Nikki Haley reveals Tillerson, Kelly privately discussed resisting Trump: ‘It was offensive’

Bureaucrats are Un-Elected and these People need to have their power checked and they need punished.

The Constitution gives The President the Authority to set Foreign Policy. What these people then did was commit a crime.

If Kelly, and Tillerson did this, they should be Put on Trial for Treason, along with every other Deep State-Globalist-Leftist Operative, like Eric Ciarmella who has leaked Confidential Conversations between The United States, Mexico, Thailand and Australia in an attempt to undercut The President's Foreign Policy Initiatives. Eric Ciaramella, Tillerson, Kelly are worse than Russian Moles. They are Traitors.

These people are "Concerned about The President Subverting US Foreign Policy?"

THEY SHOULD ALL BE FIRED! The President has the Constitutional Authority to Set US Policy and pursue HIS Policy Initiatives. It is their job to advise, and then CONSENT to The PRESIDENT's Policy Initiatives.

What Other Classified Information Did Eric Ciaramella Leak?
it sounds like they went behind the president's back. Nikki stated so.

Makes me glad The President fires these assholes when he catches them lying to him or doing stuff behind his back, which is you really wanted to get in to the details, he could have them prosecuted for.
Yup, Obama had 200k jobs/month and 1.9% GDP, Trump has that or less, with his massive spending bills and deficits. This is just like 2006 and will end the same way- complete with 1 million excuses how the big crash is still Clinton's fault or Obama's fault or whatever little bitch excuse they come up with.
the interest rates will go negative to avoid that. haven't you been paying attention to the fed? hmmmm
Just what we need, negative interest rates like Europe and Japan??????

How's that working out for them with their 0.8% GDP...

You should be really proud that Trump is going to be the president that puts the US at negative rates. What an accomplishment that would be...

Get a clue.
in fact, yes it is exactly what is needed because the globe has done it. It would mean disaster for us. You should learn about liquidity. Look it up.

BTW, the fact that trump is fighting for those negative interest rates makes him the genius.

First you don't set your interest rate policy based upon what rates other countries have, this is not follow the leader.

Second how is Japan and Europe doing? if you want negative rates and 0.8% growth then move to Europe.

3rd if you think the US will never have a recession again and we can just keep cutting rates, then I don't know what to tell you and can't have a real debate with you.
dude, you ain't bright enough for any further discussion on this. you're in wayyyyyyy over your head.

Now, that's funny. You're an idiot.
Mr BovinePucky, it wasnt Bush that repealed Glass Steagal.
But it was GOP senators, with a veto proof majority.

So that magically makes it Bushes fault?

besides that the repeal of Glass-Steagal was just one aspect of the entire Great recession.

Yes, that repeal was a 'removing block' cause of the crisis, while the subprime loans being used for MBs and CDOs was the fueling cause and the collapse of Leeman the ignition of the conflagration.
So that magically makes it Bushes fault?

did it happen on his watch? If not his fault was Carters Presidency his fault?
That's just Nikki's puffery, Jim. She showed her 'loyalty' to Trump by telling you what Kelly and Tillerson thought. You wouldn't have known they thought so poorly of Trump if she hadn't told you.

She knew what she was doing.

Let's say, Nikki confirmed and reinforced what we already knew (article published on 09/04/2018), even if the Trumpletons don't:

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump had the understanding of “a fifth- or sixth-grader,” according to accounts of Woodward’s book that were published by The Washington Post.

White House chief of staff John Kelly called Trump “an idiot” and said he thought the president was “unhinged,” The Post also reported. NBC News first reported in May that Kelly had referred to the president as an idiot multiple times, in addition to making several remarks “insulting the president’s intelligence and casting himself as the savior of the country.” Kelly has denied that he ever called Trump an idiot.

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in July 2017 called Trump a “moron,” NBC News reported. The comments came after Tillerson had a meeting at the Pentagon with members of the White House national security team and Cabinet officials.

At a dinner in July 2017, McMaster mocked Trump, also calling him an “idiot,” BuzzFeed News reported. At the dinner, which was with Oracle CEO Safra Catz, McMaster also said Trump was a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” according to that report.​

Nikki does know it takes repetition for the propaganda to sink in.
says the guy that came from a military career doesn't know trump as president is commander and chief. Now sir, that truly makes old Mattis really stupid.
Bureaucrats are Un-Elected and these People need to have their power checked and they need punished.

The Constitution gives The President the Authority to set Foreign Policy. What these people then did was commit a crime.

If Kelly, and Tillerson did this, they should be Put on Trial for Treason, along with every other Deep State-Globalist-Leftist Operative, like Eric Ciarmella who has leaked Confidential Conversations between The United States, Mexico, Thailand and Australia in an attempt to undercut The President's Foreign Policy Initiatives. Eric Ciaramella, Tillerson, Kelly are worse than Russian Moles. They are Traitors.

These people are "Concerned about The President Subverting US Foreign Policy?"

THEY SHOULD ALL BE FIRED! The President has the Constitutional Authority to Set US Policy and pursue HIS Policy Initiatives. It is their job to advise, and then CONSENT to The PRESIDENT's Policy Initiatives.

What Other Classified Information Did Eric Ciaramella Leak?
it sounds like they went behind the president's back. Nikki stated so.

Makes me glad The President fires these assholes when he catches them lying to him or doing stuff behind his back, which is you really wanted to get in to the details, he could have them prosecuted for.
BTW, those details that Nikki shared, were never mentioned in the MSM about them going behind his back.
Yup, Obama had 200k jobs/month and 1.9% GDP, Trump has that or less, with his massive spending bills and deficits. This is just like 2006 and will end the same way- complete with 1 million excuses how the big crash is still Clinton's fault or Obama's fault or whatever little bitch excuse they come up with.
the interest rates will go negative to avoid that. haven't you been paying attention to the fed? hmmmm
Just what we need, negative interest rates like Europe and Japan??????

How's that working out for them with their 0.8% GDP...

You should be really proud that Trump is going to be the president that puts the US at negative rates. What an accomplishment that would be...

Get a clue.
in fact, yes it is exactly what is needed because the globe has done it. It would mean disaster for us. You should learn about liquidity. Look it up.

BTW, the fact that trump is fighting for those negative interest rates makes him the genius.

First you don't set your interest rate policy based upon what rates other countries have, this is not follow the leader.

Second how is Japan and Europe doing? if you want negative rates and 0.8% growth then move to Europe.

3rd if you think the US will never have a recession again and we can just keep cutting rates, then I don't know what to tell you and can't have a real debate with you.
dude, you ain't bright enough for any further discussion on this. you're in wayyyyyyy over your head.
Yeah great comeback. You don't know anything about economics or monetary policy. And if you think negative rates for the US are a good thing, then you are just a partisan hack regurgitating Trump stupidity because you don't know any better.

You have provided no facts, no evidence, and nothing meaningful in anyway to this debate, just a bunch of standard Trump stupidity.
We do not need to blow another bubble with negative interest rates, lol.
yes we do. it is exactly what we need. we don't want the globes money buying our securities.
Apprently you do not grasp what a bubble is.

Read up on the Tulip Bubble, for your own sake.
thank you. An interesting read.
You've never heard of the tulip bubble before??

i guess that explains why you think negative rates would be good.

You know nothing about any of this.
“It should’ve been, ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” Haley told O’Donnell. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” …
Tillerson had the best ever quote:
"Trump is a fucking moron" and don't you forget it.
Tillerson is a Swamp Creature who is naturally unable to think outside the proverbial box. To him, the box is safety of convention and the clarity of consensus.

People like that are a walking wreck looking for a place to happen.
thank you. An interesting read.
You've never heard of the tulip bubble before??
i guess that explains why you think negative rates would be good.
You know nothing about any of this.
Dont kick the man for being honest, dude, that is so classless.

We are all learning, growing and adapting except for fossils, those profiteering on the current circumstances and the corrupt.
Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley blasted former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, recalling a private conversation where they defended resisting President Trump, telling her they did so out of necessity. […]

Haley said that the two men “confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country” and how “Tillerson went on to tell me the reason he resisted the president’s decisions was because, if he didn’t, people would die….”

Haley, however, was not impressed.

“It should’ve been, ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” Haley told O’Donnell. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” …

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

You don't accept what we say, we will get you impeached....seems like billionaires and generals seem to think that they are UNELECTED many in the DEEP STATE, Trump should have brought in all his staff from various hotels and golf courses and he along with the country would have been better served!!!!!


Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley blasted former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, recalling a private conversation where they defended resisting President Trump, telling her they did so out of necessity. […]

Haley said that the two men “confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country” and how “Tillerson went on to tell me the reason he resisted the president’s decisions was because, if he didn’t, people would die….”

Haley, however, was not impressed.

“It should’ve been, ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” Haley told O’Donnell. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” …

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The swampies really really don't want the people to interfere in their little kingdom.
says the guy that came from a military career doesn't know trump as president is commander and chief. Now sir, that truly makes old Mattis really stupid.
Undermining his Commander in Cheif makes him the equivalent of a mutineer as far as I am concerned.
“It should’ve been, ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” Haley told O’Donnell. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” …
Tillerson had the best ever quote:
"Trump is a fucking moron" and don't you forget it.
Tillerson is a Swamp Creature who is naturally unable to think outside the proverbial box. To him, the box is safety of convention and the clarity of consensus.

People like that are a walking wreck looking for a place to happen.
Swamp creature? Trump pulled him from the private sector,
“It should’ve been, ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” Haley told O’Donnell. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” …
Tillerson had the best ever quote:
"Trump is a fucking moron" and don't you forget it.
Tillerson is a Swamp Creature who is naturally unable to think outside the proverbial box. To him, the box is safety of convention and the clarity of consensus.

People like that are a walking wreck looking for a place to happen.
Who is the moron who hired him in the first place? I know, do you?
Bureaucrats are Un-Elected and these People need to have their power checked and they need punished.

The Constitution gives The President the Authority to set Foreign Policy. What these people then did was commit a crime.

If Kelly, and Tillerson did this, they should be Put on Trial for Treason, along with every other Deep State-Globalist-Leftist Operative, like Eric Ciarmella who has leaked Confidential Conversations between The United States, Mexico, Thailand and Australia in an attempt to undercut The President's Foreign Policy Initiatives. Eric Ciaramella, Tillerson, Kelly are worse than Russian Moles. They are Traitors.

These people are "Concerned about The President Subverting US Foreign Policy?"

THEY SHOULD ALL BE FIRED! The President has the Constitutional Authority to Set US Policy and pursue HIS Policy Initiatives. It is their job to advise, and then CONSENT to The PRESIDENT's Policy Initiatives.

What Other Classified Information Did Eric Ciaramella Leak?
it sounds like they went behind the president's back. Nikki stated so.

Makes me glad The President fires these assholes when he catches them lying to him or doing stuff behind his back, which is you really wanted to get in to the details, he could have them prosecuted for.
BTW, those details that Nikki shared, were never mentioned in the MSM about them going behind his back.
Going behind the trump morons back makes them heroes imo They were supposed to be his advisers ,people who knew more than him He disregarded them so they were gone
“It should’ve been, ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” Haley told O’Donnell. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” …
Tillerson had the best ever quote:
"Trump is a fucking moron" and don't you forget it.
Tillerson is a Swamp Creature who is naturally unable to think outside the proverbial box. To him, the box is safety of convention and the clarity of consensus.

People like that are a walking wreck looking for a place to happen.
Who is the moron who hired him in the first place? I know, do you?
James Baker and Condoleezza Rice talked the moron into hiring Tillerson. And he did.

Tillerson boosters have Russia, Exxon business ties
Last edited:
thank you. An interesting read.
You've never heard of the tulip bubble before??
i guess that explains why you think negative rates would be good.
You know nothing about any of this.
Dont kick the man for being honest, dude, that is so classless.

We are all learning, growing and adapting except for fossils, those profiteering on the current circumstances and the corrupt.
Tell jr to stop trying to act like he knows something if he's never heard of Tulip Mania.

He just needs to know his place that's all.
the interest rates will go negative to avoid that. haven't you been paying attention to the fed? hmmmm
Just what we need, negative interest rates like Europe and Japan??????

How's that working out for them with their 0.8% GDP...

You should be really proud that Trump is going to be the president that puts the US at negative rates. What an accomplishment that would be...

Get a clue.
in fact, yes it is exactly what is needed because the globe has done it. It would mean disaster for us. You should learn about liquidity. Look it up.

BTW, the fact that trump is fighting for those negative interest rates makes him the genius.

First you don't set your interest rate policy based upon what rates other countries have, this is not follow the leader.

Second how is Japan and Europe doing? if you want negative rates and 0.8% growth then move to Europe.

3rd if you think the US will never have a recession again and we can just keep cutting rates, then I don't know what to tell you and can't have a real debate with you.
dude, you ain't bright enough for any further discussion on this. you're in wayyyyyyy over your head.
Yeah great comeback. You don't know anything about economics or monetary policy. And if you think negative rates for the US are a good thing, then you are just a partisan hack regurgitating Trump stupidity because you don't know any better.

You have provided no facts, no evidence, and nothing meaningful in anyway to this debate, just a bunch of standard Trump stupidity.
dude, negative interest rates are fking horrible. but, when the globe goes to negative interest rates, the US must follow or go bankrupt. It is that simple.

Liquidity. Go read up on it. or the one that JimBowie posted..Tulip mania - Wikipedia

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