Nigeria girls

And how much did you hear about "Al Qaeda" before 9/11.

In fact, I recall that when Bill Clinton bombed Al Qaeda facilities in the Sudan and Afghanistan in 1998 in retaliation for Embassy bombings, Republicans accused him of launching a "Wag the Dog" attack to distract from the really, really important issue- whether or not he lied about a blow job.

The reason it's a big deal now is that they've kidnapped these 300 girls and it's an ongoing hostage situation. And Nigeria does have millions of people. A lot of whom in the North are devout Muslims who are in conflict with the mostly Christian areas of the South.

I served from 84 to 94 in the same dang region you are talking about.

Spare me your so called knowledge on this.

How did it turn out in 94. Clinton tucked tail and ran.............after we took casualties.............We stood down after the Italians got hit..................

And so on.................Again, I ask why the concern now.................

Since these terrorist punks have been doing far worse for some time now.

what does this have to do with anything I just said?

I pointed out that in 1998, Bill Clinton attacked Al Qaeda facilities.

Republicans, rather than supporting him, accused him of launching a "Wag the Dog" attack to distract from the testimony he had given to Ken Starr's 70 Million Dollar Panty Sniffing Investigation.

You put up Clinton bombing aspirin factories............Since you brought up Clinton I just gave some more history on it.
I served from 84 to 94 in the same dang region you are talking about.

Spare me your so called knowledge on this.

How did it turn out in 94. Clinton tucked tail and ran.............after we took casualties.............We stood down after the Italians got hit..................

And so on.................Again, I ask why the concern now.................

Since these terrorist punks have been doing far worse for some time now.

what does this have to do with anything I just said?

I pointed out that in 1998, Bill Clinton attacked Al Qaeda facilities.

Republicans, rather than supporting him, accused him of launching a "Wag the Dog" attack to distract from the testimony he had given to Ken Starr's 70 Million Dollar Panty Sniffing Investigation.

You put up Clinton bombing aspirin factories............Since you brought up Clinton I just gave some more history on it.

except you really didn't add anything. In fact, you kind of put the whole thing off on a tangent that had nothing to do with the point I made.

This is closer to what was going on in Somalia than the 98 bombings.

Well, no, not really.

In Somalia, Bush-41 sent in troops to deliver food to starving people who were dying by the hundreds of thousands.

And then Clinton tried to up it into a Nation Building Exercise, which was a big mistake.

Kind of has nothing to do with what is going on with Nigeria, which does have a functioning government.

The real reason by Boko Haram is such a problem is Nigeria has all this oil wealth, and very little of it is getting to that part of the country.

This is closer to what was going on in Somalia than the 98 bombings.

Well, no, not really.

In Somalia, Bush-41 sent in troops to deliver food to starving people who were dying by the hundreds of thousands.

And then Clinton tried to up it into a Nation Building Exercise, which was a big mistake.

Kind of has nothing to do with what is going on with Nigeria, which does have a functioning government.

The real reason by Boko Haram is such a problem is Nigeria has all this oil wealth, and very little of it is getting to that part of the country.

Baloney. It's about Islamist extremist murdering and raping those who don't believe as they do. Which is why they have been killing Christians there for some time.

Again, they slaughtered whole villages there. Why now the concern............
Again, same reason why a school shooting that kills 26 in one day gets more attention than 700 murders in a city over a year.

Single bad events get more attention than lots of small events.

But, no, don't worry. there'll be some kind of rescue and Obama will get the credit and you guys will watch your November victory swirl down the toilet... It's all a conspiracy. I was lunching With George Soros today and he laid the whole plan out for me.

This group has been murdering whole villages for quite some time now. Killing every man, women, and child.

Suddenly it's mainstream that these animals are a problem.

The question is why now...................

the left fought tooth and nail

to keep them off the terrorist list

Really? Link that....or is this another repub lie.
If the President puts boots on the ground, you lying 'Conservative' assholes are going to yell bloody murder about the President endangering Americans for things that are none of our business. If he used drones to take out the leadership, you are going to accuse him of murdering civilians. And if he does nothing, you will say that he is a heartless bastard that does not care about children.

So, assholes, put it on the line. What would you do? And how would you handle the repercussions?
If the President puts boots on the ground, you lying 'Conservative' assholes are going to yell bloody murder about the President endangering Americans for things that are none of our business. If he used drones to take out the leadership, you are going to accuse him of murdering civilians. And if he does nothing, you will say that he is a heartless bastard that does not care about children.

So, assholes, put it on the line. What would you do? And how would you handle the repercussions?

1. This didn't start just yesterday. There have been numerous posts about this group in the past were they were killing Christians. I condemned those actions then and now. So, my main point on this thread is the HYPOCRISY of the whole dang thing. Why now after they have been killing children in the past.

2. Back in the day I said take their sorry asses out, but without taking too many dang risks. And even then I questioned why Nigeria couldn't handle 1500 thugs on their own. I remember Somalia, and understand that getting involved may end up getting our men sent home in a bag.

3. In the past, these thugs were killing whole villages and were in the open massed and easy to kill via air power. And we did nothing..............Back then they would have been visiting Allah early with fire power, and the remainder of them would have to be handled by Nigeria.
If the President puts boots on the ground, you lying 'Conservative' assholes are going to yell bloody murder about the President endangering Americans for things that are none of our business. If he used drones to take out the leadership, you are going to accuse him of murdering civilians. And if he does nothing, you will say that he is a heartless bastard that does not care about children.

So, assholes, put it on the line. What would you do? And how would you handle the repercussions?

One more thing. Loose lips sink ships. If he wants to do something about it, then do it or shut the F up. This didn't need to go to the media and add all this HYPE ABOUT IT. Just come back, after the fact, and say we found this group and killed them in a military op.

No, we've got to have politics involved and media hype for attention instead of taking their sorry asses out.

Do it, or STFU. to ongoing Black ops...............

You are clueless.

We sent hostage negotiators.
U.S. to Send Hostage Negotiators to Nigeria #BringBackOurGirls - Taylor Marsh

They are not going to listen. You can bet that Black Ops are already in the area.

US Marines carry out first arrests of two Boko Haram members in Benue State


US Marines currently in Nigeria to help the government combat Boko Haram terrorists have made their first arrests taking two male suspects into custody after they were found in possession of arms and ammunition during a targeted search. Over the last week, US Marines have arrived in Nigeria to help with the fight against terrorism after Boko Haram took their war of terror to another level by abducting 234 pupils from Government Girls Secondary School Chibok in Borno State. Acknowledging that the matter was getting beyond its control, the Nigerian government swallowed its pride and accepted outside help. With the abduction coming at a time when Nigeria is hosting World Economic Forum on Africa and inbetween two horrific bomb blasts in Abuja, there has been a lot of international offer of support. France, the UK, the US and China have all offered differing degrees of support in the form of intelligence, training and military assistance. Since Wednesday, US troops have arrived in Nigeria where they are providing security for the WEF summit on Africa. It is expected that the Marines will also join Nigerian soldiers in pursuing Boko Haram into the Sambisa Forest in Borno State where they are believed to have spirited the kidnapped girls to. -

US Marines carry out first arrests of two Boko Haram members in Benue State

They are not going to listen. You can bet that Black Ops are already in the area.

US Marines carry out first arrests of two Boko Haram members in Benue State


US Marines currently in Nigeria to help the government combat Boko Haram terrorists have made their first arrests taking two male suspects into custody after they were found in possession of arms and ammunition during a targeted search. Over the last week, US Marines have arrived in Nigeria to help with the fight against terrorism after Boko Haram took their war of terror to another level by abducting 234 pupils from Government Girls Secondary School Chibok in Borno State. Acknowledging that the matter was getting beyond its control, the Nigerian government swallowed its pride and accepted outside help. With the abduction coming at a time when Nigeria is hosting World Economic Forum on Africa and inbetween two horrific bomb blasts in Abuja, there has been a lot of international offer of support. France, the UK, the US and China have all offered differing degrees of support in the form of intelligence, training and military assistance. Since Wednesday, US troops have arrived in Nigeria where they are providing security for the WEF summit on Africa. It is expected that the Marines will also join Nigerian soldiers in pursuing Boko Haram into the Sambisa Forest in Borno State where they are believed to have spirited the kidnapped girls to. -

US Marines carry out first arrests of two Boko Haram members in Benue State

Boots on the ground. Thanks for the post.

This group has been murdering whole villages for quite some time now. Killing every man, women, and child.

Suddenly it's mainstream that these animals are a problem.

The question is why now...................

Ever since their original leader was killed in 2009, and taken over by Shekau, as well as jihadist training, around 2011, they have become much more ruthless, and dangerous.

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