Nikki Haley Says Sen. Raphael Warnock, a Black American Pastor, Should Be 'Deported'

Freedom from government religion.

But, yeah. They were assholes too.
The Puritans were strict in their religion but they were also strong believers in education, creating Harvard University and the Boston Latin School. They also were big on newspapers. Assholes? Not so much...
I don't wonder why you can't vote republican. You'd rather go hard left with our country.

You would go with the Nazi Party. The left is not threatening our democracy. Maybe you should be deported. You are not a American.
I consider that you and your ilk want to get rid of the Constitution, and get that China/Russia type
of government in place. WAKE UP!!

You are the one who wants a fascist dictatorship. Republicans have made it clear that they will throw out results if they don't like therm. The Republican candidate for Wisconsin governor has guaranteed that Republicans will never lose a election if he is elected. That sounds like a Russia/China type of government. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO WAKE UP!!
Read post 2, RW. Not near as nefarious as you might think.
Not everything can be reduced down to racism, but, it maybe the only thing
that the wingnuts can come up with.

It is as nefarious as it sounds. You are apparently willing to defend this fascist nonsense. Nikki Haley is more of a foreigner than Warnock is.
Patriotic people do not defend those who push the idea of violating people's rights.
LOOK IN THE MIRROR, shit for brains.

Deport => ALL <= progtards.

Send them to Venezuela.

They'll be a lot happier there.
what racist remarks did she say? newsflash she was campaigning for a african american…and she’s a woman of color

your post are just pure desperation by a pathetic plantation boy
She was campaigning for a boot licking idiot, like you. Where does she want a US citizen deported to? So the excuse is she was campaigning for another black man, who says we aren't black, white, blah, blah, blah.
She was campaigning for a boot licking idiot, like you. Where does she want a US citizen deported to? So the excuse is she was campaigning for another black man, who says we aren't black, white, blah, blah, blah.
i answered your question…out of DC and back to GA.

you continue to make desperate race baiting lies…typical of rhe party of the klan
They know this is what she meant. They are lying….like always.

Funny how so often people are relegated to trying to explain what a politician really meant. Either it was "a joke" or not what they really meant or whatever other excuse we want to come up with to justify what they actually said.

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