Nikki Haley will be a much bigger problem than Trump for the Democrats

When a leftist supports a republican equal RINO
Stop dry humping the RINO cultist
You support a near 80-year-old man who openly brags about receiving the support of Black Lives Matter, a radical Marxist organization and brags about his wonderful relationships with Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom and says he admires Xi Xinping.

Tell us all about how everyone else is a RINO, though.
The Democrats ran an offensive against Trump from day one. Hell from the moment he stepped off that elevator. They were successful in slowing Trump down tremendously at the beginning of his term. Democrats don't care who they step on and ruin for power. They ran an Insurrection for Trump's whole term. Very dishonest, wicked people, Liars.
Pr 6:19
It wasn’t Democratic opposition (there was none); it was Trump incompetence, ignorance, and stupidity.

Trump was – and is – unfit to be president.
It wasn’t Democratic opposition (there was none); it was Trump incompetence, ignorance, and stupidity.

Trump was – and is – unfit to be president.

No democrat opposition! Rofl!
Did you say which of this you still believe?

The Democrats ran an offensive against Trump from day one. Hell from the moment he stepped off that elevator. They were successful in slowing Trump down tremendously at the beginning of his term. Democrats don't care who they step on and ruin for power. They ran an Insurrection for Trump's whole term. Very dishonest, wicked people, Liars.
Pr 6:19
Of course bubba. Magas obviously like lying traitors. Sane people don’t. There was nothing made up about Trump. All you have to do is play back his stupid comments and bullshit admin history. He’s just following the dictator script because maga morons like dictators.....people who lack critical thinking skills often do.
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You support a near 80-year-old man who openly brags about receiving the support of Black Lives Matter, a radical Marxist organization and brags about his wonderful relationships with Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom and says he admires Xi Xinping.

Tell us all about how everyone else is a RINO, though.
No the co founder of BLM was fed up with the bullshit caused by BLM stop dry humping the RINO
The Democrats ran an offensive against Trump from day one. Hell from the moment he stepped off that elevator. They were successful in slowing Trump down tremendously at the beginning of his term. Democrats don't care who they step on and ruin for power. They ran an Insurrection for Trump's whole term. Very dishonest, wicked people, Liars.
Pr 6:19
Like this ? Trump said he actually completed the wall.
You are correct that one of her biggest liabilities of being part of the Trump shit show but that liability is not as big as Trump, the leader of the shit show.
Well, it’s a liability in both cases. If she embraces her complicity with the administrations policies, she loses a lot of the middle of the road, “Well she’s not so bad” voters. If she distances herself, she loses the hard right maga retards who want blood on their breakfast cereal.

A skillful politician will triangulate; pick a point or two where she walks away and pick a point or two where she embraces it. The problem with the maga retards is that they are--if you ask them--absolutists. Bad news for Haley in the primaries if she was to, somehow, consolidate the never-trumpers behind her and be the only alternative (where the GOP basically “Bernies” the blob and brokers an opposition). The maga retards will back the absolutists to “own the libs” even though they will lose the election. That is what they are about...projecting as much misery onto others as they can. In the general election though, the triangulation will work very well for her if she makes it there.

So the OP is right; she will give Biden some problems that Trump cannot. I doubt she will get the chance though.

Here is one republican who has seen the light....

Perhaps more will. I doubt it though. I think it’s going to be Biden and Trump.
You stupid democrits fought Trump tooth and nail on the wall. "Walls dont work" was the fabrication of the left if i remember right. What a bunch of liars
Wow. Trump doesn’t want a wall…it’s all show MAGA morons.
Trump AND THE GOP had COMPLETE CONTROL FOR TWO YEARS. He passed his horrible recession causing tax cuts for the rich and where was the wall ?,
There was never going to be a wall. He’s preaching it again to get you idiots to buy into it. It was, is and has always been, giving money to himself, his donors and all the other rich ass holes. You’ll never get a Fking wall idiot !!!
Like this ? Trump said he actually completed the wall.

Stupid propaganda. You really have to be an idiot to believe the way Trump is depicted in this. Not even worth a shit the way your video was put together. How dishonest. Any normally intelligent person can see it's based on lies. Let's get Trump back in the White House, he can actually do the job unlike the vegetable who's in there now. Biden LOL what a joke
Wow. Trump doesn’t want a wall…it’s all show MAGA morons.
Trump AND THE GOP had COMPLETE CONTROL FOR TWO YEARS. He passed his horrible recession causing tax cuts for the rich and where was the wall ?,
There was never going to be a wall. He’s preaching it again to get you idiots to buy into it. It was, is and has always been, giving money to himself, his donors and all the other rich ass holes. You’ll never get a Fking wall idiot !!!
We're still benefiting from those tax cuts stupid democrit. Of course Trump wanted the wall, Democrits filed suit after suit to stop him. Will finally get t wall when Trump becomes president in November idiot.

Stupid propaganda. You really have to be an idiot to believe the way Trump is depicted in this. Not even worth a shit the way your video was put together. How dishonest. Any normally intelligent person can see it's based on lies. Let's get Trump back in the White House, he can actually do the job unlike the vegetable who's in there now. Biden LOL what a joke

We're still benefiting from those tax cuts stupid democrit. Of course Trump wanted the wall, Democrits filed suit after suit to stop him. Will finally get t wall when Trump becomes president in November idiot.

View attachment 871331
The national debt is increasing, more, because of the tax cuts and the richest among us, are benefitting the most.

The Trump minions are complete suckers to the Trump con.
No the co founder of BLM was fed up with the bullshit caused by BLM stop dry humping the RINO

In addition to the other stuff I mentioned it was YOUR cult leader who ushered through and still takes credit for what you people call the "clot shot." It was YOUR cult leader who ILLEGALLY suspended rents nationwide. It was YOUR cult leader who essentially handed the country over to Fauci for a year and then awarded him with a medal. It's YOUR cult leader who wouldn't answer Megan Kelly's question as to whether or not a man can become a woman. It was YOUR cult leader who criticized pro life legislation in Florida. It was YOUR cult leader who criticized DeSantis and Kemp for opening their states back up after only two weeks. It was YOUR cult leader who ran up the national debt faster than any president prior.

Trump has more left wing positions than Haley and DeSantis combined, but you retards keep calling them the RINOs. You don't even know what that term means. You just regurgitate it like a parrot. This is why you people are a cult. You believe in nothing. You stand for nothing. All you do is worship one man and no matter how many times he reveals himself to be in direct conflict with the values you clowns claim to have, you stand by his side and make excuse after excuse after excuse because that's what you've been programmed to do.

The national debt is increasing, more, because of the tax cuts and the richest among us, are benefitting the most.

The Trump minions are complete suckers to the Trump con.
No the national debt is increasing more because democrits are still spending out of control. You have to be really stupid to be a Democrat and blame the national debt on Trump at this point.
Stupid propaganda. You really have to be an idiot to believe the way Trump is depicted in this. Not even worth a shit the way your video was put together. How dishonest. Any normally intelligent person can see it's based on lies. Let's get Trump back in the White House, he can actually do the job unlike the vegetable who's in there now. Biden LOL what a joke

We're still benefiting from those tax cuts stupid democrit. Of course Trump wanted the wall, Democrits filed suit after suit to stop him. Will finally get t wall when Trump becomes president in November idiot.

View attachment 871331

Ok. In one response we hear how awful it is that the Government is deficit spending, and in another we hear it is great because we got a tax cut. I wish you all would make up your minds. Is it great the Government is spending borrowed money so you can have an extra few bucks in your wallet to spend on ammo? Or is it awful that you have extra money in your wallet?
No the national debt is increasing more because democrits are still spending out of control. You have to be really stupid to be a Democrat and blame the national debt on Trump at this point.

Trump tax cuts reduced the amount of money the government got.

If your boss cut your pay but all your expenses stayed the same, who do you blame?

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