Nike Pulls Betsy Ross Flag Sneaker After Colin Kaepernick Complains


It was about acknowledging our history of abusing black people. That was the flag of slavery as much as the Confederate flag. This is the excuse that the Confederate Apologists used, that the US had slavery for 90 years before the Confederacy.

I'm not sure why you guys on the crazy right are whining. Kap earned Nike 6 billion. The Inbred Frothing Right Wing already burned their shoes. Who did you think they were going to listen to?

That's a stretch even for a liar like you. You basically said you don't know jack shit about American history. So back your bullshit up. In what way was that flag designed to oppress black people, and in what way did Betsey Ross, an abolitionists, encourage or support slavery ?

Betsy Ross - Wikipedia

I provided a Betsey Ross wiki. I already know you can produce nothing but opinion.
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Drat. I was must saying how my feet needed to look more patriotic. Now what will I do?

Take patriotism out of it and look at it like this. A middle eastern dude objected to an early American flag on a companies sneakers that are made by child slaves who get payed like 15 cents an hour if at all because the fake black guy says the flag with 13 stars represents slavery? Mr.K is just a marketing tool used to drive up the price of those shoes. Folks need to stop getting so worked up over this stupid shit.
Drat. I was must saying how my feet needed to look more patriotic. Now what will I do?

Take patriotism out of it and look at it like this. A middle eastern dude objected to an early American flag on a companies sneakers that are made by child slaves who get payed like 15 cents an hour if at all because the fake black guy says the flag with 13 stars represents slavery? Mr.K is just a marketing tool used to drive up the price of those shoes. Folks need to stop getting so worked up over this stupid shit.
The Nike platform is being used as a marketing tool for Kaepernick to get his anti-white message to America, just like he used the NFL platform to do the very same thing.

So his thing is working these major platforms in order to stir up awareness about these make believe racist whites in which he thinks still control most of the wealth and power in this country. Yes there is alot of wealth in this country, and these NFL stars have alot of it along with thousands of leftist liberals who also have controlled alot of it and still do, but to hear them tell it only white racist control the wealth and power in this country.

If anyone thinks that these frauds are legit, and aren't working their bullcrap for monetary gains, then I got some ocean front in Arizona to sell you.

The real crime in this country, is allowing anti-Americans the power that they have been granted in this country, and doing so without being vetted respectively by their peers (ignoring some very telling important signs early on), and then allowing them the wealth they've irrespectively earned in this country, to then use that power and wealth against this nation in a negative undermining way. The undermining of this nation should be met with fierce resistance in this country, and not be ignored until it actually sets this country up for a fall.
The KKK and white supremacist groups have recently adopted that flag much the same way they adopted the confederate battle flag to represent a time when slavery was common. Nike didn't want to inadvertently give those groups a boost.

Sooooo, the American flag, is, in your liberal opinion, a symbol of White Supremacy?

That's not what I said. If that is what you heard, you need to get back on your meds.

You said that nike did not want to put the Flag out there, for fear of giving White supremacist groups a boost.

The only way that can be taken, is if in your mind, the American Flag is a symbol of White Supremacy.

Only the most worthless piece of shit, would say shit like that, and then try to weasel out of being held accountable for the anti-American shit you spewed.

YOu are the piece of shit.

White supremacist groups and the KKK are ALREADY using that flag. I'm pretty sure my opinion, which you got wrong, has nothing to do with their choice.
Dumb ass.

And you are supporting their pathetic attempt to co-opt it.

I dismiss their desired outcome, you help it, as does nike.

You are on their side, trying to help them create the illusion of relevance, and I am doing what little I can to marginalize them.

Do you even know why you are helping them? I know why, but I wonder how much self awareness you have.
The KKK and white supremacist groups have recently adopted that flag much the same way they adopted the confederate battle flag to represent a time when slavery was common. Nike didn't want to inadvertently give those groups a boost.

Sooooo, the American flag, is, in your liberal opinion, a symbol of White Supremacy?

That's not what I said. If that is what you heard, you need to get back on your meds.

You said that nike did not want to put the Flag out there, for fear of giving White supremacist groups a boost.

The only way that can be taken, is if in your mind, the American Flag is a symbol of White Supremacy.

Only the most worthless piece of shit, would say shit like that, and then try to weasel out of being held accountable for the anti-American shit you spewed.

YOu are the piece of shit.

White supremacist groups and the KKK are ALREADY using that flag. I'm pretty sure my opinion, which you got wrong, has nothing to do with their choice.
Dumb ass.

And you are supporting their pathetic attempt to co-opt it.

I dismiss their desired outcome, you help it, as does nike.

You are on their side, trying to help them create the illusion of relevance, and I am doing what little I can to marginalize them.

Do you even know why you are helping them? I know why, but I wonder how much self awareness you have.

As always, I will give your silly opinion all the consideration it deserves.
Sooooo, the American flag, is, in your liberal opinion, a symbol of White Supremacy?

That's not what I said. If that is what you heard, you need to get back on your meds.

You said that nike did not want to put the Flag out there, for fear of giving White supremacist groups a boost.

The only way that can be taken, is if in your mind, the American Flag is a symbol of White Supremacy.

Only the most worthless piece of shit, would say shit like that, and then try to weasel out of being held accountable for the anti-American shit you spewed.

YOu are the piece of shit.

White supremacist groups and the KKK are ALREADY using that flag. I'm pretty sure my opinion, which you got wrong, has nothing to do with their choice.
Dumb ass.
They are democrats

Not according to the KKK newspaper, and Stormfront,org. Most claim to be strong Trump supporters.

You trust the Klan to be upfront? Interesting.
The thing that was so inticing to the world (before modern tools and equipment was born), had since gotten the world into alot of trouble back then, because in some people there was this super human ability to use their God given strengths exceedingly well, and the powerful in the lands across the world were totally consumed by this unbelievable endurance, strength, and talent being put on display for them to witness.

It was during a rudimentary and/or primitive time period in the world, and this was when progress was heavily on the world leaders minds. Such people encountered were actually sold into the world by their own tribesman, and this to those in the world who wanted to build civilization's, and do it quickly. Yes abuse was prevalent, and it was bad over the years gone by, but thank God the world finally gave up slavery in the form of having men and women to be held captive against their will's in order to work and build for this world as it were.

A major problem in the abolishment of such things, is returning the folks back to their countries when their countries were the ones who sold them into the world to begin with. So it is that many stayed in their places around the world, and those who freed them worked many, many years helping them to adjust, to learn, and to assimilate into the environments they had become accustomed to in their new homes away from their old home's.

Even so, we still have many here that hate it here to this very day, and yet they don't want to go back to their supposed home's in Africa, and no matter what is done it's never enough for these individuals who hate it here. Not sure what the answer to that one is really, but hopefully an answer will someday come in which will suit them in life someday.

Here is an example of super human abilities saved from a primitive time gone by. Enjoy.

Now we all can enjoy and respect these things without exploiting such things as it were so many, many years gone by in the world. Let us fight always for the freedom of man and of woman to continue to be free in the world, and to show us their best with pride and joy within their souls.
Sooooo, the American flag, is, in your liberal opinion, a symbol of White Supremacy?

That's not what I said. If that is what you heard, you need to get back on your meds.

You said that nike did not want to put the Flag out there, for fear of giving White supremacist groups a boost.

The only way that can be taken, is if in your mind, the American Flag is a symbol of White Supremacy.

Only the most worthless piece of shit, would say shit like that, and then try to weasel out of being held accountable for the anti-American shit you spewed.

YOu are the piece of shit.

White supremacist groups and the KKK are ALREADY using that flag. I'm pretty sure my opinion, which you got wrong, has nothing to do with their choice.
Dumb ass.

And you are supporting their pathetic attempt to co-opt it.

I dismiss their desired outcome, you help it, as does nike.

You are on their side, trying to help them create the illusion of relevance, and I am doing what little I can to marginalize them.

Do you even know why you are helping them? I know why, but I wonder how much self awareness you have.

As always, I will give your silly opinion all the consideration it deserves.

I was talking not a subjective opinion, but of your and mine actions.

The reason you dont' want to discuss it, is because you know that you cannot refute what I said.

I'm sure that the KKK and their ilk appreciate your support.

It was about acknowledging our history of abusing black people. That was the flag of slavery as much as the Confederate flag. This is the excuse that the Confederate Apologists used, that the US had slavery for 90 years before the Confederacy.

I'm not sure why you guys on the crazy right are whining. Kap earned Nike 6 billion. The Inbred Frothing Right Wing already burned their shoes. Who did you think they were going to listen to?

That's a stretch even for a liar like you. You basically said you don't know jack shit about American history. So back your bullshit up. In what way was that flag designed to oppress black people, and in what way did Betsey Ross, an abolitionists, encourage or support slavery ?

Betsy Ross - Wikipedia

I provided a Betsey Ross wiki. I already know you can produce nothing but opinion.
Betsy Ross wasnt an abolitionist you dumb fuck. Washington owned enslaved Blacks. Making a flag for a dude that owned slaves would be encouraging slavery. Betsy Ross was just another white broad that supported slavery by her lack of fighting against it. She is another mythological fable made up by whites. There is no evidence she was even the first to make a flag. Face it. Shes just another white bred lie used to brainwash dumb whites like so many lies whites have told.

It was about acknowledging our history of abusing black people. That was the flag of slavery as much as the Confederate flag. This is the excuse that the Confederate Apologists used, that the US had slavery for 90 years before the Confederacy.

I'm not sure why you guys on the crazy right are whining. Kap earned Nike 6 billion. The Inbred Frothing Right Wing already burned their shoes. Who did you think they were going to listen to?

That's a stretch even for a liar like you. You basically said you don't know jack shit about American history. So back your bullshit up. In what way was that flag designed to oppress black people, and in what way did Betsey Ross, an abolitionists, encourage or support slavery ?

Betsy Ross - Wikipedia

I provided a Betsey Ross wiki. I already know you can produce nothing but opinion.
Betsy Ross wasnt an abolitionist you dumb fuck. Washington owned enslaved Blacks. Making a flag for a dude that owned slaves would be encouraging slavery. Betsy Ross was just another white broad that supported slavery by her lack of fighting against it. She is another mythological fable made up by whites. There is no evidence she was even the first to make a flag. Face it. Shes just another white bred lie used to brainwash dumb whites like so many lies whites have told.

Making a flag for someone, is not an expression of supporting other actions that person is doing.

That you would claim it was, just shows how insanely dishonest you are.

It was about acknowledging our history of abusing black people. That was the flag of slavery as much as the Confederate flag. This is the excuse that the Confederate Apologists used, that the US had slavery for 90 years before the Confederacy.

I'm not sure why you guys on the crazy right are whining. Kap earned Nike 6 billion. The Inbred Frothing Right Wing already burned their shoes. Who did you think they were going to listen to?

That's a stretch even for a liar like you. You basically said you don't know jack shit about American history. So back your bullshit up. In what way was that flag designed to oppress black people, and in what way did Betsey Ross, an abolitionists, encourage or support slavery ?

Betsy Ross - Wikipedia

I provided a Betsey Ross wiki. I already know you can produce nothing but opinion.
Betsy Ross wasnt an abolitionist you dumb fuck. Washington owned enslaved Blacks. Making a flag for a dude that owned slaves would be encouraging slavery. Betsy Ross was just another white broad that supported slavery by her lack of fighting against it. She is another mythological fable made up by whites. There is no evidence she was even the first to make a flag. Face it. Shes just another white bred lie used to brainwash dumb whites like so many lies whites have told.

Making a flag for someone, is not an expression of supporting other actions that person is doing.

That you would claim it was, just shows how insanely dishonest you are.
Do you run around creating flags for people you disagree with?

It was about acknowledging our history of abusing black people. That was the flag of slavery as much as the Confederate flag. This is the excuse that the Confederate Apologists used, that the US had slavery for 90 years before the Confederacy.

I'm not sure why you guys on the crazy right are whining. Kap earned Nike 6 billion. The Inbred Frothing Right Wing already burned their shoes. Who did you think they were going to listen to?

That's a stretch even for a liar like you. You basically said you don't know jack shit about American history. So back your bullshit up. In what way was that flag designed to oppress black people, and in what way did Betsey Ross, an abolitionists, encourage or support slavery ?

Betsy Ross - Wikipedia

I provided a Betsey Ross wiki. I already know you can produce nothing but opinion.
Betsy Ross wasnt an abolitionist you dumb fuck. Washington owned enslaved Blacks. Making a flag for a dude that owned slaves would be encouraging slavery. Betsy Ross was just another white broad that supported slavery by her lack of fighting against it. She is another mythological fable made up by whites. There is no evidence she was even the first to make a flag. Face it. Shes just another white bred lie used to brainwash dumb whites like so many lies whites have told.

Making a flag for someone, is not an expression of supporting other actions that person is doing.

That you would claim it was, just shows how insanely dishonest you are.
Do you run around creating flags for people you disagree with?

If I was a seamstress? Fuck yeah.

In a capitalist society, you sell people goods and services, in exchange for money. Doing so, does not indicate supporting them or their choices, especially all their choices.
It was about acknowledging our history of abusing black people. That was the flag of slavery as much as the Confederate flag. This is the excuse that the Confederate Apologists used, that the US had slavery for 90 years before the Confederacy.

I'm not sure why you guys on the crazy right are whining. Kap earned Nike 6 billion. The Inbred Frothing Right Wing already burned their shoes. Who did you think they were going to listen to?

That's a stretch even for a liar like you. You basically said you don't know jack shit about American history. So back your bullshit up. In what way was that flag designed to oppress black people, and in what way did Betsey Ross, an abolitionists, encourage or support slavery ?

Betsy Ross - Wikipedia

I provided a Betsey Ross wiki. I already know you can produce nothing but opinion.
Betsy Ross wasnt an abolitionist you dumb fuck. Washington owned enslaved Blacks. Making a flag for a dude that owned slaves would be encouraging slavery. Betsy Ross was just another white broad that supported slavery by her lack of fighting against it. She is another mythological fable made up by whites. There is no evidence she was even the first to make a flag. Face it. Shes just another white bred lie used to brainwash dumb whites like so many lies whites have told.

Making a flag for someone, is not an expression of supporting other actions that person is doing.

That you would claim it was, just shows how insanely dishonest you are.
Do you run around creating flags for people you disagree with?

If I was a seamstress? Fuck yeah.

In a capitalist society, you sell people goods and services, in exchange for money. Doing so, does not indicate supporting them or their choices, especially all their choices.
Like most whites ....youre a fucking liar. Theres no way you would make a Black Lives Matters flag for anyone you disagreed with regardless of you being a seamstress or not.

She didnt sell the flag to him dumbass.
That's a stretch even for a liar like you. You basically said you don't know jack shit about American history. So back your bullshit up. In what way was that flag designed to oppress black people, and in what way did Betsey Ross, an abolitionists, encourage or support slavery ?

Betsy Ross - Wikipedia

I provided a Betsey Ross wiki. I already know you can produce nothing but opinion.
Betsy Ross wasnt an abolitionist you dumb fuck. Washington owned enslaved Blacks. Making a flag for a dude that owned slaves would be encouraging slavery. Betsy Ross was just another white broad that supported slavery by her lack of fighting against it. She is another mythological fable made up by whites. There is no evidence she was even the first to make a flag. Face it. Shes just another white bred lie used to brainwash dumb whites like so many lies whites have told.

Making a flag for someone, is not an expression of supporting other actions that person is doing.

That you would claim it was, just shows how insanely dishonest you are.
Do you run around creating flags for people you disagree with?

If I was a seamstress? Fuck yeah.

In a capitalist society, you sell people goods and services, in exchange for money. Doing so, does not indicate supporting them or their choices, especially all their choices.
Like most whites ....youre a fucking liar. Theres no way you would make a Black Lives Matters flag for anyone you disagreed with regardless of you being a seamstress or not.

She didnt sell the flag to him dumbass.

Maybe not a Black Lives Matter flag. BUt just about anyone that wasn't actively hostile to me and mine.

Link that she gave him the flag, without charging for her work.
Betsy Ross wasnt an abolitionist you dumb fuck. Washington owned enslaved Blacks. Making a flag for a dude that owned slaves would be encouraging slavery. Betsy Ross was just another white broad that supported slavery by her lack of fighting against it. She is another mythological fable made up by whites. There is no evidence she was even the first to make a flag. Face it. Shes just another white bred lie used to brainwash dumb whites like so many lies whites have told.

Making a flag for someone, is not an expression of supporting other actions that person is doing.

That you would claim it was, just shows how insanely dishonest you are.
Do you run around creating flags for people you disagree with?

If I was a seamstress? Fuck yeah.

In a capitalist society, you sell people goods and services, in exchange for money. Doing so, does not indicate supporting them or their choices, especially all their choices.
Like most whites ....youre a fucking liar. Theres no way you would make a Black Lives Matters flag for anyone you disagreed with regardless of you being a seamstress or not.

She didnt sell the flag to him dumbass.

Maybe not a Black Lives Matter flag. BUt just about anyone that wasn't actively hostile to me and mine.

Link that she gave him the flag, without charging for her work.
I will after you link that she was an abolitionist.
Making a flag for someone, is not an expression of supporting other actions that person is doing.

That you would claim it was, just shows how insanely dishonest you are.
Do you run around creating flags for people you disagree with?

If I was a seamstress? Fuck yeah.

In a capitalist society, you sell people goods and services, in exchange for money. Doing so, does not indicate supporting them or their choices, especially all their choices.
Like most whites ....youre a fucking liar. Theres no way you would make a Black Lives Matters flag for anyone you disagreed with regardless of you being a seamstress or not.

She didnt sell the flag to him dumbass.

Maybe not a Black Lives Matter flag. BUt just about anyone that wasn't actively hostile to me and mine.

Link that she gave him the flag, without charging for her work.
I will after you link that she was an abolitionist.

I never claimed she was an abolitionist.
Do you run around creating flags for people you disagree with?

If I was a seamstress? Fuck yeah.

In a capitalist society, you sell people goods and services, in exchange for money. Doing so, does not indicate supporting them or their choices, especially all their choices.
Like most whites ....youre a fucking liar. Theres no way you would make a Black Lives Matters flag for anyone you disagreed with regardless of you being a seamstress or not.

She didnt sell the flag to him dumbass.

Maybe not a Black Lives Matter flag. BUt just about anyone that wasn't actively hostile to me and mine.

Link that she gave him the flag, without charging for her work.
I will after you link that she was an abolitionist.

I never claimed she was an abolitionist.
The person you were sticking up for did. So lets see the link.
If I was a seamstress? Fuck yeah.

In a capitalist society, you sell people goods and services, in exchange for money. Doing so, does not indicate supporting them or their choices, especially all their choices.
Like most whites ....youre a fucking liar. Theres no way you would make a Black Lives Matters flag for anyone you disagreed with regardless of you being a seamstress or not.

She didnt sell the flag to him dumbass.

Maybe not a Black Lives Matter flag. BUt just about anyone that wasn't actively hostile to me and mine.

Link that she gave him the flag, without charging for her work.
I will after you link that she was an abolitionist.

I never claimed she was an abolitionist.
The person you were sticking up for did. So lets see the link.

I was just making the point that selling a service to someone is not evidence that you support them, or their choices.

I personally could not care less about Betsy Ross's personal politics.
Like most whites ....youre a fucking liar. Theres no way you would make a Black Lives Matters flag for anyone you disagreed with regardless of you being a seamstress or not.

She didnt sell the flag to him dumbass.

Maybe not a Black Lives Matter flag. BUt just about anyone that wasn't actively hostile to me and mine.

Link that she gave him the flag, without charging for her work.
I will after you link that she was an abolitionist.

I never claimed she was an abolitionist.
The person you were sticking up for did. So lets see the link.

I was just making the point that selling a service to someone is not evidence that you support them, or their choices.

I personally could not care less about Betsy Ross's personal politics.
One more time dumb ass. She didnt sell a service. Theres not even any proof she is the one that actually made the flag.

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