Nikki Haley reveals Tillerson, Kelly privately discussed resisting Trump: ‘It was offensive’

Haley claims Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to UNDERMINE Trump

One thing the treasonous conspirators all seem to agree on is that THEY and only THEY knew / know what is best for the country, and it was / is THEIR duty to UNDERMINE / REMOVE the President from power. Screw the voters, our election system, the Constitution, Rule of Law - THEY had / have to 'SAVE' the country from 'ALL OF THAT'.

"Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations, claims in a new book that two of his top advisers tried to "undermine" the president to "save the country."

"...she claims that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John Kelly tried to recruit her into that effort. She says she refused."

THIS is called TREASON!

Nikki Haley says Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to resist Trump to 'save the country'

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no it isn't.

"Treason" is action taken against one's own country. What you have here would describe actions taken to curb an out-of-control POTUS. *BIG* difference.

This may come as a shock to y'all cult followers but Doornail Rump is not a country.

Haley claims Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to UNDERMINE Trump

One thing the treasonous conspirators all seem to agree on is that THEY and only THEY knew / know what is best for the country, and it was / is THEIR duty to UNDERMINE / REMOVE the President from power. Screw the voters, our election system, the Constitution, Rule of Law - THEY had / have to 'SAVE' the country from 'ALL OF THAT'.

"Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations, claims in a new book that two of his top advisers tried to "undermine" the president to "save the country."

"...she claims that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John Kelly tried to recruit her into that effort. She says she refused."

THIS is called TREASON!

Nikki Haley says Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to resist Trump to 'save the country'


By Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Donald Trump is a Man, and the rest wish they were.
Kelly defended himself in a response to CBS. “If by resistance and stalling she means putting a staff process in place … to ensure the (president) knew all the pros and cons of what policy decision he might be contemplating so he could make an informed decision, then guilty as charged,” he said.
i wonder if she told Trump, contemporaneously, that his Chief of Staff and SoS were trying to work around him, or if she saved that secret for her book tour. At this point, it can't be welcome news to anyone on the right that Kelly and Tillerson thought Trump wasn't up to the job.

Nikki Haley responds to Gorka: 'I did' tell Trump of concerns about Kelly and Tillerson
By John Bowden - 11/11/19 04:34 PM EST

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley fired back at Sebastian Gorka, a former White House staffer, on Monday after Gorka accused Haley of not informing President Trump that two Cabinet officials had approached her about undermining the president.

Gorka, who left the White House in August of 2017, questioned on Twitter why Haley didn't "tell the President about Tillerson and Kelly’s subversion," referring to Haley's claim that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and White House chief of staff John Kelly had asked her to join them in working around Trump to curb decisions they saw as unwise.

In a tweet, Haley responded: "I did. Thank you for your interest."​

Of course, what's she supposed to say - admitting she's left the incompetent goof in the Oval Office in the dark about the growing conspiracy against him?

Also, both Kelly and Tillerson disputed Haley's account. Both claimed they didn't work to undermine "the President". None denied they worked to thwart the overgrown baby's destructive impulses, and none denied they considered the man child incompetent.


“If by resistance and stalling she means putting a staff process in place…to ensure the [President] knew all the pros and cons of what policy decision he might be contemplating so he could make an informed decision, then guilty as charged,” Kelly told CBS News in response to Haley’s account.​


Mr. Kelly disputed Ms. Haley in a statement on Sunday and Mr. Tillerson added his own refutation on Monday. “During my service to our country as the secretary of state, at no time did I, nor to my direct knowledge did anyone else serving along with me, take any actions to undermine the president,” Mr. Tillerson said in a statement.

While he offered Mr. Trump frank advice, he said, once the president made a decision, he did his best to carry it out. “Ambassador Haley was rarely a participant in my many meetings and is not in a position to know what I may or may not have said to the president,” Mr. Tillerson added.​
"Treason" is action taken against one's own country. What you have here would describe actions taken to curb an out-of-control POTUS. *BIG* difference. This may come as a shock to y'all cult followers but Doornail Rump is not a country.

Are you always this stupid, or are you getting paid (hopefully) to say such stupid things?

Attempting to undermine / overthrow a President and the official government is NOT 'treason' in your little snowflake brain?
- Well of course not, as long as the traitors are Democrats and the President is a Republican....

Haley claims Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to UNDERMINE Trump

One thing the treasonous conspirators all seem to agree on is that THEY and only THEY knew / know what is best for the country, and it was / is THEIR duty to UNDERMINE / REMOVE the President from power. Screw the voters, our election system, the Constitution, Rule of Law - THEY had / have to 'SAVE' the country from 'ALL OF THAT'.

"Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations, claims in a new book that two of his top advisers tried to "undermine" the president to "save the country."

"...she claims that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John Kelly tried to recruit her into that effort. She says she refused."

THIS is called TREASON!

Nikki Haley says Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to resist Trump to 'save the country'

You don't understand what "treason" really is, just like the guy who's ass you head is buried in.


You\ are really clueless what "treason" really is, just like the guy who's ass you head is buried in.
Article III Section 1 of the Constitution

Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open Court.Dec 31, 1969
Article III

"Treason" is action taken against one's own country. What you have here would describe actions taken to curb an out-of-control POTUS. *BIG* difference. This may come as a shock to y'all cult followers but Doornail Rump is not a country.

Are you always this stupid, or are you getting paid (hopefully) to say such stupid things?

Attempting to undermine / overthrow a President and the official government is NOT 'treason' in your little snowflake brain?
- Well of course not, as long as the traitors are Democrats and the President is a Republican....

Nobody including Nikki Haley said jack shit about "overthrowing" anything. You just pulled that out of your ass and, astoundingly, thought nobody would notice.

But no it's somebody else saying stupid things, right....
"Treason" is action taken against one's own country. What you have here would describe actions taken to curb an out-of-control POTUS. *BIG* difference. This may come as a shock to y'all cult followers but Doornail Rump is not a country.

Are you always this stupid, or are you getting paid (hopefully) to say such stupid things?

Attempting to undermine / overthrow a President and the official government is NOT 'treason' in your little snowflake brain?
- Well of course not, as long as the traitors are Democrats and the President is a Republican....

If the Trumpybear considers or gives an illegal order, these officials were actually helping him by giving him facts not fictions, like yes men do.
"Treason" is action taken against one's own country. What you have here would describe actions taken to curb an out-of-control POTUS. *BIG* difference. This may come as a shock to y'all cult followers but Doornail Rump is not a country.

Are you always this stupid, or are you getting paid (hopefully) to say such stupid things?

Attempting to undermine / overthrow a President and the official government is NOT 'treason' in your little snowflake brain?
- Well of course not, as long as the traitors are Democrats and the President is a Republican....

If the Trumpybear considers or gives an illegal order, these officials were actually helping him by giving him facts not fictions, like yes men do.

Methinks that's why they don't get it. In the world of the obsequious authoritarian sycophant you just follow orders without question, in much the same way you quote Fox Noise or Hateway Plundit or PreggerU without question. They don't seem to get that ALL of these people work for us, not for Rump.
"Treason" is action taken against one's own country. What you have here would describe actions taken to curb an out-of-control POTUS. *BIG* difference. This may come as a shock to y'all cult followers but Doornail Rump is not a country.

Are you always this stupid, or are you getting paid (hopefully) to say such stupid things?

Attempting to undermine / overthrow a President and the official government is NOT 'treason' in your little snowflake brain?
- Well of course not, as long as the traitors are Democrats and the President is a Republican....

If the Trumpybear considers or gives an illegal order, these officials were actually helping him by giving him facts not fictions, like yes men do.

Methinks that's why they don't get it. In the world of the obsequious authoritarian sycophant you just follow orders without question, in much the same way you quote Fox Noise or Hateway Plundit or PreggerU without question. They don't seem to get that ALL of these people work for us, not for Rump.
Well imo it's that they view Rump as being against all norms … sort of like Randy Newman's song of adolescence: "Let's drop the big one now," (political science) without comprehending the irony.
Nobody including Nikki Haley said jack shit about "overthrowing" anything.
She said they were undermining the President and sought to convince her to join them.

Perhaps snowflakes should spend a little more time researching the definition of such big words as 'undermining' / 'undermine' before they foolishly attempt to use them......


That probably doesn't help much....since you did not know the meaning of the word 'undermine' there is little chance you will know the definition of the words 'subvert' of 'insidiously'.


Kelly defended himself in a response to CBS. “If by resistance and stalling she means putting a staff process in place … to ensure the (president) knew all the pros and cons of what policy decision he might be contemplating so he could make an informed decision, then guilty as charged,” he said.
Yes, the traitor attempted to justify undermining the President and defend himself after being exposed as a traitor.
We know better than the boss so we will make it so. That works nowhere and is a lame excuse for undermining America.
If Trumpybear had a few more loyal patriots like these two, perhaps they would have been able to persuade him not to try and bribe or extort the new President of the Ukraine.
"Well imo....."

...What every single Schiff 'witness' testifying under oath during his secret inquisition should have started their testimony by saying....since all of it was hearsay, rumor, innuendo, speculation or opinions formulated after hearing hearsay, rumor, innuendo, speculation or opinions.

Kelly defended himself in a response to CBS. “If by resistance and stalling she means putting a staff process in place … to ensure the (president) knew all the pros and cons of what policy decision he might be contemplating so he could make an informed decision, then guilty as charged,” he said.
Yes, the traitor attempted to justify undermining the President and defend himself after being exposed as a traitor.

Lets put them both under oath and see how each holds up!
If Trumpybear had a few more loyal patriots like these two, perhaps they would have been able to persuade him not to try and bribe or extort the new President of the Ukraine.
Once again, I ask you to present the video clip in which the President gave his confession of doing so, as did Biden.... always....your diatribe ends the same way. Thanks for playing, snowflake.


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