Nike Pulls Betsy Ross Flag Sneaker After Colin Kaepernick Complains

If Nike had just told Kaepernick, 'Cool theory, brau....but we're not getting rid of the shoe'...and let's say Kaepernick then decided to 'walk' you think Nike would have ended up making more money in the long-run, making stockholders more happy, and preventing the boycott that is now coming?
Haven't put much thought to this latest Nike silliness other than to be thankful that I can't recall ever buying anything of Nike's and for the past 20 years (at least) I've patronized New Balance.
CBS, NBC Rush To Support Kaepernick claim Betsy Ross Racist, Nike Decision To Pull New Patriotic / Holiday Edition Shoe'

"To any student of history, or anyone who ever took an American history class, the idea that the American flag with 13 stars was a symbol of racism and slavery was nonsense. But the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News bought into the accusation without even a second thought and even pushed the lunacy."

I guess the Left has refused to teach our actual nation's history for so long in public schools and colleges that the new young Socialist Democrats reporting and running the news don't know the 13 Stars represent the original 13 Colonies and have nothing to do with racism or slavery.

Collin Kaepernick is the ignorant Leftist 'Pied Piper' leading stupid, uneducated, easily-offended snowflakes and corporations like Nike right over the cliff, like a bunch of lemmings following each other without knowing where they hell they are going....


CBS, NBC Boost Kaepernick Claim Betsy Ross Flag Is Racist Symbolism

/——/ Kapernick does have the IQ to do this on his own. I bet last week he had never heard of Betsy Ross or had seen the 13 star flag or ht best saw it but didn’t know the significance. Somebody is pulling his strings.
Yep, the Muslim bitch girlfriend.
How many of the 13 colonies had legal slavery?
Speaking of easily-offended race baiters....

Yes, BB, It was / is a celebration of racism. Betsy Ross stitched this flag as a symbol of oppression and slavery, to fly high above the 13 colonies to declare who they were / what they were about, much like pirates flew the black flag adorned with the skull and crossbones! Thank God Collin Kaepernick was finally the only one who saw it and had the courage to step forward and point this out!


In reality the answer is 12.

In response to your ditty, Betsy Ross probably didn't think about it much, it was stitched into the fabric of life in European Colonies. It had to be. How else could they justify holding an entire race in bondage in perpetuity?

I don't think Nike should hold it against the symbol of the original flag commemorating our break from the King on a red white and blue shoe. But that's just me.
Kaepernick is a race baiting activist trying to make some kind of name for himself after his failure in the NFL. He hates this country, it's founding, and probably white people, and especially white cops. He won't stop.

I doubt even half of those are true. But your first sentence is on the right track. He's simply doing what he (and his PR team) believe will generate the most buzz in order to keep his name relevant so that he can monetize his"brand"--which is the activism that made him front page news in the decline of his professional sports career before his flame goes out for good. Just think about how much money he's made in that time, while most has-been athletes are filing bankruptcy within 2 years after their careers end, with no marketable skills, hoping (at best) to monetize their sports career by landing one of the limited consulting gigs on ESPN/Fox/ABC. He'll keep doing this for as long as it gets his name in the news and keeps the phone ringing.

Nike could care less. People will still buy their apparrel (including the biggest purchasers: institutional purchasers), and most of the people who are vocally critical of Nike over this will have forgotten about it by the next news cycle
The day I find myself unintentionally offended over a pair of shoes is the day I seek the nearest rafter to hang myself from. Kaepernick has jumped the shark.

Even though you are a lib, you are right here.

Kaepernick is definitely taking his Anti-American schtick way over the top here. His supporters are going to realize that its just an act designed to earn the washed up player money.
Him doing business with a slave owner
The KKK and white supremacist groups have recently adopted that flag much the same way they adopted the confederate battle flag to represent a time when slavery was common. Nike didn't want to inadvertently give those groups a boost.
Not true, kap made them take it down otherwise they were going to run with it, why do you think the OP said it was good Kap is advising them? even the media credits Kap with getting them to pull it, if that is true they need to be made an example of and driven out of business for their insensitivity.
So Kaepernick brought it to their attention. It's possible for more than one thing to be true, dumb ass
“It's not about protesting the flag" truthers hardest hit.

Drop the bastard in Tehran.

Colin Kaepernick’s flag protests have reportedly taken over the Nike board room.

The athletic-apparel giant began shipping out its Air Max 1 USA sneakers to go on sale this week in celebration of the July Fourth holiday, only to ask retailers to return them without explanation, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

The shoes had a pattern mimicking the “Betsy Ross” flag of the newly independent colonies. After having been teased on social media, they are no longer available on Nike’s apps and websites.

Citing “people familiar with the matter,” the Journal reported that the cancellation happened because Kaepernick told Nike that he and others consider the flag an offensive symbol of a slave society.

Nike scraps ‘Betsy Ross Flag’ sneaker after Colin Kaepernick objects
Kaepernick doesn't have respect for women. He hates anything that shows the accomplishment what women has done in history. He thinks that women are meant to pleasure men only.


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