Nigeria/Opec Cut Oil Production

And replace them with what? A government controlled system?


For decades oil was traded by producers and end users. Those seeking to finance their retirement could not buy into oil futures. Those seeking a quick profit could not.

For decades oil was relatively stable. Even when there was blips they were minor compared to today.

If you wish to buy oil, you should be required to actually take physical control of that oil. (again)
There is less supply, and increasing demand, thus resulting in higher prices.

There is uncertainty in production areas, coupled with less safe production, i.e. US production, thus resulting in higher futures prices.

You are the only one trying to make this about shortages, when everyone else is talking about the cost per barrel. It just shows you don't have an actual point to make, and are now flailing.
There is less supply, and increasing demand, thus resulting in higher prices.

Markets will adjust to need. They always have. There is NO justification for the wild swings in prices.

There is uncertainty in production areas, coupled with less safe production, i.e. US production, thus resulting in higher futures prices.

You are the only one trying to make this about shortages, when everyone else is talking about the cost per barrel. It just shows you don't have an actual point to make, and are now flailing.

Costs? Cost will increase with the government creating inflation by pumping trillions and trillions of dollars but that does not explain the wild swings.
For decades oil was traded by producers and end users. Those seeking to finance their retirement could not buy into oil futures. Those seeking a quick profit could not.

For decades oil was relatively stable. Even when there was blips they were minor compared to today.

If you wish to buy oil, you should be required to actually take physical control of that oil. (again)

When was speculation banned in the markets?

Speculation also helps mitigate markets when actual suppliers and users are at different points of future estimates of consumption.
When was speculation banned in the markets?

Speculation also helps mitigate markets when actual suppliers and users are at different points of future estimates of consumption.

You can not reasonably argue that based upon the wild swings we have seen.

Oil speculation is rampant, even as gas prices fall - Dec. 1, 2008

I'll have to do a history lesson for you I guess. People should know this stuff.
Now this is an older article but the facts remain the same.

Excessive energy speculation today is at its highest levels ever, and even Goldman Sachs now admits that at least $27 of the price of crude oil is a result from reckless speculation rather than market fundamentals of supply and demand. Many experts interviewed by ThinkProgress argue that the figure is far higher, and out of control speculation has doubled the current price of crude oil.

A good bit of the history is in this article. '

How Koch Became An Oil Speculation Powerhouse
Now this is an older article but the facts remain the same.

Excessive energy speculation today is at its highest levels ever, and even Goldman Sachs now admits that at least $27 of the price of crude oil is a result from reckless speculation rather than market fundamentals of supply and demand. Many experts interviewed by ThinkProgress argue that the figure is far higher, and out of control speculation has doubled the current price of crude oil.

A good bit of the history is in this article. '

How Koch Became An Oil Speculation Powerhouse
Yep. Remember when Matthew Simmons regurgitated the old peak oil lie? He made a lot of money.

THIS is why gas prices are going up

American producers are refusing to produce more also. We must make sure all of them pay a heavy price when the pendulum swings back the other way.

We’ll start by cutting off all weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, and start selling them to their enemy Iran, in trade for max oil price imports. We will then end all domestic oil exports, slashing domestic producers profits in half, and lifting Venezuelan sanctions, allowing them to sell those lost export profits.

Then we end 100% of subsidies to all domestic producers, and give 100% of those subsidies to alternative energy start ups, and electric vehicle manufacturers, hastening the demise of oil company needs by decades.

Let’s see what their attitudes are then.
American producers are refusing to produce more also. We must make sure all of them pay a heavy price when the pendulum swings back the other way.

Why should they produce more when there are no shortages? It's not their fault prices are what they are. Sure they could create a glut but that does not benefit them.

We’ll start by cutting off all weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, and start selling them to their enemy Iran, in trade for max oil price imports. We will then end all domestic oil exports, slashing domestic producers profits in half, and lifting Venezuelan sanctions, allowing them to sell those lost export profits.

Then we end 100% of subsidies to all domestic producers, and give 100% of those subsidies to alternative energy start ups, and electric vehicle manufacturers, hastening the demise of oil company needs by decades.

Let’s see what their attitudes are then.

OPEC was pumping, pumping, pumping when oil went to near $150 before. We had tankers just sitting idle full of oil. OPEC nailed the issue. Irrational exuberance.
American producers are refusing to produce more also. We must make sure all of them pay a heavy price when the pendulum swings back the other way.

We’ll start by cutting off all weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, and start selling them to their enemy Iran, in trade for max oil price imports. We will then end all domestic oil exports, slashing domestic producers profits in half, and lifting Venezuelan sanctions, allowing them to sell those lost export profits.

Then we end 100% of subsidies to all domestic producers, and give 100% of those subsidies to alternative energy start ups, and electric vehicle manufacturers, hastening the demise of oil company needs by decades.

Let’s see what their attitudes are then.
The oil business hates a warzone. Wise up. US producers have a shortage of oil workers, truckers and sand for the Permian basin shale producers. Big oil is leaving Russia and leaving behind more than 25 billion dollars. The whole market is very unstable.
The oil business hates a warzone. Wise up. US producers have a shortage of oil workers, truckers and sand for the Permian basin shale producers. Big oil is leaving Russia and leaving behind more than 25 billion dollars. The whole market is very unstable.

War takes a massive amount of oil to carry out. There are no shortages.
Why should they produce more when there are no shortages? It's not their fault prices are what they are. Sure they could create a glut but that does not benefit them.

OPEC was pumping, pumping, pumping when oil went to near $150 before. We had tankers just sitting idle full of oil. OPEC nailed the issue. Irrational exuberance.
Storing crude oil above ground is the the dumbest thing possible. It drives up the ppb.
Storing crude oil above ground is the the dumbest thing possible. It drives up the ppb.

It is but it's what the simpletons want to address the irrational exuberance of the markets.
War takes a massive amount of oil to carry out. There are no shortages.
Remember, the Iraqi oil business was in tatters when dubya invaded.. and stayed bad for 7 years. When it was time to bid on concessions the majors didn't show up.
You can not reasonably argue that based upon the wild swings we have seen.

Oil speculation is rampant, even as gas prices fall - Dec. 1, 2008

I'll have to do a history lesson for you I guess. People should know this stuff.

Speculation is created by uncertainty, and we had that before Ukraine and will have it after.

Why should oil companies invest in upgrades if the goal of the current government is to eliminate them as an industry?

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