Nikki Haley reveals Tillerson, Kelly privately discussed resisting Trump: ‘It was offensive’

Bureaucrats are Un-Elected and these People need to have their power checked and they need punished.

The Constitution gives The President the Authority to set Foreign Policy. What these people then did was commit a crime.

If Kelly, and Tillerson did this, they should be Put on Trial for Treason, along with every other Deep State-Globalist-Leftist Operative, like Eric Ciarmella who has leaked Confidential Conversations between The United States, Mexico, Thailand and Australia in an attempt to undercut The President's Foreign Policy Initiatives. Eric Ciaramella, Tillerson, Kelly are worse than Russian Moles. They are Traitors.

These people are "Concerned about The President Subverting US Foreign Policy?"

THEY SHOULD ALL BE FIRED! The President has the Constitutional Authority to Set US Policy and pursue HIS Policy Initiatives. It is their job to advise, and then CONSENT to The PRESIDENT's Policy Initiatives.

What Other Classified Information Did Eric Ciaramella Leak?
it sounds like they went behind the president's back. Nikki stated so.

Makes me glad The President fires these assholes when he catches them lying to him or doing stuff behind his back, which is you really wanted to get in to the details, he could have them prosecuted for.
BTW, those details that Nikki shared, were never mentioned in the MSM about them going behind his back.
Going behind the trump morons back makes them heroes imo They were supposed to be his advisers ,people who knew more than him He disregarded them so they were gone
without a chain of command, the ship is doomed. Going outside chain of command is what they did. Trump was correct in what he did. fk them.
thank you. An interesting read.
You've never heard of the tulip bubble before??
i guess that explains why you think negative rates would be good.
You know nothing about any of this.
Dont kick the man for being honest, dude, that is so classless.

We are all learning, growing and adapting except for fossils, those profiteering on the current circumstances and the corrupt.
Tell jr to stop trying to act like he knows something if he's never heard of Tulip Mania.

He just needs to know his place that's all.
Dude, Liquidity is at stake. Period.
James Baker and Condoleezza Rice talked the moron into hiring Tillerson. And he did.
Yeah, Trump, a success in three different careers is a moron, Ben Carson (a brain surgeon) is a moron, Reagan, one of our best Presidents ever, was a moron, as was HW Bush who followed him, and so was Nixon too.

You fooktards are so predictable and boring.

Why doncha go learn some new material, goofballs.
Yeah, but most of those reports were anonymously sourced. Haley put her name out there, and pinned the tale on Kelly and Tillerson. And Trump. Long term, the takeaway won't be Haley's convenient loyalty, it will be the dysfunctional Presidency.

Interesting. I honestly don't know how even to gauge, at this time, what the long-term takeaway will likely be. At the time, it's "Haley heroically resisted the lure of two Deep State mutineers!" Praise be upon her, and all that. What we know is, the Trumpletons don't think two steps on their own without guidance, and so what they will take away long term will depend on what their handlers will tell them to take away. That, I suppose, tells me, for as long as they stick with Trump, the narrative will be Haley's heroism, and the mutinous shenanigans of the Deep Staters. Were they to decide to get rid of Trump, the narrative will change, and probably as you say, particularly so in case Haley would make for a promising candidate with a firm grip on the rightarded "base".

And yes, the seeds of a story-line around how high-level Trump-appointed officials judged Trump are firmly planted in Rightardia, now that a high-profile name is attached to it. I underestimated that part, assuming these scathing judgments would be common knowledge, while these bits probably didn't make it into the rightarded disinformation bubble, at least not with the prominence and intensity to sink in. Let's say, Haley's "book tour" is going to be interesting.
Bureaucrats are Un-Elected and these People need to have their power checked and they need punished.

The Constitution gives The President the Authority to set Foreign Policy. What these people then did was commit a crime.

If Kelly, and Tillerson did this, they should be Put on Trial for Treason, along with every other Deep State-Globalist-Leftist Operative, like Eric Ciarmella who has leaked Confidential Conversations between The United States, Mexico, Thailand and Australia in an attempt to undercut The President's Foreign Policy Initiatives. Eric Ciaramella, Tillerson, Kelly are worse than Russian Moles. They are Traitors.

These people are "Concerned about The President Subverting US Foreign Policy?"

THEY SHOULD ALL BE FIRED! The President has the Constitutional Authority to Set US Policy and pursue HIS Policy Initiatives. It is their job to advise, and then CONSENT to The PRESIDENT's Policy Initiatives.

What Other Classified Information Did Eric Ciaramella Leak?
it sounds like they went behind the president's back. Nikki stated so.

Makes me glad The President fires these assholes when he catches them lying to him or doing stuff behind his back, which is you really wanted to get in to the details, he could have them prosecuted for.
BTW, those details that Nikki shared, were never mentioned in the MSM about them going behind his back.
Going behind the trump morons back makes them heroes imo They were supposed to be his advisers ,people who knew more than him He disregarded them so they were gone
without a chain of command, the ship is doomed. Going outside chain of command is what they did. Trump was correct in what he did. fk them.
They and others were there to guide the uneducated moron through treacherous waters He ignored them like the ah he truly is Wonder if the captain of the titanic ignored others too?
James Baker and Condoleezza Rice talked the moron into hiring Tillerson. And he did.
Yeah, Trump, a success in three different careers is a moron, Ben Carson (a brain surgeon) is a moron, Reagan, one of our best Presidents ever, was a moron, as was HW Bush who followed him, and so was Nixon too.

You fooktards are so predictable and boring.

Why doncha go learn some new material, goofballs.
Don't confuse bankruptcy with success.
it sounds like they went behind the president's back. Nikki stated so.

Makes me glad The President fires these assholes when he catches them lying to him or doing stuff behind his back, which is you really wanted to get in to the details, he could have them prosecuted for.
BTW, those details that Nikki shared, were never mentioned in the MSM about them going behind his back.
Going behind the trump morons back makes them heroes imo They were supposed to be his advisers ,people who knew more than him He disregarded them so they were gone
without a chain of command, the ship is doomed. Going outside chain of command is what they did. Trump was correct in what he did. fk them.
They and others were there to guide the uneducated moron through treacherous waters He ignored them like the ah he truly is Wonder if the captain of the titanic ignored others too?
yeah the moron. my definition of a moron is more in line with you as one, rather than a billionaire president.
Makes me glad The President fires these assholes when he catches them lying to him or doing stuff behind his back, which is you really wanted to get in to the details, he could have them prosecuted for.
BTW, those details that Nikki shared, were never mentioned in the MSM about them going behind his back.
Going behind the trump morons back makes them heroes imo They were supposed to be his advisers ,people who knew more than him He disregarded them so they were gone
without a chain of command, the ship is doomed. Going outside chain of command is what they did. Trump was correct in what he did. fk them.
They and others were there to guide the uneducated moron through treacherous waters He ignored them like the ah he truly is Wonder if the captain of the titanic ignored others too?
yeah the moron. my definition of a moron is more in line with you as one, rather than a billionaire president.
I wasn't born on 3rd base and thought I hit a triple and lied and bullied my way thru life
Dude, Liquidity is at stake. Period.
Yes it is, in almost every direction. there are people investing/betting their liquidity will grow if they think the markets will go up (going 'long') or going bad (doing a 'short').

When you take a position in the markets to bet one thing or another is going to happen, someone else takes the other side. One side gains, the other side loses, the trick is to keep it in small percentages of what you are playing with to survive to the next investment.

Do not invest on a margin, i.e. with borrowed money, because the markets can be crazy longer than you can ride out the ups and downs in the normal market cycles. You can be right about the general direct the market is moving in, but still lose your bet simply because you have a margin call and have to pony up some m ore cash to keep the position alive, meaning you are borrowing more money.

I only go long with long term investments because I want my money to grow but at a slow pace safely. I am too old to gamble my life's savings.

I have had day traders laugh at me many times and brag about how much money they have made, but the problem that they do not understand is that the market has much deeper pockets than they do, and if you keep playing the game you eventually lose everything.

You have to pull money out as you go and put it aside or you will eventually lose it.

So who was on the winning side on the 2008 market crash? A few shorted the markets and came out roses, some got out on the way up and dodged the crash.

The biggest winner was the Federal Reserve who bought a lot of money making CDOs and MBS that had no mark to market value but were still making money.
BTW, those details that Nikki shared, were never mentioned in the MSM about them going behind his back.
Going behind the trump morons back makes them heroes imo They were supposed to be his advisers ,people who knew more than him He disregarded them so they were gone
without a chain of command, the ship is doomed. Going outside chain of command is what they did. Trump was correct in what he did. fk them.
They and others were there to guide the uneducated moron through treacherous waters He ignored them like the ah he truly is Wonder if the captain of the titanic ignored others too?
yeah the moron. my definition of a moron is more in line with you as one, rather than a billionaire president.
I wasn't born on 3rd base and thought I hit a triple and lied and bullied my way thru life
the mere fact you act as if you know the man is my evidence of your moronic value.
I wasn't born on 3rd base and thought I hit a triple and lied and bullied my way thru life
the mere fact you act as if you know the man is my evidence of your moronic value.
Yeah, besides, being born in the USA is the same as being born on 3rd base.

We are so lucky to be born in this land of freedom, even though our Oligarchs have turned into a cancerous tumor.

Right now, we are getting our immune system trained to repulse their cancer cells, root and branch.
BTW, those details that Nikki shared, were never mentioned in the MSM about them going behind his back.
Going behind the trump morons back makes them heroes imo They were supposed to be his advisers ,people who knew more than him He disregarded them so they were gone
without a chain of command, the ship is doomed. Going outside chain of command is what they did. Trump was correct in what he did. fk them.
They and others were there to guide the uneducated moron through treacherous waters He ignored them like the ah he truly is Wonder if the captain of the titanic ignored others too?
yeah the moron. my definition of a moron is more in line with you as one, rather than a billionaire president.
I wasn't born on 3rd base and thought I hit a triple and lied and bullied my way thru life
No, You struck out and never made it out on to the field like most of you losers do. Only Cowards hide behind Anonymity, and only Cowards do things behind their bosses backs, and Only Cowards Spy on their competition because they don't have the balls, or skill to beat their opponent in a one to one challenge.

You were born from the garbage all Cowards are made of, Selfishness, Lies, Jealousy, Slothfulness, Envy and Contempt!
Last edited:
Going behind the trump morons back makes them heroes imo They were supposed to be his advisers ,people who knew more than him He disregarded them so they were gone
without a chain of command, the ship is doomed. Going outside chain of command is what they did. Trump was correct in what he did. fk them.
They and others were there to guide the uneducated moron through treacherous waters He ignored them like the ah he truly is Wonder if the captain of the titanic ignored others too?
yeah the moron. my definition of a moron is more in line with you as one, rather than a billionaire president.
I wasn't born on 3rd base and thought I hit a triple and lied and bullied my way thru life
No, You struck out and never made it out on to the field like most of you losers do. Only Cowards hide behind Anonymity, and only Cowards do things behind their bosses backs, and Only Cowards Spy on their competition because they don't have the balls, or skill to beat their opponent in a one to one challenge.

You were born from the garbage all Cowards are made of, Selfishness, Lies, Jealousy, Slothfulness, Envy and Contempt!
Got a feeling that you like trump calls people out for exactly his misgivings
without a chain of command, the ship is doomed. Going outside chain of command is what they did. Trump was correct in what he did. fk them.
They and others were there to guide the uneducated moron through treacherous waters He ignored them like the ah he truly is Wonder if the captain of the titanic ignored others too?
yeah the moron. my definition of a moron is more in line with you as one, rather than a billionaire president.
I wasn't born on 3rd base and thought I hit a triple and lied and bullied my way thru life
No, You struck out and never made it out on to the field like most of you losers do. Only Cowards hide behind Anonymity, and only Cowards do things behind their bosses backs, and Only Cowards Spy on their competition because they don't have the balls, or skill to beat their opponent in a one to one challenge.

You were born from the garbage all Cowards are made of, Selfishness, Lies, Jealousy, Slothfulness, Envy and Contempt!
Got a feeling that you like trump calls people out for exactly his misgivings
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
They and others were there to guide the uneducated moron through treacherous waters He ignored them like the ah he truly is Wonder if the captain of the titanic ignored others too?
yeah the moron. my definition of a moron is more in line with you as one, rather than a billionaire president.
I wasn't born on 3rd base and thought I hit a triple and lied and bullied my way thru life
No, You struck out and never made it out on to the field like most of you losers do. Only Cowards hide behind Anonymity, and only Cowards do things behind their bosses backs, and Only Cowards Spy on their competition because they don't have the balls, or skill to beat their opponent in a one to one challenge.

You were born from the garbage all Cowards are made of, Selfishness, Lies, Jealousy, Slothfulness, Envy and Contempt!
Got a feeling that you like trump calls people out for exactly his misgivings
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
And kissing trumps ass has made you a blubbering idiot
yeah the moron. my definition of a moron is more in line with you as one, rather than a billionaire president.
I wasn't born on 3rd base and thought I hit a triple and lied and bullied my way thru life
No, You struck out and never made it out on to the field like most of you losers do. Only Cowards hide behind Anonymity, and only Cowards do things behind their bosses backs, and Only Cowards Spy on their competition because they don't have the balls, or skill to beat their opponent in a one to one challenge.

You were born from the garbage all Cowards are made of, Selfishness, Lies, Jealousy, Slothfulness, Envy and Contempt!
Got a feeling that you like trump calls people out for exactly his misgivings
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
And kissing trumps ass has made you a blubbering idiot
There's already like 4 threads on this, and my response doesn't change:

They were trying to protect tRump from himself. Left to his own incompetence they were afraid he would end up impeached or something.

Oops. Guess shit-canning them was a bad idea, huh.
This is the greatest administration in the history of the world

Ya got nuthin' then?
No we do.. the greatest president ever
Still nuthin'.
Just what the history books are recording
If you seriously think that you are beyond help.
Nikki waited a long time to tell everybody all this.....she could have told this the moment it happened.

Oh well....better late than never I guess,
There's already like 4 threads on this, and my response doesn't change:

They were trying to protect tRump from himself. Left to his own incompetence they were afraid he would end up impeached or something.

Oops. Guess shit-canning them was a bad idea, huh.
Poor little creepy. So crazy, so far gone.
So of course you will be more then happy if a democrat president had so many doing that to them.

You are still suffering I see.
Another one who cannot actually comment so he/she goes straight for the insult.

We know you kids are trying to deflect.
No just can't help making fun of crazy people that keep sawing the board that they sit on in the hopes they won't fall this time.

Hard to take anyone serious who can't take a persons name serious. Who still holds out hope that the great democrat in the burning bush will somehow ride in and save their idea on how not to have a successful country.
I'll stop with the silly insults as soon as Cheeto Jesus does.

I don't have any idea what the rest of that train wreck of a post is about.

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