Nikki Haley reveals Tillerson, Kelly privately discussed resisting Trump: ‘It was offensive’

Haley claims Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to UNDERMINE Trump

One thing the treasonous conspirators all seem to agree on is that THEY and only THEY knew / know what is best for the country, and it was / is THEIR duty to UNDERMINE / REMOVE the President from power. Screw the voters, our election system, the Constitution, Rule of Law - THEY had / have to 'SAVE' the country from 'ALL OF THAT'.

"Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations, claims in a new book that two of his top advisers tried to "undermine" the president to "save the country."

"...she claims that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John Kelly tried to recruit her into that effort. She says she refused."

THIS is called TREASON!

Nikki Haley says Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to resist Trump to 'save the country'

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no it isn't.

"Treason" is action taken against one's own country. What you have here would describe actions taken to curb an out-of-control POTUS. *BIG* difference.

This may come as a shock to y'all cult followers but Doornail Rump is not a country.
except you don't get to define "out of control" now do you? not your job but hey - make shit up and make it SOUND like it's your job.

I did not purport to DEFINE "out of control" --- that would be up to those who see it that way, wouldn't it.

Can you READ?
i wonder if she told Trump, contemporaneously, that his Chief of Staff and SoS were trying to work around him, or if she saved that secret for her book tour. At this point, it can't be welcome news to anyone on the right that Kelly and Tillerson thought Trump wasn't up to the job.

Nikki Haley responds to Gorka: 'I did' tell Trump of concerns about Kelly and Tillerson
By John Bowden - 11/11/19 04:34 PM EST

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley fired back at Sebastian Gorka, a former White House staffer, on Monday after Gorka accused Haley of not informing President Trump that two Cabinet officials had approached her about undermining the president.

Gorka, who left the White House in August of 2017, questioned on Twitter why Haley didn't "tell the President about Tillerson and Kelly’s subversion," referring to Haley's claim that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and White House chief of staff John Kelly had asked her to join them in working around Trump to curb decisions they saw as unwise.

In a tweet, Haley responded: "I did. Thank you for your interest."​

Of course, what's she supposed to say - admitting she's left the incompetent goof in the Oval Office in the dark about the growing conspiracy against him?

Also, both Kelly and Tillerson disputed Haley's account. Both claimed they didn't work to undermine "the President". None denied they worked to thwart the overgrown baby's destructive impulses, and none denied they considered the man child incompetent.


“If by resistance and stalling she means putting a staff process in place…to ensure the [President] knew all the pros and cons of what policy decision he might be contemplating so he could make an informed decision, then guilty as charged,” Kelly told CBS News in response to Haley’s account.​


Mr. Kelly disputed Ms. Haley in a statement on Sunday and Mr. Tillerson added his own refutation on Monday. “During my service to our country as the secretary of state, at no time did I, nor to my direct knowledge did anyone else serving along with me, take any actions to undermine the president,” Mr. Tillerson said in a statement.

While he offered Mr. Trump frank advice, he said, once the president made a decision, he did his best to carry it out. “Ambassador Haley was rarely a participant in my many meetings and is not in a position to know what I may or may not have said to the president,” Mr. Tillerson added.​

That's interesting and raises other questions, doesn't it? We'll see if her book addresses that point.
i wonder if she told Trump, contemporaneously, that his Chief of Staff and SoS were trying to work around him, or if she saved that secret for her book tour. At this point, it can't be welcome news to anyone on the right that Kelly and Tillerson thought Trump wasn't up to the job.

Nikki Haley responds to Gorka: 'I did' tell Trump of concerns about Kelly and Tillerson
By John Bowden - 11/11/19 04:34 PM EST

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley fired back at Sebastian Gorka, a former White House staffer, on Monday after Gorka accused Haley of not informing President Trump that two Cabinet officials had approached her about undermining the president.

Gorka, who left the White House in August of 2017, questioned on Twitter why Haley didn't "tell the President about Tillerson and Kelly’s subversion," referring to Haley's claim that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and White House chief of staff John Kelly had asked her to join them in working around Trump to curb decisions they saw as unwise.

In a tweet, Haley responded: "I did. Thank you for your interest."​

Of course, what's she supposed to say - admitting she's left the incompetent goof in the Oval Office in the dark about the growing conspiracy against him?

Also, both Kelly and Tillerson disputed Haley's account. Both claimed they didn't work to undermine "the President". None denied they worked to thwart the overgrown baby's destructive impulses, and none denied they considered the man child incompetent.


“If by resistance and stalling she means putting a staff process in place…to ensure the [President] knew all the pros and cons of what policy decision he might be contemplating so he could make an informed decision, then guilty as charged,” Kelly told CBS News in response to Haley’s account.​


Mr. Kelly disputed Ms. Haley in a statement on Sunday and Mr. Tillerson added his own refutation on Monday. “During my service to our country as the secretary of state, at no time did I, nor to my direct knowledge did anyone else serving along with me, take any actions to undermine the president,” Mr. Tillerson said in a statement.

While he offered Mr. Trump frank advice, he said, once the president made a decision, he did his best to carry it out. “Ambassador Haley was rarely a participant in my many meetings and is not in a position to know what I may or may not have said to the president,” Mr. Tillerson added.​

That's interesting and raises other questions, doesn't it? We'll see if her book addresses that point.
Wasn't it Tillerson the one who called ,in other words, trump a flaming schmuck?
Nikiki and Lindsey are competing to see who can act out the bigger case of the vapors.

Haley claims Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to UNDERMINE Trump

One thing the treasonous conspirators all seem to agree on is that THEY and only THEY knew / know what is best for the country, and it was / is THEIR duty to UNDERMINE / REMOVE the President from power. Screw the voters, our election system, the Constitution, Rule of Law - THEY had / have to 'SAVE' the country from 'ALL OF THAT'.

"Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations, claims in a new book that two of his top advisers tried to "undermine" the president to "save the country."

"...she claims that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John Kelly tried to recruit her into that effort. She says she refused."

THIS is called TREASON!

Nikki Haley says Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to resist Trump to 'save the country'


Another Trump Tweenkie who thinks that anyone who is not personally loyal to their Orange Messiah is committing treason.
"Treason" is action taken against one's own country. What you have here would describe actions taken to curb an out-of-control POTUS. *BIG* difference. This may come as a shock to y'all cult followers but Doornail Rump is not a country.

Are you always this stupid, or are you getting paid (hopefully) to say such stupid things?

Attempting to undermine / overthrow a President and the official government is NOT 'treason' in your little snowflake brain?
- Well of course not, as long as the traitors are Democrats and the President is a Republican....

If the Trumpybear considers or gives an illegal order, these officials were actually helping him by giving him facts not fictions, like yes men do.

Methinks that's why they don't get it. In the world of the obsequious authoritarian sycophant you just follow orders without question, in much the same way you quote Fox Noise or Hateway Plundit or PreggerU without question. They don't seem to get that ALL of these people work for us, not for Rump.

As you know Pogo, I am no great fan of Trump, but what you are insinuating here, is that at all these Trump rallies, where all these tens of thousands of folks come out to see Trump, you imply that Trump is not working for these folks.

It is really arrogant and insulting to the extreme. It demeans the electoral process and de-legitimizes the whole representative republic. You have no respect at all for the nation it appears.

If you want to dehumanize those you disagree with, sure. But in the end, it leads to only one result.

Learn from history fellow.


Spanish Civil War - Wikipedia

Trump isn't working for those folks- Trump is working for himself and his family.

But I do believe his followers sincerely believe Trump.

Haley claims Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to UNDERMINE Trump

One thing the treasonous conspirators all seem to agree on is that THEY and only THEY knew / know what is best for the country, and it was / is THEIR duty to UNDERMINE / REMOVE the President from power. Screw the voters, our election system, the Constitution, Rule of Law - THEY had / have to 'SAVE' the country from 'ALL OF THAT'.

"Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations, claims in a new book that two of his top advisers tried to "undermine" the president to "save the country."

"...she claims that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John Kelly tried to recruit her into that effort. She says she refused."

THIS is called TREASON!

Nikki Haley says Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to resist Trump to 'save the country'


Another Trump Tweenkie who thinks that anyone who is not personally loyal to their Orange Messiah is committing treason.

Yep, that's how Cult of Personality rolls.

Haley claims Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to UNDERMINE Trump

One thing the treasonous conspirators all seem to agree on is that THEY and only THEY knew / know what is best for the country, and it was / is THEIR duty to UNDERMINE / REMOVE the President from power. Screw the voters, our election system, the Constitution, Rule of Law - THEY had / have to 'SAVE' the country from 'ALL OF THAT'.

"Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations, claims in a new book that two of his top advisers tried to "undermine" the president to "save the country."

"...she claims that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John Kelly tried to recruit her into that effort. She says she refused."

THIS is called TREASON!

Nikki Haley says Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to resist Trump to 'save the country'


Another Trump Tweenkie who thinks that anyone who is not personally loyal to their Orange Messiah is committing treason.

Yep, that's how Cult of Personality rolls.

One of the reasons Trump admires him so much
Even if you believe Haley, Trump isn't a very good judge of character if he keeps hiring people who turn against him.
Nikiki and Lindsey are competing to see who can act out the bigger case of the vapors.
Ever see as big a kiss ass as Graham ? Ever hear the POS speak at the Clinton impeachment?? Complete opposite of the SB's now
I always thought his backbone was named McCain. But Lindsey is fighting for his political life now. He knows Trump's Syria withdrawl was so bad, Trump had to send them back in … after losing our allies. Haley knew Trump's pissing on Europe was so bad ….. the EU made their separate deal with China, and Trump is backing off now. On Europe and China. But telling the Trumpstettes or Trump that Trump is wrong will get you fired.

Haley claims Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to UNDERMINE Trump

One thing the treasonous conspirators all seem to agree on is that THEY and only THEY knew / know what is best for the country, and it was / is THEIR duty to UNDERMINE / REMOVE the President from power. Screw the voters, our election system, the Constitution, Rule of Law - THEY had / have to 'SAVE' the country from 'ALL OF THAT'.

"Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations, claims in a new book that two of his top advisers tried to "undermine" the president to "save the country."

"...she claims that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John Kelly tried to recruit her into that effort. She says she refused."

THIS is called TREASON!

Nikki Haley says Kelly, Tillerson tried to get her to resist Trump to 'save the country'


Another Trump Tweenkie who thinks that anyone who is not personally loyal to their Orange Messiah is committing treason.

Yep, that's how Cult of Personality rolls.

One of the reasons Trump admires him so much

When you have a cult you can do anything. He doesn't even wait, he just starts putting The Bronx in Germany and nobody can call him on it. They wouldn't dare.
Trump isn't a very good judge of character if he keeps hiring people who turn against him.

He has to hire "Republicans," and many of those are traitors, like former AG Jeff Sessions.

Ah I see. To follow legal ethics is to be a "traitor"; to uphold one's oath to the Constitution is "treason";
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and most paramount, Ignorance is Strength.
To follow legal ethics is to be a "traitor";

Mr. Sessions never did that. Mr. Sessions has kids and grandkids just like Low IQ Joe, and each time he let a traitor off the hook, one of those "offspring" got rich....

to uphold one's oath to the Constitution is "treason";

Mr. Sessions likely has quotes that he cares more about the BiBULL than the Constitution....

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday used a Bible verse to defend his department’s policy of prosecuting everyone who crosses the border from Mexico, suggesting that God supports the government in separating immigrant parents from their children."

and so when he got word from the FBI that Israel did 911, he likely quoted the BiBULL again...
hahahhahahaah--from Trump----hahahahhahahaa
Obama fked over the US much more than Mr Trump ever will
You say that a lot, but never say how. Surely you don't think anyone will take your word just on your sayso, do you? I mean, considering what Obama need to speak up.
..he divided the country/promoted anti-cop and anti-law and order crap/promoted blatant hate against whites/etc
promoted looting/burning/etc
hahahahhah--the majority of leftists post on USMB are without proof/links/etc = babble crap
Good grief! What a load of crap. You don't like the guy..fine. But I have to believe you make up this sort of crap to justify your dislike.
Harmonica, a novel by Forsythe wrote of a Muslim professor who hates the current bunch of jihadists once said about them and their murders that first comes the hate...then they make up reasons to justify that hate. I see that in your posts and in those of others who toss bumper sticker crap against the wall.
....not making anything up--he sent his AG [ who is supposed to be ANTI-criminal ] to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL who attacked a white COP
...he said the white COP was ''stupid''--not the black jackass....the cop was trying to protect the black jackasses' community

AND--hahahahahah---it's the SAME logic you leftists/Dems/blacks make for Mr Trump being a racist/etc--- so, do you agree Mr Trump is not a racist/bot a bigot/etc?
Thanks for the backup, harmonica, but where, when? I'm guessing this is related to a newsworthy incident but which one? Can you complete the picture. Who did Holder visit and what are the circumstances of the attack?
..if i have to tell you who Holder visited, you don't need to be on adult was the biggest story [ LIE ] of the year
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson

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