Nikki Haley reveals Tillerson, Kelly privately discussed resisting Trump: ‘It was offensive’

Nikki waited a long time to tell everybody all this.....she could have told this the moment it happened.

Oh well....better late than never I guess,

i wonder if she told Trump, contemporaneously, that his Chief of Staff and SoS were trying to work around him, or if she saved that secret for her book tour. At this point, it can't be welcome news to anyone on the right that Kelly and Tillerson thought Trump wasn't up to the job.
Haley said that the two men “confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country” and how “Tillerson went on to tell me the reason he resisted the president’s decisions was because, if he didn’t, people would die….”

Kinda points out that what is in the Anonymous Book is accurate

''save the country'''''''???? hahahahahh..from what?

From Trump
hahahhahahaah--from Trump----hahahahhahahaa
Obama fked over the US much more than Mr Trump ever will
You say that a lot, but never say how. Surely you don't think anyone will take your word just on your sayso, do you? I mean, considering what Obama need to speak up.

Obamacare, never ending wars, 8 trillion more in debt, record people on welfare. There's nothing to hide.
Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley blasted former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, recalling a private conversation where they defended resisting President Trump, telling her they did so out of necessity. […]

Haley said that the two men “confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country” and how “Tillerson went on to tell me the reason he resisted the president’s decisions was because, if he didn’t, people would die….”

Haley, however, was not impressed.

“It should’ve been, ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” Haley told O’Donnell. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” …

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

You don't accept what we say, we will get you impeached....seems like billionaires and generals seem to think that they are UNELECTED many in the DEEP STATE, Trump should have brought in all his staff from various hotels and golf courses and he along with the country would have been better served!!!!!


Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley blasted former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, recalling a private conversation where they defended resisting President Trump, telling her they did so out of necessity. […]

Haley said that the two men “confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country” and how “Tillerson went on to tell me the reason he resisted the president’s decisions was because, if he didn’t, people would die….”

Haley, however, was not impressed.

“It should’ve been, ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” Haley told O’Donnell. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” …

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Yes and how sad is it that an outrageous warmonger like her, could ever be considered for VP?

What? Pence isn’t enough of a warmonger? LOL.
Hi, gipper! I know your response is sarcasm, but don't understand the point. I never thought of Pence or Haley as warmongers...but I am certain each would fully support any war Trump decides is necessary, and without question.
Both are totally owned and controlled by the MIC. Haley tried to start WWIII when she was at the UN.
Going behind the trump morons back makes them heroes imo They were supposed to be his advisers ,people who knew more than him He disregarded them so they were gone
without a chain of command, the ship is doomed. Going outside chain of command is what they did. Trump was correct in what he did. fk them.
They and others were there to guide the uneducated moron through treacherous waters He ignored them like the ah he truly is Wonder if the captain of the titanic ignored others too?
yeah the moron. my definition of a moron is more in line with you as one, rather than a billionaire president.
I wasn't born on 3rd base and thought I hit a triple and lied and bullied my way thru life
No, You struck out and never made it out on to the field like most of you losers do. Only Cowards hide behind Anonymity, and only Cowards do things behind their bosses backs, and Only Cowards Spy on their competition because they don't have the balls, or skill to beat their opponent in a one to one challenge.

You were born from the garbage all Cowards are made of, Selfishness, Lies, Jealousy, Slothfulness, Envy and Contempt!
What up wood? Been pissed on lately?
Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley blasted former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, recalling a private conversation where they defended resisting President Trump, telling her they did so out of necessity. […]

Haley said that the two men “confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country” and how “Tillerson went on to tell me the reason he resisted the president’s decisions was because, if he didn’t, people would die….”

Haley, however, was not impressed.

“It should’ve been, ‘Go tell the president what your differences are, and quit if you don’t like what he’s doing,’” Haley told O’Donnell. “But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing. And it goes against the Constitution, and it goes against what the American people want. And it was offensive.” …

The American People wanted Hillary, she won by 3 million votes.

If Haley was too clueless to see how off the rails Trump is most of the time, that's kind of on her.
Aw. Poor JoeBullshit....YOU want the scum of America located in all the big cities to control the entire country....the Founders realized that as blatantly UNFAIR, and created the electoral college as the BEST WAY not to let a bunch of malcontents and mind manipulated drones give control over to DICTATORS. FOR OVER 200 YEARS, the people of this country have had no trouble with this syste . But YOU and other anti-American subversives have decided it is time to make your move, a COUP if you will to overthrow what a Constitutional election truly is. I can foresee that this country. With the addition of MILLIONS of Foreigners, both legal and illegal will eventually have your way UNLESS the people who believe in our Constitution realize that the very instrument we cherish, has allowed a slow take over of our rights, traditions, culture, and history. Once the left., as the Nazi's did, confiscates our guns, and we see this currently in progress in some of the DEEP BLUE states, the NORMAL PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY will become subservient to your dictatorship. Only one way to stop it, as they did with the British over 200 years armed rebellion

Unfortunately I doubt that it would currently work as we need the military to back the patriots. We have seen high placed military leaders, fall on the side of the leftists. Especially after the over 200 high places general's and admirals replaced or fired under the Fascist Obuma administration.

Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years
Oct 29, 2013 · Turnover in the military ranks is normal, and in these times...


The question today is are our DECENT PEOPLE willing to give up their lives and wealth to insure this does not happen, and keeps us free from the lefts tyranny....I will not be here when push comes to shove, but I say to those of you who feel we must do something, talk and gather about it folks and try to influence your children that have joined the military to take Americas side when shooting actually starts.

President Trump understands. but can't do the HARD WORK by himself...Perhaps 4 more years of unincumber work, with the assistance of a Republican congress could hold off the left for another generation. or so, but after that....Heaven help us!
Another one who cannot actually comment so he/she goes straight for the insult.

We know you kids are trying to deflect.
No just can't help making fun of crazy people that keep sawing the board that they sit on in the hopes they won't fall this time.

Hard to take anyone serious who can't take a persons name serious. Who still holds out hope that the great democrat in the burning bush will somehow ride in and save their idea on how not to have a successful country.
I'll stop with the silly insults as soon as Cheeto Jesus does.

I don't have any idea what the rest of that train wreck of a post is about.
Lol you idiots remind me of the birthers. But then again you have all been on the crazy train wreck for years.
Total non sequitur.

You kids make sense less than 50% of the time.
You really have to love stupid you don't even see it. Good try though.
You are a very confused person.
Haley said that the two men “confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country” and how “Tillerson went on to tell me the reason he resisted the president’s decisions was because, if he didn’t, people would die….”

Kinda points out that what is in the Anonymous Book is accurate

''save the country'''''''???? hahahahahh..from what?

From Trump
hahahhahahaah--from Trump----hahahahhahahaa
Obama fked over the US much more than Mr Trump ever will
You say that a lot, but never say how. Surely you don't think anyone will take your word just on your sayso, do you? I mean, considering what Obama need to speak up.

Obamacare, never ending wars, 8 trillion more in debt, record people on welfare. There's nothing to hide.
Has any of that changed with Trump? Please educate us.
There's already like 4 threads on this, and my response doesn't change:

They were trying to protect tRump from himself. Left to his own incompetence they were afraid he would end up impeached or something.

Oops. Guess shit-canning them was a bad idea, huh.
Poor little creepy. So crazy, so far gone.
So of course you will be more then happy if a democrat president had so many doing that to them.

You are still suffering I see.
Another one who cannot actually comment so he/she goes straight for the insult.

We know you kids are trying to deflect.
No just can't help making fun of crazy people that keep sawing the board that they sit on in the hopes they won't fall this time.

Hard to take anyone serious who can't take a persons name serious. Who still holds out hope that the great democrat in the burning bush will somehow ride in and save their idea on how not to have a successful country.
I'll stop with the silly insults as soon as Cheeto Jesus does.

I don't have any idea what the rest of that train wreck of a post is about.
Your life is a train wreck. As you go to one COUP attempt after another and one failure after another, and one hairy man butt after another. You are one frustrated hairy man butt lover.

Hillary will never be president, and you will never find love chasing after hairy man butt.
Lol, was that childish rant supposed to be an insult?

You're fuckin' hilarious!

Do it again!
Poor little creepy. So crazy, so far gone.
So of course you will be more then happy if a democrat president had so many doing that to them.

You are still suffering I see.
Another one who cannot actually comment so he/she goes straight for the insult.

We know you kids are trying to deflect.
No just can't help making fun of crazy people that keep sawing the board that they sit on in the hopes they won't fall this time.

Hard to take anyone serious who can't take a persons name serious. Who still holds out hope that the great democrat in the burning bush will somehow ride in and save their idea on how not to have a successful country.
I'll stop with the silly insults as soon as Cheeto Jesus does.

I don't have any idea what the rest of that train wreck of a post is about.
Your life is a train wreck. As you go to one COUP attempt after another and one failure after another, and one hairy man butt after another. You are one frustrated hairy man butt lover.

Hillary will never be president, and you will never find love chasing after hairy man butt.
Lol, was that childish rant supposed to be an insult?

You're fuckin' hilarious!

Do it again!
We call that, calling a spade a spade, SPADE.

Now, don't you have some Putin Pudding to serve to your Dead Daddy, Al Baghdadi?
James Baker and Condoleezza Rice talked the moron into hiring Tillerson. And he did.
Yeah, Trump, a success in three different careers is a moron, Ben Carson (a brain surgeon) is a moron, Reagan, one of our best Presidents ever, was a moron, as was HW Bush who followed him, and so was Nixon too.

You fooktards are so predictable and boring.

Why doncha go learn some new material, goofballs.
This should irritate you. Someone who is very successful shares his meeting with the vindictive POS:

If you can't hear the video, read it here:

Richard Branson: Trump vowed to destroy 5 people who refused to help him
No just can't help making fun of crazy people that keep sawing the board that they sit on in the hopes they won't fall this time.

Hard to take anyone serious who can't take a persons name serious. Who still holds out hope that the great democrat in the burning bush will somehow ride in and save their idea on how not to have a successful country.
I'll stop with the silly insults as soon as Cheeto Jesus does.

I don't have any idea what the rest of that train wreck of a post is about.
Lol you idiots remind me of the birthers. But then again you have all been on the crazy train wreck for years.
Total non sequitur.

You kids make sense less than 50% of the time.
You really have to love stupid you don't even see it. Good try though.
You are a very confused person.
Funny I thought that you were confused by about every word in the English language.
Another one who cannot actually comment so he/she goes straight for the insult.

We know you kids are trying to deflect.
No just can't help making fun of crazy people that keep sawing the board that they sit on in the hopes they won't fall this time.

Hard to take anyone serious who can't take a persons name serious. Who still holds out hope that the great democrat in the burning bush will somehow ride in and save their idea on how not to have a successful country.
I'll stop with the silly insults as soon as Cheeto Jesus does.

I don't have any idea what the rest of that train wreck of a post is about.
Your life is a train wreck. As you go to one COUP attempt after another and one failure after another, and one hairy man butt after another. You are one frustrated hairy man butt lover.

Hillary will never be president, and you will never find love chasing after hairy man butt.
Lol, was that childish rant supposed to be an insult?

You're fuckin' hilarious!

Do it again!
We call that, calling a spade a spade, SPADE.

Now, don't you have some Putin Pudding to serve to your Dead Daddy, Al Baghdadi?
Wow, you really aren't good at this.

Wanna take another shot or are you done?
I'll stop with the silly insults as soon as Cheeto Jesus does.

I don't have any idea what the rest of that train wreck of a post is about.
Lol you idiots remind me of the birthers. But then again you have all been on the crazy train wreck for years.
Total non sequitur.

You kids make sense less than 50% of the time.
You really have to love stupid you don't even see it. Good try though.
You are a very confused person.
Funny I thought that you were confused by about every word in the English language.
Don't project your issues into me kid.
Lol you idiots remind me of the birthers. But then again you have all been on the crazy train wreck for years.
Total non sequitur.

You kids make sense less than 50% of the time.
You really have to love stupid you don't even see it. Good try though.
You are a very confused person.
Funny I thought that you were confused by about every word in the English language.
Don't project your issues into me kid.
Funny that some child would call me kid at my age that is a real compliment. So thank you for that. Now run along and pretend you have something important to say to someone else.
Total non sequitur.

You kids make sense less than 50% of the time.
You really have to love stupid you don't even see it. Good try though.
You are a very confused person.
Funny I thought that you were confused by about every word in the English language.
Don't project your issues into me kid.
Funny that some child would call me kid at my age that is a real compliment. So thank you for that. Now run along and pretend you have something important to say to someone else.
Uh huh, sure.

I'll stop with the silly insults as soon as Cheeto Jesus does.

I don't have any idea what the rest of that train wreck of a post is about.
Lol you idiots remind me of the birthers. But then again you have all been on the crazy train wreck for years.
Total non sequitur.

You kids make sense less than 50% of the time.
You really have to love stupid you don't even see it. Good try though.
You are a very confused person.
Funny I thought that you were confused by about every word in the English language.
Maybe his confusion over ENGRISH is why he always uses the wrong bathroom.

Haley claims Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to UNDERMINE Trump

One thing the treasonous conspirators all seem to agree on is that THEY and only THEY knew / know what is best for the country, and it was / is THEIR duty to UNDERMINE / REMOVE the President from power. Screw the voters, our election system, the Constitution, Rule of Law - THEY had / have to 'SAVE' the country from 'ALL OF THAT'.

"Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations, claims in a new book that two of his top advisers tried to "undermine" the president to "save the country."

"...she claims that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John Kelly tried to recruit her into that effort. She says she refused."

THIS is called TREASON!

Nikki Haley says Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to resist Trump to 'save the country'


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