own Constitutions to adopt the European Union's. But i think the tide is now turning. I think many European nations want their nations back.
Ha, go get em Nigel! :clap::clap2:

"Virtually none of you have done a proper job in your lives."

you honestly applaud Farage's behaviour?

Yes. The EU and other Globalist organizations should be scrapped. They don't represent Democracy.

even if you believe that - do you think Farage's behavior was acceptable?

Yes. He's been viciously attacked by the NWO Globalist Elites for years. It's made him even more fierce. Now he's kickin their ass. Good on em.
Nigel Farage is the UK version of Trump and Putin........a true leader. ...... :thup:
Don´t forget Assad.

Must be why the UK, US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others created ISIS. Assad has never committed a hostile act against any of those nations. Yet they just had to have their 'Regime Change.'

But that's ok, their chickens will come home to roost at some point. Turkey's feeling some of that today. You create these evil bloody Frankensteins, they will come back to haunt you at some point.
Nigel Farage is the UK version of Trump and Putin........a true leader. ...... :thup:
Don´t forget Assad.

Must be why the UK, US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others created ISIS. Assad has never committed a hostile act against any of those nations. Yet they just had to have their 'Regime Change.'

But that's ok, their chickens will come home to roost at some point. Turkey's feeling some of that today. You create these evil bloody Frankensteins, they will come back to haunt you at some point.
The reason why Assad still stands firm is that he is backed by the people.

Look at this blatant treason which is even advertised:
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Must be why the UK, US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others created ISIS. Assad has never committed a hostile act against any of those nations. Yet they just had to have their 'Regime Change.'

But that's ok, their chickens will come home to roost at some point. Turkey's feeling some of that today. You create these evil bloody Frankensteins, they will come back to haunt you at some point.
The rebellion in Syria was a grassroots uprising against the brutal dictator Assad by the Syrian people.

Syria's population of 90% Sunni muslims hated being ruled by Assad's 5% Alawite muslims.

The fighting could have easily been over within a couple of years if the western powers hadn't decided to turn the conflict into another east/west proxy war. ....... :cool:
Ha, go get em Nigel! :clap::clap2:

"Virtually none of you have done a proper job in your lives."

you honestly applaud Farage's behaviour?

Yes. The EU and other Globalist organizations should be scrapped. They don't represent Democracy.

even if you believe that - do you think Farage's behavior was acceptable?

Yes. He's been viciously attacked by the NWO Globalist Elites for years. It's made him even more fierce. Now he's kickin their ass. Good on em.

you are obviously a juvenile

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