Nikki Haley slams 'disgusting' silence from Dems after Mexican flag raised at ICE facility

Anyone wanting immigrate to Canada must have a fucking big pile of money and either invest in a new business or buy an existing business or have a full time job waiting for them. There are education requirements and on and fucking on and on!
NO business will hire an illegal in Canada knowing if they are caught they can kiss their business license goodbye!
NO business will hire an illegal in Canada knowing if they are caught they can kiss their business license goodbye!
We could sure learn from that one.

Not only their business license, but they face a minimum $10,000 fine per illegal employee to boot. I once lost my SIN card and had difficulty getting it replaced because my birth wasn't registered, and I needed a birth certificate to get a new card. I was nearly fired from my new job because I couldn't produce a SIN card. When I explained my situation, my employer helped me replace my SIN card, but it was very dicey until I proved to them that I the SIN number I had given them was really mine.
Thanks for making the case that it's illegal to hire illegals. Canada agrees with you!
The problem with the US is there are way too many fucking dummies.
Anyway the DEMs are already writing off 2020. Their 'field' of delusional idiot Socialist candidates are a fucking clown car!
I swear the last man standing will be 'Buddy Burger'.
But Buddy won't have any cash. All the other DEM candidates will have sucked the DEM donor teat dry.
What the fuck has Swalwell done with the money donated to his campaign? Maybe bought himself a used VW camper van?
Anyone wanting immigrate to Canada must have a fucking big pile of money and either invest in a new business or buy an existing business or have a full time job waiting for them. There are education requirements and on and fucking on and on!
NO business will hire an illegal in Canada knowing if they are caught they can kiss their business license goodbye!
NO business will hire an illegal in Canada knowing if they are caught they can kiss their business license goodbye!
We could sure learn from that one.

Not only their business license, but they face a minimum $10,000 fine per illegal employee to boot. I once lost my SIN card and had difficulty getting it replaced because my birth wasn't registered, and I needed a birth certificate to get a new card. I was nearly fired from my new job because I couldn't produce a SIN card. When I explained my situation, my employer helped me replace my SIN card, but it was very dicey until I proved to them that I the SIN number I had given them was really mine.
Now you are just making up bullshit stories.
You could have produced some sort of document that had your Canadian SIN number on it. Or you could have given the number by memory (well maybe not you) ANYONE in the Canadian government could have taken that number and told you when and where you were born.
You see there's sort of series of overlays that are put on top of an employee's application that immediately tell the HR person who you are. Where/when you were born.
Sort of cool right?
If you couldn't get your shit together that's your problem.
But not a word from Haley about the abuse of families and children inside these facilities. Just concern about a piece of cloth, not the children who are being abused, or harmed.

I expected better from Haley.

Nikki Haley is the daughter of LEGAL immigrants that came to America as it should be. I am also the child of a Legal immigrant that came to America more than 100 years ago and both he and I have served in the military. I don't appreciate those who attempt to illegally enter this country. If they do so they deserve whatever uncomfortable accommodations that are available. Surely we as Americans are concerned for the children. Look at it another way, why should the parents of these children expose them to such situations. As it is, the facilities they are sent to are far better than the homes they came from. The facilities are air conditioned, they have fresh potable water, toilet facilities, showers and a clean place to sleep and food.
I don't appreciate those who attempt to illegally enter this country. If they do so they deserve whatever uncomfortable accommodations that are available.
How inhumane...

What's inhumane is the Democrats encouraging open borders and then whining like babies about overwhelmed detention centers.
That's not happening. You are delusional.
Moron meanwhile dems refused until forced to vote for funds for centers. And when forced the far left had a melt down and is currently attacking Pelosi for allowing the vote. And calling those that voted for it racists.
I don't appreciate those who attempt to illegally enter this country. If they do so they deserve whatever uncomfortable accommodations that are available.
How inhumane...

What's inhumane is the Democrats encouraging open borders and then whining like babies about overwhelmed detention centers.
That's not happening. You are delusional.
Moron meanwhile dems refused until forced to vote for funds for centers. And when forced the far left had a melt down and is currently attacking Pelosi for allowing the vote. And calling those that voted for it racists.

Good example of humanity from the far left....
Nikki Haley slams 'disgusting' silence from Dems after Mexican flag raised at ICE facility


Just stop with the lies about trafficking. DNA tests at the border are proving that the vast majority, well in excess of 3/4 of the children crossing the border, are travelling with their parents. Of the other children, the vast majority of them are travelling with other families members, but not parents. Children are NOT being trafficked across the border. Once again you believe the lies because it suits you.

The Hypocrisy of Trump’s Anti-Trafficking Argument for a Border Wall

I don't give a shit about the flags of ANY country. They're pieces of cloth. Nothing more. That you care more about a piece of cloth than you do about human lives, shows how completely out of whack your priorites are.
That cloth represents our nation, our house and our sovereignty. If you don’t have any respect for that then fuck off.
Removing that cloth and replacing it with another country's cloth is an act of war and conquest.

No, it's not. It's an act of protest that you have abandoned everything that flag stands for.

That you are more concerned about a piece of cloth than you are about the men, women and children you are abusing and harming.

Trump is turning your country into a rogue,nation, that abuses helpless refugees, and you're concerned that someone removed a piece of cloth.
Look Canadian filth go whine some where else this does not concern Canada so it does not concern you Kindly fuck off and mind your own business.

When you start abusing and mistreating women and children who are only seeking safety and freedom, it is my business and it is the business of decent person in the world.

When you lock up innocent people in concentration camps, you deserve to be told that this is inhumane, Immoral and the sort of thing that a great nation does.

The rest of the world is not going to shut up about this until you stop doing it
They are NOT being abused. You are a liar. They are free to leave at any time.

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